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# ====================================================================
# Gossamer Threads Module Library - http://gossamer-threads.com/
# GT::Template::Vars
# Author: Jason Rhinelander
# CVS Info : 087,071,086,086,085
# $Id: Vars.pm,v 1.8 2006/12/06 23:55:52 brewt Exp $
# Copyright (c) 2005 Gossamer Threads Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# ====================================================================
# Description:
# GT::Template variable handling tied hash reference.
package GT::Template::Vars;
use strict;
use Carp 'croak';
my ($class, $tpl) = @_;
my $self = { t => $tpl, keys => [] };
bless $self, ref $class || $class;
sub STORE {
my ($self, $key, $value) = @_;
if ($key =~ /^\w+(?:\.\$?\w+)+$/) {
my $cur = \$self->{t}->{VARS};
my @set = split /\./, $key;
for (my $i = 0; $i < @set; $i++) {
if ($set[$i] =~ /^\$/) {
my $val = $self->{t}->_get_var(substr($set[$i], 1));
$val = '' if not defined $val;
my @pieces = split /\./, $val;
@pieces = '' if !@pieces;
splice @set, $i, 1, @pieces;
$i += @pieces - 1 if @pieces > 1;
while (@set) {
my $k = shift @set;
if ($k =~ s/^\$//) {
$k = '' . ($self->FETCH($k) || '');
if (ref $$cur eq 'ARRAY' and $k =~ /^\d+$/) {
$cur = \$$cur->[$k];
elsif (ref $$cur eq 'ARRAY' and $k eq 'push') {
$cur = \$$cur->[@$$cur];
elsif (ref $$cur eq 'ARRAY' and $k =~ /^last(\d+)?$/) {
$cur = \$$cur->[-($1 || 1)];
elsif (ref $$cur eq 'HASH' or not defined $$cur or UNIVERSAL::isa($$cur, 'GT::Config')) {
if (exists $$cur->{$k} and ref $$cur->{$k} eq 'SCALAR') {
$set[0] = $k . '.' . $set[0];
else {
$cur = \$$cur->{$k};
elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($$cur, 'GT::CGI') and !@set) {
# You can set a GT::CGI parameter, but only to a scalar value (or reference to a scalar value)
return $$cur->param(
$k => ((ref $value eq 'SCALAR' or ref $value eq 'LVALUE') and not ref $$value) ? $$value : "$value"
else {
croak 'Not a HASH reference';
$$cur = $value;
else {
$self->{t}->{VARS}->{$key} = $value;
# Fetching returns the template parser's raw value, bypassing the usual
# _get_var-based approach which can escape, be strict, and will flatten
# references.
sub FETCH {
my ($self, $key) = @_;
my $value = $self->{t}->_raw_value($key);
$value = $$value if ref $value eq 'SCALAR' or ref $value eq 'LVALUE';
return $value;
# Keys/exists are a little strange - if "foo" is set to { a => 1 }, exists
# $tags->{"foo.a"} will be true, but only "foo", not "foo.a", will be returned
# by keys %$tags.
my $self = shift;
my @keys;
for (keys %{$self->{t}->{VARS}}) {
push @keys, $_;
for (keys %{$self->{t}->{ALIAS}}) {
push @keys, $_ unless exists $self->{t}->{VARS}->{$_};
$self->{keys} = \@keys;
return shift @keys;
sub EXISTS {
my ($self, $key) = @_;
my @val = $self->{t}->_raw_value($key);
return !!@val;
my $self = shift;
if (!$self->{keys}) {
return $self->FIRSTKEY;
elsif (!@{$self->{keys}}) {
delete $self->{keys};
return shift @{$self->{keys}};
sub DELETE {
my ($self, $key) = @_;
my $value = $self->FETCH($key);
delete $self->{t}->{VARS}->{$key};
sub CLEAR { %{$_[0]->{t}->{VARS}} = () }
sub SCALAR { scalar %{$_[0]->{t}->{VARS}} }
=head1 NAME
GT::Template::Vars - Tied hash for template tags handling
my $vars = GT::Template->vars;
print $vars->{foo};
This module is designed to provide a simple interface to GT::Template tags from
Perl code. Prior to this module, the tags() method of GT::Template returned a
hash reference which could contain all sorts of different values - scalar
references, LVALUE references, GT::Config objects, etc. This new interface
provides a tied hash reference designed to aid in retrieving and setting values
in the same way template variables are retrieved and set from templates.
=head2 Accessing values
Accessing a value is simple - just access C<$vars-E<gt>{name}>. The regular
rules of escaping apply here: if the value would have been HTML-escaped in the
template, it will be escaped when you get it.
=head2 Setting values
Setting a value is easy - simply do: C<$vars-E<gt>{name} = $value;>. "name"
can be anything GT::Template recognises as a variable, so
C<$vars-E<gt>{'name.key'}> would set C<-E<gt>{name}-E<gt>{key}> (see
L<GT::Template::Tutorial/"Advanced variables using references"> for more
information on complex variables).
The regular rules of escaping apply here: if escaping is turned on, a value you
set will be escaped when accessed again via $vars or in a template. If you
want to set a tag containing raw HTML, you should set a scalar reference, such
as: C<$vars-E<gt>{name} = \$value;>.
=head2 Keys, Exists
You can use C<keys %$vars> to get a list of keys of the tag object, but you
should note that while C<$vars-E<gt>{"a.b"}> is valid and
C<exists $vars-E<gt>{"a.b"}> may return true, it will B<not> be present in the
list of keys returned by C<keys %$vars>.
=head1 SEE ALSO
Jason Rhinelander
Copyright (c) 2005 Gossamer Threads Inc. All Rights Reserved.
=head1 VERSION
Revision: $Id: Vars.pm,v 1.8 2006/12/06 23:55:52 brewt Exp $