# ================================================================== # Gossamer Threads Module Library - http://gossamer-threads.com/ # # GT::SQL::Driver::ORACLE # CVS Info : # $Id: ORACLE.pm,v 2.1 2005/02/01 02:01:18 jagerman Exp $ # # Copyright (c) 2004 Gossamer Threads Inc. All Rights Reserved. # ================================================================== # # Description: Oracle 8+ driver for GT::SQL # package GT::SQL::Driver::ORACLE; # ==================================================================== use strict; use vars qw/@ISA $ERROR_MESSAGE $ERRORS %BINDS/; use DBD::Oracle qw/:ora_types/; use GT::SQL::Driver; use GT::AutoLoader; $ERROR_MESSAGE = 'GT::SQL'; @ISA = qw/GT::SQL::Driver/; sub protocol_version { 2 } sub connect { # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Need to set some session preferences. # my $self = shift; # ORACLE_HOME must be set for the DBD::Oracle driver to function properly. return $self->warn('NOORACLEHOME') unless exists $ENV{ORACLE_HOME}; my $dbh = $self->SUPER::connect(@_) or return; # Set the date format to same format as other drivers use. $dbh->do("ALTER SESSION SET NLS_DATE_FORMAT = 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'") or return $self->fatal(NONLSDATE => $DBI::errstr); # Set max read properties for DBI. $dbh->{LongReadLen} = 1_048_576; return $dbh; } sub dsn { # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Oracle DSN looks like: # DBI:Oracle:host=HOST;port=POST;sid=SID # my ($self, $connect) = @_; $connect->{driver} ||= 'Oracle'; $connect->{host} ||= 'localhost'; $self->{driver} = $connect->{driver}; my $dsn = "DBI:$connect->{driver}:"; $dsn .= "host=$connect->{host}"; $dsn .= ";port=$connect->{port}" if $connect->{port}; $dsn .= ";sid=$connect->{database}"; return $dsn; } sub hints { case_map => 1, prefix_indexes => 1, bind => [ \%BINDS, 'TEXT' => ORA_CLOB, 'BLOB' => ORA_BLOB ], now => 'SYSDATE', ai => sub { my ($table, $column) = @_; my $seq = "${table}_seq"; my @q; push @q, \"DROP SEQUENCE $seq"; push @q, "CREATE SEQUENCE $seq INCREMENT BY 1 START WITH 1 NOCYCLE"; \@q; } } sub prepare { # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Clear our limit counters. Oracle does not have built-in limit support, so it # is handled here by fetching all the results that were asked for into _results # and our own fetchrow methods work off that. # my ($self, $query) = @_; # Oracle uses "SUBSTR" instead of "SUBSTRING" $query =~ s/\bSUBSTRING\(/SUBSTR(/gi; $self->SUPER::prepare($query); } sub _prepare_select { # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Need to store what the requested result set; no built in LIMIT support like # mysql. # my ($self, $query) = @_; my ($limit, $offset); # Handle either PG or MySQL limits $query =~ s/\bLIMIT\s+(\d+)\s+OFFSET\s+(\d+)/($limit, $offset) = ($1, $2); ''/ie or $query =~ s/\bOFFSET\s+(\d+)\s+LIMIT\s+(\d+)/($limit, $offset) = ($2, $1); ''/ie or $query =~ s/\bLIMIT\s+(\d+)\s*(?:,\s*(\d+))?/($limit, $offset) = ($2 || $1, $2 ? $1 : 0); ''/ie; if ($limit) { $self->{_limit} = 1; $self->{_lim_rows} = $limit; $self->{_lim_offset} = $offset; } # LEFT OUTER JOIN is not supported, instead: # ... FROM Table1, Table2 WHERE col1 = col2(+) ... $query =~ s{FROM\s+(\w+)\s+LEFT OUTER JOIN\s+(\w+)\s+ON\s+([\w.]+)\s*=\s*([\w.]+)(\s+WHERE\s+)?}{ my ($table1, $table2, $col1, $col2, $where) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5); my $from_where = "FROM $table1, $table2 WHERE "; $from_where .= index($col1, "$table1.") == 0 ? "$col1 = $col2(+)" : "$col2 = $col1(+)"; $from_where .= " AND " if $where; $from_where; }ie; $query; } sub _prepare_describe { # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Oracle supports USER_TAB_COLUMNS to get information # about a table. # my ($self, $query) = @_; if ($query =~ /DESCRIBE\s+(\w+)/i) { return <<" QUERY"; SELECT COLUMN_NAME, DATA_TYPE, DATA_LENGTH, DATA_PRECISION, DATA_SCALE, NULLABLE, DATA_DEFAULT FROM USER_TAB_COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = '\U$1\E' ORDER BY COLUMN_ID QUERY } else { return $self->warn(CANTPREPARE => $query, "Cannot get properties from db_tab_columns"); } } sub column_exists { my ($self, $table, $column) = @_; my $sth = $self->{dbh}->prepare(<execute(uc $table, uc $column); return scalar $sth->fetchrow; } sub _prepare_show_tables { # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Oracle's equivelant to SHOW TABLES # my $self = shift; $self->{do} = 'SELECT'; 'SELECT table_name FROM USER_TABLES ORDER BY table_name'; } sub _prepare_show_index { # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get an index list; see 'Driver-specific notes' comment in GT::SQL::Driver my ($self, $query) = @_; if ($query =~ /^\s*SHOW\s+INDEX\s+FROM\s+(\w+)\s*$/i) { # The below isn't quite perfect - Oracle 8 doesn't support CASE (9 does), so # the 'index_unique' still has to be mapped to a 1/0 value in execute(). Also # worth noting is that primary keys in Oracle don't always get their own index # - in particular, when adding a primary key to a table using a column that is # already indexed, the primary key will simply use the existing index instead # of creating a new one. return <warn(CANTPREPARE => $query, "Invalid/unsupported SHOW INDEX query: $query"); } } sub drop_table { # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Drops a table, including a sequence if necessary # my ($self, $table) = @_; my $seq = uc "${table}_seq"; my $sth = $self->{dbh}->prepare("SELECT SEQUENCE_NAME FROM USER_SEQUENCES WHERE SEQUENCE_NAME = '$seq'"); $sth->execute(); if (my $seq_name = $sth->fetchrow) { my $sth = $self->{dbh}->prepare("DROP SEQUENCE $seq"); $sth->execute or $self->warn(CANTEXECUTE => "DROP SEQUENCE $seq", $GT::SQL::error); } return $self->SUPER::drop_table($table); } sub ai_insert { my ($self, $ai) = @_; return $ai, "$self->{name}_seq.NEXTVAL"; } sub alter_column { # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Changes a column. Takes table name, column name, and new column definition. # my ($self, $table, $column, $new_def, $old_col) = @_; # make a copy so the original reference doesn't get clobbered my %col = %{$self->{schema}->{cols}->{$column}}; # If the default value was removed, then make sure that the default constraint # from the previous instance is deactivated. if (not exists $col{default} and defined $old_col->{default} and length $old_col->{default}) { $col{default} = \'NULL'; } # Oracle doesn't like being told to make an already NOT NULL column NOT NULL: if ($col{not_null} and $old_col->{not_null}) { delete $col{not_null}; } $new_def = $self->column_sql(\%col); # But it needs an explicit NULL to drop the field's NOT NULL if (not $col{not_null} and $old_col->{not_null}) { $new_def .= ' NULL'; } # Oracle doesn't need the data type, and won't accept it on CLOB/BLOB columns $new_def =~ s/^[BC]LOB ?//; $new_def or return 1; # If the def is empty now, there really isn't anything to be done. $self->do("ALTER TABLE $table MODIFY $column $new_def"); } sub drop_column { # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Drops a column # my ($self, $table, $column) = @_; $self->do("ALTER TABLE $table DROP COLUMN $column"); } sub create_pk { # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Adds a primary key to a table. # my ($self, $table, @cols) = @_; $self->create_index($table, "${table}_pkey", @cols); $self->do("ALTER TABLE $table ADD CONSTRAINT ${table}_pkey PRIMARY KEY (" . join(",", @cols) . ")"); } package GT::SQL::Driver::ORACLE::sth; # ==================================================================== use strict; use vars qw/@ISA $ERROR_MESSAGE $DEBUG/; use GT::SQL::Driver::sth; use GT::AutoLoader; $ERROR_MESSAGE = 'GT::SQL'; $DEBUG = 0; @ISA = qw/GT::SQL::Driver::sth/; sub insert_id { # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Retrieves the current sequence. # my $self = shift; return $self->{_insert_id} if $self->{_insert_id}; my ($table) = $self->{query} =~ /\s*insert\s*into\s*(\w+)/i; $table ||= $self->{name}; my $seq = $table . "_seq.CURRVAL"; my $query = "SELECT $seq FROM $table"; my $sth = $self->{dbh}->prepare($query) or return $self->fatal(CANTPREPARE => $query, $DBI::errstr); $sth->execute or return $self->fatal(CANTEXECUTE => $query, $DBI::errstr); my ($id) = $sth->fetchrow_array; $self->{_insert_id} = $id; return $id; } sub execute { # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Fetch off only desired rows. # my $self = shift; my $time; if ($self->{_debug}) { $self->last_query($self->{query}, @_); my $stack = ''; if ($self->{_debug} > 1) { $stack = GT::Base->stack_trace(1,1); $stack =~ s/
/\n /g; $stack =~ s/ / /g; $stack = "\n $stack\n" } my $query = GT::SQL::Driver::debug->replace_placeholders($self->{query}, @_); $self->debug("Executing query: $query$stack"); $time = Time::HiRes::time() if exists $INC{"Time/HiRes.pm"}; } if ($GT::SQL::Driver::ORACLE::BINDS{$self->{query}}) { for my $bind (@{$GT::SQL::Driver::ORACLE::BINDS{$self->{query}}}) { my ($index, $col, $type) = @$bind; $self->{sth}->bind_param($index, $_[$index - 1], { ora_type => $type, ora_field => $col }); } } my $rc = $self->{sth}->execute(@_) or return $self->warn(CANTEXECUTE => $self->{query}, $DBI::errstr); $self->{_results} = []; $self->{_insert_id} = ''; $self->{_names} = $self->{sth}->{NAME}; if ($self->{do} eq 'SELECT') { $self->{_lim_cnt} = 0; if ($self->{_limit}) { my $begin = $self->{_lim_offset} || 0; my $end = $begin + $self->{_lim_rows}; my $i = -1; while (my $rec = $self->{sth}->fetchrow_arrayref) { $i++; next if $i < $begin; last if $i >= $end; push @{$self->{_results}}, [@$rec]; # Must copy as ref is reused in DBI. } } else { $self->{_results} = $self->{sth}->fetchall_arrayref; } $self->{rows} = @{$self->{_results}}; } elsif ($self->{do} eq 'SHOW INDEX') { $self->{_names} = $self->{sth}->{NAME_lc}; $self->{_results} = $self->{sth}->fetchall_arrayref; my $i = 0; for (@{$self->{_names}}) { last if $_ eq 'index_unique'; $i++ } for (@{$self->{_results}}) { $_->[$i] = uc($_->[$i]) eq 'UNIQUE' ? 1 : 0; } $self->{rows} = @{$self->{_results}}; } elsif ($self->{do} eq 'DESCRIBE') { $rc = $self->_fixup_describe(); } else { $self->{rows} = $self->{sth}->rows; } if ($self->{_debug} and exists $INC{"Time/HiRes.pm"}) { my $elapsed = Time::HiRes::time() - $time; $self->debug(sprintf("Query execution took: %.6fs", $elapsed)); } return $rc; } sub _fixup_describe { # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Converts output of 'sp_columns tablename' into similiar results # of mysql's describe tablename. # my $self = shift; my @results; # Mysql Cols are: Field, Type, Null, Key, Default, Extra my $table = uc $self->{name}; while (my $col = $self->{sth}->fetchrow_hashref) { my ($table, $field, $type, $size, $prec, $scale) = @$col{qw/TABLE_NAME COLUMN_NAME DATA_TYPE DATA_LENGTH DATA_PRECISION DATA_SCALE/}; my $null = $col->{NULLABLE} eq 'Y'; my $default = (not defined $col->{DATA_DEFAULT} or $col->{DATA_DEFAULT} =~ /^''\s*/) ? '' : $col->{DATA_DEFAULT}; $size = length $default if length $default > $size; if ($type =~ /VARCHAR2|CHAR/) { $type = "varchar($size)"; } elsif ($type =~ /NUMBER/ and !$scale) { if ($prec) { $type = $prec >= 11 ? 'bigint' : $prec >= 9 ? 'int' : $prec >= 6 ? 'mediumint' : $prec >= 4 ? 'smallint' : 'tinyint'; } else { $type = 'bigint'; } } elsif ($type =~ /NUMBER/ and length $prec and length $scale) { $type = "decimal($prec, $scale)"; } elsif ($type =~ /FLOAT/) { $type = (!$prec or $prec > 23) ? 'double' : 'real'; } elsif ($type =~ /LONG|CLOB|NCLOB/) { $type = 'text'; } elsif ($type =~ /DATE/) { $type = 'datetime'; } $type = lc $type; $default =~ s,^NULL\s*,,; $default =~ s,^\(?'(.*)'\)?\s*$,$1,; $null = $null ? 'YES' : ''; push @results, [$field, $type, $null, '', $default, '']; } ( $#results < 0 ) and return; # Fetch the Primary key my $que_pk = <<" QUERY"; SELECT COL.COLUMN_NAME FROM USER_CONS_COLUMNS COL, USER_CONSTRAINTS CON WHERE COL.TABLE_NAME = '\U$table\E' AND COL.TABLE_NAME = CON.TABLE_NAME AND COL.CONSTRAINT_NAME = CON.CONSTRAINT_NAME AND CON.CONSTRAINT_TYPE='P' QUERY my $sth_pk = $self->{dbh}->prepare($que_pk); $sth_pk->execute; my $indexes = {}; while ( my $col = $sth_pk->fetchrow_array ) { $indexes->{$col} = "PRI"; } $sth_pk->finish; # Fetch the index information. my $que_idx = <<" QUERY"; SELECT * FROM USER_INDEXES IND, USER_IND_COLUMNS COL WHERE IND.TABLE_NAME = '\U$table\E' AND IND.TABLE_NAME = COL.TABLE_NAME AND IND.INDEX_NAME = COL.INDEX_NAME QUERY my $sth_idx = $self->{dbh}->prepare($que_idx); $sth_idx->execute; while ( my $col = $sth_idx->fetchrow_hashref ) { my $key = $col->{UNIQUENESS} =~ /UNIQUE/ ? 'UNIQUE' : 'MUL'; exists $indexes->{$col->{COLUMN_NAME}} or $indexes->{$col->{COLUMN_NAME}} = $key; } for my $result (@results) { if (defined $indexes->{$result->[0]}) { $result->[3] = $indexes->{$result->[0]}; if ($result->[1] =~ /int/) { # Set extra my $sth = $self->{dbh}->prepare("SELECT SEQUENCE_NAME FROM USER_SEQUENCES WHERE SEQUENCE_NAME = '\U$table\E_SEQ'"); $sth->execute; $result->[5] = 'auto_increment' if $sth->fetchrow; $sth->finish; } } } $sth_idx->finish; $self->{_results} = \@results; $self->{_names} = [qw/Field Type Null Key Default Extra/]; $self->{rows} = @{$self->{_results}}; return 1; } sub finish { # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- my $self = shift; delete $GT::SQL::Driver::ORACLE::BINDS{$self->{query}}; $self->SUPER::finish; } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DATA TYPE MAPPINGS # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- package GT::SQL::Driver::ORACLE::Types; use strict; use GT::SQL::Driver::Types; use Carp qw/croak/; use vars qw/@ISA/; @ISA = 'GT::SQL::Driver::Types'; # Quoting table and/or column names gives case-sensitivity to the table and # column names in Oracle - however, because this needs to be compatible with # older versions of this driver that didn't properly handle table/column case, # we can't use that to our advantage, as all the old unquoted tables/columns # would be upper-case - TABLE or COLUMN will be the name in the database, and # "Table" or "column" would not exist. It would, however, still be nice to # support this at some point: # sub base { # my ($class, $args, $name, $attribs) = @_; # $class->SUPER::base($args, qq{"$name"}, $attribs); # } sub TINYINT { $_[0]->base($_[1], 'NUMBER(3)') } sub SMALLINT { $_[0]->base($_[1], 'NUMBER(5)') } sub MEDIUMINT { $_[0]->base($_[1], 'NUMBER(8)') } sub INT { $_[0]->base($_[1], 'NUMBER(10)') } sub BIGINT { $_[0]->base($_[1], 'NUMBER(19)') } sub REAL { $_[0]->base($_[1], 'FLOAT(23)') } sub DOUBLE { $_[0]->base($_[1], 'FLOAT(52)') } sub DATETIME { $_[0]->base($_[1], 'DATE') } sub TIMESTAMP { $_[0]->base($_[1], 'DATE') } sub TIME { croak "Oracle does not support 'TIME' columns\n" } sub YEAR { croak "Oracle does not support 'YEAR' columns\n" } sub CHAR { $_[0]->SUPER::CHAR($_[1], 'VARCHAR2') } sub VARCHAR { $_[0]->SUPER::CHAR($_[1], 'VARCHAR2') } sub TEXT { $_[0]->base($_[1], 'CLOB') } sub BLOB { delete $_[1]->{default}; $_[0]->base($_[1], 'BLOB') } 1;