<%include include_common_head.html%>
<%include include_header.html%>
<%~set action = $in.action || 'email'%> <%~if $action eq 'email'%> <%~set content_header_title = 'Email Subscriptions'%> <%~elsif $action eq 'threads'%> <%~set content_header_title = 'Watched Threads'%> <%~endif%> <%~init array breadcrumbs%><%init hash breadcrumbs.0%><%init hash breadcrumbs.1%> <%~set breadcrumbs.0.name = 'User Profile'%> <%~set breadcrumbs.0.url = GForum::SEO::url(params => "do=user_profile")%> <%~set breadcrumbs.1.name = $content_header_title%>
<%include include_breadcrumb.html%>
<%-- start content--%> <%include include_content_header.html%>
<%hidden_form%> <%~if action eq 'email'%>

You can subscribe/unsubscribe to the following forums:

Forum Name
<%~loop all_forums%> <%~if forum_id%>
<%~if forum_permission >= 2 %> checked="checked"<%endif%> /><%endif%>
<%~endif%> <%~endloop%>

<%~elsif $action eq 'threads'%>

From this page you can unsubscribe from watched threads. To start watching a thread, click the "Watch Thread" button shown when viewing a thread. When a thread is watched, you will receive e-mail notifications when someone posts a reply to the thread.

You are currently watching <%num_threads || 0%> threads:

<%~if threads.length%> <%GForum::Utils::new_alternation(threads)%>
<%-- end dhead --%>
<%~loop threads%> <%~endloop%>
<%-- end dtable --%>

<%~endif%> <%~endif%>
<%-- end content --%>
<%include include_footer.html%> <%~include include_global_js.html%>