2024-06-17 22:27:49 +10:00

467 lines
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* Date prototype extensions. Doesn't depend on any
* other code. Doens't overwrite existing methods.
* Adds dayNames, abbrDayNames, monthNames and abbrMonthNames static properties and isLeapYear,
* isWeekend, isWeekDay, getDaysInMonth, getDayName, getMonthName, getDayOfYear, getWeekOfYear,
* setDayOfYear, addYears, addMonths, addDays, addHours, addMinutes, addSeconds methods
* Copyright (c) 2006 Jörn Zaefferer and Brandon Aaron (brandon.aaron@gmail.com || http://brandonaaron.net)
* Additional methods and properties added by Kelvin Luck: firstDayOfWeek, dateFormat, zeroTime, asString, fromString -
* I've added my name to these methods so you know who to blame if they are broken!
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
* An Array of day names starting with Sunday.
* @example dayNames[0]
* @result 'Sunday'
* @name dayNames
* @type Array
* @cat Plugins/Methods/Date
Date.dayNames = ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'];
* An Array of abbreviated day names starting with Sun.
* @example abbrDayNames[0]
* @result 'Sun'
* @name abbrDayNames
* @type Array
* @cat Plugins/Methods/Date
Date.abbrDayNames = ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'];
* An Array of month names starting with Janurary.
* @example monthNames[0]
* @result 'January'
* @name monthNames
* @type Array
* @cat Plugins/Methods/Date
Date.monthNames = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'];
* An Array of abbreviated month names starting with Jan.
* @example abbrMonthNames[0]
* @result 'Jan'
* @name monthNames
* @type Array
* @cat Plugins/Methods/Date
Date.abbrMonthNames = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'];
* The first day of the week for this locale.
* @name firstDayOfWeek
* @type Number
* @cat Plugins/Methods/Date
* @author Kelvin Luck
Date.firstDayOfWeek = 1;
* The format that string dates should be represented as (e.g. 'dd/mm/yyyy' for UK, 'mm/dd/yyyy' for US, 'yyyy-mm-dd' for Unicode etc).
* @name format
* @type String
* @cat Plugins/Methods/Date
* @author Kelvin Luck
Date.format = 'dd/mm/yyyy';
//Date.format = 'mm/dd/yyyy';
//Date.format = 'yyyy-mm-dd';
//Date.format = 'dd mmm yy';
* The first two numbers in the century to be used when decoding a two digit year. Since a two digit year is ambiguous (and date.setYear
* only works with numbers < 99 and so doesn't allow you to set years after 2000) we need to use this to disambiguate the two digit year codes.
* @name format
* @type String
* @cat Plugins/Methods/Date
* @author Kelvin Luck
Date.fullYearStart = '20';
(function() {
* Adds a given method under the given name
* to the Date prototype if it doesn't
* currently exist.
* @private
function add(name, method) {
if( !Date.prototype[name] ) {
Date.prototype[name] = method;
* Checks if the year is a leap year.
* @example var dtm = new Date("01/12/2008");
* dtm.isLeapYear();
* @result true
* @name isLeapYear
* @type Boolean
* @cat Plugins/Methods/Date
add("isLeapYear", function() {
var y = this.getFullYear();
return (y%4==0 && y%100!=0) || y%400==0;
* Checks if the day is a weekend day (Sat or Sun).
* @example var dtm = new Date("01/12/2008");
* dtm.isWeekend();
* @result false
* @name isWeekend
* @type Boolean
* @cat Plugins/Methods/Date
add("isWeekend", function() {
return this.getDay()==0 || this.getDay()==6;
* Check if the day is a day of the week (Mon-Fri)
* @example var dtm = new Date("01/12/2008");
* dtm.isWeekDay();
* @result false
* @name isWeekDay
* @type Boolean
* @cat Plugins/Methods/Date
add("isWeekDay", function() {
return !this.isWeekend();
* Gets the number of days in the month.
* @example var dtm = new Date("01/12/2008");
* dtm.getDaysInMonth();
* @result 31
* @name getDaysInMonth
* @type Number
* @cat Plugins/Methods/Date
add("getDaysInMonth", function() {
return [31,(this.isLeapYear() ? 29:28),31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31][this.getMonth()];
* Gets the name of the day.
* @example var dtm = new Date("01/12/2008");
* dtm.getDayName();
* @result 'Saturday'
* @example var dtm = new Date("01/12/2008");
* dtm.getDayName(true);
* @result 'Sat'
* @param abbreviated Boolean When set to true the name will be abbreviated.
* @name getDayName
* @type String
* @cat Plugins/Methods/Date
add("getDayName", function(abbreviated) {
return abbreviated ? Date.abbrDayNames[this.getDay()] : Date.dayNames[this.getDay()];
* Gets the name of the month.
* @example var dtm = new Date("01/12/2008");
* dtm.getMonthName();
* @result 'Janurary'
* @example var dtm = new Date("01/12/2008");
* dtm.getMonthName(true);
* @result 'Jan'
* @param abbreviated Boolean When set to true the name will be abbreviated.
* @name getDayName
* @type String
* @cat Plugins/Methods/Date
add("getMonthName", function(abbreviated) {
return abbreviated ? Date.abbrMonthNames[this.getMonth()] : Date.monthNames[this.getMonth()];
* Get the number of the day of the year.
* @example var dtm = new Date("01/12/2008");
* dtm.getDayOfYear();
* @result 11
* @name getDayOfYear
* @type Number
* @cat Plugins/Methods/Date
add("getDayOfYear", function() {
var tmpdtm = new Date("1/1/" + this.getFullYear());
return Math.floor((this.getTime() - tmpdtm.getTime()) / 86400000);
* Get the number of the week of the year.
* @example var dtm = new Date("01/12/2008");
* dtm.getWeekOfYear();
* @result 2
* @name getWeekOfYear
* @type Number
* @cat Plugins/Methods/Date
add("getWeekOfYear", function() {
return Math.ceil(this.getDayOfYear() / 7);
* Set the day of the year.
* @example var dtm = new Date("01/12/2008");
* dtm.setDayOfYear(1);
* dtm.toString();
* @result 'Tue Jan 01 2008 00:00:00'
* @name setDayOfYear
* @type Date
* @cat Plugins/Methods/Date
add("setDayOfYear", function(day) {
return this;
* Add a number of years to the date object.
* @example var dtm = new Date("01/12/2008");
* dtm.addYears(1);
* dtm.toString();
* @result 'Mon Jan 12 2009 00:00:00'
* @name addYears
* @type Date
* @cat Plugins/Methods/Date
add("addYears", function(num) {
this.setFullYear(this.getFullYear() + num);
return this;
* Add a number of months to the date object.
* @example var dtm = new Date("01/12/2008");
* dtm.addMonths(1);
* dtm.toString();
* @result 'Tue Feb 12 2008 00:00:00'
* @name addMonths
* @type Date
* @cat Plugins/Methods/Date
add("addMonths", function(num) {
var tmpdtm = this.getDate();
this.setMonth(this.getMonth() + num);
if (tmpdtm > this.getDate())
return this;
* Add a number of days to the date object.
* @example var dtm = new Date("01/12/2008");
* dtm.addDays(1);
* dtm.toString();
* @result 'Sun Jan 13 2008 00:00:00'
* @name addDays
* @type Date
* @cat Plugins/Methods/Date
add("addDays", function(num) {
this.setDate(this.getDate() + num);
return this;
* Add a number of hours to the date object.
* @example var dtm = new Date("01/12/2008");
* dtm.addHours(24);
* dtm.toString();
* @result 'Sun Jan 13 2008 00:00:00'
* @name addHours
* @type Date
* @cat Plugins/Methods/Date
add("addHours", function(num) {
this.setHours(this.getHours() + num);
return this;
* Add a number of minutes to the date object.
* @example var dtm = new Date("01/12/2008");
* dtm.addMinutes(60);
* dtm.toString();
* @result 'Sat Jan 12 2008 01:00:00'
* @name addMinutes
* @type Date
* @cat Plugins/Methods/Date
add("addMinutes", function(num) {
this.setMinutes(this.getMinutes() + num);
return this;
* Add a number of seconds to the date object.
* @example var dtm = new Date("01/12/2008");
* dtm.addSeconds(60);
* dtm.toString();
* @result 'Sat Jan 12 2008 00:01:00'
* @name addSeconds
* @type Date
* @cat Plugins/Methods/Date
add("addSeconds", function(num) {
this.setSeconds(this.getSeconds() + num);
return this;
* Sets the time component of this Date to zero for cleaner, easier comparison of dates where time is not relevant.
* @example var dtm = new Date();
* dtm.zeroTime();
* dtm.toString();
* @result 'Sat Jan 12 2008 00:01:00'
* @name zeroTime
* @type Date
* @cat Plugins/Methods/Date
* @author Kelvin Luck
add("zeroTime", function() {
return this;
* Returns a string representation of the date object according to Date.format.
* (Date.toString may be used in other places so I purposefully didn't overwrite it)
* @example var dtm = new Date("01/12/2008");
* dtm.asString();
* @result '12/01/2008' // (where Date.format == 'dd/mm/yyyy'
* @name asString
* @type Date
* @cat Plugins/Methods/Date
* @author Kelvin Luck
add("asString", function() {
var r = Date.format;
return r
.split('yy').join((this.getFullYear() + '').substring(2))
* Returns a new date object created from the passed String according to Date.format or false if the attempt to do this results in an invalid date object
* (We can't simple use Date.parse as it's not aware of locale and I chose not to overwrite it incase it's functionality is being relied on elsewhere)
* @example var dtm = Date.fromString("12/01/2008");
* dtm.toString();
* @result 'Sat Jan 12 2008 00:00:00' // (where Date.format == 'dd/mm/yyyy'
* @name fromString
* @type Date
* @cat Plugins/Methods/Date
* @author Kelvin Luck
Date.fromString = function(s)
var f = Date.format;
var d = new Date('01/01/1977');
var iY = f.indexOf('yyyy');
if (iY > -1) {
d.setFullYear(Number(s.substr(iY, 4)));
} else {
// TODO - this doesn't work very well - are there any rules for what is meant by a two digit year?
d.setFullYear(Number(Date.fullYearStart + s.substr(f.indexOf('yy'), 2)));
var iM = f.indexOf('mmm');
if (iM > -1) {
var mStr = s.substr(iM, 3);
for (var i=0; i<Date.abbrMonthNames.length; i++) {
if (Date.abbrMonthNames[i] == mStr) break;
} else {
d.setMonth(Number(s.substr(f.indexOf('mm'), 2)) - 1);
d.setDate(Number(s.substr(f.indexOf('dd'), 2)));
if (isNaN(d.getTime())) {
return false;
return d;
// utility method
var _zeroPad = function(num) {
var s = '0'+num;
return s.substring(s.length-2)
//return ('0'+num).substring(-2); // doesn't work on IE :(