2024-06-17 21:49:12 +10:00

314 lines
13 KiB

# ==================================================================
# Gossamer Links - enhanced directory management system
# Website : http://gossamer-threads.com/
# Support : http://gossamer-threads.com/scripts/support/
# CVS Info : 087,071,086,086,085
# Revision : $Id: SiteHTML.pm,v 1.89 2008/04/29 04:02:34 brewt Exp $
# Copyright (c) 2004 Gossamer Threads Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Redistribution in part or in whole strictly prohibited. Please
# see LICENSE file for full details.
# ==================================================================
package Links::SiteHTML;
# ==================================================================
use strict;
use Links qw/:objects :payment/;
sub display {
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Returns a specified template parsed.
my ($template, $vars, $opts) = @_;
my $code = exists $Links::SiteHTML::{"site_html_$template"} ? $Links::SiteHTML::{"site_html_$template"} : _compile("site_html_$template");
defined $code or die "Invalid method: site_html_$template called.";
$PLG->dispatch("site_html_$template", $code, $vars, $opts);
sub tags {
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Returns the tags needed to properly include a template in another template,
# instead of returning parsed HTML like display(). Currently only supports
# 'link' for formatted link information.
my ($sub, $vars, $opts) = @_;
my $code = exists $Links::SiteHTML::{"site_tags_$sub"} && $Links::SiteHTML::{"site_tags_$sub"};
defined $code or die "Invalid method: site_tags_$sub called.";
$PLG->dispatch("site_tags_$sub", $code, $vars, $opts);
# All the templates are auto-loaded, except for the ones below which need
# to do some special stuff.
sub site_tags_link {
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Format the tags for a single link.
my ($vars, $cat_id) = @_;
my %block = $Links::GLOBALS ? map { $_ => 1 } keys %$Links::GLOBALS : ();
my %rec = map { exists $block{$_} ? () : ($_ => $vars->{$_}) } keys %$vars;
$rec{Add_Date_time} = GT::Date::timelocal(GT::Date::parse_format($rec{Add_Date}, GT::Date::FORMAT_DATE));
$rec{Mod_Date_time} = GT::Date::timelocal(GT::Date::parse_format($rec{Mod_Date}, GT::Date::FORMAT_DATE));
# Convert the date formats.
if (GT::Date::FORMAT_DATE ne $CFG->{date_user_format}) {
$rec{Add_Date} = GT::Date::date_transform($rec{Add_Date}, GT::Date::FORMAT_DATE, $CFG->{date_user_format}) || $rec{Add_Date};
$rec{Mod_Date} = GT::Date::date_transform($rec{Mod_Date}, GT::Date::FORMAT_DATE, $CFG->{date_user_format}) || $rec{Mod_Date};
# Set new and pop to either 1 or undef for templates.
$rec{isNew} = ($rec{isNew} and ($rec{isNew} eq 'Yes' or $rec{isNew} eq '1')) ? 1 : 0;
$rec{isChanged} = ($rec{isChanged} and ($rec{isChanged} eq 'Yes' or $rec{isChanged} eq '1')) ? 1 : 0;
$rec{isPopular} = ($rec{isPopular} and ($rec{isPopular} eq 'Yes' or $rec{isPopular} eq '1')) ? 1 : 0;
$rec{isLinkOwner} = ($USER and defined $USER->{Username} and $rec{LinkOwner} eq $USER->{Username}) ? 1 : 0;
$rec{paymentsEnabled} = 0; # The payment url is disabled by default
if ($CFG->{payment}->{enabled}) {
my $catp;
# Fetch payment information for the category the link is in (used below to determine if the payment data should be shown)
my @cid = $DB->table('CatLinks')->select('CategoryID', { LinkID => $rec{ID} })->fetchall_list;
require Links::Payment;
$catp = Links::Payment::load_cat_price(\@cid);
# Add various extra tags regarding payment if the current user is the link owner:
if ($rec{isLinkOwner} and $rec{ExpiryDate} != UNLIMITED and $catp->{payment_mode} != NOT_ACCEPTED) {
my $expiry_date = $rec{ExpiryDate};
my $notify_date = time + $CFG->{payment}->{expiry_notify} * (24*60*60);
$rec{paymentsEnabled} = 1;
$rec{isUnpaid} = $expiry_date == UNPAID;
$rec{isFree} = $expiry_date == FREE;
$rec{isExpired} = ($expiry_date > UNPAID and $expiry_date < time or $rec{isFree} and $rec{LinkExpired});
$rec{wasPaid} = ($expiry_date > UNPAID and $expiry_date < FREE or $rec{isFree} and $rec{LinkExpired});
$rec{ExpiryDateFormatted} = ($expiry_date > UNPAID and $expiry_date < FREE)
? GT::Date::date_get($expiry_date, $CFG->{date_expiry_format})
: ($rec{isFree} and $rec{LinkExpired})
? GT::Date::date_get($rec{LinkExpired}, $CFG->{date_expiry_format})
: '';
$rec{isNotify} = ($expiry_date >= time and $expiry_date <= $notify_date) ? 1 : 0;
$rec{isPaidLink} = 0;
$rec{isFreeLink} = 0;
if ($rec{ExpiryDate} >= time and $rec{ExpiryDate} < FREE) {
$rec{isPaidLink} = 1;
elsif ($rec{ExpiryDate} == FREE) {
$rec{isFreeLink} = 1;
my $links = $DB->table('Links');
if ($CFG->{build_detailed}) {
my $detailed;
# Generate the detailed url for a specific the category that we're in (a link may be in multiple categories)
if ($cat_id) {
$detailed = $links->category_detailed_url($cat_id, $rec{ID});
else {
$detailed = $links->detailed_url($rec{ID});
$rec{detailed_url} = "$CFG->{build_detail_url}/$detailed";
# Load any reviews, if not already done
$links->add_reviews(\%rec) unless exists $rec{Review_Loop};
sub site_html_link {
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Format and return the HTML for a single link.
# Note that this method is deprecated in favour of generating all the html in
# the templates. Instead, you should be doing:
# <%Links::Utils::load_link_info%><%include link.html%>
my $rec = tags(link => @_);
# Set the template set to use.
my $opts = { dynamic => 0 };
if ($rec->{Category_Template} and $rec->{Category_Template} =~ /^[\w-]+(\.[\w-]+)?$/ and (not $1 or ($1 ne '.html' and $1 ne '.htm'))) {
$opts->{template} = delete $rec->{Category_Template};
# Parse the template.
return Links::user_page('link.html', $rec, $opts);
sub site_html_detailed {
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Return parsed detailed page (one link per html page).
my $rec = shift;
$rec->{Add_Date_time} = GT::Date::timelocal(GT::Date::parse_format($rec->{Add_Date}, GT::Date::FORMAT_DATE));
$rec->{Mod_Date_time} = GT::Date::timelocal(GT::Date::parse_format($rec->{Mod_Date}, GT::Date::FORMAT_DATE));
# Convert the date formats.
if (GT::Date::FORMAT_DATE ne $CFG->{date_user_format}) {
$rec->{Add_Date_orig} = $rec->{Add_Date};
$rec->{Add_Date} = GT::Date::date_transform($rec->{Add_Date}, GT::Date::FORMAT_DATE, $CFG->{date_user_format}) || $rec->{Add_Date};
$rec->{Mod_Date_orig} = $rec->{Mod_Date};
$rec->{Mod_Date} = GT::Date::date_transform($rec->{Mod_Date}, GT::Date::FORMAT_DATE, $CFG->{date_user_format}) || $rec->{Mod_Date};
# Set new and pop to either 1 or undef for templates.
$rec->{isNew} = ($rec->{isNew} and ($rec->{isNew} eq 'Yes' or $rec->{isNew} eq '1')) ? 1 : 0;
$rec->{isChanged} = ($rec->{isChanged} and ($rec->{isChanged} eq 'Yes' or $rec->{isChanged} eq '1')) ? 1 : 0;
$rec->{isPopular} = ($rec->{isPopular} and ($rec->{isPopular} eq 'Yes' or $rec->{isPopular} eq '1')) ? 1 : 0;
$rec->{isLinkOwner} = ($USER and defined $USER->{Username} and $rec->{LinkOwner} eq $USER->{Username}) ? 1 : 0;
if ($CFG->{payment}->{enabled}) {
$rec->{isPaidLink} = 0;
$rec->{isFreeLink} = 0;
if ($rec->{ExpiryDate} >= time and $rec->{ExpiryDate} < FREE) {
$rec->{isPaidLink} = 1;
elsif ($rec->{ExpiryDate} == FREE) {
$rec->{isFreeLink} = 1;
# Set the template set to use.
my $opts = { dynamic => 1 };
if ($rec->{Category_Template} and $rec->{Category_Template} =~ /^[\w-]+(\.[\w-]+)?$/ and (not $1 or ($1 ne '.html' and $1 ne '.htm'))) {
$opts->{template} = delete $rec->{Category_Template};
my $output = Links::user_page('detailed.html', $rec, $opts);
return $output;
sub site_html_category {
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Return parsed category page.
my $tags = shift;
$tags->{build_links_per_page} = $CFG->{build_links_per_page};
($tags->{category_first}) = $tags->{'category_name'} =~ m,/?([^/]+)$,;
my $opts = { dynamic => 1 };
# Find the proper template.
my $template = 'category.html';
# If the Category_Template ends with .htm or .html, then use that file as a template, otherwise, use it as a template set.
if ($tags->{Category_Template} and $tags->{Category_Template} =~ /^[\w-]+(\.[\w-]+)?$/ and (not $1 or ($1 ne '.html' and $1 ne '.htm'))) {
$opts->{template} = delete $tags->{Category_Template};
elsif ($tags->{Category_Template}) {
$template = $tags->{Category_Template};
my $output = Links::user_page($template, $tags, $opts);
return $output;
sub site_html_print_cat {
# --------------------------------------------------------
# This routine prints out a list of categories.
# Note that this method has been deprecated in favour of using loops and
# performing html generation in the templates. If you need to modify
# the category data, use the build_category_loop plugin hook.
my @subcat = @{$_[0]};
my $parent_cat = shift @subcat;
my $breakpoint = int(@subcat / $CFG->{build_category_columns});
$breakpoint++ if @subcat % $CFG->{build_category_columns};
my $table_head = $CFG->{build_category_table} || '';
my $width = int(100 / $CFG->{build_category_columns});
my $output = '';
my $i = 0;
my $cat_db = $DB->table('Category');
my $opts = { dynamic => 0 };
# Print Header.
if ($CFG->{build_category_columns}) {
$output = qq|<div class="margin"><table $table_head><tr><td class="catlist" width="$width%" valign="top">\n|;
# Figure out if we should use a different template.
if ($parent_cat->{Category_Template} and $parent_cat->{Category_Template} =~ /^[\w-]+(\.[\w-]+)?$/ and (not $1 or ($1 ne '.html' and $1 ne '.htm'))) {
$opts->{template} = delete $parent_cat->{Category_Template};
# Go through each subcategory and print its template.
for my $cat_r (@subcat) {
$cat_r->{Short_Name} = $cat_r->{Name} =~ m,.*/([^/]+)$, ? $1 : $cat_r->{Name};
$cat_r->{URL} ||= $CFG->{build_root_url} . "/" . $cat_db->as_url($cat_r->{Full_Name}) . "/" . ($CFG->{build_index_include} ? $CFG->{build_index} : '');
# Set the short name.
if ($cat_r->{Related}) {
if ($cat_r->{RelationName}) {
$cat_r->{Short_Name} = $cat_r->{RelationName};
else {
if (exists $parent_cat->{Name} and ($cat_r->{Short_Name} eq $parent_cat->{Name})) {
my ($short) = $cat_r->{Full_Name} =~ m,([^/]+)/[^/]*$,;
$short and ($cat_r->{Short_Name} = $short);
else {
$cat_r->{Short_Name} = $cat_r->{Short_Name};
# We check to see if we are half way through, if so we stop this table cell
# and begin a new one (this lets us have category names in two columns).
if ($CFG->{build_category_columns}) {
$output .= qq|</td>\n<td valign="top" width="$width%" class="catlist">\n| if $i > 0 and not $i % $breakpoint;
$output .= Links::user_page('subcategory.html', $cat_r, $opts);
# Don't forget to end the table properly ..
if ($CFG->{build_category_columns}) {
$output .= "</td></tr></table></div>\n";
return $output;
sub site_html_error {
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Print out the error page
my ($vars, $opts) = @_;
$opts ||= { dynamic => 1 };
unless (exists $vars->{main_title_loop}) {
require Links::Build;
$vars->{main_title_loop} = Links::Build::build('title', Links::language('LINKS_ERROR'), $CFG->{build_root_url} . "/" . ($CFG->{build_home} || ($CFG->{build_index_include} ? $CFG->{build_index} : '')));
return Links::user_page('error.html', $vars, $opts);
sub _compile {
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Compile dynamically creates site_html routines if a template file
# exists.
my $sub = shift;
my ($file) = $sub =~ /^site_html_([\w-]+)$/;
$file or return sub { display('error', { error => "Invalid SiteHTML method: '" . $IN->html_escape($sub) . "'." }) };
$file .= '.html';
my $template_set = Links::template_set();
unless (Links::template_exists($template_set, $file)) {
return sub { display('error', { error => "Invalid SiteHTML method: $sub ($file). The template does not exist in '$template_set'." }) };
my $code = sub { my ($vars, $opts) = @_; $opts ||= { dynamic => 1 }; return Links::user_page($file, $vars, $opts) };
$Links::SiteHTML::{$sub} = $code;