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225 lines
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# This file is the system default language.txt for for
# the 'gossamer' template set.
# Revision: $Id: language.txt,v 1.47 2005/04/06 23:17:53 bao Exp $
my $dump = {
'ADD_NOTNULL' => '',
'ADD_UNIQUE' => '',
'ADM_CONNECTION_ERROR' => "<font color=red>A database connection could not be established. Please verify and update the information below.</font>",
'ADM_EML_INVALID' => '<font color="red">Invalid email address</font>',
'ADM_INITIAL_EMAIL_ERROR' => 'Invalid Admin Email address',
'ADM_INITIAL_ERROR' => 'Unable to create def file in \'%s\'.<br />
Please make sure this directory exists, and is writable by the server. <br />
If this is the wrong directory, you will need to manually set the directory <br />
in GList/Config/Data.pm. The specific error was: %s',
'ADM_INITIAL_LOAD_ERROR' => 'Unable to load GList::SQL: %s',
'ADM_INITIAL_PREFIX_ERROR' => 'Invalid prefix: \'%s\'. The prefix must consist of only letters, numbers and underscores.',
'ADM_INITIAL_PWD_ERROR' => 'The password must be at least 4 characters long.',
'ADM_INITIAL_SUCCESSFUL' => 'The data tables have been set up: <pre>%s</pre>',
'ADM_INVALID' => '<font color="red">Invalid data. Please provide the file name as pg=file_name.</font>',
'ADM_OLDPWD_ERR' => '<font color="red">Invalid old password.</font>',
'ADM_PERMISSION_ERR' => '<font color="red">You do not have permission to access this page.</font>',
'ADM_PWD_CHANGED' => '<font color="#006666">Your password has been successfully changed.</font>',
'USR_TPL_UPDATED' => '<font color="#006666">Mailing header and footer have been updated.</font>',
'USR_SUB_OVERLIMIT' => '<font color="red">You cannot subscribe to the list because it has reached its subscription limit. Please contact site administrator.</font>',
'USR_SUB_INVALID_EMAIL' => '<font color="red">Invalid email address.</font>',
'USR_SUB_STOPLIST' => '<font color="red">Your email address is on the Stop List. Please contact site administrator.</font>',
'ADM_PWD_ERR' => '<font color="red">No password entered.</font>',
'ADM_PWD_INVALID' => '<font color="red">Invalid new password. The password must be at least 4 characters long.</font>',
'ADM_PWD_NOT_MATCH' => '<font color="red">Both new password fields need to match.</font>',
'USR_SIGNUP_DISABLE' => '<font color="red">The Signup feature has been disabled.</font>',
'SYS_DUPLICATE' => '<font color=red>Duplicate</font>',
'SYS_INVALID_EMAIL' => '<font color="red">Invalid email address</font>',
'USR_SIGNUP_CONFIRM_PASS' => '<font color="red">Passwords do not match.</font>',
'USR_SIGNUP_EMAIL_INUSE' => '<font color="red">Email address \'%s\' is already in use by another account.</font>',
'USR_SIGNUP_EMAIL_INVALID' => '<font color="red">Email address \'%s\' does not look like a valid email address.</font>',
'USR_SIGNUP_USERNAME_INVALID' => '<font color="red">Username must be at least 4 characters long and consist of only letters and numbers.</font>',
'USR_SIGNUP_USERNAME_TAKEN' => '<font color="red">Username has already been taken.</font>',
'USR_SIGNUP_EMAIL_SUCCESSFUL' => "<font color='green'>Thank you for joining Gossamer List. An email has been sent to you with a validation code. Once you receive it, you'll need to click on the link to validate your account.</font>",
'USR_SIGNUP_SUCCESSFUL' => "<font color='green'>Thank you for joining Gossamer List.</font>",
'USR_SIGNUP_EMAIL_RESTRICTED' => '<font color="red">Email address \'%s\' is not allowed, please use a different email address.</font>',
'USR_VALIDATE_FAILED' => '<font color="red">Your validation code was invalid.</font>',
'USR_VALIDATE_SUCCESSFUL' => '<font color="green">Your account has been validated successful.</font>',
'USR_ADDED' => '<font color="#006666">%s added successfully.</font>',
'USR_ADD_ERR' => '<font color="red">Error: %s</font>',
'USR_INVALID' => '<font color="red">Username must be at least 3 characters long and consist of only letters, numbers, _, ., and - characters.</font>',
'USR_NOT_FOUND' => '<font color="red">%s not found.</font>',
'USR_RESULTS' => '<font color="#006666">Your search returned <b>%s</b> record(s).</font>',
'USR_UNIQUE' => '',
'USR_UPDATED' => '<font color="#006666">Account <b>%s</b> has been updated.</font>',
'USR_VALIDATED' => '<font color="#006666"><b>%s</b> user(s) was successfully validated.</font>',
'USR__NOTNULL' => '',
'DIR_ADDED' => '<font color="#006666">Folder <b>%s</b> has been added.</font>',
'DIR_DELETED' => '<font color="#006666">Folder <b>%s</b> has been deleted</font>',
'DIR_OPEN_ERR' => '<font color="red">Unable to open directory \'%s\': %s</font>',
'DIR_PER_ERR' => '<font color="red">Unable to create new files in directory \'%s\'. Please set appropriate permissions and save again.</font>',
'DIR_UPDATED' => '<font color="#006666">Folder <b>%s</b> has been updated.</font>',
'FIL_CREATE_ERR' => '<font color="red">Unable to create file %s, reason: %s</font>',
'FIL_OPEN_ERR' => '<font color="red">Unable to open file %s, reason: %s</font>',
'FIL_SAVED' => '<font color="#006666">File %s saved.</font>',
'FIL_SAVED_ERR' => '<font color="red">Unable to overwrite file: %s (permission denied). Please set permissions properly and save again.</font>',
'LOG_DEACTIVATE' => '<font color="red">Your account has been deactivated.</font>',
'LOG_NOT_EMAIL_VALIDATED' => '<font color="red">Your email address has not yet been validated. We\'ve sent another verification email. If you do not receive it, please contact the site administrator.</font>',
'LOG_NOT_ADMIN_VALIDATED' => '<font color="red">Your account has not yet been validated by administrator.</font>',
'LOG_ERROR' => '<font color="red">Invalid username/password</font>',
'LOG_IN' => 'Enter your username and password to log in to %s',
'LOG_LOGGED_OFF' => '<font color="green">You have logged off %s</font>',
'LOG_REM_ERROR' => '<font color="red">Please enter your email address</font>',
'LOG_REM_NOT_FOUND' => '<font color="red">The email address entered was not found.</font>',
'LOG_REM_SUCCESS' => '<font color="#006666">Your password is being emailed to you.</font>',
'LOG_SUBSCRIBE_ERROR' => '<font color="red">You must enter th ID of the list you wish to subscribe to.</font>',
'LOG_SUBSCRIBE_ERROR2' => '<font color="red">List \'%s\' does not exist on %s.</font>',
'LOG_SUBS_FAILURE' => '<font color="red">There has been an error while processing your request. You may already be subscribed to the mailing list, or your email address may have been entered incorrectly. Please try again.</font>',
'LOG_UNSUBS_FAILURE' => '<font color="red">There has been an error while processing your request. This email address does not exist in the list.</font>',
'LOG_SUBS_SUCCESS' => '<font color="green">Your request has been processed successfully. Thank you for subscribing to %s.</font>',
'LOG_UNSUBS_FAILURE' => '<font color="red">There was an error in processing your request. You may already be subscribed to the mailing list, or your email address may have been entered incorrectly. Please try again.</font>',
'LOG_UNSUBS_SUCCESS' => '<font color="green">Your request has been processed successfully. You have been unsubscribed from %s. You may re-subscribe to the list at any time.</font>',
'LOG_VALIDATED' => '<font color="#006666">Your email has been validated.</font>',
'LOG_VAL_ERROR' => '<font color="red">Your validation code was invalid.</font>',
'LOG_VAL_ERROR2' => '<font color="red">You have already been validated.</font>',
'LOG_WELCOME' => '<b>Welcome %s</b>',
'LOG_UPDATE_REMIND' => '<font color="green">Welcome to Gossamer List! You should update your account information below before using Gossamer List.</font>',
'LST_ADD_SUCCESS' => '<font color="#006666">List <b>%s</b> has been added successfully.</font>',
'LST_IMP_NOTNULL' => '<font color="red">Invalid name and/or email address</font>',
'LST_INVALID' => '<font color="red">Invalid input data.</font>',
'LST_IPT_INVALID' => '<font color="red">Invalid import data</font>',
'LST_IPT_LIST_EMPTY' => '<font color="red">Please select list(s) to add the subscriber to.</font>',
'LST_IPT_INVALID_EMAIL' => '<font color="red">Invalid email address</font>',
'LST_IPT_OVERLIMIT' => '<font color="red">Over subscriber limit</font>',
'LST_IPT_ON_STOPLIST' => '<font color="red">On The StopList</font>',
'LST_IPT_DUPLICATE_EMAIL' => '<font color="red">This email address has been taken</font>',
'LST_IPT_INVALID_FILE' => '<font color="red">The data import must be a flatfile.</font>',
'LST_MOD_SUCCESS' => '<font color="#006666"><b>%s</b> has been updated successfully.</font>',
'LST_NOT_FOUND' => '<font color="red">Your search returned 0 results.</font>',
'LST_RESULTS' => '<font color="#006666">Your search returned <b>%s</b> list(s).</font>',
'LST_BOUNCED_RESULTS' => '<font color="#006666">Your search returned <b>%s</b> bounced email(s).</font>',
'LST_SUB_DELETED' => '<font color="#006666"><b>%s</b> subscriber(s) was deleted.</font>',
'LST_SUB_MSG' => '<font color="#006666">List \'<b>%s</b>\' has %s subscriber(s).</font>',
'LST_SUB_RESULTS' => '<font color="#006666">Your search returned <b>%s</b> subscriber(s).</font>',
'ADM_STOPLIST' => '<font color="#006666">Your search returned <b>%s</b> email addresses.</font>',
'ADM_STOPLIST_DELETED' => '<font color="#006666"><b>%s</b> email(s) was deleted.</font>',
'ADM_STOPLIST_ERROR' => '<font color="red">Invalid data!</font>',
'LST_SUB_VALIDATED' => '<font color="#006666"><b>%s</b> subscriber(s) was validated.</font>',
'LST_SUB_UNBOUNCED' => '<font color="#006666"><b>%s</b> subscriber(s) had their bounced email count reset.</font>',
'LST_BOUNCED_REMOVED' => '<font color="#006666"><b>%s</b> subscriber(s) were removed.</font>',
'LST_SUB_MODIFIED' => '<font color="#006666">Email <b>%s</b> was updated.</font>',
'LST_SUB_ADDED' => '<font color="#006666">The following list(s) was updated: </font>',
'LST_SUB_STOPLIST' => '<font color="red"><b>%s</b> email is on the Stop List. Please contact site administrator for more information.</font>',
'LST_UNSUB_BOUNCED' => '<font color="#006666"><b>%s</b> bounced email(s) deleted successfully.</font>',
'MLI_BOUNCED_NO_SERVER' => "<font color='red'>No POP3 server name specified.</font>",
'MLI_BOUNCED_NO_USER' => "<font color='red'>No POP3 email account username specified.</font>",
'MLI_BOUNCED_NO_PASS' => "<font color='red'>No POP3 email account password specified.</font>",
'MLI_BOUNCED_EMAILS' => '<font color="#006666">You have <b>%s</b> bounced email(s)</font>',
'MLI_CREATED_SUCCESS' => '<font color="#006666"><b>%s</b> mailing(s) created and ready to be sent.</font>',
'MLI_EMPTY' => '<font color="#006666">Deleted Items is empty</font>',
'MLI_INVALID' => '<font color="red">Please select a mailing</font>',
'MLI_OVERLIMIT_BOUNCEDS' => '<font color="red">There are too many bounced emails in the POP account to check from the web, you must run this from shell.</font>',
'MLI_CHECK_BOUNCED' => 'Checking bounced emails....',
'MLI_RESULTS' => 'Your search returned <b>%s</b> mailing(s).',
'MLI_SUCCESS' => '<font color="#006666"><b>%s mailing(s) sent.</font>',
'MLI_SUCCESS' => '<font color="#006666"><b>%s mailing(s) sent.</font>',
'MLI_SCHEDULE_DELETED' => '<font color="#006666">The schedule of mailing <b>%s</b> was deleted</font>',
'MLI_SCHEDULES_DELETED' => '<font color="#006666">%s scheduled mailings were deleted</font>',
'MLI_SCHEDULE_UPDATED' => '<font color="#006666">The schedule of mailing ID <b>%s</b> has been updated</font>',
'MLI_MISSING_ID' => '<font color="red">Missing mailing ID!</font>',
'MLI_INVALID_URL' => '<font color="red">Invalid the text URL!</font>',
'MLI_SCHEDULE_MISSING_OPT' => '<font color="red">Missing option for this action!</font>',
'MLI_SCHEDULE_MISSING_TYPE' => '<font color="red">Select the schedule type!</font>',
'MLI_SCHEDULES_CREATED' => '<font color="#006666"><b>%s</b> mailings were scheduled for mailing</font>',
'MLI_SCHEDULE_MSG' => 'Set schedule for selected mailings below: ',
'MSG_ADD_SUCCESS' => '<font color="#006666">Added Message: <b>%s</font>',
'MSG_ATTACH_ADD' => '<font color="red">Cannot add attachments: %s</font>',
'MSG_ATTACH_ERR' => '<font color="red">Please select an attachment file.</font>',
'MSG_EMPTY' => '<font color="red">You must enter a message body.</font>',
'MSG_INVALID' => '<font color="red">Invalid message ID; you must pass in msg_id=xxx.</font>',
'MSG_LST_EMPTY' => '<font color="red">Your system does not have any lists.</font>',
'MSG_MKDIR_ERR' => '<font color="red">Cannot create directory: %s</font>',
'MSG_MLI_ERR' => '<font color="red">No list has been chosen</font>',
'MSG_MOD_SUCCESS' => '<font color="#006666">Updated message: <b>%s</font>',
'MSG_MSG_EMPTY' => '<font color="red">Your message is empty.</font>',
'MSG_OUTOF_LIMIT' => '<font color="red">Attachment exceeds size limit.</font>',
'MSG_RESULTS' => '<font color="#006666"><b>%s</b> message(s)</font>',
'MSG_SENDING' => '<font size=1>Sending...</font>',
'MSG_SEND_INVALID' => '<font color="red">You have to select message(s) from the list.</font>',
'MSG_CHECKING' => '<font size=1>Checking data...</font>',
'MSG_EMAIL_SENT' => '<font color="#006666">This message was sent to <b>%s</b>.</font>',
'RPT_CUS_FROM' => '<font color="#000099">Total Mailings From <b>%s</b>',
'RPT_SUMARY' => '<font color=#000099>Total Mailings for <b>',
'RPT_CUS_TO' => ' to <b>%s</b>',
'RPT_NOT_FOUND' => '<font color="red">%s not found.</font>',
'RPT_NO_RESULT' => '<font color="red">Your search results returned 0 results.</font>',
'RPT_TITLE' => '<font color="#000099">Total Mailings for <b>%s<font>',
'RPT_TITLE2' => '<font color="#000099">Total Mailings</font>',
'SET_CFG_SUCCESS' => '<font color="#006666">Configuration updated successfully.</font>',
'SET_MISC_ERR' => '<font color="red">You must specify either an SMTP server or a path to sendmail, not both.</font>',
'SET_PATH_ERR' => "<font color='red'>Please fill out the required fields.</font>",
'SYS_ADD_INVALID' => '<font color="red">Invalid data.</font>',
'SYS_ADD_SUCCESS' => '<font color="#006666">Folder <b>%s</b> has been added successfully.</font>',
'SYS_DELETED' => '<font color="#006666"><b>%s</b> entries were deleted.</font>',
'SYS_DELETED2' => '<font color="#006666"><b>%s</b> entries were deleted, <b>%s</b> records were declined.</font>',
'SYS_FATAL' => '<p>A fatal error has occured:</p><blockquote><pre><b><font color="red">%s</font></pre></blockquote><p>Please enable debugging in setup for more details.</p>',
'SYS_FILE_ERR' => '<font color="red">Cannot open file: %s</font>',
'SYS_FILE_INVALID' => '<font color="red">You must pass in the file ID and location.</font>',
'SYS_FILE_NOT_FOUND' => '<font color="red">%s not found.</font>',
'SYS_INVALID_ACTION' => '<font color="red">No such action</font>',
'SYS_MOD_SUCCESS' => '<font color="#006666"><b>#%s</b> has been updated successfully.</font>',
'SYS_MOVED' => '<font color="#006666"><b>%s</b> message(s) were moved.</font>',
'SYS_MOVED2' => '<font color="#006666"><b>%s</b> record(s) were moved, <b>%s</b> records were declined.</font>',
'SYS_MOVE_ERR' => '<font color="red">Please choose one or more messages to move by checking the boxes to the right of the message(s).</font>',
'SYS_PER_DENIED' => '<b><font color="red">You do not have permission on this record.</font>',
'SYS_REGEXFAIL' => '<font color="red">Please enter a valid email address in the Bounce/Reply to Email field.</font>',
'SYS_SEARCH_ERROR' => "<font color='red'>Please enter at least one search value</font>",
'SYS_TARGET_ERR' => '<font color="red">Please choose a folder from the drop-down menu to move the message(s) to.</font>',
'SYS_DATE_FORMAT_INVALID' => '<font color="red">Please enter a date in the format: %s.</font>',
'SYS_OVERLIMIT_LIST' => '<font color="red">Your account has reached the maximum number of lists. If you want to increase the limit, please contact site administrator.</font>',
'SYS_OVERLIMIT_SUBLIST' => '<font color="red">Your account has reached the maximum number of subscribers permitted per list. If you want to increase the limit, please contact site administrator.</font>',
'SYS_OVERLIMIT_EMAIL30' => '<font color="red">Your account has reached the maximum number of emails permitted in the last 30 days. If you want to increase the limit, please contact site administrator.</font>',
'SYS_USEDBAR_EMAIL30' => "You are using <b>%s%</b> of your <b>%s</b> emails limit.",
'SYS_USEDBAR_SUBLIST' => "You are using <b>%s%</b> of your <b>%s</b> subscribers limit.",
'TAB_ADD_COLUMN_ERR' => '<font color="red">Unable to add column \'%s\'. Reason: %s</font>',
'TAB_ADD_INDEX_ERR' => '<font color="red">Unable to add index. Reason: %s</font>',
'TAB_ADD_SUCCESS' => '<font color="#006666"><b>%s</b> column was added succesful.</font>',
'TAB_ADD_UNIQUE_ERR' => '<font color="red">Unable to add unique index. Reason: %s</font>',
'TAB_COL_EXISTS' => '<li>Column \'%s\' already exists, please choose another name.</li>',
'TAB_COL_FILE_ERR' => '<li>\'%s\' is not writable.</li>\n',
'TAB_COL_FILE_IN' => '<li>You must specify the save location in the \'File Save Location\' text-box. One per line</li>',
'TAB_COL_FILE_TYPE' => '<li>You must specify the column type as either CHAR or VARCHAR in order to use the FILE type.</li>',
'TAB_COL_NAME_INVALID' => '<li>Column names must be started with <b>pro_</b>.</li>',
'TAB_COL_NAME' => '<li>Column names can only be letters, numbers and underscore (\'_\') characters.</li>',
'TAB_COL_NOTNULL' => '<li>Column %s is used with UNIQUE or INDEX but is not defined as NOT NULL.</li>',
'TAB_COL_SIZE' => '<li>Max length of CHAR fields is 255 characters.</li>',
'TAB_COL_SIZE_INT' => '<li>Max length of INT fields is 0.</li>',
'TAB_COL_VALUES' => '<li>You must specify the ENUM values in the \'Column Values\' textarea, one per line.</li>',
'TAB_DEL_SUCCESS' => '<font color="#006666"><b>%s</b> was deleted successfuly.</font>',
'TAB_MOD_ERR' => '<font color="red">Column \'%s\' does not exist in the Users table.</font>',
'TAB_MOD_INVALID' => '<font color="red">You must enter a column name.</font>',
'TAB_MOD_PERMIT_ERR' => '<font color="red">\'<b>%s</b>\' are required columns and cannot be deleted.</font>',
'TAB_MOD_SUCCESS' => '<font color="#006666"><b>%s</b> was updated successfuly.</font>',
'TAB_PRIMARY_ERR' => '<li>You cannot add a primary key to an existing table.</li>',
'TAB_RESYNC' => '<font color="#006666">Database was updated successfuly.</font>',
'TITLE' => 'Gossamer List',
'TPL_ADDED' => '<font color="#006666"><b>%s</b> has been added.</font>',
'TPL_DELETED' => '<font color="green">Custom template \'%s\' has been deleted.</font>',
'TPL_DELETE_ERROR' => '<font color="red">Template \'%s\' is in use, you cannot delete it.</font>',
'TPL_DELETE_FAILED' => '<font color="red">Unable to delete custom template \'%s\': %s</font>',
'TPL_INVALID' => '<font color="red">You did not fill out one or more required fields.</font>',
'TPL_LANG_SAVED' => '<font color="#006666">Changes saved successfully.</font>',
'TPL_LANG_ERROR' => '<font color="red">Please enter a value for the new language code.</font>',
'TPL_LANG_INVALID' => '<font color="red">Prefix is required in language code (FILESIZE_BYTES as an example).</font>',
'TPL_GLOBAL_SAVED' => '<font color="#006666">Changes saved successfully.</font>',
'TPL_GLOBAL_ERROR' => '<font color="red">Please enter a value for the new global code.</font>',
'TPL_LOADED' => '<font color="#006666">The system default templates have been loaded.</font>',
'TPL_RESTORED' => '<font color="green">System template \'%s\' restored successfully.</font>',
'TPL_RESTORE_FAILED' => '<font color="red">Unable to restore system template \'%s\': %s</font>',
'TPL_UPDATED' => '<font color="#006666"><b>%s</b> has been updated.</font>',
'TPL_SELECT_TITLE' => '--- Select a template ---',
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