2024-06-17 21:49:12 +10:00

1023 lines
37 KiB

# ==================================================================
# Gossamer Links - enhanced directory management system
# Website : http://gossamer-threads.com/
# Support : http://gossamer-threads.com/scripts/support/
# CVS Info : 087,071,086,086,085
# Revision : $Id: Links.pm,v 1.227 2009/05/09 17:01:33 brewt Exp $
# Copyright (c) 2001 Gossamer Threads Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Redistribution in part or in whole strictly prohibited. Please
# see LICENSE file for full details.
# ==================================================================
package Links;
# ==================================================================
use strict;
use vars qw/
# Load Links::Custom before anything else. Usually, it is empty, but it is not
# overwritten during upgrades, and so site-specific options (for example, a
# "use lib" required to make your installation work) can go in there.
use Links::Custom;
use GT::Base qw/:all/;
use Exporter();
use GT::AutoLoader;
use GT::Config;
use GT::CGI;
use GT::Template;
use GT::Plugins;
use GT::Delay;
use GT::Date;
use Links::Config;
use constants
# Payment option constants
GLOBAL => 0,
# Payment expiry special values (anything else is a unix time)
UNPAID => -1,
UNLIMITED => 0x7fff_fffe,
FREE => 0x7fff_ffff;
$DEBUG = 0;
$VERSION = '3.3.0';
@ISA = 'Exporter';
# $TPL is still exported for compatibility with (very) old plugins
@EXPORT_OK = qw(
'objects' => [qw/$IN $CFG $DB $USER $PLG %STASH VIEWABLE/],
'persist' => [qw/MOD_PERL SPEEDY PERSIST/]
# Returns a new condition object to use for viewable links. Currently, this
# means isValidated = 'Yes', and, if payment support is enabled,
# ExpiryDate >= time. You can use it as:
# my $cond = VIEWABLE; $cond->add(some => other => condition);
# or:
# $table->select(VIEWABLE);
# or:
# $table->select({ column => $value }, VIEWABLE);
sub VIEWABLE() {
require GT::SQL::Condition;
my $cond = GT::SQL::Condition->new(isValidated => '=' => 'Yes');
$cond->add(ExpiryDate => '>=' => time) if $CFG->{payment}->{enabled};
sub init {
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# This function initializes Gossamer Links, and must be called before any other
# action is performed.
my $path = shift || '.';
# If under mod_perl, reset our environments.
if (PERSIST) {
GT::SQL->reset_env if $INC{'GT/SQL.pm'};
# Get our config object.
$CFG = Links::Config->new($path);
my $debug = $CFG->{debug_level} || $DEBUG;
# Set our tmp directory to store files.
$ENV{GT_TMPDIR} = $CFG->{admin_root_path} . '/tmp';
$IN = GT::CGI->new();
$PLG = GT::Plugins->new(directory => "$CFG->{admin_root_path}/Plugins", debug => $debug);
if ($DB and not ref $DB eq 'GT::Delay') { # $DB is already a GT::SQL object
$DB = GT::SQL->new({
def_path => $CFG->{admin_root_path} . '/defs',
cache => 1,
debug => $debug,
else {
$DB = GT::Delay(
'GT::SQL', 'HASH',
def_path => $CFG->{admin_root_path} . '/defs',
cache => 1,
debug => $debug,
$PLG->dispatch('init', sub {});
sub init_date {
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Load the date module and setup any custom date strings.
return unless $CFG and not $STASH{date_loaded};
my $debug = defined $CFG->{debug_level} ? $CFG->{debug_level} : $DEBUG;
require GT::Date;
$GT::Date::DEBUG = $debug if ($debug);
$GT::Date::OFFSET = $CFG->{date_offset} * 3600;
$GT::Date::LANGUAGE = {
'month_names' => $CFG->{date_month_long},
'day_names' => $CFG->{date_days_long},
'short_month_names' => $CFG->{date_month_short},
'short_day_names' => $CFG->{date_days_short}
$STASH{date_loaded} = 1;
sub init_user {
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# User initialization, but passes through plugins.
$PLG->dispatch('init_user', sub { _plg_init_user(@_); }, @_);
sub _plg_init_user {
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check to see if the request is for a valid user, if so, set
# $USER to the user.
GT::Template->root("$CFG->{admin_root_path}/templates/" . template_set());
# Authenticate the user.
require Links::Authenticate;
$USER = undef;
my $username = shift || $IN->param('Username') || undef;
my $password = shift || $IN->param('Password') || undef;
# Validate the username, either through logging on, or checking the
# session.
my $valid_user;
if (defined $username && defined $password) {
if (Links::Authenticate::auth('valid_user', { Username => $username, Password => $password })) {
$valid_user = $username;
else {
$valid_user = Links::Authenticate::auth('valid_session');
return unless $valid_user;
# We have a valid_user, now let's get the user from Gossamer Links, if he's not there
# then we auto-create him.
$USER = Links::Authenticate::auth('get_user', { Username => $valid_user, Password => $password, auto_create => 1 });
if ($USER and $USER->{Status} eq 'Not Validated') {
return $USER;
sub init_admin {
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$PLG->dispatch('init_admin', sub { _plg_init_admin(@_); }, @_);
sub _plg_init_admin {
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$LANGUAGE = GT::Config->load("$CFG->{admin_root_path}/templates/admin/language.txt", { inheritance => 1, local => 1 });
sub check_request {
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Checks to make sure the request is allowed.
if ($CFG->{disabled}) {
print $IN->header;
print Links::SiteHTML::display('error', { error => Links::language('GENERAL_DISABLED') });
if (ref $CFG->{bans}) {
for (@{$CFG->{bans}}) {
# Turn a ban into a regexp
my $ban = quotemeta;
# *'s match anything
$ban =~ s/\\\*/.*/g;
# +'s match anything with at least one character
$ban =~ s/\\\+/.+/g;
# ?'s match any single character
$ban =~ s/\\\?/./g;
if ($ENV{REMOTE_HOST} and $ENV{REMOTE_HOST} =~ /^$ban$/i or $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR} =~ /^$ban$/i) {
print $IN->header;
print Links::SiteHTML::display('error', { error => Links::language('GENERAL_BANNED') });
return 1;
sub language {
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Process a language request, it's only loaded once, and saved in
# $LANGUAGE. All arguments are automatically html escaped unless the argument
# is passed as a scalar ref.
$_[0] and $_[0] eq 'Links' and shift;
my $code = shift || '';
$LANGUAGE ||= GT::Config->load("$CFG->{admin_root_path}/templates/" . template_set() . "/language.txt", { inheritance => 1, local => 1 });
if (exists $LANGUAGE->{$code}) {
return @_ ? sprintf($LANGUAGE->{$code}, map { ref $_ ? $$_ : $IN->html_escape($_) } @_) : $LANGUAGE->{$code};
else {
return if ($code =~ /^PAYMENT_/);
return $code;
sub https {
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Returns 1 if the request is (probably) under HTTPS. Under CGI or front-end
# mod_perl servers this is easy - just check for $ENV{HTTPS} eq 'on'. Under
# proxied back-end mod_perl servers it is _IMPOSSIBLE_.
return ($ENV{HTTPS} and $ENV{HTTPS} eq 'on');
sub config_vars {
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Return the config as a hash for use in templates. We flatten array refs
# and hash refs.
my $t = {};
while (my ($key, $val) = each %$CFG) {
(ref $val eq 'ARRAY') and ($val = join ",", @$val);
(ref $val eq 'HASH') and do { my $tmp; foreach (sort keys %$val) { $tmp .= "$_ = $val->{$_}, "; } chop $tmp; chop $tmp; $val = $tmp; };
$t->{"cfg_$key"} = $val;
return $t;
$COMPILE{admin_page} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub admin_page {
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Display an admin template page.
(defined $_[0] and $_[0] eq 'Links') and shift;
my ($file, $params, $opts) = @_;
$file ||= $IN->param('page');
$file =~ /\.\./ and return die "Invalid template '$file' requested (Invalid name)";
$file =~ m,^/, and return die "Invalid template '$file' requested (Invalid name)";
# Add on $IN
$params ||= [];
my $cgi = $IN->get_hash;
for (keys %$cgi) {
$cgi->{$_} = ref $cgi->{$_} eq 'ARRAY' ? join("\n", @{$cgi->{$_}}) : $cgi->{$_};
ref $params eq 'ARRAY' ? (push @$params, $cgi) : ($params = [$cgi, $params]);
push @$params, { config => $CFG, in => $IN };
# Make sure a root is set.
$opts ||= {};
$opts->{root} ||= "$CFG->{admin_root_path}/templates/admin";
defined $opts->{print} or ($opts->{print} = 1);
defined $opts->{inheritance} or ($opts->{inheritance} = 1);
$opts->{stream} = 1 if not exists $opts->{stream} and $IN->param('stream');
my $cookies = [];
if ($IN->param('set-cookie')) {
foreach my $key ($IN->param) {
if ($key =~ /^cookie-(.*)/) {
my $path = $IN->param("cookie_path-$1") || '/';
my $exp = $IN->param("cookie_exp-$1") || '+5y';
push @$cookies, $IN->cookie(-name => $1, -value => $IN->param($key), -path => $path, -expires => $exp);
if ($opts->{print}) {
@$cookies ? print $IN->header(-cookie => $cookies, -charset => $CFG->{header_charset}) : print $IN->header(-charset => $CFG->{header_charset});
# Print the page.
GT::Template->parse($file, $params, $opts);
sub template_set {
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tries to find and return a valid user template set name as well as a template
# theme name. It will check input from the following in the listed order:
# 1) The first argument to template_set()
# 2) CGI input ($IN->param('t'))
# 3) $CFG->{build_default_tpl}
# If no valid template is found, then it fatals. If no valid theme exists then
# no theme value is returned.
shift if @_ and UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'Links');
my $template_set = shift;
for ($template_set, $IN->param('t'), $CFG->{build_default_tpl}, 'luna') {
next unless $_;
# Template name + theme can be passed in as: <template set name>.<template theme name>
my ($ts, $theme) = split(/\./, $_, 2);
if (not $ts or $ts eq 'admin' or $ts eq 'browser' or $ts eq 'help' or $ts eq 'CVS' or
$ts !~ /^[\w-]+$/o or not -d "$CFG->{admin_root_path}/templates/$ts") {
return $ts if not wantarray;
# Check to see if a valid theme was passed in with the name
if ($theme and not theme_exists($ts, $theme)) {
$theme = '';
if (not $theme) {
# Get a default theme name from the template set's .tplinfo
my $tplinfo = GT::Template->load_tplinfo("$CFG->{admin_root_path}/templates/$ts");
if ($tplinfo and $tplinfo->{default_theme} and theme_exists($ts, $tplinfo->{default_theme})) {
$theme = $tplinfo->{default_theme};
if (not $theme and theme_exists($ts, $ts)) {
# Last resort is to just take the template set name as the theme name
$theme = $ts;
my $full = $ts;
$full .= ".$theme" if $theme and $theme ne $ts;
return ($ts, $theme, $full);
die "Could not find a valid template set!";
sub template_exists {
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Returns true/false value indicating whether the given template exists in the
# given template set, honouring inheritance.
# Example usage: template_exists('default', 'home.html');
shift if @_ > 2 and $_[0] and UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'Links');
require GT::Template::Inheritance;
my ($template_set, $filename) = @_;
my $found = GT::Template::Inheritance->get_path(
file => $filename,
path => "$CFG->{admin_root_path}/templates/$template_set",
use_local => 1,
use_inheritance => 1
return $found ? 1 : undef;
sub theme_exists {
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Returns true/false value indicating whether the given template them exists in
# the given template set (the template set must exist).
# Example usage: template_theme_exists('luna', 'mytheme');
shift if @_ > 2 and $_[0] and UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'Links');
my ($template, $theme) = @_;
return if $theme =~ /_core$/;
return -e "$CFG->{build_static_path}/$template/$theme.css";
sub user_page {
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Load a user template and return it.
(defined $_[0] and $_[0] eq 'Links') and shift;
my ($file, $vars, $opts) = @_;
# Replace $vars with hash if it is a CGI object.
$vars = $vars->get_hash if UNIVERSAL::isa($vars, 'GT::CGI');
# Figure out what template set we will use.
my ($template_set, $theme) = template_set(delete $opts->{template});
unless ((ref $opts and exists $opts->{string}) or ($file =~ /^[\w\-]+\.\w+$/)) {
die "Invalid template name: $file";
# Load our global variables.
$GLOBALS = GT::Config->load("$CFG->{admin_root_path}/templates/$template_set/globals.txt", { inheritance => 1, compile_subs => 'Links', local => 1 });
# Add in selected config options.
for (qw/db_cgi_url build_root_url build_images_url build_new_url build_ratings_url build_cool_url/) {
$vars->{$_} ||= $CFG->{$_};
# Variables we use that we don't want $IN to override if they don't exist
# (prevent XSS vulnerabilities)
for (@{$CFG->{protected_vars}}) {
$vars->{$_} = '' unless exists $vars->{$_};
# Set up config.*, in.*, user.* template tags:
$vars->{config} = $CFG;
$vars->{in} = $IN;
$vars->{user} = $USER;
# Whether or not the site is being built using nph-build.cgi
$vars->{building_static} = $STASH{building_static} ? 1 : 0;
# Make 't' and 'theme' always available for the currently-used template set:
$vars->{t} = $template_set;
$vars->{theme} = $theme;
# Set a page_id so users can do <%if page_id eq 'home'%>
($vars->{page_id} = $file) =~ s/\..{3,4}$//;
# This is used all over the place in the templates, so generate it here instead
# of in template code, since it's cleaner to do it here
$vars->{home_index} = $CFG->{build_home} || ($CFG->{build_index_include} ? $CFG->{build_index} : '');
# If db_cgi_url_https is empty, figure it out from db_cgi_url
my $https_url = $CFG->{db_cgi_url_https};
unless ($https_url and $https_url =~ /\S/) {
($https_url = $CFG->{db_cgi_url}) =~ s|^(?:\w+://)?|https://|;
$vars->{db_cgi_url_https} = $https_url;
# Return a query string
my $in_hash = $IN->get_hash(0);
my @url_hidden;
foreach (@{$CFG->{dynamic_preserve}}) {
next unless defined $in_hash->{$_} and $in_hash->{$_} =~ /\S/;
push @url_hidden, $IN->escape($_) . "=" . $IN->escape($in_hash->{$_});
$vars->{form_hidden} .= qq|<input type="hidden" name="| . $IN->escape($_) . qq|" value="| . $IN->escape($in_hash->{$_}) . qq|" />|;
$vars->{url_hidden} = join ';', @url_hidden;
# Parse and return the template, turn off compression for .txt templates.
my $dynamic = delete $opts->{dynamic};
$opts ||= {};
$opts->{root} ||= "$CFG->{admin_root_path}/templates/$template_set";
$opts->{compress} = $CFG->{compress} unless defined $opts->{compress};
$opts->{print} ||= 0;
$opts->{inheritance} = 1 unless defined $opts->{inheritance};
my $output = GT::Template->parse($file, [$IN, $GLOBALS, $USER || (), $vars], $opts);
if ($dynamic and !$opts->{print} and $IN->param('d')) {
$PLG->dispatch('clean_output', \&clean_output, \$output, $vars->{page_id});
return $output;
$COMPILE{send_email} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub send_email {
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Send an email generated from a template.
# send_email takes 3 arguments: <template_name>, <tags>, <options>
# The available options are:
# admin_email
# The email should be sent as an admin email, that is, the template
# is pulled from the admin template set directory and some of the
# available template variables are different (see code below).
# body
# Replace the body of the email with the contents of this option.
# get_body
# Parse the email and return the body of the email (does not
# send the email).
# Note that send_email uses user_page for parsing non admin emails. This can
# be a problem because user_page adds $USER to the template's variables, which
# may be not the correct user if you're sending emails in places like the
# browser code (ie. $USER is the editor, rather than the user the email is being
# sent to).
# WARNING: this function does NOT do any input validation. Your code should do
# the proper input validation on the e-mail addresses, subject and any other
# data that you put into the headers. In particular e-mail addresses should be
# valid addresses, but more importantly, these headers should NOT contain
# newlines in them. This would allow users to add in their own headers to the
# e-mail (eg. allow them to spam using your script).
(defined $_[0] and $_[0] eq 'Links') and shift;
my ($template, $vars, $opts) = @_;
$vars ||= {};
$opts ||= {};
$vars->{db_admin_email} ||= $CFG->{db_admin_email};
my $parsed;
if ($opts->{admin_email}) {
my $cfg = Links::Config::load_vars();
$vars->{Referer} ||= $ENV{HTTP_REFERER} ? $ENV{HTTP_REFERER} : 'none';
my $globals = GT::Config->load("$CFG->{admin_root_path}/templates/admin/globals.txt", { inheritance => 1, compile_subs => 'Links', local => 1, create_ok => 1 });
$parsed = GT::Template->parse($template, { %$globals, %$vars, %$cfg, config => $CFG, in => $IN }, { compress => 0, root => "$CFG->{admin_root_path}/templates/admin" });
else {
$parsed = user_page($template, $vars, { compress => 0 });
return unless $parsed;
require GT::Mail;
require GT::Mail::Parse;
my $top = GT::Mail::Parse->new(
debug => $CFG->{debug_level},
in_string => $parsed,
crlf => "\n",
headers_intact => 0,
# Replace the body with the body that was passed in
if ($opts->{body}) {
return $top->body_data() if $opts->{get_body};
my $charset = $top->delete('GT-Header-Charset');
$top->{header_charset} = $charset if $charset;
my $mail = new GT::Mail;
my %send_opts;
if ($CFG->{db_smtp_server}) {
my ($host, $port) = $CFG->{db_smtp_server} =~ /^([\w.-]+)(?::(\d+))?$/;
%send_opts = (
smtp => $host,
smtp_port => $port,
smtp_ssl => $CFG->{db_smtp_ssl} || '',
smtp_user => $CFG->{db_smtp_user} || '',
smtp_pass => $CFG->{db_smtp_pass} || '',
pbs_host => $CFG->{db_smtp_pbs_host} || '',
pbs_port => $CFG->{db_smtp_pbs_port} || '',
pbs_user => $CFG->{db_smtp_pbs_user} || '',
pbs_pass => $CFG->{db_smtp_pbs_pass} || '',
pbs_ssl => $CFG->{db_smtp_pbs_ssl} || '',
pbs_auth_mode => $CFG->{db_smtp_pbs_auth_mode} || ''
else {
my ($path, $args) = split(' ', $CFG->{db_mail_path}, 2);
$send_opts{sendmail} = $path;
$send_opts{flags} = $args if $args;
$send_opts{debug} = $CFG->{debug_level};
sub clean_output {
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Cleans up the output for any dynamically generated pages, makes sure all
# the links go through the page.cgi script.
my ($output_ref, $page_id) = @_;
# Quit if we are not using dynamic pages.
return unless $CFG->{dynamic_pages};
my $query = '';
my $form = '';
my $in = $IN->get_hash(0); # Don't concat multiple values.
# Build a query string.
foreach (@{$CFG->{dynamic_preserve}}) {
next if not defined $in->{$_} or $in->{$_} =~ /^\s*$/;
$query .= $IN->escape($_) . '=' . $IN->escape($in->{$_}) . ';';
$form .= qq|<input type="hidden" name="| . $IN->html_escape($_) . qq|" value="| . $IN->html_escape($in->{$_}) . qq|" />|;
chop $query;
# Fix up the CGI references.
$$output_ref =~ s{(<(?:a[^>]+href|i?frame[^>]+src)\s*=\s*["']*)(\Q$CFG->{db_cgi_url}\E/[^"'>]+\.(?:cgi|pl)\??[^"'>]*)}{
my ($begin, $url) = ($1, $2);
$begin .= $PLG->dispatch('transform_url', \&transform_url, $url, $query, undef, $page_id);
# Fix up any HTML forms, and insert hidden tags.
$$output_ref =~ s!(<form[^>]+>)!$1$form!ig;
# Build a list of urls that shouldn't be transformed (default includes
# build_static_url). This allows users to still put other files/directories in
# the build_root_url, but not have them their urls transformed to go through
# page.cgi
my @no_transform = @{$CFG->{dynamic_no_url_transform}};
for (@no_transform) {
$_ =~ s/<%(.*?)%>/if (exists $CFG->{$1}) { $CFG->{$1} } else { "<%$1%>" }/eg;
# Fix up the HTML references
$$output_ref =~ s{(<(?:a[^>]+href|i?frame[^>]+src)\s*=\s*["']*)(\Q$CFG->{build_root_url}\E/?[^"'>]*)}{
my ($begin, $url) = ($1, $2);
my $transform = 1;
for (@no_transform) {
if ($url =~ m/^\Q$_\E.+/) {
$begin .= $url;
$transform = 0;
if ($transform) {
$begin .= $PLG->dispatch('transform_url', \&transform_url, $url, $query, undef, $page_id);
sub transform_url {
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# Tranform static urls into dynamic ones if dynamic mode is enabled.
# You'll want to pass in a separator (eg. &) if you're using the url in a meta
# refresh since you can't use ; in the url.
my ($url, $query, $separator, $page_id) = @_;
return $url unless $IN->param('d');
($url, my $anchor) = split(/#/, $url, 2);
my $in = $IN->get_hash(0);
unless ($query) {
foreach (@{$CFG->{dynamic_preserve}}) {
next if not defined $in->{$_} or $in->{$_} =~ /^\s*$/;
$query .= $IN->escape($_) . '=' . $IN->escape($in->{$_}) . ';';
chop $query;
if ($url =~ m%^\Q$CFG->{db_cgi_url}\E/(.+\.(?:cgi|pl))\??(.*)%) {
my ($script, $qs) = ($1, $2);
if ($query and $qs) {
$url = "$CFG->{db_cgi_url}/$script?$qs";
foreach (@{$CFG->{dynamic_preserve}}) {
next if not defined $in->{$_} or $in->{$_} =~ /^\s*$/;
unless ($qs =~ /(?:\A|[&;])$_=/) {
$url .= ';' . $IN->escape($_) . '=' . $IN->escape($in->{$_});
else {
$url = "$CFG->{db_cgi_url}/$script" . ($query ? "?$query" : '');
elsif ($url =~ m%^\Q$CFG->{build_root_url}\E/?(.*)%) {
my $obj = $1;
if ($obj =~ /\.(?:jpeg|jp[eg]|gif|png|mng|js|css|cgi|pl)$/) {
$url = "$CFG->{build_root_url}/$obj";
else {
$url = "$CFG->{db_cgi_url}/page.cgi?g=" . $IN->escape($obj) . ($query ? ";$query" : '');
# Preserve link/category sort order as well as link column filtering
my $pages_re = join('|', @{$CFG->{dynamic_preserve_sort_pages}});
if ($page_id =~ /^(?:$pages_re)$/) {
my ($new_match) = $CFG->{build_new_url} =~ m{^\Q$CFG->{build_root_url}\E/(.+)};
my ($cool_match) = $CFG->{build_cool_url} =~ m{^\Q$CFG->{build_root_url}\E/(.+)};
my ($rate_match) = $CFG->{build_ratings_url} =~ m{^\Q$CFG->{build_root_url}\E/(.+)};
if ($obj !~ /^(?:\Q$new_match\E|\Q$cool_match\E|\Q$rate_match\E)\/$/) {
for (qw/sb so cat_sb cat_so/, keys %{$DB->table('Links')->cols}) {
if ($IN->param($_)) {
$url .= ';' . $IN->escape($_) . '=' . $IN->escape($IN->param($_));
if ($separator) {
$url =~ s/[&;]/$separator/g;
$url .= "#$anchor" if $anchor;
return $url;
sub redirect_login_url {
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# Redirects a user to the login screen, through a plugin.
my $from = shift;
$PLG->dispatch('auth_redirect_login', \&_redirect_login_url, $from);
sub _redirect_login_url {
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# Redirect the user to the login screen.
my ($from) = shift;
my $url = $IN->url(query_string => 1);
$url = $IN->escape($CFG->{db_cgi_url} . '/' . $url);
$url = $CFG->{db_cgi_url} . "/user.cgi?url=$url&from=$from";
foreach my $preserve (@{$CFG->{dynamic_preserve}}) {
my $val = $IN->param($preserve);
defined $val or next;
$url .= "&$preserve=" . $IN->escape($val);
return $url;
sub header {
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# Produces an admin header.
my $title = defined $_[0] ? $_[0] : '';
my $msg = defined $_[1] ? ($_[1] eq '0' ? '' : $_[1]) : '';
my $msg2 = defined $_[2] ? ($_[2] eq '0' ? '' : qq~<p><font size="2" face="Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica">$_[2]</font></p>~) : '';
return <<END_OF_HEAD;
<table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>
<table bgColor="#ffffff" border="0" cellPadding="3" cellSpacing="3" width="500" valign="top">
<td align="left" bgColor="navy"><b><font color="#ffffff" size="2" face="Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica">$title</font></b></td>
<p align="center"><b><font color="#000000" size="2" face="Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica">$title</font></b></p>
<p><font size="2" face="Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica">$msg</font>
sub fatal {
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# Return a fatal error message to the browser.
die @_ if (GT::Base->in_eval()); # Don't do anything if we are in eval.
my $msg = $IN->html_escape(shift);
my $debug = defined $CFG->{debug_level} ? $CFG->{debug_level} : $DEBUG;
$IN ||= new GT::CGI;
print $IN->header();
# Use a custom header if one is defined.
if (defined $CFG and exists $CFG->{error_message} and $CFG->{error_message}) {
$CFG->{error_message} =~ s,<%error%>,$msg,g;
$CFG->{error_message} =~ s,<%environment%>,environment(),eg;
print $CFG->{error_message};
# Otherwise, print our standard header.
else {
print "<p><font face='Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica' size=2>A fatal error has occured:</font></p><blockquote><pre>$msg</pre></blockquote><p><font face='Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica' size=2>Please enable debugging in setup for more details.</font></p>\n";
if ($debug) {
print environment();
$COMPILE{environment} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub environment {
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Return HTML formatted environment for error messages.
my $info = '<pre>';
my ($oserr, $evalerr) = ($@, $!);
# Stack trace.
$info .= "<b>Stack Trace</b>\n======================================\n";
$info .= GT::Base::stack_trace('Links', 1, 1);
$info .= "\n";
# Print GT::SQL error if it exists.
$info .= "<b>System Information</b>\n======================================\n";
if (my @user = eval { getpwuid($>) }) {
$info .= "Current user: $user[0] ($>)\n";
$info .= "Perl version: " . ($^V ? sprintf("%vd", $^V) : $]) . "\n";
$info .= "Gossamer Links version: $Links::VERSION\n" if $Links::VERSION;
$info .= "GT::SQL version: $GT::SQL::VERSION\n" if $GT::SQL::VERSION;
$info .= "GT::Template version: $GT::Template::VERSION\n" if $GT::Template::VERSION;
$info .= "DBI.pm version: $DBI::VERSION\n" if $DBI::VERSION;
$info .= "Running under mod_perl: " . (MOD_PERL ? "Yes (version " . MOD_PERL . ")" . (MOD_PERL >= 1.99 ? ', mod_perl 2 detected' : '') : "No") . "\n";
$info .= "Running under SpeedyCGI: " . (SPEEDY ? "Yes (version " . SPEEDY . ")" : "No") . "\n";
$info .= "\@INC = \n\t" . join("\n\t", @INC) . "\n";
$info .= "GT::SQL::error = " . $IN->html_escape($GT::SQL::error) . "\n" if $GT::SQL::error;
$info .= "DBI::errstr = " . $IN->html_escape($DBI::errstr) . "\n" if defined $DBI::errstr;
$info .= "\$\@: " . $IN->html_escape($oserr) . "\n" if $oserr;
$info .= "\$!: " . $IN->html_escape($evalerr) . "\n" if $evalerr;
$info .= "\n";
# CGI Parameters and Cookies.
if ($IN and ref($IN) eq 'GT::CGI') {
if ($IN->param) {
$info .= "<b>CGI Input</b>\n======================================\n";
foreach (sort $IN->param) {
$info .= $IN->html_escape($_) . " => " . $IN->html_escape($IN->param($_)) . "\n";
$info .= "\n";
if ($IN->cookie) {
$info .= "<b>CGI Cookies</b>\n======================================\n";
foreach (sort $IN->cookie) {
$info .= $IN->html_escape($_) . " => " . $IN->html_escape($IN->cookie($_)) . "\n";
$info .= "\n";
# Environment info.
$info .= "<b>Environment</b>\n======================================\n";
foreach (sort keys %ENV) {
$info .= $IN->html_escape($_) . " => " . $IN->html_escape($ENV{$_}) . "\n";
$info .= "</pre>";
return $info;
$COMPILE{module_environment} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub module_environment {
my @loop;
for (sort {
my $apath = $a !~ m{^\w+(?:/\w+)*\.p[ml]$};
my $bpath = $b !~ m{^\w+(?:/\w+)*\.p[ml]$};
return 1 if $apath and not $bpath;
return -1 if $bpath and not $apath;
return $a cmp $b;
} keys %INC) {
my %info = (inc_path => $INC{$_});
(my $pkg = $_) =~ s|/|::|g;
my $m = ($pkg =~ s/\.pm$// and $pkg =~ /^\w+(?:::\w+)*$/);
my $ver;
$ver = ${"${pkg}::VERSION"} if $m;
$m = $m ? $pkg : $_;
if ($m eq $INC{$_}) {
$info{file_type} = 'file';
else {
@info{qw/file_type module module_version/} = ('module', $m, $ver);
push @loop, \%info;
return { modules => \@loop, current_pid => $$ };
sub date_to_time {
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# Taken from GForum
my $date = shift;
my $lt;
my @localtime;
(uc $date eq 'NOW') and (@localtime = localtime), last DATE;
# localtime format
$date =~ m|^\w+ \w{3} \d{1,2} \d{1,2}:\d{1,2}:\d{1,2} \d{4}$| and (@localtime = @{GT::Date::parse_format($date, '%ddd% %mmm% %d% %H%:%M%:%s% %yyyy%')}), last DATE;
$date =~ m|^\w+ \w{3} \d{1,2} \d{1,2}:\d{1,2}:\d{1,2} \d{4}$| and (@localtime = @{GT::Date::parse_format($date, '%ddd% %mmm% %d% %H%:%M%:%s% %yyyy%')}), last DATE;
# Okay, it wasn't simply them modifying what was displayed, so let's try some other common formats:
# just the date, no time:
# yyyy/mm/dd
$date =~ m|^\d{4}([-/])\d{1,2}([-/])\d{1,2}$| and (@localtime = @{GT::Date::parse_format($date, "%yyyy%$1%m%$2%d%")}), last DATE;
# 12 hour time:
# yyyy/mm/dd hh:MM [AP]M
$date =~ m|^\d{4}([-/])\d{1,2}([-/])\d{1,2} \d{1,2}[Hh:]\d{1,2} [AaPp][Mm]$| and (@localtime = @{GT::Date::parse_format($date, "%yyyy%$1%m%$2%d% %h%:%M% %tt%")}), last DATE;
# yyyy/mm/dd hh:MM:ss [AP]M
$date =~ m|^\d{4}([-/])\d{1,2}([-/])\d{1,2} \d{1,2}:\d{1,2}:\d{1,2} [AaPp][Mm]$| and (@localtime = @{GT::Date::parse_format($date, "%yyyy%$1%m%$2%d% %h%:%M%:%s% %tt%")}), last DATE;
# 24 hour time:
# yyyy/mm/dd HH:MM
$date =~ m|^\d{4}([-/])\d{1,2}([-/])\d{1,2} \d{1,2}:\d{1,2}$| and (@localtime = @{GT::Date::parse_format($date, "%yyyy%$1%m%$2%d% %H%:%M%")}), last DATE;
# yyyy/mm/dd HH:MM:ss
$date =~ m|^\d{4}([-/])\d{1,2}([-/])\d{1,2} \d{1,2}:\d{1,2}:\d{1,2}$| and (@localtime = @{GT::Date::parse_format($date, "%yyyy%$1%m%$2%d% %H%:%M%:%s%")}), last DATE;
# Common formats that can't be recognized:
# dd/mm/yyyy - These two are conflicting US/European formats and so it would
# mm/dd/yyyy - be impossible to figure out which one you are trying to use.
# First, try the admin format:
ref($lt = GT::Date::parse_format($date, GT::Date::FORMAT_DATE)) eq 'ARRAY' and (@localtime = @$lt), last DATE;
return scalar @localtime ? GT::Date::timelocal(@localtime) : undef;
sub paging {
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# General-purpose paging code (taken from GForum)
# Returns paging variables for templates (but can be used elsewhere).
# Takes 4 arguments: number of hits, hits per page, the current page, and the number of pages to show.
# Takes 1 additional optional argument - true or false, indicating whether or not a ... system will be
# used. If set, one extra number will be returned if there is just one extra number needed, and a
# 'dotdotdot' variable will be available as 1 if ... is needed.
# Example: when displaying paging of 9 with 11 pages, you would get:
# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and you would have the "dotdotdot" variable set, so you would put a ... and then 11.
# Now, if you were displaying paging of 9 with 10 pages, you would actually get _10_ numbers:
# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 and the "dotdotdot" wouldn't be set, so you wouldn't put the ... 10, since
# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 10 would look silly.
# Returned is a hashref: { paging => LOOP/ARRAYREF, top_page => INTEGER }, and possibly dotdotdot => 1
# Inside the loop you have: <%page_num%> and <%is_current_page%>.
shift if @_ and UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], __PACKAGE__); # Can be called as function or method
my ($num_hits, $max_hits, $current_page, $disp_pages, $want_dotdotdot) = @_;
$disp_pages ||= 20;
my $num_pages = int($num_hits / $max_hits);
$num_pages++ if $num_hits % $max_hits;
my ($start, $end);
if ($num_pages <= $disp_pages) {
$start = 1;
$end = $num_pages;
elsif ($current_page >= $num_pages - $disp_pages / 2) {
$end = $num_pages;
$start = $end - $disp_pages + 1;
elsif ($current_page <= $disp_pages / 2) {
$start = 1;
$end = $disp_pages;
else {
$start = $current_page - int($disp_pages / 2) + 1;
$start-- if $disp_pages % 2;
$end = $current_page + int($disp_pages / 2);
my $need_dotdotdot;
if ($want_dotdotdot) {
if ($num_pages == $end + 1) {
elsif ($num_pages > $end) {
$need_dotdotdot = 1;
my @pages = map +{ page_num => $_, (($_ == $current_page) ? (is_current_page => 1) : ()) }, $start .. $end;
return {
paging => \@pages,
top_page => $num_pages,
($want_dotdotdot && $need_dotdotdot ? (dotdotdot => 1) : ())
sub limit_offset {
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Takes a list of options, verifies mh/nh values, then returns
# ($limit, $offset, $nh) - $nh is really just (offset * mh + 1).
# Options accepted are:
# ($mh, $nh, $default_mh)
# ($mh, $nh)
# ($default_mh)
# ()
# The first two take the $mh and $nh values, the latter two read them from
# $IN->param. $default_mh is used if $mh is not set (or is invalid) - if not
# specified, it defaults to 25. $nh, if unset, defaults to 1.
my ($mh, $nh, $default_mh);
if (@_ >= 2) {
($mh, $nh, $default_mh) = @_;
else {
$mh = $IN->param('mh');
$nh = $IN->param('nh');
$default_mh = $_[0];
$default_mh = 25 unless $default_mh and $default_mh =~ /^\d+$/;
$mh = $default_mh unless $mh and $mh =~ /^\d+$/;
$nh = 1 unless $nh and $nh =~ /^\d+$/;
return ($mh, $mh * ($nh - 1), $nh);
sub debug {
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# Display debug message to stderr.
my $msg = shift;
warn "Links ($$): $msg\n";
if ($DEBUG > 1) {