2024-06-17 22:24:05 +10:00

438 lines
17 KiB

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<title>Insert Image</title>
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<%~if attachment_uploaded%>
// The upload succeeded: make the parent page refresh the attachment list
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// We need to copy the temp_id from the parent document.
document.getElementById('temp_id').value = opener.document.getElementById('temp_id').value ? opener.document.getElementById('temp_id').value : "foo";
// Also copy over forum_id, parent_post_id, and post_id, if they exist.
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var filename = inlines[i][0];
var inlineRadio;
// Hack around a weird IE bug where setting the name attribute
// below results in the radio button not showing its state properly
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catch (e) {
inlineRadio = document.createElement('input');
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inlineRadio.value = filename;
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setInterval(function () { checkSource() }, 250);
if (src['url'] && src['url'].checked) document.getElementById('src-url-input').focus();
<%~if error_loop.length%>
alert('Error:\n<%loop error_loop%><%escape_js loop_value%><%unless last%>\n<%endunless%><%endloop%>');
<%~elsif attachment_uploaded%>
if (true || confirm("submit form?")) submitWrapper();
function submitWrapper () {
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if (inlines[i][0] == src['inline-input'].value) {
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<body id="editor_image">
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<div id="form">
<div class="row">
<label class="name">Insert Image from:</label>
<input type="radio" id="src-url" name="src-type" class="radio"<%unless attachment_uploaded or error_loop.length%> checked<%endunless%>><label id="src-url-label" for="src-url" accesskey="u"><u>U</u>RL</label>
<%~unless attachment_uploaded%>
<input type="radio" id="src-file" name="src-type" class="radio"<%if error_loop.length%> checked<%endif%>><label id="src-file-label" for="src-file" accesskey="f"><u>F</u>ile</label>
<input type="radio" id="src-inline" name="src-type" class="radio"<%if attachment_uploaded%> checked<%endunless%>><label id="src-inline-label" for="src-inline" accesskey="i"><u>I</u>nline Attachment</label>
<div id="src-url-row" class="row">
<label for="src-url-input" class="name" accesskey="s">Image <u>S</u>ource:</label>
<input type="text" id="src-url-input" value="" class="text">
<%~unless attachment_uploaded%>
<div id="src-file-row" class="row">
<label for="src-file-input" class="name" accesskey="m">I<u>m</u>age Upload:</label>
<input type="file" accept="image/*" id="src-file-input" name="<%if page_mode eq message%>msg<%else%>post<%endif%>_attachment_orig" class="file">
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<span id="target-size"></span>
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<input type="range" min="10" max="100" value="90" id="input-quality" style="max-width: 200px;"/>
<div id="src-file-size-orig" style="display: none;">Original: <span id="original-dimensions"></span> - <span id="original-bytesize"></span></div>
<div id="src-file-size-resize" style="display: none;">Resized: <span id="resized-dimensions"></span> - <span id="resized-bytesize"></span></div>
<br />
<img style="width: 500px; object-fit: scale-down;" id="output-img"></img>
<div id="src-inline-row" class="row">
<input type="hidden" id="src-inline-input" value="">
<label class="name">I<u>n</u>line Attachment:</label>
<div id="src-inline-value" class="value"><%-- populated by init() --%></div>
<div class="buttons">
<input type="submit" id="submit" value="OK" class="submit">
<input type="button" value="Cancel" class="button" onclick="window.close()">
<div id="output-box"></div>
<%~unless attachment_uploaded%>
let sourceImg = null
let sourceSize = 0
let initialized = false
let inputImg = document.getElementById('src-file-input')
let outputImg = document.getElementById('output-img')
let inputSize = document.getElementById('input-size')
let targetSize = document.getElementById('target-size')
let inputQuality = document.getElementById('input-quality')
let originalDimensions = document.getElementById('original-dimensions')
let resizedDimensions = document.getElementById('resized-dimensions')
let originalBytesize = document.getElementById('original-bytesize')
let resizedBytesize = document.getElementById('resized-bytesize')
//action="<%GForum::SEO::url()%>" method="post"
const form = document.forms.namedItem("image_form");
(event) => {
const output = document.getElementById("output-box");
const formData = new FormData(form);
formData.append("CustomField", "This is some extra data");
const imgBlob = imageToBlob(outputImg.src, 'image/jpeg');
var imgPath = inputImg.value;
const imgName = imgPath.replace(/^.*?([^\\\/]*)$/, '$1');
formData.append("post_attachment", imgBlob, imgName);
const request = new XMLHttpRequest();
request.open("POST", "<%GForum::SEO::url()%>", true);
request.onload = (progress) => {
output.innerHTML =
request.status === 200
? "Uploaded!"
: `Error ${request.status} occurred when trying to upload your file.<br />`;
if ( request.status === 200 )
const winUrl = URL.createObjectURL( new Blob([request.responseText], { type: "text/html" }));
const win = location.replace(winUrl);
// error...
function resizeImage(image, size, quality)
let index = 0
let canvases = [document.createElement('canvas'), document.createElement('canvas')]
canvases[index].width = image.naturalWidth
canvases[index].height = image.naturalHeight
const ctx0 = canvases[index].getContext('2d')
ctx0.drawImage(image, 0, 0)
let finalWidth = Math.floor(image.naturalWidth * size)
let finalHeight = Math.floor(image.naturalHeight * size)
let iter = Math.floor(Math.sqrt((1 / size)))
for(let i = 0; i < iter; i++)
let canvasSrc = canvases[index]
let canvasDst = canvases[1 - index]
const ctxSrc = canvasSrc.getContext('2d')
const ctxDst = canvasDst.getContext('2d')
if(i == (iter - 1))
canvasDst.width = finalWidth
canvasDst.height = finalHeight
canvasDst.width = canvasSrc.width / 2
canvasDst.height = canvasSrc.height / 2
ctxDst.drawImage(canvasSrc, 0, 0, canvasSrc.width, canvasSrc.height, 0, 0, canvasDst.width, canvasDst.height)
index = 1 - index
let dataURL = canvases[index].toDataURL('image/jpeg', quality)
return dataURL
function getDataURLByteSize(d)
let parts = d.split(",")
let b64size = parts[1].length
let b64padding = parts[1].slice(-4).split('').filter(x => x == '=').length
return 3 * ((b64size / 4)) - b64padding
function onResizeSourceImg()
if(!sourceImg) return
targetSize.textContent = `${inputSize.value} KB`
let dataOriginal = resizeImage(sourceImg, 1, inputQuality.value / 100)
let sizeOriginal = getDataURLByteSize(dataOriginal)
let target = 1
if ( !initialized )
target = Math.min( sizeOriginal, <%~if in.forum_id eq "1" %>1024000<%~else %>256000<%~endif%> );
target = inputSize.value * 1024;
let imgRatio = Math.min( sourceImg.naturalWidth / sourceImg.naturalHeight, sourceImg.naturalHeight / sourceImg.naturalWidth );
let ratio = imgRatio * Math.sqrt( Math.min(1, target / sizeOriginal))
let dataURL = resizeImage(sourceImg, ratio, inputQuality.value / 100)
outputImg.src = dataURL
let size = getDataURLByteSize(dataURL)
resizedBytesize.textContent = `${Math.floor(size / 1024)} KB`
if ( !initialized )
targetSize.textContent = `${Math.floor(size / 1024)} KB`
inputSize.value = Math.floor(size / 1024)
initialized = true
outputImg.onload = () => {
if(!sourceImg) return
resizedDimensions.textContent = `${outputImg.naturalWidth} x ${outputImg.naturalHeight}`
inputSize.addEventListener("input", e => {
inputQuality.addEventListener("input", e => {
inputImg.addEventListener("change", e => {
let files = e.target.files
if(files.length == 0) return
let file = files[0]
let fr = new FileReader()
fr.onload = () => {
let image = new Image()
image.onload = () => {
sourceImg = image
sourceSize = file.size
originalDimensions.textContent = `${image.naturalWidth} x ${image.naturalHeight}`
originalBytesize.textContent = `${Math.floor(file.size / 1024)} KB`
//inputSize.setAttribute('max', image.naturalWidth)
//inputSize.value = image.naturalWidth * 0.5
image.src = fr.result
function imageToBlob(image, mime)
let byteString = atob(image.split(',')[1]);
let ab = new ArrayBuffer(byteString.length);
let ia = new Uint8Array(ab);
for (var i = 0; i < byteString.length; i++) ia[i] = byteString.charCodeAt(i);
let bb = new Blob([ab], { type: mime });
return bb