# This file is the system default language.txt for for
# the 'gossamer' template set.
# Revision: $Id: language.txt,v 1.47 2005/04/06 23:17:53 bao Exp $
my $dump = {
'ADD_NOTNULL' => '',
'ADD_UNIQUE' => '',
'ADM_CONNECTION_ERROR' => "A database connection could not be established. Please verify and update the information below.",
'ADM_EML_INVALID' => 'Invalid email address',
'ADM_INITIAL_EMAIL_ERROR' => 'Invalid Admin Email address',
'ADM_INITIAL_ERROR' => 'Unable to create def file in \'%s\'.
Please make sure this directory exists, and is writable by the server.
If this is the wrong directory, you will need to manually set the directory
in GList/Config/Data.pm. The specific error was: %s',
'ADM_INITIAL_LOAD_ERROR' => 'Unable to load GList::SQL: %s',
'ADM_INITIAL_PREFIX_ERROR' => 'Invalid prefix: \'%s\'. The prefix must consist of only letters, numbers and underscores.',
'ADM_INITIAL_PWD_ERROR' => 'The password must be at least 4 characters long.',
'ADM_INITIAL_SUCCESSFUL' => 'The data tables have been set up:
%s', 'ADM_INVALID' => 'Invalid data. Please provide the file name as pg=file_name.', 'ADM_OLDPWD_ERR' => 'Invalid old password.', 'ADM_PERMISSION_ERR' => 'You do not have permission to access this page.', 'ADM_PWD_CHANGED' => 'Your password has been successfully changed.', 'USR_TPL_UPDATED' => 'Mailing header and footer have been updated.', 'USR_SUB_OVERLIMIT' => 'You cannot subscribe to the list because it has reached its subscription limit. Please contact site administrator.', 'USR_SUB_INVALID_EMAIL' => 'Invalid email address.', 'USR_SUB_STOPLIST' => 'Your email address is on the Stop List. Please contact site administrator.', 'ADM_PWD_ERR' => 'No password entered.', 'ADM_PWD_INVALID' => 'Invalid new password. The password must be at least 4 characters long.', 'ADM_PWD_NOT_MATCH' => 'Both new password fields need to match.', 'USR_SIGNUP_DISABLE' => 'The Signup feature has been disabled.', 'SYS_DUPLICATE' => 'Duplicate', 'SYS_INVALID_EMAIL' => 'Invalid email address', 'USR_SIGNUP_CONFIRM_PASS' => 'Passwords do not match.', 'USR_SIGNUP_EMAIL_INUSE' => 'Email address \'%s\' is already in use by another account.', 'USR_SIGNUP_EMAIL_INVALID' => 'Email address \'%s\' does not look like a valid email address.', 'USR_SIGNUP_USERNAME_INVALID' => 'Username must be at least 4 characters long and consist of only letters and numbers.', 'USR_SIGNUP_USERNAME_TAKEN' => 'Username has already been taken.', 'USR_SIGNUP_EMAIL_SUCCESSFUL' => "Thank you for joining Gossamer List. An email has been sent to you with a validation code. Once you receive it, you'll need to click on the link to validate your account.", 'USR_SIGNUP_SUCCESSFUL' => "Thank you for joining Gossamer List.", 'USR_SIGNUP_EMAIL_RESTRICTED' => 'Email address \'%s\' is not allowed, please use a different email address.', 'USR_VALIDATE_FAILED' => 'Your validation code was invalid.', 'USR_VALIDATE_SUCCESSFUL' => 'Your account has been validated successful.', 'USR_ADDED' => '%s added successfully.', 'USR_ADD_ERR' => 'Error: %s', 'USR_ILLEGALVAL' => '', 'USR_INVALID' => 'Username must be at least 3 characters long and consist of only letters, numbers, _, ., and - characters.', 'USR_NOT_FOUND' => '%s not found.', 'USR_RESULTS' => 'Your search returned %s record(s).', 'USR_UNIQUE' => '', 'USR_UPDATED' => 'Account %s has been updated.', 'USR_VALIDATED' => '%s user(s) was successfully validated.', 'USR__NOTNULL' => '', 'DIR_ADDED' => 'Folder %s has been added.', 'DIR_DELETED' => 'Folder %s has been deleted', 'DIR_OPEN_ERR' => 'Unable to open directory \'%s\': %s', 'DIR_PER_ERR' => 'Unable to create new files in directory \'%s\'. Please set appropriate permissions and save again.', 'DIR_UPDATED' => 'Folder %s has been updated.', 'FILESIZE_BYTES' => 'B', 'FILESIZE_KILOBYTES' => 'KB', 'FILESIZE_MEGABYTES' => 'MB', 'FIL_CREATE_ERR' => 'Unable to create file %s, reason: %s', 'FIL_OPEN_ERR' => 'Unable to open file %s, reason: %s', 'FIL_SAVED' => 'File %s saved.', 'FIL_SAVED_ERR' => 'Unable to overwrite file: %s (permission denied). Please set permissions properly and save again.', 'LOG_DEACTIVATE' => 'Your account has been deactivated.', 'LOG_NOT_EMAIL_VALIDATED' => 'Your email address has not yet been validated. We\'ve sent another verification email. If you do not receive it, please contact the site administrator.', 'LOG_NOT_ADMIN_VALIDATED' => 'Your account has not yet been validated by administrator.', 'LOG_ERROR' => 'Invalid username/password', 'LOG_IN' => 'Enter your username and password to log in to %s', 'LOG_LOGGED_OFF' => 'You have logged off %s', 'LOG_REM_ERROR' => 'Please enter your email address', 'LOG_REM_NOT_FOUND' => 'The email address entered was not found.', 'LOG_REM_SUCCESS' => 'Your password is being emailed to you.', 'LOG_SUBSCRIBE_ERROR' => 'You must enter th ID of the list you wish to subscribe to.', 'LOG_SUBSCRIBE_ERROR2' => 'List \'%s\' does not exist on %s.', 'LOG_SUBS_FAILURE' => 'There has been an error while processing your request. You may already be subscribed to the mailing list, or your email address may have been entered incorrectly. Please try again.', 'LOG_UNSUBS_FAILURE' => 'There has been an error while processing your request. This email address does not exist in the list.', 'LOG_SUBS_SUCCESS' => 'Your request has been processed successfully. Thank you for subscribing to %s.', 'LOG_UNSUBS_FAILURE' => 'There was an error in processing your request. You may already be subscribed to the mailing list, or your email address may have been entered incorrectly. Please try again.', 'LOG_UNSUBS_SUCCESS' => 'Your request has been processed successfully. You have been unsubscribed from %s. You may re-subscribe to the list at any time.', 'LOG_VALIDATED' => 'Your email has been validated.', 'LOG_VAL_ERROR' => 'Your validation code was invalid.', 'LOG_VAL_ERROR2' => 'You have already been validated.', 'LOG_WELCOME' => 'Welcome %s', 'LOG_UPDATE_REMIND' => 'Welcome to Gossamer List! You should update your account information below before using Gossamer List.', 'LST_ADD_SUCCESS' => 'List %s has been added successfully.', 'LST_IMP_NOTNULL' => 'Invalid name and/or email address', 'LST_INVALID' => 'Invalid input data.', 'LST_IPT_INVALID' => 'Invalid import data', 'LST_IPT_LIST_EMPTY' => 'Please select list(s) to add the subscriber to.', 'LST_IPT_INVALID_EMAIL' => 'Invalid email address', 'LST_IPT_OVERLIMIT' => 'Over subscriber limit', 'LST_IPT_ON_STOPLIST' => 'On The StopList', 'LST_IPT_DUPLICATE_EMAIL' => 'This email address has been taken', 'LST_IPT_INVALID_FILE' => 'The data import must be a flatfile.', 'LST_MOD_SUCCESS' => '%s has been updated successfully.', 'LST_NOT_FOUND' => 'Your search returned 0 results.', 'LST_RESULTS' => 'Your search returned %s list(s).', 'LST_BOUNCED_RESULTS' => 'Your search returned %s bounced email(s).', 'LST_SUB_DELETED' => '%s subscriber(s) was deleted.', 'LST_SUB_MSG' => 'List \'%s\' has %s subscriber(s).', 'LST_SUB_RESULTS' => 'Your search returned %s subscriber(s).', 'ADM_STOPLIST' => 'Your search returned %s email addresses.', 'ADM_STOPLIST_DELETED' => '%s email(s) was deleted.', 'ADM_STOPLIST_ERROR' => 'Invalid data!', 'LST_SUB_VALIDATED' => '%s subscriber(s) was validated.', 'LST_SUB_UNBOUNCED' => '%s subscriber(s) had their bounced email count reset.', 'LST_BOUNCED_REMOVED' => '%s subscriber(s) were removed.', 'LST_SUB_MODIFIED' => 'Email %s was updated.', 'LST_SUB_ADDED' => 'The following list(s) was updated: ', 'LST_SUB_STOPLIST' => '%s email is on the Stop List. Please contact site administrator for more information.', 'LST_UNSUB_BOUNCED' => '%s bounced email(s) deleted successfully.', 'MLI_BOUNCED_NO_SERVER' => "No POP3 server name specified.", 'MLI_BOUNCED_NO_USER' => "No POP3 email account username specified.", 'MLI_BOUNCED_NO_PASS' => "No POP3 email account password specified.", 'MLI_BOUNCED_EMAILS' => 'You have %s bounced email(s)', 'MLI_CREATED_SUCCESS' => '%s mailing(s) created and ready to be sent.', 'MLI_EMPTY' => 'Deleted Items is empty', 'MLI_INVALID' => 'Please select a mailing', 'MLI_OVERLIMIT_BOUNCEDS' => 'There are too many bounced emails in the POP account to check from the web, you must run this from shell.', 'MLI_CHECK_BOUNCED' => 'Checking bounced emails....', 'MLI_RESULTS' => 'Your search returned %s mailing(s).', 'MLI_SUCCESS' => '%s mailing(s) sent.', 'MLI_SUCCESS' => '%s mailing(s) sent.', 'MLI_SCHEDULE_DELETED' => 'The schedule of mailing %s was deleted', 'MLI_SCHEDULES_DELETED' => '%s scheduled mailings were deleted', 'MLI_SCHEDULE_UPDATED' => 'The schedule of mailing ID %s has been updated', 'MLI_MISSING_ID' => 'Missing mailing ID!', 'MLI_INVALID_URL' => 'Invalid the text URL!', 'MLI_SCHEDULE_MISSING_OPT' => 'Missing option for this action!', 'MLI_SCHEDULE_MISSING_TYPE' => 'Select the schedule type!', 'MLI_SCHEDULES_CREATED' => '%s mailings were scheduled for mailing', 'MLI_SCHEDULE_MSG' => 'Set schedule for selected mailings below: ', 'MSG_ADD_SUCCESS' => 'Added Message: %s', 'MSG_ATTACH_ADD' => 'Cannot add attachments: %s', 'MSG_ATTACH_ERR' => 'Please select an attachment file.', 'MSG_EMPTY' => 'You must enter a message body.', 'MSG_INVALID' => 'Invalid message ID; you must pass in msg_id=xxx.', 'MSG_LST_EMPTY' => 'Your system does not have any lists.', 'MSG_MKDIR_ERR' => 'Cannot create directory: %s', 'MSG_MLI_ERR' => 'No list has been chosen', 'MSG_MOD_SUCCESS' => 'Updated message: %s', 'MSG_MSG_EMPTY' => 'Your message is empty.', 'MSG_OUTOF_LIMIT' => 'Attachment exceeds size limit.', 'MSG_RESULTS' => '%s message(s)', 'MSG_SENDING' => 'Sending...', 'MSG_SEND_INVALID' => 'You have to select message(s) from the list.', 'MSG_CHECKING' => 'Checking data...', 'MSG_EMAIL_SENT' => 'This message was sent to %s.', 'RPT_CUS_FROM' => 'Total Mailings From %s', 'RPT_SUMARY' => 'Total Mailings for ', 'RPT_CUS_TO' => ' to %s', 'RPT_NOT_FOUND' => '%s not found.', 'RPT_NO_RESULT' => 'Your search results returned 0 results.', 'RPT_TITLE' => 'Total Mailings for %s', 'RPT_TITLE2' => 'Total Mailings', 'SET_CFG_SUCCESS' => 'Configuration updated successfully.', 'SET_MISC_ERR' => 'You must specify either an SMTP server or a path to sendmail, not both.', 'SET_PATH_ERR' => "Please fill out the required fields.", 'SYS_ADD_INVALID' => 'Invalid data.', 'SYS_ADD_SUCCESS' => 'Folder %s has been added successfully.', 'SYS_DELETED' => '%s entries were deleted.', 'SYS_DELETED2' => '%s entries were deleted, %s records were declined.', 'SYS_FATAL' => '
A fatal error has occured:
Please enable debugging in setup for more details.
', 'SYS_FILE_ERR' => 'Cannot open file: %s', 'SYS_FILE_INVALID' => 'You must pass in the file ID and location.', 'SYS_FILE_NOT_FOUND' => '%s not found.', 'SYS_INVALID_ACTION' => 'No such action', 'SYS_MOD_SUCCESS' => '#%s has been updated successfully.', 'SYS_MOVED' => '%s message(s) were moved.', 'SYS_MOVED2' => '%s record(s) were moved, %s records were declined.', 'SYS_MOVE_ERR' => 'Please choose one or more messages to move by checking the boxes to the right of the message(s).', 'SYS_PER_DENIED' => 'You do not have permission on this record.', 'SYS_REGEXFAIL' => 'Please enter a valid email address in the Bounce/Reply to Email field.', 'SYS_SEARCH_ERROR' => "Please enter at least one search value", 'SYS_TARGET_ERR' => 'Please choose a folder from the drop-down menu to move the message(s) to.', 'SYS_DATE_FORMAT_INVALID' => 'Please enter a date in the format: %s.', 'SYS_DATE_FORMAT' => 'YYYY-MM-DD', 'SYS_OVERLIMIT_LIST' => 'Your account has reached the maximum number of lists. If you want to increase the limit, please contact site administrator.', 'SYS_OVERLIMIT_SUBLIST' => 'Your account has reached the maximum number of subscribers permitted per list. If you want to increase the limit, please contact site administrator.', 'SYS_OVERLIMIT_EMAIL30' => 'Your account has reached the maximum number of emails permitted in the last 30 days. If you want to increase the limit, please contact site administrator.', 'SYS_USEDBAR_EMAIL30' => "You are using %s% of your %s emails limit.", 'SYS_USEDBAR_SUBLIST' => "You are using %s% of your %s subscribers limit.", 'TAB_ADD_COLUMN_ERR' => 'Unable to add column \'%s\'. Reason: %s', 'TAB_ADD_INDEX_ERR' => 'Unable to add index. Reason: %s', 'TAB_ADD_SUCCESS' => '%s column was added succesful.', 'TAB_ADD_UNIQUE_ERR' => 'Unable to add unique index. Reason: %s', 'TAB_COL_EXISTS' => '