# ================================================================== # Gossamer List - enhanced mailing list management system # # Website : http://gossamer-threads.com/ # Support : http://gossamer-threads.com/scripts/support/ # CVS Info : # Revision : $Id: List.pm,v 1.50 2004/11/04 17:54:05 bao Exp $ # # Copyright (c) 2004 Gossamer Threads Inc. All Rights Reserved. # Redistribution in part or in whole strictly prohibited. Please # see LICENSE file for full details. # ================================================================== # package GList::List; # ================================================================== use strict; use GList qw/:objects :user_type $DEBUG/; use GT::AutoLoader; sub process { #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Setermine what to do # my $do = shift; my $action = _determine_action($do) or die "Error: Invalid Action! ($do)"; my ($tpl, $results) = GT::Plugins->dispatch($CFG->{priv_path}.'/lib/GList/Plugins', $action, \&$action); $tpl ||= 'lst_home.html'; $MN_SELECTED = 2; my $hidden = GList::hidden(); $results->{hidden_query} = $hidden->{hidden_query}; $results->{hidden_objects} = $hidden->{hidden_objects}; GList::display($tpl, $results); } $COMPILE{lst_home} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub lst_home { #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # Print home page # my $msg = shift; my $cgi = $IN->get_hash; if (defined $cgi->{do} and $cgi->{do} =~ /^lst_add|lst_modify|lst_html/) { foreach ( $DB->table('Lists')->cols ) { $cgi->{$_} = ''; } } my $search_check = ($IN->param('do') eq 'lst_search') ? 1 : 0; my $query = ''; if ($cgi->{'lst_date_created-ge'} or $cgi->{'lst_date_created-le'}) { my $format = $USER->{usr_date_format} || '%yyyy%-%mm%-%dd%'; my ($valid_from, $valid_to) = (1, 1); require GT::Date; if ($cgi->{'lst_date_created-ge'}) { $query .= "lst_date_created-ge=$cgi->{'lst_date_created-ge'};"; $valid_from = GList::date_to_time($cgi->{'lst_date_created-ge'}, $format); $cgi->{'lst_date_created-ge'} = GT::Date::date_get($valid_from, $format); } if ($cgi->{'lst_date_created-le'}) { $query .= "lst_date_created-le=$cgi->{'lst_date_created-le'};"; $valid_to = GList::date_to_time($cgi->{'lst_date_created-le'}, $format); $cgi->{'lst_date_created-le'} = GT::Date::date_get($valid_to, $format); } if ($search_check and (!$valid_from or !$valid_to)) { $format =~ s/\%//g; return lst_search_form(GList::language('SYS_DATE_FORMAT_INVALID', uc GList::language('SYS_DATE_FORMAT'))); } } my $results = GList::search( cgi => $cgi, db => $DB->table('Lists'), prefix => 'lst', sb => 'lst_title', so => 'ASC', search_check=> $search_check, select_all => $cgi->{select_all} ); if (ref $results ne 'HASH') { ($IN->param('do') eq 'lst_search') ? return (lst_search_form($results)) : return ('lst_home.html', { msg => $results }); } elsif ($results->{error} and $search_check) { return lst_search_form($results->{error}); } require GT::SQL::Condition; my $subs = $DB->table('Subscribers'); my $output = $results->{results}; my @lists = map $_->{lst_id}, @$output; $subs->select_options("GROUP BY sub_list_id_fk"); my %subscribers = $subs->select(sub_list_id_fk => 'COUNT(*)', { sub_list_id_fk => \@lists })->fetchall_list; $subs->select_options("GROUP BY sub_list_id_fk"); my %validateds = $subs->select(sub_list_id_fk => 'COUNT(*)', { sub_list_id_fk => \@lists, sub_validated => 1 })->fetchall_list; $subs->select_options("GROUP BY sub_list_id_fk"); my %bounceds = $subs->select(sub_list_id_fk => 'COUNT(*)', GT::SQL::Condition->new(sub_list_id_fk => 'IN' => \@lists, sub_bounced => '>=' => 1))->fetchall_list; foreach my $rs (@$output) { $rs->{subscribers} = $subscribers{$rs->{lst_id}}; $rs->{validateds} = $validateds{$rs->{lst_id}}; $rs->{bounceds} = $bounceds{$rs->{lst_id}}; } if ($cgi->{select_all}) { my $sorted = _qsort($results->{results}, $cgi->{sb}, ($cgi->{so} eq 'ASC') ? 1 : 0); my @sorted; my $mh = $results->{mh}; my $nh = $results->{nh} || 1; my $bg = ( $nh == 1 ) ? 0 : ( $nh - 1 ) * $mh; my $count = 0; if ( $bg < $results->{hits} ) { foreach my $i (0..($results->{hits} - 1)) { if ($i >= $bg) { push @sorted, $sorted->[$i]; last if ($#sorted == $mh - 1); } } $results->{results} = \@sorted; } else { $results->{results} = []; } } $results->{msg} = $msg if ($msg); return ('lst_home.html', { %$results, toolbar_query => $query }); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{lst_add} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub lst_add { #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # return ('lst_add_form.html') if ($IN->param('form')); # Check account limit if it's a limited user if ($USER->{usr_type} == LIMITED_USER and GList::check_limit('list')) { return lst_home($GList::error); } my $ret = GList::add('Lists', 'lst'); return ('lst_add_form.html', { msg => "$GList::error", help => 'lists_add.html' }) if ( $GList::error ); my $name = $IN->param('lst_title'); return lst_home(GList::language('LST_ADD_SUCCESS', $name)); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{lst_modify_form} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub lst_modify_form { #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # Print modify form # my $msg = shift; return lst_home(GList::language('LST_INVALID')) unless ($IN->param('lst_id')); my $info = GList::check_owner('Lists', 'lst', $IN->param('lst_id')); return home($info) if (ref $info ne 'HASH'); return ('lst_modify_form.html', { msg => $msg, %$info, help => 'lists_add.html' }); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{lst_modify} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub lst_modify { #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # GList::modify('Lists', 'lst'); return lst_modify_form("$GList::error") if ( $GList::error ); my $title = $IN->param('lst_title'); lst_home(GList::language('LST_MOD_SUCCESS', $title)); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{lst_search_form} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub lst_search_form { #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # Print add form # my $msg = shift; return ('lst_search_form.html', { msg => $msg }); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{lst_delete} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub lst_delete { #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # Delete lists # return lst_home(GList::delete('Lists', 'lst')); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{lst_html} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub lst_html { #----------------------------------------------------------------- # return lst_home(GList::language('LST_INVALID')) unless ($IN->param('lst_id')); my $info = GList::check_owner('Lists', 'lst', $IN->param('lst_id')); return lst_home($info) if (ref $info ne 'HASH'); my $msg = $CFG->{html_code}; $msg =~ s/<%name%>/$info->{lst_title}/; $msg =~ s/<%id%>/$info->{lst_id}/; $msg =~ s/<%url%>/$CFG->{cgi_url}\/glist.cgi/; return ('lst_html.html', { msg => $msg, lst_title => $info->{lst_title} }); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{lst_import} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub lst_import { #----------------------------------------------------------------- # Import data into subcribers table # return ('lst_import_form.html', { help => 'lists_import.html' }) if ($IN->param('form')); my $data = $IN->param('sub_file') || $IN->param('sub_data'); return ('lst_import_form.html', { msg => GList::language('LST_IPT_INVALID'), help => 'lists_import.html' }) unless ($data); return ('lst_import_form.html', { msg => GList::language('LST_IPT_LIST_EMPTY'), help => 'lists_import.html' }) unless ($IN->param('import_to')); my $import_to = (ref $IN->param('import_to') eq 'ARRAY') ? $IN->param('import_to') : [$IN->param('import_to')]; my $fd = $IN->param('fd') || ','; my $fe = $IN->param('fe') || '\\'; my $rd = $IN->param('rd') || '\n'; my $rl = $IN->param('rl') || 0; # Setup the language for GT::SQL. local $GT::SQL::ERRORS->{UNIQUE} = GList::language('LST_IPT_DUPLICATE_EMAIL'); local $GT::SQL::ERRORS->{NOTNULL} = GList::language('LST_IMP_NOTNULL') if ( GList::language('LST_IMP_NOTNULL') ); local $GT::SQL::ERRORS->{ILLEGALVAL} = ''; my (@data, @results); if ($IN->param('sub_file')) { # from a text file my $file_name = $data; $file_name =~ s/.*?([^\\\/:]+)$/$1/; $file_name =~ s/[\[\]\s\$\#\%'"]/\_/g; $file_name = "$CFG->{priv_path}/tmp/$file_name"; open (OUTFILE, "> $file_name") ; binmode(OUTFILE); my ($bytesread, $buffer, $count); while ($bytesread = read($data, $buffer, 1024)) { $buffer =~ s,\r\n,\n,g; print OUTFILE $buffer; } close OUTFILE; if (!-T $file_name) { unlink $file_name; return lst_import_form(GList::language('LST_IPT_INVALID_FILE')); } open (DATA, "< $file_name"); my @lines = ; close DATA; unlink $file_name; LINE: foreach (@lines) { $count++; ( /^#/ ) and next LINE; ( /^\s*$/ ) and next LINE; ( $count eq $rl ) and next LINE; push @data, $_; } } else { # from listings @data = split(/$rd/, $data); } foreach my $id (@$import_to) { my $results = _import_subscriber($id, \@data); if (ref $results eq 'HASH') { push @results, $results; } else { push @results, { lst_id => $id, error => $results }; } } return ('lst_import_success.html', { import_results => \@results }); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{_import_subscriber} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub _import_subscriber { #----------------------------------------------------------------- # my ($list_id, $data) = @_; # Verify data before importing return GList::language('LST_INVALID') if (!$list_id or !$data); my $info = GList::check_owner('Lists', 'lst', $list_id); return $info if (ref $info ne 'HASH'); if (GList::check_limit('sublist', $list_id)) { return { list_name => $info->{lst_title}, overlimit => 1 }; } my $db = $DB->table('Subscribers'); my $fd = $IN->param('fd') || ','; my $fe = $IN->param('fe') || '\\'; my $rd = $IN->param('rd') || '\n'; my $rl = $IN->param('rl') || 0; # Create stoplist database and load wild cards my $db_stl = $DB->table('StopLists'); my $wild_cards = GList::wild_cards(); my @results; my ($invalid, $duplicate) = (0, 0); foreach my $row ( @$data ) { $row =~ s/[\r\n\"]//g; # Remove Windows linefeed character. if ($IN->param('cname')) { my ($n, $e) = split(/$fd/, $row); $e = $1 if ($e =~ /<([^> ]+)>/); $e = lc $e; my $error = _check_subscriber($e, $list_id, $db_stl, $wild_cards); if ($error) { push @results, { list_name => $info->{lst_title}, sub_email => $e || $n, status => $error }; $invalid++; } else { push @results, { list_name => $info->{lst_title}, sub_email => $e || $n, status => '' }; if ($db->count({ sub_email => $e, sub_list_id_fk => $list_id })) { $db->update({ sub_name => $n }, { sub_email => $e, sub_list_id_fk => $list_id }) if $n; $results[-1]->{status} = GList::language('SYS_DUPLICATE'); $duplicate++; } else { $db->insert({ sub_email => $e, sub_name => $n, sub_created => time, sub_list_id_fk => $list_id, sub_user_id_fk => $info->{lst_user_id_fk} }); } } } else { $row = $1 if ($row =~ /<([^> ]+)>/); $row = lc $row; my $error = _check_subscriber($row, $list_id, $db_stl, $wild_cards); if ($error) { push @results, { list_name => $info->{lst_title}, sub_email => $row, status => $error }; $invalid++; } else { push @results, { list_name => $info->{lst_title}, sub_email => $row, status => '' }; if ($db->count({ sub_email => $row, sub_list_id_fk => $list_id })) { $results[-1]->{status} = GList::language('SYS_DUPLICATE'); $duplicate++; } else { $db->insert({ sub_email => $row, sub_created => time, sub_list_id_fk => $list_id, sub_user_id_fk => $info->{lst_user_id_fk} }); } } } } return { list_name => $info->{lst_title}, results => \@results, invalid => $invalid, duplicate => $duplicate, hits => scalar @results, successful => scalar @results - $invalid - $duplicate, declined => $invalid + $duplicate }; } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{_check_subscriber} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub _check_subscriber { #----------------------------------------------------------------- # my ($email, $lst_id, $db_stl, $wild_cards) = @_; return GList::language('LST_IPT_OVERLIMIT') if (GList::check_limit('sublist', $lst_id)); return GList::language('LST_IPT_INVALID_EMAIL') if ($email !~ /^(?:(?:.+\@.+\..+)|\s*)$/ or $email =~ /\s/ ); return GList::language('LST_IPT_ON_STOPLIST') if ($db_stl->count({ stl_email => $email })); foreach (@$wild_cards) { my $e = $_->[0]; my $re = quotemeta $e; $re =~ s/\\\*/.*/; $re =~ s/\\\?/./; return GList::language('LST_IPT_ON_STOPLIST') if ($email =~ /$re/i); } } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{lst_subscribers} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub lst_subscribers { #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # Print add form # my $do = shift || 0; my $msg = ($do and $do =~ /^\d+$/) ? _sub_modify($do) : $do; if ($do =~ /^\d+$/ and ($do =~ /3|4/ or ($do == 1 and $IN->param('unbounced_form')))) { # Reset bounced emails return lst_unsub_bounced($msg); } return ('lst_subscriber_form.html') if ($IN->param('form')); my $alpha; my $cgi = $IN->get_hash(); my $hidden = GList::hidden; # Create condition for subscriber's quick search bar require GT::SQL::Condition; my $cd = GT::SQL::Condition->new(lst_user_id_fk => '=' => $USER->{usr_username}); my $cols = $DB->table('Subscribers')->cols; my $url = "glist.cgi?do=lst_subscribers$hidden->{hidden_query}"; my $query= ''; foreach my $c (keys % $cols) { next if (!$cgi->{$c}); if ($c eq 'sub_list_id_fk') { $cd->add($c => '=' => $cgi->{$c}); } else { $cd->add($c => 'like' => "%$cgi->{$c}%"); } $url .= ";$c=$cgi->{$c}"; } # Do a search from the main page if ($IN->param('sub_search') and $IN->param('search_val')) { $cgi->{$cgi->{search_col}} = $cgi->{search_val}; $url .= ";$cgi->{search_col}=$cgi->{$cgi->{search_col}}" if $cgi->{search_val}; $query .= ";$cgi->{search_col}=$cgi->{$cgi->{search_col}}" if $cgi->{search_val}; } # And from quick search bar if ($IN->param('alpha') and $IN->param('alpha') ne 'all') { $alpha = $IN->param('alpha'); $query .= ";alpha=$alpha"; } # Search on date fields my $search_check = ($IN->param('search_form')) ? 1 : 0; if ($cgi->{'sub_created-ge'} or $cgi->{'sub_created-le'}) { my $format = $USER->{usr_date_format} || '%yyyy%-%mm%-%dd%'; my ($valid_from, $valid_to) = (1, 1); require GT::Date; if ($cgi->{'sub_created-ge'}) { $valid_from = GList::date_to_time($cgi->{'sub_created-ge'}, $format); $cgi->{'sub_created-ge'} = GT::Date::date_get($valid_from, $format) if ($valid_from); } if ($cgi->{'sub_created-le'}) { $valid_to = GList::date_to_time($cgi->{'sub_created-le'}, $format); $cgi->{'sub_created-le'} = GT::Date::date_get($valid_to, $format) if ($valid_to); } if ($search_check and (!$valid_from or !$valid_to)) { $format =~ s/\%//g; return ('lst_subscriber_form.html', { msg => GList::language('SYS_DATE_FORMAT_INVALID', uc GList::language('SYS_DATE_FORMAT')) }); } } if ($cgi->{sub_bounced}) { $cgi->{'sub_bounced-opt'} = '>='; } my $results = GList::search( cgi => $cgi, db => $DB->table('Subscribers'), prefix => 'sub', sb => 'sub_email', so => 'ASC', search_alpha=> $alpha, search_col => 'sub_email', search_check=> $search_check, show_user => $cgi->{show_user}, return_msg => 'LST_SUB_RESULTS', ); my $page = ($IN->param('mn_disable')) ? 'lst_subscribers_preview.html' : 'lst_subscribers.html'; my $subs_db = $DB->table('Lists', 'Subscribers'); $subs_db->select_options('ORDER BY letter'); my $sth = $subs_db->select($cd, ['DISTINCT SUBSTRING(sub_email, 1, 1) as letter']); if (ref $results ne 'HASH') { $page = 'lst_subscriber_form.html' if ($search_check); return ($page, { msg => $msg || $results, search_bar => _search_bar($sth, $url) }); } elsif ($results->{error} and $search_check) { return ('lst_subscriber_form.html', { msg => $results->{error} }); } if ($IN->param('mn_disable')) { $results->{msg} = ''; } else { $results->{msg} = $msg if ($msg); } return ($page, { search_bar => _search_bar($sth, $url), toolbar_query => $query, %$results }); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{_sub_modify} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub _sub_modify { #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # Validate/delete subscribers user # my $do = shift; # If they selected only one record to search we still need an array ref my $mod = ( ref $IN->param('modify') eq 'ARRAY' ) ? $IN->param('modify') : [$IN->param('modify')]; my $db = $DB->table('Subscribers'); my $cgi = $IN->get_hash; my ($msg, $rec_modified) = ('', 0); if ($do == 1) { # Delete subscribers foreach my $rec_num ( @{$mod} ) { my $info = GList::check_owner('Subscribers', 'sub', $cgi->{"$rec_num-sub_id"}); next if (!$info); my $ret = $db->delete({ sub_id => $info->{sub_id} }); if (defined $ret and $ret != 0) { $rec_modified++; } } $msg = GList::language('LST_SUB_DELETED', $rec_modified); } elsif ($do == 2) { # Validate subscribers foreach my $rec_num ( @{$mod} ) { my $info = GList::check_owner('Subscribers', 'sub', $cgi->{"$rec_num-sub_id"}); next if (!$info); if ($db->count({ sub_id => $info->{sub_id}, sub_validated => 0 })) { $db->update({ sub_validated => 1 }, { sub_id => $info->{sub_id} }); $rec_modified++; } } $msg = GList::language('LST_SUB_VALIDATED', $rec_modified); } elsif ($do == 3) { # Unbounced subscribers require GT::SQL::Condition; foreach my $rec_num ( @{$mod} ) { my $info = GList::check_owner('Subscribers', 'sub', $cgi->{"$rec_num-sub_id"}); next if (!$info); if ($db->count(GT::SQL::Condition->new(sub_id => '=' => $info->{sub_id}, sub_bounced => '>=' => 1))) { $db->update({ sub_bounced => '0' }, { sub_id => $info->{sub_id} }); $rec_modified++; } } $msg = GList::language('LST_SUB_UNBOUNCED', $rec_modified); } elsif ($do == 4) { # Remove all unbounced subscribers require GT::SQL::Condition; my $cond = new GT::SQL::Condition; $cond->add(sub_bounced => '>=' => 1, sub_user_id_fk => '=' => $USER->{usr_username}); $cond->add(sub_list_id_fk => '=', $cgi->{list_id}) if $cgi->{list_id}; if ($cgi->{sub_bounced} and $cgi->{sub_bounced} ne '*') { my $opt = $cgi->{'sub_bounced-opt'} || '='; $cond->add(sub_bounced => $opt => $cgi->{sub_bounced}); } my $rec = $db->delete($cond); $msg = GList::language('LST_BOUNCED_REMOVED', $rec); } } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{lst_unsub_bounced} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub lst_unsub_bounced { #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # Let you to unsubscribe all bounced users # my $msg = shift; my $cgi = $IN->get_hash(); my %hash; my $conditions = ''; $hash{sub_list_id_fk} = $cgi->{sub_list_id_fk} || ''; $conditions .= ";list_id=$cgi->{sub_list_id_fk}" if $cgi->{sub_list_id_fk}; if ($cgi->{sub_bounced} and $cgi->{sub_bounced} eq '*') { $conditions .= ';sub_bounced=*'; $hash{sub_bounced} = 1; $hash{'sub_bounced-opt'} = '>='; } else { $conditions .= ";sub_bounced=$cgi->{sub_bounced}"; $conditions .= ";sub_bounced-opt=$cgi->{'sub_bounced-opt'}"; if ($cgi->{'sub_bounced-opt'} and $cgi->{'sub_bounced-opt'} eq '<') { $hash{'sub_bounced-lt'} = $cgi->{sub_bounced}; $hash{'sub_bounced-ge'} = 1; } elsif ($cgi->{'sub_bounced-opt'} and $cgi->{'sub_bounced-opt'} eq '<=') { $hash{'sub_bounced-le'} = $cgi->{sub_bounced}; $hash{'sub_bounced-ge'} = 1; } else { $hash{sub_bounced} = $cgi->{sub_bounced} || 1; $hash{'sub_bounced-opt'} = $cgi->{'sub_bounced-opt'} || '>='; } } my $results = GList::search( cgi => \%hash, db => $DB->table('Subscribers'), prefix => 'sub', sb => 'sub_email', so => 'ASC', return_msg => 'LST_BOUNCED_RESULTS', int_field => 1, ); if (ref $results ne 'HASH') { return ('lst_unsub_bounced.html', { msg => $msg || $results }); } $results->{msg} = $msg if ($msg); return ('lst_unsub_bounced.html', { %$results, conditions => $conditions }); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{lst_sub_add} = <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub lst_sub_add { #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Add a subscriber # return ('lst_sub_add.html') if ($IN->param('form')); return ('lst_sub_add.html', { msg => GList::language('LST_IPT_LIST_EMPTY') }) if (!$IN->param('import_to')); my $import_to = (ref $IN->param('import_to') eq 'ARRAY') ? $IN->param('import_to') : [$IN->param('import_to')]; my $email = $IN->param('new_email'); my $name = $IN->param('new_name'); if ($email !~ /^(?:(?:.+\@.+\..+)|\s*)$/ or $email =~ /\s/) { # check email address return ('lst_sub_add.html', { msg => GList::language('LST_IPT_INVALID_EMAIL') }); } $email = lc $email; # Create stoplist database and load wild cards my $db = $DB->table('Subscribers'); my $db_stl = $DB->table('StopLists'); my $wild_cards = GList::wild_cards(); # Setup the language for GT::SQL. local $GT::SQL::ERRORS->{UNIQUE} = GList::language('SYS_DUPLICATE'); local $GT::SQL::ERRORS->{NOTNULL} = GList::language('LST_IMP_NOTNULL') if ( GList::language('LST_IMP_NOTNULL') ); local $GT::SQL::ERRORS->{ILLEGALVAL} = ''; my @results; foreach my $id (@$import_to) { my $info = GList::check_owner('Lists', 'lst', $id); push @results, { sub_email => $email, lst_title => $info->{lst_title}, status => lst_subscribers($info) } if ( ref $info ne 'HASH' ); push @results, { sub_email => $email, lst_title => $info->{lst_title}, status => '' }; my $error = _check_subscriber($email, $info->{lst_id}, $db_stl, $wild_cards); if ($error) { $results[-1]->{status} = $error; } elsif ($db->count({ sub_email => $email, sub_list_id_fk => $id })) { $results[-1]->{status} = GList::language('SYS_DUPLICATE'); } else { $db->insert({ sub_email => $email, sub_name => $name, sub_list_id_fk => $id, sub_user_id_fk => $info->{lst_user_id_fk} }); } } return ('lst_sub_success.html', { results => \@results, msg => GList::language('LST_SUB_ADDED', $email) }); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{lst_sub_modify} = <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub lst_sub_modify { #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Modify a subscriber # my $sub_id = $IN->param('subid'); my $old_data = $DB->table('Lists', 'Subscribers')->select({ sub_id => $sub_id }, [ 'lst_title', 'sub_email as new_email', 'sub_name as new_name', 'sub_validated as new_validated', 'sub_bounced as new_bounced', 'sub_list_id_fk'])->fetchrow_hashref; return lst_subscribers(GList::language('LST_INVALID')) if (!$old_data); my $info = GList::check_owner('Lists', 'lst', $old_data->{sub_list_id_fk}); return lst_subscribers($info) if (ref $info ne 'HASH'); return ('lst_sub_modify.html', $old_data) if ($IN->param('form')); my $new_email = $IN->param('new_email'); my $name = $IN->param('new_name'); my $validated = ($IN->param('new_validated')) ? '1' : '0'; my $bounced = $IN->param('new_bounced') || 0; if ($new_email !~ /^(?:(?:.+\@.+\..+)|\s*)$/ or $new_email =~ /\s/) { # check email address return ('lst_sub_modify.html', { msg => GList::language('LST_IPT_INVALID_EMAIL'), %$info }); } require GT::SQL::Condition; if ($DB->table('Subscribers')->count( GT::SQL::Condition->new( sub_email => '=' => $new_email, sub_list_id_fk => '=' => $old_data->{sub_list_id_fk}, sub_id => '<>'=> $sub_id, )) == 1 ) { return ('lst_sub_modify.html', { msg => GList::language('LST_IPT_DUPLICATE_EMAIL'), %$info }); } else { $DB->table('Subscribers')->update({ sub_email => $new_email, sub_name => $name, sub_validated => $validated, sub_bounced => $bounced, }, { sub_id => $sub_id }); } return lst_subscribers(GList::language('LST_SUB_MODIFIED', $old_data->{new_email})); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{lst_sub_delete} = <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub lst_sub_delete { #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Delete the subscribers # return lst_subscribers(1); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{lst_sub_validate} = <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub lst_sub_validate { #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Validate the subscribers # return lst_subscribers(2); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{lst_sub_unbounced} = <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub lst_sub_unbounced { #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Validate the subscribers # my $action = $IN->param('all') ? 4 : 3; return lst_subscribers($action); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{_qsort} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub _qsort { #------------------------------------------------------------------ my ($list_file, $orderby, $sortdown) = @_; my $sorted; @$sorted = sort { my $da = lc $a->{$orderby}; #lower case my $db = lc $b->{$orderby}; my $res; if ($orderby eq 'size' or $orderby eq 'date') { $res = $db <=> $da; } else { $res = $db cmp $da; } if ($res == 0 and $orderby ne 'name') { lc $b->{name} cmp lc $a->{name}; } else { $res; } } @$list_file; ($sortdown) and @$sorted = reverse @$sorted; return $sorted; } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{_search_bar} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub _search_bar { #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # create quick search bar # my ($sth, $url) = @_; my $current = $IN->param('alpha') || ''; my @alpha = ('All', 'A'..'Z', '0..9', 'Other'); my ($search_bar, $items); $items->{All} = 'all'; while (my ($letter) = $sth->fetchrow_array) { $letter = uc $letter; if ($letter =~ /\d/) { exists $items->{'0..9'} or $items->{'0..9'} = 'number'; } elsif ($letter =~ /[\W_]/) { exists $items->{Other} or $items->{Other} = 'other'; } else { exists $items->{$letter} or $items->{$letter} = $letter; } } foreach (@alpha) { if ($_ eq 'All') { $search_bar .= ( (!$current or $current eq 'all') and !$IN->param('bsearch') ) ? "$_ " : "$_ "; } elsif ($items->{$_}) { my $l = ($_ eq '0..9') ? 'number' : lc $_; $search_bar .= ( lc $current eq lc $l ) ? "$_ " : "$_ "; } else { $search_bar .= "$_ "; } } return $search_bar; } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{_determine_action} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub _determine_action { #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check valid action # my $action = shift || undef; return if (!$action); return 'lst_home' if ($action eq 'lst_search' ); my %valid = ( map { $_ => 1 } qw( lst_home lst_add lst_modify_form lst_modify lst_search_form lst_delete lst_html lst_import lst_subscribers lst_sub_add lst_sub_modify lst_sub_delete lst_sub_validate lst_sub_unbounced lst_unsub_bounced ) ); exists $valid{$action} and return $action; return; } END_OF_SUB 1;