1954 lines
64 KiB
1954 lines
64 KiB
# ================================================================== # Plugins::SlideShow - Auto Generated Program Module
# Plugins::SlideShow
# Author : Gossamer Threads Inc.
# Version : $Id: SlideShow.pm,v 1.33 2008/09/11 16:23:05 aaron Exp $
# Updated : Tue Nov 27 17:18:24 2001
# ==================================================================
package Plugins::SlideShow;
# ==================================================================
use strict;
use GT::Base;
use GT::Plugins qw/STOP CONTINUE/;
use Links qw/$CFG $IN $DB/;
use Links::Plugins;
use GT::CGI;
use GT::AutoLoader;
use vars qw/@image_types/;
# Inhert from base class for debug and error methods
@Plugins::SlideShow::ISA = qw/GT::Base/;
@image_types = qw/thumbnail medium large largest/;
sub check_input {
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# This checks the modify input to ensure that all
# image files comply with the settings in the plugin
my $p = $IN->get_hash;
my $cfg = Links::Plugins->get_plugin_user_cfg('SlideShow');
my ( $max_width, $max_height, $image_cols, $temp_dir ) =
map { $cfg->{$_} || undef } qw| max_width max_height image_cols temp_dir |;
my @image_cols = grep $_, map { s,^\s*|\s*$,,g; $_ } split /,/, $image_cols;
require GT::SQL::File;
# is there an image to deal with?
foreach my $image_col (@image_cols) {
my $fh = $p->{$image_col};
ref $fh or next;
my $fname = get_filename("$fh");
$fname =~ s/\s+/_/g;
my $efname = GT::CGI::escape($fname);
# save the Image file (if required)
my $main_fpath = "$temp_dir/$efname";
if ( $main_fpath ne "$fh" ) {
open IMG, ">$main_fpath" or do {
GT::Plugins->action( STOP );
return { error => $! };
binmode IMG;
print IMG <$fh>;
close IMG;
# make sure it fits within the bounds
if (my $max_size = $cfg->{max_upload_size}) {
if ($max_size <= -s $main_fpath) {
unlink $main_fpath;
GT::Plugins->action( STOP );
return { error =>"Image in '$image_col' too large" };
if (my $max_dim = $cfg->{max_upload_constraints}) {
if ($max_dim =~ /(\d+)\s*x\s*(\d+)/) {
my ($max_dim_width, $max_dim_height) = ($1, $2);
my ($im_width, $im_height) = imgsize($main_fpath);
if ($max_dim_width < $im_width) {
unlink $main_fpath;
GT::Plugins->action( STOP );
return { error => "Image in '$image_col' is too wide" };
if ($max_dim_height < $im_height) {
unlink $main_fpath;
GT::Plugins->action( STOP );
return { error => "Image in '$image_col' is too tall" };
# now setup the record to save
$IN->param( $image_col, GT::SQL::File->open( $main_fpath ) );
return @_;
sub modify_link {
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# This subroutine will get called whenever the hook 'add_link'
# is run. You should call GT::Plugins->action ( STOP ) if you don't
# want the regular code to run, otherwise the code will continue as
# normal.
my ($p) = @_;
my $cfg = Links::Plugins->get_plugin_user_cfg( 'SlideShow' );
my ( $max_width, $max_height, $image_cols, $temp_dir ) =
map { $cfg->{$_} || undef } qw| max_width max_height image_cols temp_dir |;
my @image_cols = grep $_, map { s,^(\s*),,; s,(\s*)$,,; $_ } split /,/, $image_cols;
my $err = '';
require GT::SQL::File;
# is there an image to deal with?
foreach my $image_col (@image_cols) {
my $fh = $p->{$image_col};
# Is the user trying to delete the image?
# If so, just delete all the other images
if ( $p->{$image_col . "_del"} ) {
for my $types (@image_types) {
$p->{$image_col."_${types}_del"} = "delete";
ref $fh or next;
my $fname = get_filename("$fh");
$fname =~ s/\s+/_/g;
my $efname = GT::CGI::escape($fname);
# save the Image file (if required)
my $main_fpath = "$temp_dir/work-$efname";
if ($main_fpath ne "$fh") {
open IMG, ">$main_fpath" or return throw_error( $! );
binmode IMG;
print IMG <$fh>;
close IMG;
# make sure it fits within the bounds
if (my $max_size = $cfg->{max_upload_size}) {
if ($max_size <= -s $main_fpath) {
unlink $main_fpath;
return throw_error( "Image in '$image_col' too large" );
if (my $max_dim = $cfg->{max_upload_constraints}) {
if ($max_dim =~ /(\d+)\s*x\s*(\d+)/) {
my ($max_dim_width, $max_dim_height) = ($1, $2);
my ($im_width, $im_height) = imgsize($main_fpath);
if ($max_dim_width < $im_width) {
unlink $main_fpath;
return throw_error("Image in '$image_col' is too wide");
if ($max_dim_height < $im_height) {
unlink $main_fpath;
return throw_error("Image in '$image_col' is too tall");
my $type_index = ($cfg->{'link_type_2'} eq $p->{Link_Type}) ? 2 : 1;
my $quality = $cfg->{"image_quality"};
foreach my $col (@image_types) {
my $constraints = $cfg->{"${col}_constraints_${type_index}"} or next;
my ($crop, $mx, $my) = $constraints =~ /(crop\s*)?(\d+)\s*[,x]\s*(\d+)/;
my $thumb_fpath = "$temp_dir/${col}_$efname";
if ($crop) {
crop_resize_image($main_fpath, $thumb_fpath, $mx, $my, $quality);
else {
resize_image($main_fpath, $thumb_fpath, $mx, $my, $quality);
$p->{"${image_col}_${col}"} = GT::SQL::File->open($thumb_fpath);
# If the image is large enough to support it, add the watermark
if (my $water_fpath = $cfg->{watermark_path} and $mx > 100 and $my > 100) {
apply_watermark($thumb_fpath, $water_fpath);
# apply watermarks to main image
if (my $water_fpath = $cfg->{watermark_path}) {
apply_watermark($main_fpath, $water_fpath);
# now setup the record to save
$p->{$image_col} = GT::SQL::File->open($main_fpath);
# delete the image cache so that it will be rebuilt next run through
$p->{SlideShowCache} = '';
return @_;
sub add_link {
sub get_filename($) {
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
my $fpath = shift;
my @path = split m#(?:/|\\)#, $fpath;
return pop @path;
sub generate_paths {
# this method is used by the templates to generate all the paths that
# are required to have a direct point to the image file, this ensures that
# the images are not downloaded via the cgi, because the cgi puts an
# inordinate amount of load on the server
my $conf = Links::Plugins::get_plugin_user_cfg( 'SlideShow' );
my @image_cols = grep $_, map { s,^(\s*),,; s,(\s*)$,,; $_ } split /,/, $conf->{image_cols};
my $tags = $_[1] ? $_[1] : GT::Template->tags;
my $vars = {};
my $linkid = ( shift || $tags->{ID} ) or return;
my $rec = ( $tags->{ID} == $linkid and $tags->{SlideShowCache} )
? { SlideShowCache => $tags->{SlideShowCache} }
: $Links::DB->table( "Links" )->get( $linkid );
my $cache_dump = $vars->{SlideShowCache} || $rec->{SlideShowCache} || '{}';
my $cached = ( eval $cache_dump ) || {};
my $changed = 0;
my ($linksdb, $linkscols);
my @imgs_loop;
foreach my $img_col (@image_cols) {
if ( # if one has been wiped out
$cached->{unchanged}{$img_col} xor $rec->{$img_col} or
# if one has been changed
$cached->{unchanged}{$img_col} ne $rec->{$img_col} or
# if the cache contains nothing but the column does
(not exists $cached->{$img_col} and $rec->{$img_col})
) {
$cached->{unchanged}{$img_col} = $rec->{$img_col};
$changed = 1;
foreach my $coltype ('', qw( _thumbnail _medium _large _largest )) {
my $base_col = $img_col . $coltype;
$linksdb ||= $Links::DB->table( 'Links' );
$linkscols ||= $linksdb->cols;
next unless defined $linkscols->{$base_col};
my $fh = $linksdb->file_info($base_col, $linkid) or next;
my $fdir = $fh->File_Directory();
my $full_path = "$fh";
my $rel_path = $full_path;
$rel_path =~ s,$fdir,,;
$rel_path =~ s,%,%25,g;
if (-f $full_path) {
my ($width, $height) = imgsize($full_path);
$vars->{"${base_col}_height"} = $cached->{extra}{"${base_col}_height"} = $height;
$vars->{"${base_col}_width"} = $cached->{extra}{"${base_col}_width"} = $width;
$vars->{"${base_col}_path"} = $cached->{$base_col} = $rel_path ? qq!$conf->{image_url_path}$rel_path! : '';
else {
foreach my $coltype ('', qw( _thumbnail _medium _large _largest )) {
my $base_col = $img_col . $coltype;
$vars->{"${base_col}_path"} = $cached->{$base_col} || '';
$vars->{"${base_col}_path"} =~ s,^http://www.slowtwitch.com\/,\/,;
$vars->{"${base_col}_width" } = $cached->{extra}{"${base_col}_width"} || '';
$vars->{"${base_col}_height" } = $cached->{extra}{"${base_col}_height"} || '';
next unless $cached->{$img_col};
my $img_loop_element = {
col_name => $img_col,
description => $rec->{$img_col."_description"}
foreach my $coltype ('', qw( _thumbnail _medium _large _largest )) {
$img_loop_element->{"${coltype}_path"} = $cached->{"${img_col}${coltype}"};
$img_loop_element->{"${coltype}_path"} =~ s,^http://www.slowtwitch.com\/,\/,i;
$img_loop_element->{"${coltype}_width"} = $cached->{extra}{"${img_col}${coltype}_width"};
$img_loop_element->{"${coltype}_height"} = $cached->{extra}{"${img_col}${coltype}_height"};
push @imgs_loop, $img_loop_element;
if ($changed) {
$linksdb ||= $Links::DB->table('Links');
require GT::Dumper;
my $cache_dump = GT::Dumper->dump(data => $cached, var => '');
my $update_sth = $linksdb->prepare(
"UPDATE ".$linksdb->name." SET SlideShowCache = ? WHERE ID = ?"
$update_sth->execute($cache_dump, $linkid)
or warn "Couldn't update Link ID: $linkid because $GT::SQL::error";
$vars->{image_loop} = $vars->{images_loop} = \@imgs_loop if @imgs_loop;
return $vars;
sub field_management {
sub _field_management;
$COMPILE{_field_management} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub _field_management {
# --------------------------------------------------
# get rid of the class name
my $junk = shift;
my $conf = Links::Plugins::get_plugin_user_cfg('SlideShow');
my $ltbl = $DB->table('Links');
my $lcols = $ltbl->cols;
my @thumbnail_fields = grep $_, map { s,^(\s*),,; s,(\s*)$,,; $_ } split /,/, $conf->{image_cols};
my @errors;
my $tags = {};
# register all the file save in locations
my %file_save_in;
my @columns;
foreach my $col (@thumbnail_fields) {
push @columns, $col;
push @columns, map { $conf->{"${_}_constraints_1"} ? "${col}_${_}" : () } @image_types;
push @columns, map { $conf->{"${_}_constraints_2"} ? "${col}_${_}" : () } @image_types;
push @columns, "${col}_description";
foreach my $col (@columns) {
next if ($col =~ /_description$/);
my $col_info = $lcols->{$col} or next;
push @{$file_save_in{$col_info->{file_save_in}}}, $col;
my ($create_file_save_in, $create_file_save_in_locked);
if (keys %file_save_in > 1) {
push @errors, {
message => 'There are more than one file_save_in locations specified across columns. SlideShow expects them all to be the same',
elsif (keys %file_save_in == 1) {
($create_file_save_in) = keys %file_save_in;
$create_file_save_in_locked = $create_file_save_in;
$create_file_save_in_locked or $create_file_save_in = $IN->param('create_file_save_in');
$tags->{create_file_save_in_locked} = $create_file_save_in_locked;
$tags->{create_file_save_in} = $create_file_save_in;
# Add columns to the Links table if asked
my %fields_checked;
if (my @create_fields = $IN->param("create_field")) {
%fields_checked = map {($_=>1)} @create_fields;
# Find out what types of fields we need to make. There are two types.
# File where the image file is loaded
# Description, a text field that contains a basic description of the image
my @ordered_create_fields = sort {
length($a) <=> length($b) || lc $a cmp lc $b
} @create_fields;
my $led = $DB->editor('Links');
foreach my $field_name (@ordered_create_fields) {
if ($field_name =~ /_description/) {
$field_name => {
form_display => $field_name,
form_type => 'TEXTAREA',
form_size => '30',
type => 'TEXT',
) or push @errors, {
message => q{Could not create field "$field_name" because "$GT::SQL::error"},
else {
unless ($create_file_save_in) {
push @errors, {
message => "You must provide a path to save the images being uploaded to create '$field_name'"
$field_name => {
form_display => $field_name,
form_type => 'FILE',
type => 'char',
size => 200,
file_save_in => $create_file_save_in,
file_save_scheme => 'HASHED',
file_max_size => '',
) or push @errors, {
message => qq{Could not create field "$field_name" because "$GT::SQL::error"}
} # endif (my @create_fields = $IN->param("create_field"))
$tags->{fun_field_check} = sub {
my $field = shift;
return $fields_checked{$field} ? 'checked' : '';
my (@missing_fields, @available_fields);
foreach my $col (@columns) {
if ($lcols->{$col}) {
my $desc_col = { field_name => $col, %{$lcols->{$col}} };
$col =~ /description$/ and $desc_col->{file_save_in} = 'n/a';
push @available_fields, $desc_col;
else {
push @missing_fields, $col;
if (@missing_fields) {
$tags->{missing_field_list} = [
map {{ field_name => $_ }} @missing_fields
@errors and $tags->{errors} = \@errors;
@available_fields and $tags->{available_field_list} = \@available_fields;
my $cols_template = << 'END_OF_TEMPLATE';
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<title>Links SQL - Plugin Wizard</title>
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<p><font face="Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica" size="3"><b><table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>
<table bgColor="#ffffff" border="0" cellPadding="3" cellSpacing="3" width="500" valign="top">
<td align="left" bgColor="navy"><b><font color="#ffffff" size="2" face="Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica">SlideShow Field Management</font></b></td>
<p align="center"><b><font color="#000000" size="2" face="Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica">Field Manager</font></b></p>
<p><font size="2" face="Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica">The SlideShow field manager allows you to rapidly create new image fields and inspect the existing image fields on your system.</font>
<%if errors%>
<table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>
<table bgColor="#ffffff" border="0" cellPadding="3" cellSpacing="0" width="500" valign="top">
<td colspan=2><font face="Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica" size="2" color="red">
<b>Ooops, we had errors running the plugin action.</b>
<%loop errors%>
<%if available_field_list%>
<table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>
<table bgColor="#ffffff" border="0" cellPadding="3" cellSpacing="0" width="500" valign="top">
<tr bgcolor='#aaaaaa'>
<td width='150' valign=bottom><font face="Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica" size="2"><b>
Field Name
<td valign=bottom><font face="Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica" size="2"><b>
File Save Path
<%loop available_field_list%>
<td><font face="Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica" size="2">
<td><font face="Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica" size="2">
<%if missing_field_list%>
<form action="admin.cgi" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="do" value="plugin">
<input type="hidden" name="plugin" value="SlideShow">
<input type="hidden" name="func" value="field_management">
<table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>
<table bgColor="#ffffff" border="0" cellPadding="3" cellSpacing="0" width="500" valign="top">
<td colspan=2><font face="Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica" size="2" color="red">
Your database is currently missing fields that the
SlideShow plugin requires to function properly.
<table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>
<table bgColor="#ffffff" border="0" cellPadding="3" cellSpacing="0" width="500" valign="top">
<tr bgcolor='#aaaaaa'>
<td width='100' valign=bottom><font face="Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica" size="2"><b>
<script langauge="javascript">
function check_items( status_checkbox ) {
// --------------------------------------------------
var target_checkboxes = status_checkbox.form.create_field;
for ( var i = 0; i < target_checkboxes.length; i++ ) {
target_checkboxes[i].checked = status_checkbox.checked ? true : false;
document.write( '<input type="checkbox" onchange="javascript:check_items( this )">' );
<td valign=bottom><font face="Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica" size="2"><b>Missing Column Name</b></font></td>
<%loop missing_field_list%>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="create_field" value="<%field_name%>" <%fun_field_check( $field_name )%>></td>
<td><font face="Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica" size="2">
<td colspan=2 align=center><hr></td>
<td colspan=2><font face="Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica" size="2">
<%if create_file_save_in_locked%>
<%html_escape create_file_save_in_locked%>
Please specify save directory: <input type="text" name="create_file_save_in" value="<%html_escape create_file_save_in%>">
<td colspan=2 align=center><input type="submit" value="Update Database"></td>
print $IN->header;
require GT::Template;
print GT::Template->parse('slideshow_cols', $tags, { string => $cols_template });
sub resize_image;
$COMPILE{resize_image} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub resize_image {
# --------------------------------------------------
my ($fpath, $fopath, $mx, $my, $quality) = @_;
return unless -f $fpath;
return unless -s $fpath;
my $cfg = Links::Plugins->get_plugin_user_cfg('SlideShow');
# We will switch between the binary convert or the perl module
# Image::Magick based upon the key "convert_fpath". We believe
# the convert binary to be better than the perl module as is:
# a.) faster, no perl api to deal with
# b.) if it crashes don't take down perl with it and we can
# recover from the error (the perl module seems to
# segfault perl sometimes causing 500s and no recourse)
if (my $convert_fpath = $cfg->{convert_fpath}) {
unless (-f $convert_fpath) {
warn "Cannot find '$convert_fpath'\n";
unless (-x $convert_fpath) {
warn "Cannot execute '$convert_fpath'\n";
my $err = system(
$err and warn "Could not convert using binary because: $?";
# Well, we don't have the convert f-path setup properly
# so let's just load up the perl modules.
# load up the image to resize
require Image::Magick;
my $image = Image::Magick->new();
my $err = $image->Read(filename => $fpath);
# deal with width
my ($iwidth, $iheight) = $image->Get('width', 'height');
my $resize_percent = 1;
if ($iwidth > $mx) {
$resize_percent = $mx / $iwidth;
if ($iheight * $resize_percent > $my) {
$resize_percent = $my / $iheight;
# Resize
my $nw = int($iwidth*$resize_percent);
my $nh = int($iheight*$resize_percent);
$err = $image->Scale(width => $nw, height => $nh);
$quality and $image->Set(quality => $quality);
$image = undef;
return $fopath;
sub crop_resize_image;
$COMPILE{crop_resize_image} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub crop_resize_image {
# --------------------------------------------------
my ($fpath, $fopath, $mx, $my, $quality) = @_;
return unless -f $fpath;
return unless -s $fpath;
my $cfg = Links::Plugins->get_plugin_user_cfg('SlideShow');
# We will switch between the binary convert or the perl module
# Image::Magick based upon the key "convert_fpath". We believe
# the convert binary to be better than the perl module as is:
# a.) faster, no perl api to deal with
# b.) if it crashes don't take down perl with it and we can
# recover from the error (the perl module seems to
# segfault perl sometimes causing 500s and no recourse)
if (my $convert_fpath = $cfg->{convert_fpath}) {
unless (-f $convert_fpath) {
warn "Cannot find '$convert_fpath'\n";
unless (-x $convert_fpath) {
warn "Cannot execute '$convert_fpath'\n";
# Find out the parameters of the image
my ($iwidth, $iheight) = imgsize($fpath);
my $crop_resize_percent = 1;
if ($iwidth > $mx) {
$crop_resize_percent = $mx / $iwidth;
if ($iheight * $crop_resize_percent < $my) {
$crop_resize_percent = $my / $iheight;
# Resize and crop
my $nw = int($iwidth*$crop_resize_percent);
my $nh = int($iheight*$crop_resize_percent);
my $ox = int(($nw - $mx) / 2);
my $oy = int(($nh - $my) / 2);
my $err = system(
$err and warn "Could not convert using binary because: $?";
# Well, we don't have the convert f-path setup properly
# so let's just load up the perl modules.
# load up the image to crop_resize
require Image::Magick;
my $image = Image::Magick->new();
my $err = $image->Read(filename => $fpath);
# deal with width
my ($iwidth, $iheight) = $image->Get('width', 'height');
my $crop_resize_percent = 1;
if ($iwidth > $mx) {
$crop_resize_percent = $mx / $iwidth;
if ($iheight * $crop_resize_percent < $my) {
$crop_resize_percent = $my / $iheight;
# Resize
my $nw = int($iwidth*$crop_resize_percent);
my $nh = int($iheight*$crop_resize_percent);
$err = $image->Scale(width => $nw, height => $nh);
# And now we can crop
my $ox = int(($nw - $mx) / 2);
my $oy = int(($nh - $my) / 2);
$err = $image->Crop("${mx}x${my}+$ox+$oy");
$quality and $image->Set(quality => $quality);
$image = undef;
return $fopath;
sub apply_watermark;
$COMPILE{apply_watermark} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub apply_watermark {
# --------------------------------------------------
my ( $fpath, $watermark_path, $quality ) = @_;
return unless $watermark_path and -f $watermark_path;
unless (-f $convert_fpath) {
warn "Cannot find '$convert_fpath'\n";
unless (-x $convert_fpath) {
warn "Cannot execute '$convert_fpath'\n";
# Then let's composite the original image over the target
my $err = system(
$err and warn "Could not convert using binary because: $?";
# Seems like we couldn't get the binary version of the watermarking working
require Image::Magick;
my $base = Image::Magick->new;
my $im = Image::Magick->new;
my $err;
$err = $base->Read($fpath);
$err and warn $err and return;
$err = $im->Read($watermark_path);
$err and warn $err and return;
my $mask = $im->clone;
$err = $base->Composite(
image => $im,
opacity => '50',
compose => 'Over',
mask => $mask,
x => 10,
y => 10,
$err and warn $err and return;
$quality and $im->Set(quality => $quality);
$err = $base->Write($fpath);
$err and warn $err and return;
$base = $mask = $im = undef;
sub imgsize {
# --------------------------------------------------
my $full_path = shift;
unless ($INC{"GT/Image/Size.pm"}) {
eval "require GT::Image::Size";
if ($@) {
local $/;
my $buf = <DATA>;
eval $buf;
return GT::Image::Size::imgsize($full_path);
sub throw_error {
# --------------------------------------------------
my $error = shift;
GT::Plugins->action( STOP );
# Always end with a 1.
# ==================================================================
# Gossamer Threads Module Library - http://gossamer-threads.com/
# GT::Image::Size
# Author: via CPAN (see POD)
# Revision: $Id: SlideShow.pm,v 1.33 2008/09/11 16:23:05 aaron Exp $
# Based off: Image::Size, 2.99
# ==================================================================
# This module is used to determine the size of a file, and is based on
# Image::Size (available at CPAN) version 2.99. It's been hacked up
# a little to use GT::AutoLoader instead of AutoLoader. It also had to
# be changed to _not_ use File::Spec, since that wasn't standard in
# Perl 5.004_04.
# Image/Size.pm had the following header:
# This file copyright (c) 2000 by Randy J. Ray, all rights reserved
# Copying and distribution are permitted under the terms of the Artistic
# License as distributed with Perl versions 5.005 and later.
# Once upon a time, this code was lifted almost verbatim from wwwis by Alex
# Knowles, alex@ed.ac.uk. Since then, even I barely recognize it. It has
# contributions, fixes, additions and enhancements from all over the world.
# See the file README [of the Image-Size package on CPAN] for change history.
package GT::Image::Size;
require 5.002;
use strict;
use Cwd ();
use Symbol ();
use GT::AutoLoader;
require Exporter;
%PCD_MAP $PCD_SCALE $read_in $last_pos *imagemagick_size);
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(imgsize);
@EXPORT_OK = qw(imgsize html_imgsize attr_imgsize $NO_CACHE $PCD_SCALE);
%EXPORT_TAGS = ('all' => [ @EXPORT_OK ]);
$revision = q$Id: SlideShow.pm,v 1.33 2008/09/11 16:23:05 aaron Exp $;
$VERSION = '1.20080911';
# Check if we have Image::Magick available
eval {
local $SIG{__DIE__}; # protect against user installed die handlers
require Image::Magick;
if ($@) {
*imagemagick_size =
(undef, undef, "Data stream is not a known image file format");
} else {
*imagemagick_size =
my ($file_name) = @_;
my $img = Image::Magick->new();
my $x = $img->Read($file_name);
# Image::Magick error handling is a bit weird, see
# <http://www.simplesystems.org/ImageMagick/www/perl.html#erro>
if("$x") {
return (undef, undef, "$x");
} else {
return ($img->Get('width', 'height', 'format'));
# This allows people to specifically request that the cache not be used
$NO_CACHE = 0;
# Package lexicals - invisible to outside world, used only in imgsize
# Cache of files seen, and mapping of patterns to the sizing routine
my %cache = ();
my %type_map = ( '^GIF8[7,9]a' => \&gifsize,
"^\xFF\xD8" => \&jpegsize,
"^\x89PNG\x0d\x0a\x1a\x0a" => \&pngsize,
"^P[1-7]" => \&ppmsize, # also XVpics
'\#define\s+\S+\s+\d+' => \&xbmsize,
'\/\* XPM \*\/' => \&xpmsize,
'^MM\x00\x2a' => \&tiffsize,
'^II\x2a\x00' => \&tiffsize,
'^BM' => \&bmpsize,
'^8BPS' => \&psdsize,
'^PCD_OPA' => \&pcdsize,
'^FWS' => \&swfsize,
"^\x8aMNG\x0d\x0a\x1a\x0a" => \&mngsize);
# Kodak photo-CDs are weird. Don't ask me why, you really don't want details.
%PCD_MAP = ( 'base/16' => [ 192, 128 ],
'base/4' => [ 384, 256 ],
'base' => [ 768, 512 ],
'base4' => [ 1536, 1024 ],
'base16' => [ 3072, 2048 ],
'base64' => [ 6144, 4096 ] );
# Default scale for PCD images
$PCD_SCALE = 'base';
# These are lexically-scoped anonymous subroutines for reading the three
# types of input streams. When the input to imgsize() is typed, then the
# lexical "read_in" is assigned one of these, thus allowing the individual
# routines to operate on these streams abstractly.
my $read_io = sub {
my $handle = shift;
my ($length, $offset) = @_;
if (defined($offset) && ($offset != $last_pos))
$last_pos = $offset;
return '' if (! seek($handle, $offset, 0));
my ($data, $rtn) = ('', 0);
$rtn = read $handle, $data, $length;
$data = '' unless ($rtn);
$last_pos = tell $handle;
my $read_buf = sub {
my $buf = shift;
my ($length, $offset) = @_;
if (defined($offset) && ($offset != $last_pos))
$last_pos = $offset;
return '' if ($last_pos > length($$buf));
my $data = substr($$buf, $last_pos, $length);
$last_pos += length($data);
sub imgsize
my $stream = shift;
my ($handle, $header);
my ($x, $y, $id, $mtime, @list);
# These only used if $stream is an existant open FH
my ($save_pos, $need_restore) = (0, 0);
# This is for when $stream is a locally-opened file
my $need_close = 0;
# This will contain the file name, if we got one
my $file_name = undef;
$header = '';
if (ref($stream) eq "SCALAR")
$handle = $stream;
$read_in = $read_buf;
$header = substr($$handle, 0, 256);
elsif (ref $stream)
# I no longer require $stream to be in the IO::* space. So I'm assuming
# you don't hose yourself by passing a ref that can't do fileops. If
# you do, you fix it.
$handle = $stream;
$read_in = $read_io;
$save_pos = tell $handle;
$need_restore = 1;
# First alteration (didn't wait long, did I?) to the existant handle:
# assist dain-bramaged operating systems -- SWD
# SWD: I'm a bit uncomfortable with changing the mode on a file
# that something else "owns" ... the change is global, and there
# is no way to reverse it.
# But image files ought to be handled as binary anyway.
seek($handle, 0, 0);
read $handle, $header, 256;
seek($handle, 0, 0);
unless ($NO_CACHE)
$stream = Cwd::cwd() . '/' . $stream
unless $stream =~ m{^(?:[a-zA-Z]:)?[\\/]};
$mtime = (stat $stream)[9];
if (-e "$stream" and exists $cache{$stream})
@list = split(/,/, $cache{$stream}, 4);
# Don't return the cache if the file is newer.
return @list[1 .. 3] unless ($list[0] < $mtime);
# In fact, clear it
delete $cache{$stream};
#first try to open the stream
$handle = Symbol::gensym();
open($handle, "< $stream") or
return (undef, undef, "Can't open image file $stream: $!");
$need_close = 1;
# assist dain-bramaged operating systems -- SWD
read $handle, $header, 256;
seek($handle, 0, 0);
$read_in = $read_io;
$file_name = $stream;
$last_pos = 0;
# Oh pessimism... set the values of $x and $y to the error condition. If
# the grep() below matches the data to one of the known types, then the
# called subroutine will override these...
$id = "Data stream is not a known image file format";
$x = undef;
$y = undef;
grep($header =~ /$_/ && (($x, $y, $id) = &{$type_map{$_}}($handle)),
keys %type_map);
# Added as an afterthought: I'm probably not the only one who uses the
# same shaded-sphere image for several items on a bulleted list:
$cache{$stream} = join(',', $mtime, $x, $y, $id)
unless ($NO_CACHE or (ref $stream) or (! defined $x));
# If we were passed an existant file handle, we need to restore the
# old filepos:
seek($handle, $save_pos, 0) if $need_restore;
# ...and if we opened the file ourselves, we need to close it
close($handle) if $need_close;
# Image::Magick operates on file names.
if ($file_name && ! defined($x) && ! defined($y)) {
($x, $y, $id) = imagemagick_size($file_name);
# results:
return (wantarray) ? ($x, $y, $id) : ();
sub html_imgsize
my @args = imgsize(@_);
# Use lowercase and quotes so that it works with xhtml.
return ((defined $args[0]) ?
sprintf('width="%d" height="%d"', @args) :
sub attr_imgsize
my @args = imgsize(@_);
return ((defined $args[0]) ?
(('-width', '-height', @args)[0, 2, 1, 3]) :
# This used only in gifsize:
sub img_eof
my $stream = shift;
return ($last_pos >= length($$stream)) if (ref($stream) eq "SCALAR");
eof $stream;
# Autoloaded subroutines below this point
# Subroutine gets the size of the specified GIF
$COMPILE{gifsize} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub gifsize {
my $stream = shift;
my ($cmapsize, $buf, $h, $w, $x, $y, $type);
my $gif_blockskip = sub {
my ($skip, $type) = @_;
my ($lbuf);
&$read_in($stream, $skip); # Skip header (if any)
while (1)
if (&img_eof($stream))
return (undef, undef,
"Invalid/Corrupted GIF (at EOF in GIF $type)");
$lbuf = &$read_in($stream, 1); # Block size
last if ord($lbuf) == 0; # Block terminator
&$read_in($stream, ord($lbuf)); # Skip data
$type = &$read_in($stream, 6);
if (length($buf = &$read_in($stream, 7)) != 7 )
return (undef, undef, "Invalid/Corrupted GIF (bad header)");
($x) = unpack("x4 C", $buf);
if ($x & 0x80)
$cmapsize = 3 * (2**(($x & 0x07) + 1));
if (! &$read_in($stream, $cmapsize))
return (undef, undef,
"Invalid/Corrupted GIF (global color map too small?)");
while (1)
if (&img_eof($stream))
return (undef, undef,
"Invalid/Corrupted GIF (at EOF w/o Image Descriptors)");
$buf = &$read_in($stream, 1);
($x) = unpack("C", $buf);
if ($x == 0x2c)
# Image Descriptor (GIF87a, GIF89a 20.c.i)
if (length($buf = &$read_in($stream, 8)) != 8)
return (undef, undef,
"Invalid/Corrupted GIF (missing image header?)");
($x, $w, $y, $h) = unpack("x4 C4", $buf);
$x += $w * 256;
$y += $h * 256;
return ($x, $y, 'GIF');
if ($x == 0x21)
# Extension Introducer (GIF89a 23.c.i, could also be in GIF87a)
$buf = &$read_in($stream, 1);
($x) = unpack("C", $buf);
if ($x == 0xF9)
# Graphic Control Extension (GIF89a 23.c.ii)
&$read_in($stream, 6); # Skip it
next FINDIMAGE; # Look again for Image Descriptor
elsif ($x == 0xFE)
# Comment Extension (GIF89a 24.c.ii)
&$gif_blockskip(0, "Comment");
next FINDIMAGE; # Look again for Image Descriptor
elsif ($x == 0x01)
# Plain Text Label (GIF89a 25.c.ii)
&$gif_blockskip(13, "text data");
next FINDIMAGE; # Look again for Image Descriptor
elsif ($x == 0xFF)
# Application Extension Label (GIF89a 26.c.ii)
&$gif_blockskip(12, "application data");
next FINDIMAGE; # Look again for Image Descriptor
return (undef, undef,
sprintf("Invalid/Corrupted GIF (Unknown " .
"extension %#x)", $x));
return (undef, undef,
sprintf("Invalid/Corrupted GIF (Unknown code %#x)",
$COMPILE{xbmsize} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub xbmsize {
my $stream = shift;
my $input;
my ($x, $y, $id) = (undef, undef, "Could not determine XBM size");
$input = &$read_in($stream, 1024);
if ($input =~ /^\#define\s*\S*\s*(\d+)\s*\n\#define\s*\S*\s*(\d+)/si)
($x, $y) = ($1, $2);
$id = 'XBM';
($x, $y, $id);
# Added by Randy J. Ray, 30 Jul 1996
# Size an XPM file by looking for the "X Y N W" line, where X and Y are
# dimensions, N is the total number of colors defined, and W is the width of
# a color in the ASCII representation, in characters. We only care about X & Y.
$COMPILE{xpmsize} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub xpmsize {
my $stream = shift;
my $line;
my ($x, $y, $id) = (undef, undef, "Could not determine XPM size");
while ($line = &$read_in($stream, 1024))
next unless ($line =~ /"\s*(\d+)\s+(\d+)(\s+\d+\s+\d+){1,2}\s*"/s);
($x, $y) = ($1, $2);
$id = 'XPM';
($x, $y, $id);
# pngsize : gets the width & height (in pixels) of a png file
# cor this program is on the cutting edge of technology! (pity it's blunt!)
# Re-written and tested by tmetro@vl.com
$COMPILE{pngsize} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub pngsize {
my $stream = shift;
my ($x, $y, $id) = (undef, undef, "could not determine PNG size");
my ($offset, $length);
# Offset to first Chunk Type code = 8-byte ident + 4-byte chunk length + 1
$offset = 12; $length = 4;
if (&$read_in($stream, $length, $offset) eq 'IHDR')
# IHDR = Image Header
$length = 8;
($x, $y) = unpack("NN", &$read_in($stream, $length));
$id = 'PNG';
($x, $y, $id);
# mngsize: gets the width and height (in pixels) of an MNG file.
# See <URL:http://www.libpng.org/pub/mng/spec/> for the specification.
# Basically a copy of pngsize.
$COMPILE{mngsize} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub mngsize {
my $stream = shift;
my ($x, $y, $id) = (undef, undef, "could not determine MNG size");
my ($offset, $length);
# Offset to first Chunk Type code = 8-byte ident + 4-byte chunk length + 1
$offset = 12; $length = 4;
if (&$read_in($stream, $length, $offset) eq 'MHDR')
# MHDR = Image Header
$length = 8;
($x, $y) = unpack("NN", &$read_in($stream, $length));
$id = 'MNG';
($x, $y, $id);
# jpegsize: gets the width and height (in pixels) of a jpeg file
# Andrew Tong, werdna@ugcs.caltech.edu February 14, 1995
# modified slightly by alex@ed.ac.uk
# and further still by rjray@blackperl.com
# optimization and general re-write from tmetro@vl.com
$COMPILE{jpegsize} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub jpegsize {
my $stream = shift;
my $MARKER = "\xFF"; # Section marker.
my $SIZE_FIRST = 0xC0; # Range of segment identifier codes
my $SIZE_LAST = 0xC3; # that hold size info.
my ($x, $y, $id) = (undef, undef, "could not determine JPEG size");
my ($marker, $code, $length);
my $segheader;
# Dummy read to skip header ID
&$read_in($stream, 2);
while (1)
$length = 4;
$segheader = &$read_in($stream, $length);
# Extract the segment header.
($marker, $code, $length) = unpack("a a n", $segheader);
# Verify that it's a valid segment.
if ($marker ne $MARKER)
# Was it there?
$id = "JPEG marker not found";
elsif ((ord($code) >= $SIZE_FIRST) && (ord($code) <= $SIZE_LAST))
# Segments that contain size info
$length = 5;
($y, $x) = unpack("xnn", &$read_in($stream, $length));
$id = 'JPG';
# Dummy read to skip over data
&$read_in($stream, ($length - 2));
($x, $y, $id);
# ppmsize: gets data on the PPM/PGM/PBM family.
# Contributed by Carsten Dominik <dominik@strw.LeidenUniv.nl>
$COMPILE{ppmsize} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub ppmsize {
my $stream = shift;
my ($x, $y, $id) = (undef, undef,
"Unable to determine size of PPM/PGM/PBM data");
my $n;
my $header = &$read_in($stream, 1024);
# PPM file of some sort
$header =~ s/^\#.*//mg;
($n, $x, $y) = ($header =~ /^(P[1-6])\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)/s);
$id = "PBM" if $n eq "P1" || $n eq "P4";
$id = "PGM" if $n eq "P2" || $n eq "P5";
$id = "PPM" if $n eq "P3" || $n eq "P6";
if ($n eq 'P7')
# John Bradley's XV thumbnail pics (thanks to inwap@jomis.Tymnet.COM)
$id = 'XV';
($x, $y) = ($header =~ /IMGINFO:(\d+)x(\d+)/s);
($x, $y, $id);
# tiffsize: size a TIFF image
# Contributed by Cloyce Spradling <cloyce@headgear.org>
$COMPILE{tiffsize} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub tiffsize {
my $stream = shift;
my ($x, $y, $id) = (undef, undef, "Unable to determine size of TIFF data");
my $endian = 'n'; # Default to big-endian; I like it better
my $header = &$read_in($stream, 4);
$endian = 'v' if ($header =~ /II\x2a\x00/o); # little-endian
# Set up an association between data types and their corresponding
# pack/unpack specification. Don't take any special pains to deal with
# signed numbers; treat them as unsigned because none of the image
# dimensions should ever be negative. (I hope.)
my @packspec = ( undef, # nothing (shouldn't happen)
'C', # BYTE (8-bit unsigned integer)
undef, # ASCII
$endian, # SHORT (16-bit unsigned integer)
uc($endian), # LONG (32-bit unsigned integer)
undef, # RATIONAL
'c', # SBYTE (8-bit signed integer)
undef, # UNDEFINED
$endian, # SSHORT (16-bit unsigned integer)
uc($endian), # SLONG (32-bit unsigned integer)
my $offset = &$read_in($stream, 4, 4); # Get offset to IFD
$offset = unpack(uc($endian), $offset); # Fix it so we can use it
my $ifd = &$read_in($stream, 2, $offset); # Get number of directory entries
my $num_dirent = unpack($endian, $ifd); # Make it useful
$offset += 2;
$num_dirent = $offset + ($num_dirent * 12); # Calc. maximum offset of IFD
# Do all the work
$ifd = '';
my $tag = 0;
my $type = 0;
while (!defined($x) || !defined($y)) {
$ifd = &$read_in($stream, 12, $offset); # Get first directory entry
last if (($ifd eq '') || ($offset > $num_dirent));
$offset += 12;
$tag = unpack($endian, $ifd); # ...and decode its tag
$type = unpack($endian, substr($ifd, 2, 2)); # ...and the data type
# Check the type for sanity.
next if (($type > @packspec+0) || (!defined($packspec[$type])));
if ($tag == 0x0100) { # ImageWidth (x)
# Decode the value
$x = unpack($packspec[$type], substr($ifd, 8, 4));
} elsif ($tag == 0x0101) { # ImageLength (y)
# Decode the value
$y = unpack($packspec[$type], substr($ifd, 8, 4));
# Decide if we were successful or not
if (defined($x) && defined($y)) {
$id = 'TIF';
} else {
$id = '';
$id = 'ImageWidth ' if (!defined($x));
if (!defined ($y)) {
$id .= 'and ' if ($id ne '');
$id .= 'ImageLength ';
$id .= 'tag(s) could not be found';
($x, $y, $id);
# bmpsize: size a Windows-ish BitMaP image
# Adapted from code contributed by Aldo Calpini <a.calpini@romagiubileo.it>
$COMPILE{bmpsize} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub bmpsize {
my $stream = shift;
my ($x, $y, $id) = (undef, undef, "Unable to determine size of BMP data");
my ($buffer);
$buffer = &$read_in($stream, 26);
($x, $y) = unpack("x18VV", $buffer);
$id = 'BMP' if (defined $x and defined $y);
($x, $y, $id);
# psdsize: determine the size of a PhotoShop save-file (*.PSD)
$COMPILE{psdsize} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub psdsize {
my $stream = shift;
my ($x, $y, $id) = (undef, undef, "Unable to determine size of PSD data");
my ($buffer);
$buffer = &$read_in($stream, 26);
($y, $x) = unpack("x14NN", $buffer);
$id = 'PSD' if (defined $x and defined $y);
($x, $y, $id);
# swfsize: determine size of ShockWave/Flash files. Adapted from code sent by
# Dmitry Dorofeev <dima@yasp.com>
$COMPILE{swfsize} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub swfsize {
my $image = shift;
my $header = &$read_in($image, 33);
sub _bin2int { unpack("N", pack("B32", substr("0" x 32 . shift, -32))); }
my $ver = _bin2int(unpack 'B8', substr($header, 3, 1));
my $bs = unpack 'B133', substr($header, 8, 17);
my $bits = _bin2int(substr($bs, 0, 5));
my $x = int(_bin2int(substr($bs, 5+$bits, $bits))/20);
my $y = int(_bin2int(substr($bs, 5+$bits*3, $bits))/20);
return ($x, $y, 'SWF');
# Suggested by Matt Mueller <mueller@wetafx.co.nz>, and based on a piece of
# sample Perl code by a currently-unknown author. Credit will be placed here
# once the name is determined.
$COMPILE{pcdsize} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB';
sub pcdsize {
my $stream = shift;
my ($x, $y, $id) = (undef, undef, "Unable to determine size of PCD data");
my $buffer = &$read_in($stream, 0xf00);
# Second-tier sanity check
return ($x, $y, $id) unless (substr($buffer, 0x800, 3) eq 'PCD');
my $orient = ord(substr($buffer, 0x0e02, 1)) & 1; # Clear down to one bit
($x, $y) = @{$GT::Image::Size::PCD_MAP{lc $GT::Image::Size::PCD_SCALE}}
[($orient ? (0, 1) : (1, 0))];
return ($x, $y, 'PCD');
=head1 NAME
GT::Image::Size - read the dimensions of an image in several popular formats
use GT::Image::Size;
# Get the size of globe.gif
($globe_x, $globe_y) = imgsize("globe.gif");
# Assume X=60 and Y=40 for remaining examples
use GT::Image::Size 'html_imgsize';
# Get the size as 'width="X" height="Y"' for HTML generation
$size = html_imgsize("globe.gif");
# $size == 'width="60" height="40"'
use GT::Image::Size 'attr_imgsize';
# Get the size as a list passable to routines in CGI.pm
@attrs = attr_imgsize("globe.gif");
# @attrs == ('-width', 60, '-height', 40)
use GT::Image::Size;
# Get the size of an in-memory buffer
($buf_x, $buf_y) = imgsize(\$buf);
# Assuming that $buf was the data, imgsize() needed a reference to a scalar
The B<GT::Image::Size> library is based upon the C<wwwis> script written by
Alex Knowles I<(alex@ed.ac.uk)>, a tool to examine HTML and add 'width' and
'height' parameters to image tags. The sizes are cached internally based on
file name, so multiple calls on the same file name (such as images used
in bulleted lists, for example) do not result in repeated computations.
B<GT::Image::Size> provides three interfaces for possible import:
=item imgsize(I<stream>)
Returns a three-item list of the X and Y dimensions (width and height, in
that order) and image type of I<stream>. Errors are noted by undefined
(B<undef>) values for the first two elements, and an error string in the third.
The third element can be (and usually is) ignored, but is useful when
sizing data whose type is unknown.
=item html_imgsize(I<stream>)
Returns the width and height (X and Y) of I<stream> pre-formatted as a single
string C<'width="X" height="Y"'> suitable for addition into generated HTML IMG
tags. If the underlying call to C<imgsize> fails, B<undef> is returned. The
format returned is dually suited to both HTML and XHTML.
=item attr_imgsize(I<stream>)
Returns the width and height of I<stream> as part of a 4-element list useful
for routines that use hash tables for the manipulation of named parameters,
such as the Tk or CGI libraries. A typical return value looks like
C<("-width", X, "-height", Y)>. If the underlying call to C<imgsize> fails,
B<undef> is returned.
By default, only C<imgsize()> is exported. Any one or combination of the three
may be explicitly imported, or all three may be with the tag B<:all>.
=head2 Input Types
The sort of data passed as I<stream> can be one of three forms:
=item string
If an ordinary scalar (string) is passed, it is assumed to be a file name
(either absolute or relative to the current working directory of the
process) and is searched for and opened (if found) as the source of data.
Possible error messages (see DIAGNOSTICS below) may include file-access
=item scalar reference
If the passed-in stream is a scalar reference, it is interpreted as pointing
to an in-memory buffer containing the image data.
# Assume that &read_data gets data somewhere (WWW, etc.)
$img = &read_data;
($x, $y, $id) = imgsize(\$img);
# $x and $y are dimensions, $id is the type of the image
=item Open file handle
The third option is to pass in an open filehandle (such as an object of
the C<IO::File> class, for example) that has already been associated with
the target image file. The file pointer will necessarily move, but will be
restored to its original position before subroutine end.
# $fh was passed in, is IO::File reference:
($x, $y, $id) = imgsize($fh);
# Same as calling with filename, but more abstract.
=head2 Recognized Formats
GT::Image::Size natively understands and sizes data in the following formats:
=over 4
=item GIF
=item JPG
=item XBM
=item XPM
=item PPM family (PPM/PGM/PBM)
=item XV thumbnails
=item PNG
=item MNG
=item TIF
=item BMP
=item PSD (Adobe PhotoShop)
=item SWF (ShockWave/Flash)
=item PCD (Kodak PhotoCD, see notes below)
Additionally, if the B<Image::Magick> module is present, the file types
supported by it are also supported by GT::Image::Size. See also L<"CAVEATS">.
When using the C<imgsize> interface, there is a third, unused value returned
if the programmer wishes to save and examine it. This value is the identity of
the data type, expressed as a 2-3 letter abbreviation as listed above. This is
useful when operating on open file handles or in-memory data, where the type
is as unknown as the size. The two support routines ignore this third return
value, so those wishing to use it must use the base C<imgsize> routine.
Note that when the B<Image::Magick> fallback is used (for all non-natively
supported files), the data type identity comes directly from the 'format'
parameter reported by B<Image::Magick>, so it may not meet the 2-3 letter
abbreviation format. For example, a WBMP file might be reported as
'Wireless Bitmap (level 0) image' in this case.
=head2 Information Cacheing and C<$NO_CACHE>
When a filename is passed to any of the sizing routines, the default behavior
of the library is to cache the resulting information. The modification-time of
the file is also recorded, to determine whether the cache should be purged and
updated. This was originally added due to the fact that a number of CGI
applications were using this library to generate attributes for pages that
often used the same graphical element many times over.
However, the cacheing can lead to problems when the files are generated
dynamically, at a rate that exceeds the resolution of the modification-time
value on the filesystem. Thus, the optionally-importable control variable
C<$NO_CACHE> has been introduced. If this value is anything that evaluates to a
non-false value (be that the value 1, any non-null string, etc.) then the
cacheing is disabled until such time as the program re-enables it by setting
the value to false.
The parameter C<$NO_CACHE> may be imported as with the B<imgsize> routine, and
is also imported when using the import tag B<C<:all>>. If the programmer
chooses not to import it, it is still accessible by the fully-qualified package
name, B<$GT::Image::Size::NO_CACHE>.
=head2 Sizing PhotoCD Images
With version 2.95, support for the Kodak PhotoCD image format is
included. However, these image files are not quite like the others. One file
is the source of the image in any of a range of pre-set resolutions (all with
the same aspect ratio). Supporting this here is tricky, since there is nothing
inherent in the file to limit it to a specific resolution.
The library addresses this by using a scale mapping, and requiring the user
(you) to specify which scale is preferred for return. Like the C<$NO_CACHE>
setting described earlier, this is an importable scalar variable that may be
used within the application that uses B<GT::Image::Size>. This parameter is called
C<$PCD_SCALE>, and is imported by the same name. It, too, is also imported
when using the tag B<C<:all>> or may be referenced as
The parameter should be set to one of the following values:
Note that not all PhotoCD disks will have included the C<base64>
resolution. The actual resolutions are not listed here, as they are constant
and can be found in any documentation on the PCD format. The value of
C<$PCD_SCALE> is treated in a case-insensitive manner, so C<base> is the same
as C<Base> or C<BaSe>. The default scale is set to C<base>.
Also note that the library makes no effort to read enough of the PCD file to
verify that the requested resolution is available. The point of this library
is to read as little as necessary so as to operate efficiently. Thus, the only
real difference to be found is in whether the orientation of the image is
portrait or landscape. That is in fact all that the library extracts from the
image file.
The base routine, C<imgsize>, returns B<undef> as the first value in its list
when an error has occured. The third element contains a descriptive
error message.
The other two routines simply return B<undef> in the case of error.
The B<attr_imgsize> interface is also well-suited to use with the Tk
$image = $widget->Photo(-file => $img_path, attr_imgsize($img_path));
Since the C<Tk::Image> classes use dashed option names as C<CGI> does, no
further translation is needed.
This package is also well-suited for use within an Apache web server context.
File sizes are cached upon read (with a check against the modified time of
the file, in case of changes), a useful feature for a B<mod_perl> environment
in which a child process endures beyond the lifetime of a single request.
Other aspects of the B<mod_perl> environment cooperate nicely with this
module, such as the ability to use a sub-request to fetch the full pathname
for a file within the server space. This complements the HTML generation
capabilities of the B<CGI> module, in which C<CGI::img> wants a URL but
C<attr_imgsize> needs a file path:
# Assume $Q is an object of class CGI, $r is an Apache request object.
# $imgpath is a URL for something like "/img/redball.gif".
$r->print($Q->img({ -src => $imgpath,
attr_imgsize($r->lookup_uri($imgpath)->filename) }));
The advantage here, besides not having to hard-code the server document root,
is that Apache passes the sub-request through the usual request lifecycle,
including any stages that would re-write the URL or otherwise modify it.
=head1 CAVEATS
Caching of size data can only be done on inputs that are file names. Open
file handles and scalar references cannot be reliably transformed into a
unique key for the table of cache data. Buffers could be cached using the
MD5 module, and perhaps in the future I will make that an option. I do not,
however, wish to lengthen the dependancy list by another item at this time.
As B<Image::Magick> operates on file names, not handles, the use of it is
restricted to cases where the input to C<imgsize> is provided as file name.
=head1 SEE ALSO
C<http://www.tardis.ed.ac.uk/~ark/wwwis/> for a description of C<wwwis>
and how to obtain it, L<Image::Magick>.
=head1 AUTHORS
Perl module interface by Randy J. Ray I<(rjray@blackperl.com)>, original
image-sizing code by Alex Knowles I<(alex@ed.ac.uk)> and Andrew Tong
I<(werdna@ugcs.caltech.edu)>, used with their joint permission.
Some bug fixes submitted by Bernd Leibing I<(bernd.leibing@rz.uni-ulm.de)>.
PPM/PGM/PBM sizing code contributed by Carsten Dominik
I<(dominik@strw.LeidenUniv.nl)>. Tom Metro I<(tmetro@vl.com)> re-wrote the JPG
and PNG code, and also provided a PNG image for the test suite. Dan Klein
I<(dvk@lonewolf.com)> contributed a re-write of the GIF code. Cloyce Spradling
I<(cloyce@headgear.org)> contributed TIFF sizing code and test images. Aldo
Calpini I<(a.calpini@romagiubileo.it)> suggested support of BMP images (which
I I<really> should have already thought of :-) and provided code to work
with. A patch to allow html_imgsize to produce valid output for XHTML, as
well as some documentation fixes was provided by Charles Levert
I<(charles@comm.polymtl.ca)>. The ShockWave/Flash support was provided by
Dmitry Dorofeev I<(dima@yasp.com)>. Though I neglected to take note of who
supplied the PSD (PhotoShop) code, a bug was identified by Alex Weslowski
<aweslowski@rpinteractive.com>, who also provided a test image. PCD support
was adapted from a script made available by Phil Greenspun, as guided to my
attention by Matt Mueller I<mueller@wetafx.co.nz>. A thorough read of the
documentation and source by Philip Newton I<Philip.Newton@datenrevision.de>
found several typos and a small buglet. Ville Skytt<74> I<(ville.skytta@iki.fi)>
provided the MNG and the Image::Magick fallback code.