2024-06-17 21:49:12 +10:00

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# ==================================================================
# Gossamer Threads Module Library - http://gossamer-threads.com/
# GT::IPC::Run
# Author : Scott Beck
# CVS Info : 087,071,086,086,085
# $Id: Run.pm,v 1.22 2006/05/26 21:56:30 brewt Exp $
# Copyright (c) 2004 Gossamer Threads Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# ==================================================================
# Description:
# Runs programs or code references in parallel
package GT::IPC::Run;
use strict;
use base 'GT::Base';
use Exporter();
use Socket;
use Symbol qw/gensym/;
use POSIX qw(fcntl_h errno_h :sys_wait_h);
use GT::IPC::Filter::Line;
use GT::IPC::Run::Select;
use GT::IPC::Run::Child;
my $can_run_socket = undef;
*import = \&Exporter::import;
@EXPORT_OK = qw/run/;
$DEBUG = 0;
sub READ_BLOCK () { 512 }
sub IS_WIN32 () { $^O eq 'MSWin32' }
SEMAPHORE => "Could not create semephore socket; Reason: %s",
FORK => "Could not fork; Reason: %s"
# http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q150/5/37.asp
# defines EINPROGRESS as 10035. We provide it here because some
# Win32 users report POSIX::EINPROGRESS is not vendor-supported.
if (IS_WIN32) {
eval '*EINPROGRESS = sub { 10036 };';
eval '*EWOULDBLOCK = sub { 10035 };';
eval '*F_GETFL = sub { 0 };';
eval '*F_SETFL = sub { 0 };';
require GT::IPC::Run::Win32;
import GT::IPC::Run::Win32;
$SYSTEM = 'GT::IPC::Run::Win32';
else {
require GT::IPC::Run::Unix;
import GT::IPC::Run::Unix;
$SYSTEM = 'GT::IPC::Run::Unix';
sub new {
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
my $self = bless {}, $SYSTEM;
$self->{select} = new GT::IPC::Run::Select;
return $self;
sub run {
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
my ($program, $out, $err, $in) = @_;
my $self = new GT::IPC::Run;
my $ref;
$self->fatal("No program specified to start")
unless defined $program;
$ref = ref $program;
$self->fatal("Invalid program passed to start $program")
$ref ne 'CODE' and
$ref ne 'ARRAY' and
$ref = defined($out) ? ref($out) : undef;
my $out_is_handle = _is_handle($out);
BADARGS => "stdout handler is not a code ref or scalar ref"
) if
defined $ref and
$ref ne 'CODE' and
$ref ne 'SCALAR' and
!$out_is_handle and
$ref !~ /\AGT::IPC::Filter::/;
$ref = defined($err) ? ref($err) : undef;
my $err_is_handle = _is_handle($err);
BADARGS => "stderr handler is not a code ref or scalar ref"
) if
defined $ref and
$ref ne 'CODE' and
$ref ne 'SCALAR' and
!$err_is_handle and
$ref !~ /\AGT::IPC::Filter::/;
$ref = ref $in;
my $in_is_handle = _is_handle($in);
BADARGS => "stdin handler is not a scalar ref or filehandle"
) if
$ref ne 'SCALAR' and
!$in_is_handle and
$ref !~ /\AGT::IPC::Filter::/ and
defined $in;
my $pid = $self->start(
program => $program,
stdout => $out,
stderr => $err,
stdin => $in,
debug => $DEBUG
1 while $self->do_one_loop;
my $exit_code = $self->exit_code($pid);
return $exit_code;
sub start {
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
my $self = shift;
$self->fatal(BADARGS => "Arguments to start() must be a hash")
if @_ & 1;
my %opts = @_;
my $ref;
$self->{_debug} = delete $opts{debug};
$self->{_debug} = $DEBUG unless defined $self->{_debug};
my $program = delete $opts{program};
$self->fatal("No program specified to start")
unless defined $program;
$ref = ref $program;
$self->fatal("Invalid program passed to start $program")
$ref ne 'CODE' and
$ref ne 'ARRAY' and
my $out = delete $opts{stdout};
my $actual_out;
$ref = defined($out) ? ref($out) : undef;
my $out_is_handle = _is_handle($out);
# Default to line filter for stderr
if ($ref and $ref eq 'CODE') {
$actual_out = new GT::IPC::Filter::Line($out);
elsif ($ref and $ref eq 'SCALAR') {
$actual_out = new GT::IPC::Filter::Line(sub { $$out .= "$_[0]\n" });
elsif ($ref and $ref =~ /\AGT::IPC::Filter::/) {
$actual_out = $out;
elsif (defined($out) and !$out_is_handle) {
BADARGS => "stdout handler is not a code ref or scalar ref"
my $err = delete $opts{stderr};
my $actual_err;
my $err_is_handle = _is_handle($err);
$ref = defined($err) ? ref($err) : undef;
# Default to line filter for stderr
if ($ref and $ref eq 'CODE') {
$actual_err = new GT::IPC::Filter::Line($err);
elsif ($ref and $ref eq 'SCALAR') {
$actual_err = new GT::IPC::Filter::Line(sub { $$err .= "$_[0]\n" });
elsif ($ref and $ref =~ /\AGT::IPC::Filter::/) {
$actual_err = $err;
elsif (defined($err) and !$err_is_handle) {
BADARGS => "stderr handler is not a code ref or scalar ref"
my $in = delete $opts{stdin};
my $in_is_handle = _is_handle($in);
$ref = ref $in;
BADARGS => "stdin handler is not a scalar ref or filehandle"
) if
$ref ne 'SCALAR' and
!$in_is_handle and
defined $in;
my $exit_callback = delete $opts{reaper};
BADARGS => "The exit callback specified is not a code reference"
) if
defined $exit_callback and
ref($exit_callback) ne 'CODE';
my $done_callback = delete $opts{done_callback};
BADARGS => "The done callback specified is not a code reference"
) if
defined $done_callback and
ref($done_callback) ne 'CODE';
BADARGS => "Unknown arguments ", join(", ", keys %opts)
) if keys %opts;
# get the sockets we need for stdin/stdout/stderr communication
my ($stderr_read, $stderr_write) = $self->oneway;
$self->fatal("could not make stderr pipe: $!")
unless defined $stderr_read and defined $stderr_write;
my ($stdout_read, $stdout_write) = $self->twoway;
$self->fatal("could not make stdout pipe: $!")
unless defined $stdout_read and defined $stdout_write;
my ($stdin_read, $stdin_write) = $self->oneway;
$self->fatal("could not make stdin pipes: $!")
unless defined $stdin_read and defined $stdin_write;
# Defaults to blocking
# Change the ones they have overridden
if ($in_is_handle) {
$stdin_read = $in;
undef $stdin_write;
undef $in;
elsif (!$in) {
undef $stdin_write;
undef $stdin_read;
if ($out_is_handle) {
$stdout_write = $out;
undef $stdout_read;
undef $out;
elsif (!$out) {
undef $stdout_write;
undef $stdout_read;
if ($err_is_handle) {
$stderr_write = $err;
undef $stderr_read;
elsif (!$err) {
undef $stderr_write;
undef $stderr_read;
# Temporary location for these
$self->{current_child} = new GT::IPC::Run::Child(
program => $program,
stderr_read => $stderr_read,
stderr_write => $stderr_write,
stdout_read => $stdout_read,
stdout_write => $stdout_write,
stdin_write => $stdin_write,
stdin_read => $stdin_read,
stdin => $in,
handler_stdout => $actual_out,
handler_stderr => $actual_err,
exit_callback => $exit_callback,
done_callback => $done_callback,
exit_status => 0,
pid => 0
# Run the program/code ref
my $pid = $self->execute;
return $pid;
sub do_loop {
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
my ($self, $wait) = @_;
1 while $self->do_one_loop($wait);
sub exit_code {
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
my ($self, $pid) = @_;
$self->fatal( BADARGS => "No pid passed to exit_code" )
unless defined $pid;
return $self->{goners}{$pid};
sub twoway {
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
my ( $self, $conduit_type ) = @_;
# Try UNIX-domain socketpair if no preferred conduit type is
# specified, or if the specified conduit type is 'socketpair'.
if (
not defined $conduit_type or
$conduit_type eq 'socketpair'
) and
not defined $can_run_socket
my ($rw1, $rw2) = (gensym, gensym);
eval {
socketpair( $rw1, $rw2, AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, PF_UNSPEC )
or die "socketpair 1 failed: $!";
# Socketpair succeeded.
if ( !length $@ ) {
$self->debug("Using socketpair for twoway") if $self->{_debug};
# It's two-way, so each reader is also a writer.
select( ( select($rw1), $| = 1 )[0] );
select( ( select($rw2), $| = 1 )[0] );
return ( $rw1, $rw2, $rw1, $rw2 );
elsif ($DEBUG) {
$self->debug("Error with socketpair: $@\n");
# Try the pipe if no preferred conduit type is specified, or if the
# specified conduit type is 'pipe'.
if (
not defined $conduit_type or
$conduit_type eq 'pipe'
) and
not defined $can_run_socket
my ($read1, $write1, $read2, $write2) =
(gensym, gensym, gensym, gensym);
eval {
pipe($read1, $write1) or die "pipe 1 failed: $!";
pipe($read2, $write2) or die "pipe 2 failed: $!";
# Pipe succeeded.
if (!length $@) {
$self->debug("Using pipe for twoway") if $self->{_debug};
# Turn off buffering. POE::Kernel does this for us, but someone
# might want to use the pipe class elsewhere.
select((select($write1), $| = 1)[0]);
select((select($write2), $| = 1)[0]);
return($read1, $write1, $read2, $write2);
elsif ($self->{_debug}) {
$self->debug("Error with pipe(): $@");
# Try a pair of plain INET sockets if no preffered conduit type is
# specified, or if the specified conduit type is 'inet'.
if (
not defined $conduit_type or
$conduit_type eq 'inet'
) and (
$can_run_socket or
not defined $can_run_socket
my ($rw1, $rw2) = (gensym, gensym);
# Try using a pair of plain INET domain sockets.
eval { ($rw1, $rw2) = $self->make_socket }; # make_socket
# returns em
# non-blocking
# Sockets worked.
if (!length $@) {
$self->debug("Using inet socket for twoway") if $self->{_debug};
# Try sockets more often.
$can_run_socket = 1;
# Turn off buffering. POE::Kernel does this for us, but someone
# might want to use the pipe class elsewhere.
select((select($rw1), $| = 1)[0]);
select((select($rw2), $| = 1)[0]);
return($rw1, $rw2, $rw1, $rw2);
elsif ($self->{_debug}) {
$self->debug("Error with socket: $@");
# Sockets failed. Don't dry them again.
$self->debug("Nothing worked") if $self->{_debug};
# There's nothing left to try.
return(undef, undef, undef, undef);
sub oneway {
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
my ( $self, $conduit_type ) = @_;
# Generate symbols to be used as filehandles for the pipe's ends.
my $read = gensym;
my $write = gensym;
# Try UNIX-domain socketpair if no preferred conduit type is
# specified, or if the specified conduit type is 'socketpair'.
if (
not defined $conduit_type or
$conduit_type eq 'socketpair'
) and
not defined $can_run_socket
eval {
socketpair($read, $write, AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, PF_UNSPEC)
or die "socketpair failed: $!";
# Socketpair succeeded.
if (!length $@) {
$self->debug("Using socketpair for oneway") if $self->{_debug};
# It's one-way, so shut down the unused directions.
shutdown($read, 1);
shutdown($write, 0);
# Turn off buffering. POE::Kernel does this for us, but someone
# might want to use the pipe class elsewhere.
select((select($write), $| = 1)[0]);
return($read, $write);
elsif ($self->{_debug}) {
$self->debug("Could not make socketpair: $@");
# Try the pipe if no preferred conduit type is specified, or if the
# specified conduit type is 'pipe'.
if (
not defined $conduit_type or
$conduit_type eq 'pipe'
) and
not defined $can_run_socket
eval { pipe($read, $write) or die "pipe failed: $!" };
# Pipe succeeded.
if (!length $@) {
$self->debug("Using pipe for oneway") if $self->{_debug};
# Turn off buffering. POE::Kernel does this for us, but
# someone might want to use the pipe class elsewhere.
select((select($write),$| = 1 )[0]);
return($read, $write);
elsif ($self->{_debug}) {
$self->debug("Could not make pipe: $@");
# Try a pair of plain INET sockets if no preffered conduit type is
# specified, or if the specified conduit type is 'inet'.
if (
not defined $conduit_type or
$conduit_type eq 'inet'
) and (
$can_run_socket or
not defined $can_run_socket
# Try using a pair of plain INET domain sockets.
eval { ($read, $write) = $self->make_socket };
if (!length $@) {
$self->debug("Using inet socket for oneway") if $self->{_debug};
# Try sockets more often.
$can_run_socket = 1;
# It's one-way, so shut down the unused directions.
shutdown($read, 1);
shutdown($write, 0);
# Turn off buffering. POE::Kernel does this for us, but someone
# might want to use the pipe class elsewhere.
select((select($write), $| = 1)[0]);
return($read, $write);
else {
$self->debug("Could not make socket: $@") if $self->{_debug};
$can_run_socket = 0;
$self->debug("Nothing worked") if $self->{_debug};
return(undef, undef);
# Make a socket. This is a homebrew socketpair() for systems that
# don't support it. The things I must do to make Windows happy.
sub make_socket {
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
my ($self) = @_;
### Server side.
my $acceptor = gensym();
my $accepted = gensym();
my $tcp = getprotobyname('tcp') or die "getprotobyname: $!";
socket( $acceptor, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $tcp ) or die "socket: $!";
setsockopt($acceptor, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, pack("l", 1)) or die "reuse: $!";
my $server_addr = inet_aton('') or die "inet_aton: $!";
$server_addr = pack_sockaddr_in( 0, $server_addr ) or die "sockaddr_in: $!";
bind($acceptor, $server_addr) or die "bind: $!";
$server_addr = getsockname($acceptor);
listen($acceptor, SOMAXCONN) or die "listen: $!";
### Client side.
my $connector = gensym();
socket($connector, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $tcp) or die "socket: $!";
unless (connect( $connector, $server_addr)) {
die "connect: $!"
if $! and ($! != EINPROGRESS) and ($! != EWOULDBLOCK);
my $connector_address = getsockname($connector);
my ( $connector_port, $connector_addr ) =
### Loop around 'til it's all done. I thought I was done writing
### select loops. Damnit.
my $in_read = '';
my $in_write = '';
vec($in_read, fileno($acceptor), 1) = 1;
vec($in_write, fileno($connector), 1) = 1;
my $done = 0;
while ( $done != 0x11 ) {
my $hits =
select( my $out_read = $in_read, my $out_write = $in_write, undef,
5 );
# For some reason this always dies when called
# successivly (quickly) on the 5th or 6th call
die "select: $^E" if $hits < 0;
#next unless $hits;
# try again?
# return $self->make_socket unless $hits;
# Accept happened.
if ( vec( $out_read, fileno($acceptor), 1 ) ) {
my $peer = accept( $accepted, $acceptor ) or die "accept: $!";
my ( $peer_port, $peer_addr ) = unpack_sockaddr_in($peer);
if ( $peer_port == $connector_port
and $peer_addr eq $connector_addr )
vec( $in_read, fileno($acceptor), 1 ) = 0;
$done |= 0x10;
# Connect happened.
if ( vec( $out_write, fileno($connector), 1 ) ) {
$! = unpack( 'i', getsockopt( $connector, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR ) );
die "connect: $!" if $!;
vec( $in_read, fileno($acceptor), 1 ) = 0;
$done |= 0x01;
# Turn blocking back on, damnit.
return ( $accepted, $connector );
sub _is_handle {
my $ref = ref($_[0]);
return (
($ref and $ref eq 'GLOB') or
($ref and $_[0] =~ /=GLOB\(/)
=head1 NAME
GT::IPC::Run - Run programs or code in parallel
use GT::IPC::Run;
# stderr and stdout filters default to a
# GT::IPC::Line::Filter
my $exit_code = run
'/bin/ls', # Program to run
\*stdout_handle, # stdout event
\&stderr_handler, # stderr event
\$stdin; # stdin
my $io = new GT::IPC::Run;
use GT::IPC::Filter::Line;
my $pid = $io->start(
stdout => GT::IPC::Filter::Line->new(
regex => "\r?\n",
output => sub { print "Output: $_[0]\n" }
program => sub { print "I got forked\n" },
while ($io->do_one_loop) {
if (defined(my $exit = $io->exit_code($pid))) {
print "$pid exited ", ($exit>>8), "\n";
Module to simplify running a program or code reference in parallel. Allows
catching and filtering the output of the program and filtering it.
GT::IPC::Run will import one function C<run()> if you request it to.
=head2 run
Run is a simple interface to running a program or a subroutine in a separate
process and catching the output, both stderr and stdout. This function takes
four arguments, only the first argument is required.
=over 4
=item First Argument
The first argument to C<run()> is the program to run or the code reference to
run. This argument can be one of three things.
If a code reference if passed as the first argument to C<run()>, GT::IPC::Run
will fork off and run the code reference. You SHOULD NOT exit in the code
reference if you want your code to work on Windows. Calling C<die()> is ok,
as your code is evaled. There are some things you CAN NOT do if you want your
code to work on Windows.
You SHOULD NOT make any calles to C<system()> or C<exec()>. For some reason, on
Windows, this breaks filehandle inheritance so all your output from that moment
on (including the C<system()> or C<exec()>) call will go to the real output
channel, STDERR or STDOUT.
You SHOULD NOT change STDERR or STDOUT. The child process on Windows can
affect the filehandles in the parent. This is probably because of the way
C<fork()> on Windows is emulated as threads.
You probably should not C<fork()> either, though this is not confirmed I
really doubt it will work the way you plan.
If an array reference is passed in it will be dereferenced and passed to
C<exec()>. If a scalar is passed in it will be passed to C<exec()>.
On Windows the arguments are passed to Win32::Process::Create as the program
you wish to run. See L<Win32::Process::Create>.
=item Second Argument
The second argument to C<run()> is what you want to happen to STDOUT as it
comes in. This argument can be one of three things.
If it is a reference to a GT::IPC::Filter:: class, that will be used to call
your code. See L<GT::IPC::Filter> for details.
If it is a code reference, a new GT::IPC::Filter::Line object will be created
and your code reference will be passed in. Exactly:
$out = GT::IPC::Filter::Line->new($out);
GT::IPC::Filter::Line will call your code reference for each line of output
from the program, the end of the line will be stripped. See
L<GT::IPC::Filter::Line> for details.
If the argument is a scalar reference, again, a new GT::IPC::Filter::Line
object will be created. Exactly:
$out = GT::IPC::Filter::Line->new(sub { $$out .= $_[0] });
=item Third Argument
The third argument to L<run()> is used to handle STDERR if and when what you
are running produces it.
This can be the exact same thing as the second argument, but will work on
=item Forth Argument
This argument is how to handle STDIN. It may be one of two things.
If it is a SCALAR, it will be printed to the input of what you are running.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 new
The is a simple method that takes no arguments and returns a GT::IPC::Run
object. It may take options in the future.
=head2 start
This is the more complex method to start a program running. When you call this
method, the program you specify is started right away and it's PID (process ID)
is returned to you. After you call this you will either need to call
C<do_loop()> or C<do_one_loop()> to start getting the programs or code
references output. See L<"do_loop"> and L<"do_one_loop"> else where in this
This method takes a hash of arguments. The arguments are:
=over 4
=item program
The name of the program, or code reference you wish to run. This is treated
the same way as the first argument to L<run()>. See L<"run"> else where in
this document for a description of how this argument is treated.
=item stdout
This is how you want STDOUT treated. It can be the same things as the second
argument to L<run()>. See L<"run"> else where in this document for a
description of how this argument is treated.
=item stderr
This is how you want STDERR treated. It can be the same things as the third
argument to L<run()>. See L<"run"> else where in this document for a
description of how this argument is treated.
=item stdin
This argument is how to handle STDIN. It may be one of two things. It is
treated like the forth argument to L<run()>. See L<"run"> else where in this
document for a description of how this argument is treated.
=item reaper
This is a code reference that will be ran once a process has exited. Note: the
process may not be done sending us STDOUT or STDERR when it exits.
The code reference is called with the pid as it's first argument and the exit
status of the program for its second argument. The exit status is the same as
it is returned by waitpid(). The exit status is somewhat fiddled on Windows to
act the way you want it to, e.g. C<$exit_status E<gt>E<gt> 8> will be the
number the program exited with.
=item done_callback
This is a code reference that works similarly to reaper except that it is only
called after the child has died AND all STDOUT/STDERR output has been sent,
unlike reaper which is called on exit, regardless of any output that may still
be pending.
The code reference is called wih the pid and exit status of the program as its
two arguments.
=head2 do_one_loop
This method takes one argument, the time to wait for C<select()> to return
something in milliseconds. This does one select loop on all the processes. You
will need to called this after you call C<start()>. Typically:
my $ipc = new GT::IPC::Run;
my $pid = $ipc->start(program => 'ls');
1 while $ipc->do_one_loop;
my $exit_status = $ipc->exit_code($pid);
=head2 do_loop
This is similar to C<do_one_loop>, except it does not return unless all
processes are finished. Almost the same as:
1 while $ipc->do_one_loop;
You can pass the wait time to C<do_loop()> and it will be passed on to
C<do_one_loop>. The wait time is in milliseconds.
=head2 exit_code
This method takes a pid as an argument and returns the exit status of that
processes pid. If the process has not exited yet or GT::IPC::Run did not launch
the process, returns undefined. The exit code returned by this is the same as
returned by waitpid. See L<perlfunc/waitpid> and L<perlfunc/system>.
=head1 SEE ALSO
See L<perlipc>, L<perlfunc/system>, L<perlfunc/exec>, L<perlfork>, and
Scott Beck
Copyright (c) 2004 Gossamer Threads Inc. All Rights Reserved.
=head1 VERSION
Revision: $Id: Run.pm,v 1.22 2006/05/26 21:56:30 brewt Exp $