2024-06-17 21:49:12 +10:00

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# ====================================================================
# Gossamer Threads Module Library - http://gossamer-threads.com/
# GT::SQL::Upgrade
# Author: Jason Rhinelander
# CVS Info : 087,071,086,086,085
# $Id: Upgrade.pm,v 1.7 2008/09/23 23:55:26 brewt Exp $
# Copyright (c) 2005 Gossamer Threads Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# ====================================================================
# Description:
# Various commonly used SQL upgrade functions used by GT product upgrades.
package GT::SQL::Upgrade;
use strict;
use vars qw/@ISA @EXPORT $VERSION/;
require Exporter;
# You *must* bump this each time you change or fix any of the code this file or
# it is guaranteed to cause problems:
$VERSION = 1.01;
@ISA = 'Exporter';
@EXPORT = qw/add_column alter_column drop_column add_index add_unique drop_index add_table recreate_table/;
# Adds a column. Takes 5 args:
# Output coderef, database object, table name, column name, column definition
# Returns the return of $editor->add_col
sub add_column {
my ($out, $db, $table, $col, $def) = @_;
$out->("Adding column $col to $table table...\n");
my $ret = $db->editor($table)->add_col($col => $def);
$out->($ret ? "\tOkay!\n" : "\tCould not add column $col: $GT::SQL::error\n");
# Changes a column. Takes 5 args:
# Output coderef, database obj, table name, column name, new column definition
sub alter_column {
my ($out, $db, $table, $col, $def) = @_;
$out->("Updating column definition for $col in $table table...\n");
my $ret = $db->editor($table)->alter_col($col, $def);
$out->($ret ? "\tOkay!\n" : "\tCould not alter column $col: $GT::SQL::error\n");
# Drops a column. Takes 4 args:
# Output coderef, database object, table name, column name
# Returns the return of $editor->drop_col
sub drop_column {
my ($out, $db, $table, $col) = @_;
$out->("Dropping column '$col' from table '$table'...\n");
my $ret = $db->editor($table)->drop_col($col);
$out->($ret ? "\tOkay!\n" : "\tCould not drop column $col: $GT::SQL::error\n");
# Adds indexes. Takes 4-5 args
# Output coderef, database object, table name, indexes hash reference, and an
# optional boolean value to make the added indexes unique indexes.
# Returns the return of $editor->add_index
sub add_index {
my ($out, $db, $table, $indexes, $unique) = @_;
my $editor = $db->editor($table);
my $cret = 1;
while (my ($idx, $defn) = each %$indexes) {
my ($meth, $index_display) = $unique ? (add_unique => 'unique index') : (add_index => 'index');
$out->("Adding $index_display '$idx' to '$table' table...\n");
my $ret = $editor->$meth($idx => $indexes->{$idx});
$out->($ret ? "\tOkay!\n" : "\tCould not add $index_display '$idx': $GT::SQL::error\n");
$cret = $ret unless $ret;
# A simple alias for add_index(..., 1);
sub add_unique {
push @_, 1;
goto &add_index;
# Drops an index. Takes 4-5 args:
# Output coderef, GT::SQL obj, table name, index name, plus an optional boolean
# value to indicate that the index to drop is a unique index.
sub drop_index {
my ($out, $db, $table, $index, $unique) = @_;
$out->("Dropping index '$index' from '$table' table...\n");
my $editor = $db->editor($table);
my $meth = $unique ? 'drop_unique' : 'drop_index';
my $ret = $editor->$meth($index);
$out->($ret ? "\tOkay!\n" : "\tCould not drop index '$index': $GT::SQL::error\n");
# Adds a table. Takes 3 base, plus unlimited extra arguments:
# Output coderef, GT::SQL obj, table name
# Other arguments are read in pairs - the first is a ::Creator method name, the
# second is the value to pass to the method.
sub add_table {
my ($out, $db, $table) = splice @_, 0, 3;
$out->("Adding table '$table'...\n");
my $c = $db->creator($table);
while (@_) {
my ($meth, $arg) = splice @_, 0, 2;
my $ret = $c->create;
if ($ret) {
else {
$out->("\tAn error occurred: $GT::SQL::error\n");
# Used when recreating a table is necessary (used in at least the Links SQL
# 2.1.2 -> 2.2.0 upgrade) It creates a temporary table, copies all the data
# into it, then drops the original table, recreates it, and copies all the data
# back.
# Usage:
# recreate_table($out, $db, $table_name, $condition, ...ARGS...);
# - $out is the code reference to call with output
# - $db is the GT::SQL object for the database
# - $table_name is the name of the table to recreated
# - $condition is a code reference - it will be called with the table as an
# argument. If it returns true, the table is recreated, otherwise (if it
# returns false) recreating the table is skipped.
# - Remaining arguments are specified in pairs - the first of each pair of
# arguments is the function to call, the second is the argument to pass to
# that function. At least a "cols => [ ... ]" pair must be specified.
# Known problems:
# - The code that copies any custom columns breaks if any columns have been
# removed from the new table has fewer columns from the old one - those
# columns will be copied to the new table.
# - A change adding not_null to a column will only work for INT's/FLOAT's,
# for which any previous null values are given a value of 0.
sub recreate_table {
my ($out, $db, $table_name, $condition) = splice @_, 0, 4;
@_ % 2 == 0 or die "Invalid arguments. Usage: recreate_table(INSTALLER_OBJ, GTSQL_OBJ, 'Table', method => val, method => val, ...)";
my @args = @_;
my %args = @args;
my @cols = $args{cols};
my %cols = @cols;
my $table = $db->table($table_name);
my $success;
if ($condition->($table)) {
$out->("Performing required $table_name table recreation...\n");
$out->("\t- Creating temporary storage table...\n");
my @create;
my %old_cols = $table->cols;
my %new_cols = @{$args{cols}};
my ($count, @denull) = 0;
for (keys %old_cols) {
if (
!$old_cols{$_}->{not_null} and # Didn't have not_null before
$new_cols{$_} and # Still exists in the new version of the table
$new_cols{$_}->{not_null} and # not_null present in the new version
$new_cols{$_}->{type} =~ /^(?:FLOAT|DOUBLE|DECIMAL|\w*INT)$/ # is a numeric type
) {
push @denull, $count;
# Retain any custom columns:
for (keys %old_cols) {
unless ($cols{$_}) {
push @create, $_ => $old_cols{$_};
push @cols, $_ => $old_cols{$_};
$cols{$_} = $old_cols{$_};
my $c = $db->creator($table_name . '_tmp');
# We should probably 'force' the following create, but that is
# potentially dangerous if the main table isn't recreated properly.
my $ret = $c->create;
if ($ret) {
else {
$out->("\t\tAn error occurred: $GT::SQL::error\n");
my $tmp_table = $db->table($table_name . '_tmp');
$out->("\t- Copying existing data to temporary table...\n");
my $sth = $table->select(keys %old_cols);
my @recs;
while () {
my $row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref;
if ($row) {
my @row = @$row;
for (@denull) {
$row[$_] = 0 if not defined $row[$_];
push @recs, \@row;
if (!$row or @recs >= 1000) {
$ret = $tmp_table->insert_multiple([keys %old_cols], @recs) if @recs;
$out->("\t\tAn error occurred: $GT::SQL::error\n") unless $ret;
@recs = ();
last if !$row;
$out->("\t- Dropping $table_name table...\n");
$ret = $db->editor($table_name)->drop_table;
if ($ret) {
else {
$out->("\t\tAn error occurred: $GT::SQL::error\n");
$out->("\t- Creating new $table_name table...\n");
$c = $db->creator($table_name);
while (@args) {
my ($method, $value) = (shift @args, shift @args);
$ret = $c->create('force');
if ($ret) {
else {
$out->("\t\tAn error occurred: $GT::SQL::error\n");
$out->("\t- Copying temporary data back into new table...\n");
$sth = $tmp_table->select(keys %old_cols);
@recs = ();
while () {
my $row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref;
push @recs, [@$row] if $row;
if (!$row or @recs >= 1000) {
$ret = $table->insert_multiple([keys %old_cols], @recs) if @recs;
$out->("\t\tAn error occurred: $GT::SQL::error\n") unless $ret;
@recs = ();
last if !$row;
$out->("\t- Dropping ${table_name}_tmp table...\n");
$ret = $db->editor("${table_name}_tmp")->drop_table;
if ($ret) {
else {
$out->("\t\tAn error occurred: $GT::SQL::error\n");
$success = 1;
if (!$success) {
$out->("\tAn error occurred while attempting to recreate $table_name. Procedure aborted.\n");