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31 lines
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'BROWSER_CANTMOD' => 'Unable to modify category: %s',
'BROWSER_CATCANTADD' => 'Unable to add category: %s',
'BROWSER_CATCANTDEL' => 'Unable to delete category: %s',
'BROWSER_EDITORADD' => 'Unable to add editor, please make sure %s is a valid user.',
'BROWSER_EDITORDEL' => 'Unable to delete editor: %s',
'BROWSER_INVALIDCATID' => 'Invalid category: \'%s\'.',
'BROWSER_INVALIDLINKID' => 'Invalid link id: %s',
'BROWSER_INVALIDREVIEWID' => 'Invalid review id: %s',
'BROWSER_INVALIDUSER' => 'User \'%s\' not found.',
'BROWSER_LINKCANTADD' => 'Unable to add link: %s',
'BROWSER_LINKCANTDEL' => 'Unable to delete link: %s',
'BROWSER_LINKCANTMOD' => 'Unable to modify link: %s',
'BROWSER_LINKMOVEEXISTS' => 'You cannot move the link to that category, as it is already in that category.',
'BROWSER_LINKMOVEROOT' => 'Unable to move/copy a link to the root category, please pick a subcategory.',
'BROWSER_MOVECHILD' => 'Unable to move category into a sub tree of itself.',
'BROWSER_MOVEDUPE' => 'Unable to move category as a category with the same name already exists.',
'BROWSER_MOVESELF' => 'You cannot move a category on top of itself.',
'BROWSER_NOROOT' => 'Invalid Category Root: \'%s\'.',
'BROWSER_NOSEARCH' => 'Your search did not match any records.',
'BROWSER_NOTEDITOR' => 'Only category editors may use the browser.',
'BROWSER_RELADD' => 'Unable to create relation: %s. Check to make sure it isn\'t already related, and that it is a valid category.',
'BROWSER_REVIEWVALIDATED' => 'The review has already been validated.',
'BROWSER_UNAUTHORIZED' => 'You are not authorized to perform this action.',
'BROWSER_VALIDATE_OK' => '<font color=green>All Links successfully validated/deleted.</font>',
'BROWSER_VALIDATE_ERROR' => '<font color=red><ul>%s</ul></font>',
# vim:syn=perl:ts=4:noet