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Record Display

Browse displays all the records in the table specified. If the page is arrived from the select/search form, then records that satisfy the searching criteria are displayed here.

If the page is arrived from SQL Monitor, then the result of the query entered is displayed here as well. The moniter text window is present on top of the result table so that another query can be entered conveniently.

  • Delete / Edit
    You can delete/edit a record at a time by clicking on "delete"/"edit" link at the end of each record. However, there must be a primary key in the table. If there is not a primary key, then the links are disabled. By default, you will be prompted to confirm your action before deleting a record. However, you can turn the option off by setting confirm_delete_record to 0 in the config file (mysql.cfg).

    Also, these actions are not available if a query was sent to MySQL using SQL Monitor.

  • Jumping though pages
    If the number of records displayed is greater than page_length, then you can go to a page directly by entering the page number in the input box next to "Goto Page:". Then, click "Go" to go to page. You can also "flip" through the pages by clicking on "Next page"/"Privious page"/"Top page" to goto next/previous/first page. Please refer to Number of records per page for more details on how to set page_length.
  • Null values
    If a cell is null, then NULL will be displayed in the cell. If you would like the cell to be blank instead, you can turn the option off in the config file (mysql.cfg). Set show_null in %config to 0 to turn the option off.
  • Number of records per page
    The number of records per page can be set in the config file (mysql.cfg). This can be changed by changing page_length in %config. The default value is 20.
  • Sort by column
    The records can be sorted by different fields. The this can be done by clicking on the column names. By default, the result is sorted by the first column. Please note that results from SQL monitor cannot be sorted this way. ORDER BY... clause needs to be specified by the user in the query.
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Related topics: Select , SQL monitor , Edit