"; } $dupmsg = NULL; foreach ($arr_Races AS $race) { if ($dupmsg) { $spacer = "
"; } similar_text($race['name'], $_POST['name'], $percent); if ($race[uid] != $_POST[uid] && $percent >= 75 && $race['type'] == $_POST['type']) { // DEBUG: which USERUID are we processing $dupmsg = $dupmsg.$spacer."POTENTIAL DUPLICATE: ".$race[uid].". ".$race[name]." (".round($percent,0)."%) Please check this race first and update it instead of adding a new one."; } } } //end check for duplicate entry // BEGIN ERROR MESSAGE CHECK if(!$errmsg){ $race_uid_fk = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST[uid])); $editor_user_id_fk = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST[edited_by])); $name = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST[name])); $nametag = strtolower(str_replace(" ","", $name)); if(strlen($nametag) > 12){ //Shorten it $nametag = substr($nametag, 0, 12); } $state = $_POST[state]; $statetag = strtolower(str_replace(" ","", $state)); $type = $_POST[type]; $bike_surface = $_POST[bike_surface]; if ($_POST[draft_legal] != "") { $draft_legal = $_POST[draft_legal]; } else { $draft_legal = 0; } if ($_POST[kids_race] != "") { $kids_race = $_POST[kids_race]; } else { $kids_race = 0; } $indivfee = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST[indivfee])); $teamfee = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST[teamfee])); if ($_POST[registration] != "") { $registration = $_POST[registration]; } else { $registration = 0; } $swim = $_POST[swim]; $oneunit = $_POST[oneunit]; $twounit = $_POST[twounit]; $threeunit = $_POST[threeunit]; $onetype = $_POST[onetype]; $twotype = $_POST[twotype]; $threetype = $_POST[threetype]; $bike = $_POST[bike]; if ($_POST[run] != "") { $run = $_POST[run]; } else { $run = 0; } $city = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST[city])); $address = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST[address])); $phone = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST[phone])); $email = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST[email])); $courseinfo = substr(mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST[courseinfo])), 0, 4096); $moreinfo = substr(mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST[moreinfo])), 0, 4096); $directions = substr(mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST[directions])), 0, 4096); $substring = "http"; $register = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST[register])); $website = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST[website])); $results = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_POST[results])); if (!is_int(strpos($register, $substring))) { $register = "http://".$register; } if (!is_int(strpos($website, $substring))) { $website = "http://".$website; } $hour = $_POST[hour]; //if($_POST[daypart] == 1){ $hour = $hour + 12; } $minute = $_POST[minute]; $year = $_POST[year]; $month = $_POST[month]; $day = $_POST[day]; $date = "$year-$month-$day $hour:$minute:00"; $uid = $_POST[uid]; $submitted_by = $_POST[submitted_by]; $edited_by = $_POST[edited_by]; $edit_timestamp = time(); if($type == 1){ $typename = 'Triathlon'; } if($type == 2){ $typename = 'Duathlon'; } if($type == 3){ $typename = 'Other'; } // BEGIN CONFIRM ENTRY CHECK if($_POST[confirm_entry] == 1){ // BEGIN POINTS CALCULATIONS $one_points = 0; $two_points = 0; $three_points = 0; $arrSwimPoints = array(1 => 17.6, 2 => 0.011, 3 => 0.01, 4 => 11); $arrBikePoints = array(1 => 1, 2 => 0.00062, 3 => 0.00057, 4=> .62); $arrRunPoints = array(1 => 4, 2 => 0.0025, 3 => 0.0023, 4 => 2.5); $arrPaddlePoints = array(1 => 2.6667, 2 => 0.00167, 3 => 0.00153, 4 => 1.6667); $arrSkiPoints = array(1 => 2.75, 2 => 0.00172, 3 => 0.00158, 4 => 1.72); $arrMtbPoints = array(1 => 2, 2 => 0.00124, 3 => 0.00114, 4=> 1.24); $arrPoints = array(1 => $arrSwimPoints, 2=> $arrBikePoints, 3 => $arrRunPoints, 4 => $arrPaddlePoints, 5 => $arrSkiPoints); $one_points = $swim*$arrPoints[$onetype][$oneunit]; $two_points = $bike*$arrPoints[$twotype][$twounit]; $three_points = $run*$arrPoints[$threetype][$threeunit]; $points = $one_points + $two_points + three_points; if ($points < 40) { $pointclass = 1; } elseif ($points >= 40 AND $points < 100) { $pointclass = 2; } elseif ($points >= 100 AND $points < 180) { $pointclass = 3; } else { $pointclass = 4; } // END POINTS CALCULATION if(isset($_POST['add_race'])){ $sql = "INSERT INTO gforum_Triathlons(onetype, twotype, threetype, oneunit, twounit, threeunit, racetags, valid, name, nametag, date, type, indivfee, teamfee, swim, bike, bike_surface, draft_legal, kids_race, run, state, statetag, city, address, phone, email, courseinfo, moreinfo, directions, register, website, submitted_by, one_points, two_points, three_points, points, pointclass, registration) VALUES('$onetype', '$twotype', '$threetype', '$oneunit', '$twounit', '$threeunit', '0', 0, '$name', '$nametag', '$date', $type, '$indivfee', '$teamfee', $swim, $bike, $bike_surface, $draft_legal, $kids_race, $run, '$state', '$statetag', '$city', '$address', '$phone', '$email', '$courseinfo', '$moreinfo', '$directions', '$register', '$website', '$submitted_by', $one_points, $two_points, $three_points, $points, $pointclass, $registration)"; mysql_query($sql) OR die(mysql_error()); header('Location: '.$site_url.'/add.php?confirmed=yes'); } elseif(isset($_POST['save_changes'])) { $sql = "INSERT INTO gforum_TriathlonsEdits(race_uid_fk, editor_user_id_fk, edit_timestamp, onetype, twotype, threetype, oneunit, twounit, threeunit, name, nametag, date, type, indivfee, teamfee, swim, bike, bike_surface, draft_legal, kids_race, run, state, statetag, city, address, phone, email, courseinfo, moreinfo, directions, register, website, submitted_by, one_points, two_points, three_points, points, pointclass, registration) VALUES('$race_uid_fk', '$editor_user_id_fk', '$edit_timestamp', '$onetype', '$twotype', '$threetype', '$oneunit', '$twounit', '$threeunit', '$name', '$nametag', '$date', $type, '$indivfee', '$teamfee', $swim, $bike, $bike_surface, $draft_legal, $kids_race, $run, '$state', '$statetag', '$city', '$address', '$phone', '$email', '$courseinfo', '$moreinfo', '$directions', '$register', '$website', '$submitted_by', $one_points, $two_points, $three_points, $points, $pointclass, $registration)"; //echo $sql; mysql_query($sql) OR die(mysql_error()); header('Location: '.$site_url.'/individual.php?uid='.$uid.'&wiki_change=success'); } else { header('Location: '.$site_url.'/individual.php?uid='.$uid.'&changes=failure'); } } else { $confirm = 1; } // END CONFIRM CHECK } // END ERROR MESSAGE CHECK ?>