Select / Search
Select/Search creates a search form that helps the user contructing basic SELECT... FROM current_table (WHERE...) queries. The link can be found from the tool bar or the table list. For more complex queries, please use SQL Monitor instead.
SELECT checkboxes
For tables with many fields, sometimes you may not wish irrelevant fields to
be shown. The check the fields that you would like to be displayed and the
fields unchecked will not be shown. The first field is checked automatically.
WHERE text field
It is basically the WHERE. . . clause of a MySQL query. You do not need to
have to specify the key word where again in the text field. Please note
that ORDER BY. . . will be appended to the end of the query automatically.
Therefore, if you would like to sort the result to sort by a particular
column, you can do it by clicking on the column name when the result is displayed.
Query by example
All records with fields matching the value entered in the text fields will be
retrieved. If wildcards are not used, then MySQL looks for exact matches.
Wildcard usage:
Key_word% - Anything that begins with Key_word.
%Key_word - Anything that ends with Key_word.
%Key_word% - Anything that contains Key_word.