313 lines
11 KiB
Executable File
313 lines
11 KiB
Executable File
## ##
## WebAdverts (Rebuild) ##
## by Darryl Burgdorf ##
## (e-mail burgdorf@awsd.com) ##
## ##
## version: 3.20 ##
## last modified: 09/08/02 ##
## copyright (c) 2002 ##
## ##
## latest version is available from ##
## http://awsd.com/scripts/ ##
## ##
sub RebuildDatabase {
unlink ("$ADVadverts_dir/adcount.txt");
foreach $key (a..z,0..9) {
unless (-d "$ADVadverts_dir/$key") {
mkdir ("$ADVadverts_dir/$key",0777);
chmod 0777,"$ADVadverts_dir/$key";
opendir (FILES,$ADVadverts_dir);
@files = readdir(FILES);
closedir (FILES);
&ADVLockOpen (GRPLIST, "groups.txt");
seek (GRPLIST,0,0);
foreach $file (@files) {
if ($file =~ /(.*)\.grp$/) {
$AccountName = $1;
rename ("$ADVadverts_dir/$1\.grp","$ADVadverts_dir/$AccountName\.grp");
print GRPLIST "$AccountName\n"; }
truncate (GRPLIST, tell(GRPLIST));
&ADVLockClose (GRPLIST, "groups.txt");
&ADVLockOpen (ADVLIST, "adlist.txt");
@adverts = <ADVLIST>;
chomp (@adverts);
seek (ADVLIST,0,0);
foreach $advert (@adverts) {
next unless ($advert);
$AccountName = $advert;
next if ($OnList{$AccountName});
next unless ((-e "$ADVadverts_dir/$advert.txt")
|| (-e "$ADVadverts_dir/$subdir/$AccountName.txt"));
unless (-d "$ADVadverts_dir/$subdir") {
mkdir ("$ADVadverts_dir/$subdir",0777);
chmod 0777,"$ADVadverts_dir/$subdir";
foreach $file (@files) {
if (($file =~ /^$advert\.(txt)/)
|| ($file =~ /^$advert\.(log)/)
|| ($file =~ /^$advert\.(\d\d\d\d\.log)/)) {
rename ("$ADVadverts_dir/$file",
print ADVLIST "$AccountName\n";
$OnList{$AccountName} = 1;
truncate (ADVLIST, tell(ADVLIST));
&ADVLockClose (ADVLIST, "adlist.txt");
&ADVLockOpen (ADVLIST, "adnew.txt");
@adverts = <ADVLIST>;
chomp (@adverts);
seek (ADVLIST,0,0);
foreach $advert (@adverts) {
next unless ($advert);
$AccountName = $advert;
next if ($OnList{$AccountName});
next unless ((-e "$ADVadverts_dir/$advert.txt")
|| (-e "$ADVadverts_dir/$subdir/$AccountName.txt"));
unless (-d "$ADVadverts_dir/$subdir") {
mkdir ("$ADVadverts_dir/$subdir",0777);
chmod 0777,"$ADVadverts_dir/$subdir";
foreach $file (@files) {
if (($file =~ /^$advert\.(txt)/)
|| ($file =~ /^$advert\.(log)/)
|| ($file =~ /^$advert\.(\d\d\d\d\.log)/)) {
rename ("$ADVadverts_dir/$file",
print ADVLIST "$AccountName\n";
$OnList{$AccountName} = 1;
foreach $advertcheck (@files) {
if ($advertcheck =~ /^dbmlist/) { unlink ("$ADVadverts_dir/$advertcheck"); }
next unless ($advertcheck =~ /(.*)\.txt$/);
$advert = $1;
next if (($advert eq "adcount") || ($advert eq "adlist") || ($advert eq "adminlog")
|| ($advert eq "adnew") || ($advert eq "adpassword") || ($advert eq "dupclicks")
|| ($advert eq "dupviews") || ($advert eq "groups") || ($advert eq "register")
|| ($advert eq "reject") || ($advert eq "welcome") || ($advert eq "update"));
$AccountName = $advert;
next if ($OnList{$AccountName});
open (DISPLAY, "$ADVadverts_dir/$advert.txt");
@lines = <DISPLAY>;
close (DISPLAY);
chomp (@lines);
$displayzone,$clicksfrom) = @lines;
next unless ($max || $displayratio || $clicksfrom);
($max,$maxtype) = split(/\|/, $max);
($displayratio,$displaycount) = split(/\|/, $displayratio);
($clicksfrom,$clicksratio) = split(/\|/, $clicksfrom);
next if (($max =~ /[^\d-]/)
|| ($shown =~ /[^\d-]/) || ($visits =~ /[^\d-]/)
|| ($start =~ /[^\d-]/) || ($weight =~ /[^\d-]/)
|| ($displayratio =~ /[^\d-]/) || ($displaycount =~ /[^\d-]/)
|| ($clicksfrom =~ /[^\d-]/) || ($clicksratio =~ /[^\d-]/));
unless (-d "$ADVadverts_dir/$subdir") {
mkdir ("$ADVadverts_dir/$subdir",0777);
chmod 0777,"$ADVadverts_dir/$subdir";
foreach $file (@files) {
if (($file =~ /^$advert\.(txt)/)
|| ($file =~ /^$advert\.(log)/)
|| ($file =~ /^$advert\.(\d\d\d\d\.log)/)) {
rename ("$ADVadverts_dir/$file",
print ADVLIST "$AccountName\n";
$OnList{$AccountName} = 1;
foreach $key (a..z,0..9) {
opendir (FILES,"$ADVadverts_dir/$key");
@files = readdir(FILES);
closedir (FILES);
foreach $file (@files) {
unless (($file =~ /^\./) || $OnList{$file}) {
print ADVLIST "$file\n";
$OnList{$AccountName} = 1;
truncate (ADVLIST, tell(ADVLIST));
&ADVLockClose (ADVLIST, "adnew.txt");
&ADVLockOpen (DBMLIST, "dbmlist.txt");
if ($ADVlockerror) { &Error_DBM; }
else {
if ($ADVdbmerror) { &Error_DBM; }
else {
%DBMList = ();
$DBMList{'adcount.txt'} = "1\n0\n$time";
foreach $account (keys %OnList) {
$subdir = substr($account,0,1);
$subdir .= "/$account";
open (DISPLAY, "$ADVadverts_dir/$subdir/$account.txt");
@lines = <DISPLAY>;
close (DISPLAY);
chomp (@lines);
$displayzone,$clicksfrom) = @lines;
if ($image) { $image = "X"; }
if ($raw =~ /<SCRIPT/) { $raw = "J"; }
elsif ($raw) { $raw = "X"; }
$DBMList{$account} = "$max\t$shown\t$visits\t$image\t$start\t$weight\t";
$DBMList{$account} .= "$zone\t$raw\t$displayratio\t$clicksfrom";
&ADVLockClose (DBMLIST, "dbmlist.txt");
if ($AdminDisplaySetup) { &defineview; }
else {
$INPUT{'whichtype'} = "pending established groups";
$INPUT{'whichtime'} = "active expired disabled";
$INPUT{'whichzone'} = "";
sub CheckDatabase {
&Header("WebAdverts","WebAdverts Database Integrity Check");
print "WebAdverts Database Integrity Check";
print "</STRONG></BIG></BIG>\n";
open (ADVLIST, "$ADVadverts_dir/adnew.txt");
while (defined($ADVlist = <ADVLIST>)) {
chomp $ADVlist;
$Adverts_List{$ADVlist} = 1;
$MasterList{$ADVlist} = 1;
close (ADVLIST);
open (ADVLIST, "$ADVadverts_dir/adlist.txt");
while (defined($ADVlist = <ADVLIST>)) {
chomp $ADVlist;
$Adverts_List{$ADVlist} = 1;
$MasterList{$ADVlist} = 1;
close (ADVLIST);
opendir (FILES,$ADVadverts_dir);
@files = readdir(FILES);
closedir (FILES);
foreach $advertcheck (@files) {
next unless ($advertcheck =~ /(.*)\.txt$/);
$advert = $1;
next if (($advert eq "adcount") || ($advert eq "adlist") || ($advert eq "adminlog")
|| ($advert eq "adnew") || ($advert eq "adpassword") || ($advert eq "dbmlist")
|| ($advert eq "dupclicks") || ($advert eq "dupviews") || ($advert eq "groups")
|| ($advert eq "register") || ($advert eq "reject") || ($advert eq "welcome")
|| ($advert eq "update"));
open (DISPLAY, "$ADVadverts_dir/$advert.txt");
@lines = <DISPLAY>;
close (DISPLAY);
chomp (@lines);
$displayzone,$clicksfrom) = @lines;
next unless ($max || $displayratio || $clicksfrom);
($max,$maxtype) = split(/\|/, $max);
($displayratio,$displaycount) = split(/\|/, $displayratio);
($clicksfrom,$clicksratio) = split(/\|/, $clicksfrom);
next if (($max =~ /[^\d-]/)
|| ($shown =~ /[^\d-]/) || ($visits =~ /[^\d-]/)
|| ($start =~ /[^\d-]/) || ($weight =~ /[^\d-]/)
|| ($displayratio =~ /[^\d-]/) || ($displaycount =~ /[^\d-]/)
|| ($clicksfrom =~ /[^\d-]/) || ($clicksratio =~ /[^\d-]/));
$Adverts_Physical{$advert} = 1;
$MasterList{$advert} = 1;
foreach $key (a..z,0..9) {
opendir (FILES,"$ADVadverts_dir/$key");
@files = readdir(FILES);
closedir (FILES);
foreach $file (@files) {
unless ($file =~ /^\./) {
$Adverts_Physical{$file} = 1;
$MasterList{$file} = 1;
&ADVLockOpen (DBMLIST, "dbmlist.txt");
if ($ADVlockerror) { &Error_DBM; }
else {
if ($ADVdbmerror) { &Error_DBM; }
else {
foreach $account (keys %DBMList) {
next if ($account eq "adcount.txt");
$Adverts_DBM{$account} = 1;
$MasterList{$account} = 1;
$dbmzone,$dbmraw,$dbmdisplayratio,$dbmclicksfrom) = split(/\t/,$DBMList{$account});
$subdir = substr($account,0,1);
$subdir .= "/$account";
next unless (-s "$ADVadverts_dir/$subdir/$account.txt");
open (DISPLAY, "<$ADVadverts_dir/$subdir/$account.txt");
@lines = <DISPLAY>;
close (DISPLAY);
chomp (@lines);
$displayzone,$clicksfrom) = @lines;
if (($max eq $dbmmax) && ($shown eq $dbmshown) && ($visits eq $dbmvisits)
&& ($start eq $dbmstart) && ($weight eq $dbmweight) && ($zone eq $dbmzone)
&& ($displayratio eq $dbmdisplayratio) && ($clicksfrom eq $dbmclicksfrom)) {
$Adverts_Match{$account} = 1;
&ADVLockClose (DBMLIST, "dbmlist.txt");
print "<TR><TH>Account</TH><TH>List?</TH><TH>Physical?</TH><TH>DBM?</TH><TH>Match?</TH></TR>\n";
foreach $key (sort (keys %MasterList)) {
print "<TR><TD>$key</TD>";
if ($Adverts_List{$key}) { print "<TD ALIGN=CENTER>X</TD>"; }
else { print "<TD> </TD>"; $NotOK = 1; }
if ($Adverts_Physical{$key}) { print "<TD ALIGN=CENTER>X</TD>"; }
else { print "<TD> </TD>"; $NotOK = 1; }
if ($Adverts_DBM{$key}) { print "<TD ALIGN=CENTER>X</TD>"; }
else { print "<TD> </TD>"; $NotOK = 1; }
if ($Adverts_Match{$key}) { print "<TD ALIGN=CENTER>X</TD>"; }
else { print "<TD> </TD>"; $NotOK = 1; }
print "</TR>\n";
print "</TABLE>\n<P><STRONG>";
if ($NotOK) {
print "There seem to be problems. Try rebuilding the database.\n";
print "<P><FORM METHOD=POST ACTION=$admin_cgi>",
"<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=password VALUE=$INPUT{'password'}>",
"<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT NAME=rebuild VALUE=\"Rebuild Database\">",
else { print "Everything seems to be fine; all data is consistent.\n"; }
print "</CENTER>\n";