<%GList::Plugins::wizard%> <%set book_mark = 'wizard'%> <%include include_header.html%>
<%include plugin_include_menu.html%>
Plugin Wizard - <%ifnot plugin_wiz_do%>Step 1: Name your plugin <%elsif plugin_wiz_do eq 'step2'%> Step 2: Meta Information for <%plugin_name%> <%elsif plugin_wiz_do eq 'step3'%> Step 3: Plugin Hooks for <%plugin_name%> <%elsif plugin_wiz_do eq 'step4'%> Step 4: Plugin Admin Menu for <%plugin_name%> <%elsif plugin_wiz_do eq 'step5'%> Step 5: Plugin User Options for <%plugin_name%> <%elsif plugin_wiz_do eq 'step6'%> Step 6: Included Files for <%plugin_name%> <%elsif plugin_wiz_do eq 'step7'%> Step 7: Install Information for <%plugin_name%> <%elsif plugin_wiz_do eq 'create'%> Step 8: All Finished! <%endif%>

    This wizard will walk you through some questions and create a plugin shell for you to use.

<%include include_footer.html%>