2024-06-17 21:49:12 +10:00

304 lines
14 KiB

# ==================================================================
# Gossamer Links - enhanced directory management system
# Website : http://gossamer-threads.com/
# Support : http://gossamer-threads.com/scripts/support/
# CVS Info : 087,071,086,086,085
# Revision : $Id: Add.pm,v 1.59 2007/12/20 20:31:35 brewt Exp $
# Copyright (c) 2001 Gossamer Threads Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Redistribution in part or in whole strictly prohibited. Please
# see LICENSE file for full details.
# ==================================================================
package Links::User::Add;
# ==================================================================
use strict;
use Links qw/:objects :payment/;
use Links::Build;
use Links::SiteHTML;
sub handle {
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Display either an add form or process an add request.
if ($CFG->{user_required} and !$USER) {
print $IN->redirect(Links::redirect_login_url('add'));
my $custom;
if (exists $CFG->{payment}->{remote}->{used}->{PayPal} and $custom = $IN->param('custom') and substr($custom, 0, 3) eq 'do;') {
substr($custom, 0, 3) = '';
my @pairs = split /;/, $custom;
for (@pairs) {
my ($key, $val) = split /=/, $_;
next unless $key and $val;
$IN->param($key => $val) unless $IN->param($key);
print $IN->header;
# We are processing an add request.
if ($IN->param('add')) {
my $results = $PLG->dispatch('user_add_link', \&add_link);
if (defined $results->{error}) {
print Links::SiteHTML::display('add', $results);
else {
$results = Links::SiteHTML::tags('link', $results);
$results->{main_title_loop} = Links::Build::build('title', Links::language('LINKS_ADD_SUCCESS'), "$CFG->{db_cgi_url}/add.cgi");
if ($CFG->{payment}->{enabled}) {
require Links::Payment;
my @cats = $IN->param('CatLinks.CategoryID');
my $opt = Links::Payment::load_cat_price(\@cats);
if (exists $opt->{error}) {
print Links::SiteHTML::display('error', $opt);
elsif ($opt->{payment_mode} == NOT_ACCEPTED) {
if ($CFG->{admin_email_add}) {
Links::send_email('link_added.eml', $results, { admin_email => 1 }) or die "Unable to send mail: $GT::Mail::error";
print Links::SiteHTML::display('add_success', $results);
else {# payment option for this category is required or optional
$results->{link_id} = $results->{ID}; # we need a different tag since both Category and Link have ID
$opt->{CategoryID} = delete $opt->{ID}; # remove category id
$opt->{CategoryDescription} = delete $opt->{Description};
$results->{main_title_loop} = Links::Build::build('title', Links::language('LINKS_PAYMENT'), "$CFG->{db_cgi_url}/modify.cgi?do=payment_linked;process_payment=1;modify=1;ID=$results->{link_id}");
print Links::SiteHTML::display('payment', { %$results, %$opt });
else {
if ($CFG->{admin_email_add}) {
Links::send_email('link_added.eml', $results, { admin_email => 1 }) or die "Unable to send mail: $GT::Mail::error";
print Links::SiteHTML::display('add_success', $results);
# We are processing a payment request.
elsif ($IN->param('process_payment') and $CFG->{payment}->{enabled}) {
my $payment_term = $IN->param('payment_term') || '';
my $do = $IN->param('do');
if ($payment_term eq 'free') {
my $link = $DB->table('Links')->get($IN->param('link_id'));
if (not $link or ($CFG->{user_required} and $link->{LinkOwner} ne $USER->{Username})) {
print Links::SiteHTML::display('error', { error => !$link ? $GT::SQL::ERRORS : Links::language('PAYMENTERR_NOTOWNER') });
$link = Links::SiteHTML::tags('link', $link);
# Set ExpiryDate to free
$link->{'CatLinks.CategoryID'} = $IN->param('cat_id');
$link->{ExpiryDate} = FREE;
$link->{ExpiryNotify}= 0;
# Update the link
$DB->table('Links')->update({ ExpiryDate => FREE, ExpiryNotify => 0 }, { ID => $link->{ID} });
# Update the Timestmp for link's categories so they get rebuilt with build changed
my @cats = $DB->table('Links', 'CatLinks')->select('CategoryID', { LinkID => $link->{ID} })->fetchall_list;
$DB->table('Category')->update({ Timestmp => \'NOW()' }, { ID => \@cats });
# Add some special tags for formatting.
@cats = $DB->table('Category', 'CatLinks')->select('Category.Full_Name', { 'CatLinks.LinkID' => $link->{ID} })->fetchall_list;
$link->{Category} = join "\n", sort @cats;
$link->{Category_loop} = [sort @cats];
$link->{Referer} = $ENV{HTTP_REFERER} ? $ENV{HTTP_REFERER} : 'none';
$link->{AutoValidate} = $CFG->{build_auto_validate};
if ($CFG->{admin_email_add}) {
Links::send_email('link_added.eml', $link, { admin_email => 1 }) or die "Unable to send mail: $GT::Mail::error";
$link->{main_title_loop} = Links::Build::build('title', Links::language('LINKS_ADD_SUCCESS'), "$CFG->{db_cgi_url}/add.cgi");
print Links::SiteHTML::display('add_success', $link);
elsif ($IN->param('payment_success')) {
print Links::SiteHTML::display('payment_success', { main_title_loop => Links::Build::build('title', Links::language('LINKS_PAYMENT_SUCCESS'), $CFG->{build_root_url} . "/" . ($CFG->{build_home} || ($CFG->{build_index_include} ? $CFG->{build_index} : ''))) });
elsif ($do =~ /^payment_(method|form|direct)$/) {
require Links::Payment;
my $vars = Links::Payment->$1();
my $page = $IN->param('page') || $IN->param('do');
my $opt = Links::Payment::load_cat_price($IN->param('cat_id'));
if ($opt->{payment_mode} == NOT_ACCEPTED) {
print Links::SiteHTML::display('error', { error => Links::language('PAYMENTERR_NOTACCEPTED') });
my $link = $DB->table('Links')->get($IN->param('link_id'));
if (not $link or ($CFG->{user_required} and $link->{LinkOwner} ne $USER->{Username})) {
print Links::SiteHTML::display('error', { error => !$link ? $GT::SQL::ERRORS : Links::language('PAYMENTERR_NOTOWNER') });
$link = Links::SiteHTML::tags('link', $link);
$link->{main_title_loop} = Links::Build::build('title', Links::language('LINKS_PAYMENT'), "$CFG->{db_cgi_url}/modify.cgi?do=payment_linked;process_payment=1;modify=1;ID=$link->{ID}");
print Links::SiteHTML::display($page, { %$vars, %$opt, %$link });
else {
print Links::SiteHTML::display('error', { error => "Invalid action" });
# We are displaying an add form.
else {
my @id = grep { /^\d+$/ } $IN->param('ID');
# If we don't have an id, and can't generate a list, let's send the user a message.
if (!@id and !$CFG->{db_gen_category_list}) {
print Links::SiteHTML::display('error', { error => Links::language('ADD_SELCAT') });
else {
# Otherwise display the add form.
if ($USER) {
$IN->param('Contact_Name') or ($IN->param('Contact_Name', $USER->{Name} || $USER->{Username}));
$IN->param('Contact_Email') or ($IN->param('Contact_Email', $USER->{Email}));
if ($DB->table('Category')->count == 0) {
print Links::SiteHTML::display('error', { error => Links::language('ADD_NOCATEGORIES') });
# If we're not generating a category list, the add form can't be shown without a valid category ID.
elsif (!$CFG->{db_gen_category_list} and $DB->table('Category')->count({ ID => \@id }) == 0) {
print Links::SiteHTML::display('error', { error => Links::language('ADD_INVALIDCAT', join(', ', @id)) });
else {
my $category = {};
if ($CFG->{db_gen_category_list} < 2) {
require Links::Tools;
$category = Links::Tools::category_list();
$category->{Category} = sub { Links::Tools::category_list_html() };
print Links::SiteHTML::display('add', {
main_title_loop => Links::Build::build('title', Links::language('LINKS_ADD'), "$CFG->{db_cgi_url}/add.cgi" . (@id ? "?ID=" . join(';ID=', @id) : '')),
sub add_link {
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Add the link to the database.
my $class = shift;
my @id = $IN->param('CatLinks.CategoryID');
my %ret;
if ($CFG->{db_gen_category_list} < 2) {
require Links::Tools;
%ret = %{Links::Tools::category_list()};
$ret{Category} = sub { Links::Tools::category_list_html() };
$ret{main_title_loop} = Links::Build::build('title', Links::language('LINKS_ADD'), "$CFG->{db_cgi_url}/add.cgi" . (@id ? "?ID=" . join(';ID=', @id) : ''));
# Check the referer.
if (@{$CFG->{db_referers}}) {
my $found = 0;
foreach (@{$CFG->{db_referers}}) { $ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'} =~ /\Q$_\E/i and $found++ and last; }
unless ($found) {
return { error => Links::language('ADD_BADREFER', $ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'}), %ret };
# Get our form data.
my $input = $IN->get_hash;
# Check if the link is valid
if ($CFG->{user_link_validation}) {
require Links::Tools;
my $status = Links::Tools::link_status($input->{URL});
if ($status and $Links::Tools::STATUS_BAD{$status}) {
return { error => Links::language('ADD_BADSTATUS', $Links::Tools::STATUS_BAD{$status}), %ret };
my $db = $DB->table('Links');
my $cdb = $DB->table('Category');
# Columns the user should not be passing in
for my $key (qw/ID LinkOwner Add_Date Mod_Date Timestmp Date_Checked ExpiryDate ExpiryCounted ExpiryNotify LinkExpired/) {
delete $input->{$key};
for my $key (keys %{$CFG->{add_system_fields}}) {
$input->{$key} = $CFG->{add_system_fields}->{$key};
# Set the LinkOwner
$input->{LinkOwner} = $USER ? $USER->{Username} : 'admin';
# Set date variable to today's date.
my $today = GT::Date::date_get();
$input->{Add_Date} = $today;
$input->{Mod_Date} = $today;
# Backward compatibility
$input->{Contact_Name} = $input->{'Contact_Name'} || $input->{'Contact Name'} || ($USER ? $USER->{Name} : '');
$input->{Contact_Email} = $input->{'Contact_Email'} || $input->{'Contact Email'} || ($USER ? $USER->{Email} : '');
$input->{isValidated} = ($CFG->{build_auto_validate} == 1 and $USER or $CFG->{build_auto_validate} == 2) ? 'Yes' : 'No';
# Check the category
my @cids = $IN->param('CatLinks.CategoryID');
my @name;
if (@cids) {
foreach my $cid (@cids) {
next if (! $cid);
my $sth = $cdb->select('Full_Name', { ID => $cid });
$sth->rows or return { error => Links::language('ADD_INVALIDCAT', $cid), %ret };
push @name, $sth->fetchrow;
if (@name) {
$input->{'CatLinks.CategoryID'} = \@cids;
my $take_payments = (
$cdb->count(GT::SQL::Condition->new(Payment_Mode => '>=' => OPTIONAL, ID => '=' => \@cids))
$CFG->{payment}->{mode} >= OPTIONAL and
$cdb->count(GT::SQL::Condition->new(Payment_Mode => '=' => GLOBAL, ID => '=' => \@cids))
# Set the payment expiry
# Set this to unlimited when payment is turned off so that if payment is turned on
# at a later date, those users aren't forced to pay.
$input->{ExpiryDate} = $CFG->{payment}->{enabled} && $take_payments ? UNPAID : FREE;
# Setup the language for GT::SQL.
local $GT::SQL::ERRORS->{ILLEGALVAL} = Links::language('ADD_ILLEGALVAL');
local $GT::SQL::ERRORS->{UNIQUE} = Links::language('ADD_UNIQUE');
local $GT::SQL::ERRORS->{NOTNULL} = Links::language('ADD_NOTNULL');
local $Links::Table::Links::ERRORS->{NOCATEGORY} = Links::language('ADD_NOCATEGORY');
$Links::Table::Links::ERRORS if 0; # silence -w
# Add the record.
my $id = $db->add($input);
$input->{ID} = $id;
if (! $id) {
my $error = "<ul>" . join('', map "<li>$_</li>", $db->error) . "</ul>";
return { error => $error, %ret };
# Add some special tags for formatting.
$input->{Category} = join "\n", sort @name;
$input->{Category_loop} = [sort @name];
$input->{Referer} = $ENV{HTTP_REFERER} ? $ENV{HTTP_REFERER} : 'none';
$input->{AutoValidate} = $CFG->{build_auto_validate};
# Send the visitor to the success page.
return $input;