2024-06-17 22:42:14 +10:00

323 lines
19 KiB

$retailer_idhere = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET[retailer_id]);
$results = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM gforum_Retailers WHERE retailer_id='".$retailer_idhere."' LIMIT 1");
$row = mysql_fetch_array($results);
if (!$row){header('Location: '.$site_url.'/?error=invalid_id');}
if($row[retailer_valid] == 0) {
header('Location: '.$site_url);
// set the page title
$pagetitle = $row[retailer_name];
// set meta tags
$meta_keywords = "triathlon, ".$row[retailer_name].", ".$row[retailer_state]." triathlon retailer";
$meta_description = "Considering shopping at ".$row[retailer_name]."? Here is all of the information about this retailer.";
<? include("include_common_head.php"); ?>
<body class="listings">
<? include($common_path . "/ads/ad_wallpaper.html"); ?>
<div class="container">
<? include($common_path . "/templates/include_header.php"); ?>
<div class="main">
<div class="contentwrapper clearfix">
<? include("include_breadcrumb.php"); ?>
<section class="section listings section-has-widgets section-static remove-sidebar">
<div class="sidebar-b">
<? $selected_item = strtolower($row[retailer_state]); ?>
<? include("include_sidebar.php"); ?>
<div class="content content-has-widgets">
<div class="grid">
<div class="clearfix">
<h1 class="float-left">Retailers</h1>
<? if ($user) { ?>
<form method="post" action="wiki_edit.php?retailer_id=<? echo $row[retailer_id] ?>">
<input type="submit" value="Edit (wiki)" class="nobutton btn btn-white float-right">
<? } ?>
<a href="" class="btn btn-white float-right">Back</a>
<hr class="line" />
<? include("../runshops/include_region_list.php"); ?>
<? include("include_starfunc.php"); ?>
<div class="details grid">
<div class="col-9-12">
<h2><? echo stripslashes(stripslashes($row[retailer_name])) ; echo " "; ?></h2>
<div class="col-3-12 right">
<? if(is_logged_in($user)) { ?><a href="#comment">Comment</a><? }?>
<div class="clearfix"></div>
<div class="col-6-12 address">
<? echo stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($row[retailer_address])); ?><br />
<? if ( $row[retailer_address_two] ) { echo stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($row[retailer_address_two]) . "<br />"); } ?>
<? echo stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($row[retailer_city])); ?>, <? echo stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($row[retailer_state])); ?> <? echo stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($row[retailer_zip])); ?><br />
Phone: <? echo stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($row[retailer_phone])); ?><br />
Fax: <? echo stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($row[retailer_fax])); ?>
<div class="col-6-12 contact">
Email: <a href="mailto:<? echo $row[retailer_email]; ?>"><? echo stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($row[retailer_email])); ?></a><br />
<span class="briefy-b">Website: <a href="<? echo $row[retailer_website]; ?>" target="_blank"><? echo stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($row[retailer_website])); ?></a></span><br>Spoke Alliance Member: <? if ($row[retailer_spoke] == 1) { echo ("Yes"); } else { echo ("No"); } ?>
<div class="clearfix"></div>
<? if($_GET[review_add] == 'ok') { ?>
<p class="success"><strong>Commenter:</strong> your comments have been submitted and will be validated within 24 hours.</p>
<? } ?>
<? if($_GET[wiki_change] == 'success') { ?>
<p class="success"><strong>Editor:</strong> your changes have been submitted and will be validated within 24 hours.</p>
<? } ?>
<? $wikiFetchSQL = "SELECT edit_id FROM ".$prefix."RetailersEdits WHERE retailer_id_fk = '".intval(mysql_escape_string($_GET[retailer_id]))."'";
$boolEdits = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query($wikiFetchSQL));
if($boolEdits !== 0 && $_GET[wiki_change] != 'success') { ?>
<p><strong>Group Edits:</strong> there are group edits waiting to be validated.</p>
<? } ?>
<div class="col-1-1">
<? include("include_buttons.php") ?>
<div class="col-1-1 detail-block">
<h3>Product Delivery Channels</h3>
<div class="highlight-block">
<strong>We ship mail-order via:</strong>
<? if ($row[retailer_mailorder_ecommerce] == 0) { echo (""); } else { echo ("e-commerce site"); } ?>
<? if ($row[retailer_mailorder_phone] == 0) { echo (""); } elseif ($row[retailer_mailorder_ecommerce] == 1) { echo (", phone"); } else { echo ("phone"); } ?><br />
<strong>We offer local home/work delivery, transacting via:</strong>
<? if ($row[retailer_local_ecommerce] == 0) { echo (""); } else { echo ("e-commerce site"); } ?>
<? if ($row[retailer_local_phone] == 0) { echo (""); } elseif ($row[retailer_local_ecommerce] == 1) { echo (", phone"); } else { echo ("phone"); } ?><br />
<strong>You may order in advance, and pick up, transacting via:</strong>
<? if ($row[retailer_pickup_ecommerce] == 0) { echo (""); } else { echo ("e-commerce site"); } ?>
<? if ($row[retailer_pickup_phone] == 0) { echo (""); } elseif ($row[retailer_pickup_ecommerce] == 1) { echo (", phone"); } else { echo ("phone"); } ?><br />
<div class="col-1-1 detail-block">
<h3>Bike Fit</h3>
<div class="highlight-block">
<strong>Key Tri-Specific Contact(s):</strong>
<? if ($row[retailer_contact] == 0) { echo "None"; } else { echo "Yes, Their Names - "; echo stripslashes($row[retailer_contact_names]); } ?> <br />
<strong>F.I.S.T. Tri Fitter(s):</strong>
<? if ($row[retailer_fist] == 0) { echo "None"; } else { echo "Yes, Their Names - "; echo stripslashes($row[retailer_fist_names]); } ?> <br />
<strong>F.I.S.T. Road Fitter(s):</strong>
<? if ($row[retailer_fist_road] == 0) { echo "None"; } else { echo "Yes, Their Names - "; echo stripslashes($row[retailer_fist_road_names]); } ?><br />
<strong>F.I.S.T. Advanced Fitter(s):</strong>
<? if ($row[retailer_fist_advanced] == 0) { echo "None"; } else { echo "Yes, Their Names - "; echo stripslashes($row[retailer_fist_advanced_names]); } ?> <br />
<strong>BFACT Score:</strong> <? echo stripslashes($row[retailer_bfact]); ?> <br />
<strong>BikeFit, BodyGeometry, Retul, Serotta, or Trek Fitter(s):</strong>
<? if ($row[retailer_serotta] == 0) { echo "None"; } else { echo "Yes, Their Names - "; echo stripslashes($row[retailer_serotta_names]); } ?><br />
<strong>Default Tri-Fit Methodology:</strong>
$sql = ("SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."RetailersMethods WHERE retailer_method_id = ".$row[retailer_method]." LIMIT 1");
//echo $sql;
$fetch = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
if (mysql_num_rows($fetch) > 0) {
while ($method_list = mysql_fetch_array($fetch)) {
echo ("$method_list[retailer_method_name]");
} else {
echo ("Unanswered");
?><br />
<strong>Fit Bikes:</strong>
$row[retailer_fitbikes] = ltrim(rtrim($row[retailer_fitbikes], ", "), ", ");
if ($row[retailer_fitbikes]) {
$sql = ("SELECT * FROM gforum_RetailersFitbikes WHERE retailers_fitbike_id IN ($row[retailer_fitbikes]) ORDER BY retailers_fitbike_name ASC");
//echo $sql;
$fetch = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
$fitbike_list = "";
while ($list = mysql_fetch_array($fetch)) {
$fitbike_list = $fitbike_list."$list[retailers_fitbike_name], ";
$fitbike_list = rtrim($fitbike_list, ', ');
if ($fitbike_list) {echo $fitbike_list;} else {echo "None";}
?><br />
<strong>Motion-Capture Systems:</strong>
$row[retailer_motioncapture] = ltrim(rtrim($row[retailer_motioncapture], ", "), ", ");
if ($row[retailer_motioncapture]) {
$sql = ("SELECT * FROM gforum_RetailersMotioncapture WHERE retailers_motioncapture_id IN ($row[retailer_motioncapture]) ORDER BY retailers_motioncapture_name ASC");
//echo $sql;
$fetch = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
$motioncapture_list = "";
while ($list = mysql_fetch_array($fetch)) {
$motioncapture_list = $motioncapture_list."$list[retailers_motioncapture_name], ";
$motioncapture_list = rtrim($motioncapture_list, ', ');
if ($motioncapture_list) {echo $motioncapture_list;} else {echo "None";}
<div class="col-1-1 detail-block">
<div class="highlight-block">
$row[retailer_wetsuits] = ltrim(rtrim($row[retailer_wetsuits], ", "), ", ");
if ($row[retailer_wetsuits]) {
$sql = ("SELECT * FROM gforum_RetailersWetsuits WHERE retailers_wetsuit_id IN ($row[retailer_wetsuits]) ORDER BY retailers_wetsuit_name ASC");
//echo $sql;
$fetch = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
$wetsuit_list = "";
while ($list = mysql_fetch_array($fetch)) {
$wetsuit_list = $wetsuit_list."$list[retailers_wetsuit_name], ";
$wetsuit_list = rtrim($wetsuit_list, ', ');
if ($wetsuit_list) {echo $wetsuit_list;} else {echo "None";}
?><br />
$row[retailer_bikes] = ltrim(rtrim($row[retailer_bikes], ", "), ", ");
if ($row[retailer_bikes]) {
$sql = ("SELECT * FROM gforum_RetailersBikes WHERE retailers_bike_id IN ($row[retailer_bikes]) ORDER BY retailers_bike_name ASC");
//echo $sql;
$fetch = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
$bike_list = "";
while ($list = mysql_fetch_array($fetch)) {
$bike_list = $bike_list."$list[retailers_bike_name], ";
$bike_list = rtrim($bike_list, ', ');
if ($bike_list) {echo $bike_list;} else {echo "None";}
?><br />
<strong>Custom Frames:</strong>
$row[retailer_customs] = ltrim(rtrim($row[retailer_customs], ", "), ", ");
if ($row[retailer_customs]) {
$sql = ("SELECT * FROM gforum_RetailersCustoms WHERE retailers_custom_id IN ($row[retailer_customs]) ORDER BY retailers_custom_name ASC");
//echo $sql;
$fetch = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
$custom_list = "";
while ($list = mysql_fetch_array($fetch)) {
$custom_list = $custom_list."$list[retailers_custom_name], ";
$custom_list = rtrim($custom_list, ', ');
if ($custom_list) {echo $custom_list;} else {echo "None";}
<div class="col-1-1 detail-block">
<h3>General Information</h3>
<div class="highlight-block">
<strong>Shop Hours:</strong> <? echo stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($row[retailer_hours])); ?><br />
<strong>Barnett-Trained Mechanic(s):</strong>
<? if ($row[retailer_barnett] == 0) { echo "None"; } else { echo "Yes, Their Names - "; echo stripslashes($row[retailer_barnett_names]); } ?> <br />
<strong>United Bicycle Institute-Trained Mechanic(s):</strong>
<? if ($row[retailer_ubi] == 0) { echo "None"; } else { echo "Yes, Their Names - "; echo stripslashes($row[retailer_ubi_names]); } ?> <br />
<strong>Shop Info:</strong> <? echo stripslashes(stripslashes($row[retailer_info])) ?> <br />
<strong>Directions:</strong> <? echo stripslashes(stripslashes($row[retailer_directions])) ?>
<div class="col-1-1">
<div id="map" class="map map-single" data-name="single" data-category="retailer" data-lat="<? echo $row[retailer_lat] ?>" data-lng="<? echo $row[retailer_lng] ?>">
<div class="map-description">
Map location is based off of a geocode of the addressed entered using Google's Google Maps API. If your address does not geocode properly, you can either update the address (we will attempt to re-geocode after any updates to your entry) <strong>or</strong> you can use Google's geocoding tool found here: <a href="http://gmaps-samples.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/geocoder/singlegeocode.html">http://gmaps-samples.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/geocoder/singlegeocode.html</a> to obtain a lat/long for your location and enter that. To use the utility, type in an address that is close to your location and then drag-and-drop the marker to obtain the desired lat/long. If you choose to enter a lat/long, you <strong>must</strong> check the box on the edit page that says, "override geocode with entered lat/long."
<div class="col-1-1 detail-block">
$testresults = mysql_query("SELECT retailer_shopper_tags FROM ".$prefix."Retailers WHERE retailer_id=$row[retailer_id]");
$testrow = mysql_fetch_array($testresults);
$tags = explode(",", $testrow[retailer_shopper_tags]);
$numcount = count($tags) - 1;
if($numcount == 0){ $phrase = "No users have tagged this shop yet."; }
else if($numcount == 1){ $phrase = "There is 1 user who has tagged this shop:"; }
else { $phrase = "There are $numcount users who have tagged this shop: "; }
<h3><a name="tagged"></a><? echo $phrase; ?></h3>
<div class="highlight-block">
$i = 0;
foreach($tags as $value) {
if ($i > 0) {
$tempresults = mysql_query("SELECT user_username FROM ".$prefix."User WHERE user_id='$value'") or die (mysql_error());
$temprow = mysql_fetch_array($tempresults);
if ( $i > 1 ) { echo ", "; }
echo "<a href=\"http://forum.slowtwitch.com/gforum.cgi?username=$temprow[user_username]&session=".$_SESSION['session_id']."&from=runshops\">$temprow[user_username]</a>";
if (count($tags) <= 1) { echo "No users"; }
<div class="col-1-1 detail-block">
$testresults = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."RetailersEditors WHERE retailer_id_fk=$row[retailer_id] ORDER BY edit_timestamp DESC");
$numcount = mysql_num_rows($testresults);
if($numcount == 0){ $phrase = "No updates have been made this bike shop yet."; }
else if($numcount == 1){ $phrase = "There has been 1 update to this bike shop:"; }
else{ $phrase = "There have been $numcount updates to this bike shop: "; }
<h3><a name="editors"></a><? echo $phrase; ?></h3>
<div class="highlight-block">
$i = 0;
if ($i >= 0){
$tempresults = mysql_query("SELECT user_username FROM ".$prefix."User WHERE user_id='$row[user_id_fk]'") or die (mysql_error());
$temprow = mysql_fetch_array($tempresults);
if($i >= 1) { echo "<br />"; }
echo "<a href=\"http://forum.slowtwitch.com/gforum.cgi?username=$temprow[user_username]&session=".$_SESSION['session_id']."&from=retailers\">$temprow[user_username]</a> at ".date("F j, Y g:i A", $row[edit_timestamp]);
if ($numcount <= 0) { echo "No users"; }
<div class="content-divider-bottom"></div>
<? include ('comments_show.php'); ?>
</div><!-- end col-2/3 -->
</div><!-- end grid -->
</div><!-- end content -->
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<? include($common_path . "/templates/include_footer.php") ?>
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