# ================================================================== # Gossamer Threads Module Library - http://gossamer-threads.com/ # # GT::Plugins # Author : Alex Krohn # CVS Info : # $Id: Manager.pm,v 1.61 2005/04/14 07:43:09 brewt Exp $ # # Copyright (c) 2004 Gossamer Threads Inc. All Rights Reserved. # ================================================================== # # Description: A web based admin to manage installed and uninstalled # plugins. # package GT::Plugins::Manager; # ================================================================== use strict; use vars qw/@ISA $ATTRIBS $ERROR_MESSAGE $VERSION $DEBUG/; use GT::Base; use GT::Plugins; use GT::Tar; $ERROR_MESSAGE = 'GT::Plugins'; $DEBUG = 0; $VERSION = sprintf "%d.%03d", q$Revision: 1.61 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/; $ATTRIBS = { cfg => undef, cgi => undef, tpl_root => '.', tpl_prefix => '', prefix => '', plugin_dir => undef, plugin => undef, plugin_name => undef, tar => undef, prog_ver => undef, prog_reg => undef, prog_name => undef, # The program init (e.g. admin) path; if set, this is passed to the plugin # server and also changes the way download_gossamer() returns errors: prog_init => undef, prog_user_cgi => undef, prog_admin_cgi => undef, prog_images => undef, prog_libs => undef, base_url => undef, func_url => undef, path_to_perl => undef, perl_args => undef }; @ISA = qw/GT::Base/; sub init { # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Load the plugin config file on init() called from GT::Base. # my $self = shift; my $param = $self->common_param(@_); $self->set($param); if (!$self->{plugin_dir} or !-d $self->{plugin_dir}) { return $self->error('BADARGS', 'FATAL', "missing/invalid plugin dir passed to manager."); } $self->{cfg} = GT::Plugins->load_cfg($self->{plugin_dir}); } sub process { # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Determines what to do based on cgi input, and return a hash # content => data for printing by outside application. # my $self = shift; ref $self->{cgi} and UNIVERSAL::can($self->{cgi}, 'param') or return $self->error('BADARGS', 'FATAL', "no cgi object passed to manager"); defined $self->{plugin_dir} and -d $self->{plugin_dir} or return $self->error('BADARGS', 'FATAL', "missing/invalid plugin dir passed to manager"); # Figure out what to do. my $action = $self->{cgi}->param('plugin_man_do') || ''; my $vars = {}; my $page = 'plugin_manager_list.html'; CASE: { ($action eq 'pre_install') and do { $vars = $self->pre_install; $page = 'plugin_manager_pre_install.html'; last CASE; }; ($action eq 'install') and do { $vars = $self->install; last CASE; }; ($action eq 'pre_uninstall') and do { $vars = $self->pre_uninstall; $page = 'plugin_manager_pre_uninstall.html'; last CASE; }; ($action eq 'uninstall') and do { $vars = $self->uninstall; last CASE; }; ($action eq 'pre_delete') and do { $page = 'plugin_manager_delete.html'; last CASE; }; ($action eq 'delete') and do { $vars = $self->delete; last CASE; }; ($action eq 'hooks') and do { $vars = $self->set_hooks; $page = 'plugin_manager_hooks.html'; last CASE; }; ($action eq 'edit_installed') and do { $vars = $self->edit_installed; $page = $vars->{error} ? 'plugin_manager_list.html' : 'plugin_manager_edit.html'; last CASE; }; ($action eq 'edit_uninstalled') and do { $vars = $self->edit_uninstalled; $page = $vars->{error} ? 'plugin_manager_list.html' : 'plugin_manager_edit_files.html'; last CASE; }; ($action eq 'download') and do { $page = 'plugin_manager_download.html'; last CASE; }; ($action eq 'download_gossamer') and do { $page = 'plugin_manager_download.html'; $vars = $self->download_gossamer; last CASE; }; ($action eq 'download_url') and do { $vars = $self->download_url; last CASE; }; ($action eq 'download_file') and do { $vars = $self->download_file; last CASE; }; }; if ($page eq 'plugin_manager_list.html') { $vars->{installed} = $self->installed_plugins_html; $vars->{uninstalled} = $self->uninstalled_plugins_html; } return $self->page($page, $vars); } sub page { # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Returns a content => parsed_page hash ref. # my ($self, $page, $vars) = @_; my $cgi = $self->{cgi}->get_hash; foreach my $key (keys %$cgi) { exists $vars->{$key} or $vars->{$key} = $cgi->{$key}; } my $contents = GT::Template->parse( $self->{tpl_prefix} . $page, $vars, { root => $self->{tpl_root} } ) or return; return { content => \$contents }; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Installing/Uninstalling Plugins # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # sub pre_install { # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Display pre-installation message. # my $self = shift; my $plugin_name = $self->{cgi}->param('plugin_name') or return { error => "No plugin name specified!", plugin_name => '' }; my $tar = $self->_open_tar($plugin_name, 'Uninstalled') or return { error => $GT::Plugins::error }; my $plugin = $self->_load_plugin_install($tar, $plugin_name) or return { error => $GT::Plugins::error }; my $plugin_pkg = $self->{prefix} . $plugin_name; $plugin_pkg = 'Plugins::' . $plugin_pkg unless index($plugin_pkg, 'Plugins::') >= 0; my $pre_code; { no strict 'refs'; $pre_code = ${$plugin_pkg . '::'}{'pre_install'}; } my $message = 'No pre installation message supplied.'; if (defined $pre_code and defined &{$pre_code}) { local ($@, $SIG{__DIE__}, $^W); eval { $message = $pre_code->(); }; if ($@) { $message = "Error running installation code: $@"; } if (! defined $message) { no strict 'refs'; $message = ${$plugin_pkg . "::error"} || "No error message provided."; } } # Check for overwriting. my $install_to = $self->{plugin_dir} . "/" . $plugin_name . ".pm"; if (-e $install_to) { my $old_plugin = $self->installed_plugin_info($plugin_name); my $old_version = $old_plugin ? $old_plugin->{version} : "(Can't load installed: $GT::Plugins::error)"; my $new_plugin = $self->uninstalled_plugin_info($plugin_name); my $new_version = $new_plugin ? $new_plugin->{version} : "(Can't load uninstalled: $GT::Plugins::error)"; return { instructions => $message, old_version => $old_version, new_version => $new_version, confirm => 1 }; } else { return { instructions => $message }; } } sub install { # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Install the plugin. # my $self = shift; my $plugin_name = $self->{cgi}->param('plugin_name') or return { error => "No plugin name specified!" }; my $skip_inst = $self->{cgi}->param('skip_install'); my $tar = $self->_open_tar($plugin_name, 'Uninstalled') or return; my $plugin = $self->_load_plugin_install($tar, $plugin_name) or return; my $install_to = $self->{plugin_dir} . "/" . $plugin_name . ".pm"; # Get the main code, and save it. my $plugin_code = $tar->get_file("$plugin_name.pm") or return { error => "Unable to locate the $plugin_name.pm file in tar" }; # Save the code. open (FILE, "> $install_to") or return { error => "Unable to create plugin file: $install_to. Reason: $!" }; print FILE $plugin_code->body_as_string; close FILE; # Add the plugin to the config. delete $self->{cfg}->{$plugin_name}; $self->{cfg}->{$plugin_name}->{meta} = $plugin->{meta}; $self->{cfg}->{$plugin_name}->{version} = $plugin->{version}; GT::Plugins->save_cfg($self->{plugin_dir}, $self->{cfg}); # Run the install code if requested. my ($message, $error); my $plugin_pkg = $self->{prefix} . $plugin_name; $plugin_pkg = 'Plugins::' . $plugin_pkg unless index($plugin_pkg, 'Plugins::') >= 0; my $code; { no strict 'refs'; $code = ${$plugin_pkg . "::"}{install}; } if ($self->{cgi}->param('skip_install')) { $message = "Installation code skipped."; } elsif (defined $code and defined &{$code}) { require GT::Plugins::Installer; my $args; foreach my $attrib (keys %$ATTRIBS) { $args->{$attrib} = $self->{$attrib}; } my $installer = new GT::Plugins::Installer($args); local ($@, $SIG{__DIE__}, $^W); eval { $message = $code->($installer, $tar); }; # Oh, oh, didn't install properly. if ($@) { delete $self->{cfg}->{$plugin_name}; GT::Plugins->save_cfg($self->{plugin_dir}, $self->{cfg}); unlink $install_to; return { error => "Error running installation code: $@" }; } if (! defined $message) { delete $self->{cfg}->{$plugin_name}; GT::Plugins->save_cfg($self->{plugin_dir}, $self->{cfg}); unlink $install_to; no strict 'refs'; $error = ${$plugin_pkg . "::error"}; $message = $error || "No error message provided. ($@)"; return { error => "Unable to install plugin: '$message'" }; } } else { $message = "No installation code found."; } # Move the tar file to the Installed directory. my $move_from = $self->{plugin_dir} . "/Uninstalled/" . $plugin_name . ".tar"; my $move_to = $self->{plugin_dir} . "/Installed/" . $plugin_name . ".tar"; $tar->close_tar; # Need to close the tar file. rename($move_from, $move_to) or return { error => "Unable to move plugin from $move_from => $move_to ($!)" }; # Installed ok, return results. if ($error) { return { error => $error, reload => 1 }; } else { my $output = qq~

Plugin $plugin_name Installed
The plugin has been successfully installed.

Installation Notes:

~; return { results => $output, reload => 1 }; } } sub pre_uninstall { # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Display pre-uninstallation message. # my $self = shift; my $plugin_name = $self->{cgi}->param('plugin_name') or return { error => "No plugin name specified!", plugin_name => '' }; my $tar = $self->_open_tar($plugin_name, 'Installed') or return; my $plugin = $self->_load_plugin_install($tar, $plugin_name) or return; my $plugin_pkg = $self->{prefix} . $plugin_name; $plugin_pkg = 'Plugins::' . $plugin_pkg unless index($plugin_pkg, 'Plugins::') >= 0; my $post_code; { no strict 'refs'; $post_code = ${$plugin_pkg . '::'}{'pre_uninstall'}; } my $message = 'No pre uninstallation message supplied.'; if (defined $post_code and defined &{$post_code}) { local ($@, $SIG{__DIE__}, $^W); eval { $message = $post_code->(); }; if ($@) { $message = "Error running uninstallation code: $@"; } if (! defined $message) { no strict 'refs'; my $error = ${$plugin_pkg . "::error"}; $message = $error || "No error message provided."; } } return { instructions => $message }; } sub uninstall { # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Display uninstallation message. # my $self = shift; my $plugin_name = $self->{cgi}->param('plugin_name') or return { error => "No plugin name specified!" }; my $skip_uninst = $self->{cgi}->param('skip_uninstall'); my $remove_from = $self->{plugin_dir} . "/" . $plugin_name . ".pm"; my $tar = $self->_open_tar($plugin_name, 'Installed'); my $move_from = $self->{plugin_dir} . "/Installed/" . $plugin_name . ".tar"; my $move_to = $self->{plugin_dir} . "/Uninstalled/" . $plugin_name . ".tar"; my $plugin_pkg = $self->{prefix} . $plugin_name; $plugin_pkg = 'Plugins::' . $plugin_pkg unless index($plugin_pkg, 'Plugins::') >= 0; if (! $tar) { delete $self->{cfg}->{$plugin_name}; GT::Plugins->save_cfg($self->{plugin_dir}, $self->{cfg}); unlink($remove_from); return { error => "Unable to load tar file: $GT::Plugins::error" }; } my $plugin = $self->_load_plugin_install($tar, $plugin_name); if (! $plugin) { delete $self->{cfg}->{$plugin_name}; GT::Plugins->save_cfg($self->{plugin_dir}, $self->{cfg}); $tar->close_tar; unlink($remove_from); rename($move_from, $move_to); return { error => "Unable to load uninstall file: $GT::Plugins::error" }; } # Run any uninstallation code. my ($code, $output, $error); { no strict 'refs'; $code = ${$plugin_pkg . "::"}{uninstall}; } if ($self->{cgi}->param('skip_uninstall')) { $output = "Uninstall code skipped."; } elsif (defined $code and defined &{$code}) { require GT::Plugins::Installer; my $args; foreach my $attrib (keys %$ATTRIBS) { $args->{$attrib} = $self->{$attrib}; } my $installer = new GT::Plugins::Installer($args); local ($@, $SIG{__DIE__}, $^W); eval { $output = $code->($installer, $tar); }; if ($@) { $error = "Error in uninstall code: $@"; } if (! $output and ! $error) { $output = "Uninstall completed."; } } else { $output = "No uninstall code found."; } # Remove the plugin from the config. delete $self->{cfg}->{$plugin_name}; GT::Plugins->save_cfg($self->{plugin_dir}, $self->{cfg}); # Remove the .pm file. unlink($remove_from) or return { error => "Unable to remove tar file: $remove_from. Reason: $!" }; # Move the tar file back to the Uninstalled directory. $tar->close_tar; # Need to close the tar file. rename($move_from, $move_to) or return { error => "Unable to place plugin back into Uninstalled directory: $move_from => $move_to ($!)" }; return { results => $output, reload => 1, error => $error }; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Editing Plugins # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # sub edit_installed { # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Edit a requested plugin. # my $self = shift; my $plugin_name = $self->{cgi}->param('plugin_name') or return { error => "No plugin name specified!" }; if (! exists $self->{cfg}->{$plugin_name}) { return { error => "Invalid plugin name: $plugin_name" }; } # Update the plugin if requested. my ($results, $reload); if ($self->{cgi}->param('edit')) { my %enabled_hooks = map { $_ => 1 } $self->{cgi}->param('hooks'); my %enabled_menu = map { $_ => 1 } $self->{cgi}->param('menu'); if (ref $self->{cfg}->{$plugin_name}->{hooks} eq 'ARRAY') { my $i = 0; foreach my $hook (@{$self->{cfg}->{$plugin_name}->{hooks}}) { $hook->[3] = exists $enabled_hooks{$i++} ? 1 : 0; } } if (ref $self->{cfg}->{$plugin_name}->{menu} eq 'ARRAY') { my $i = 0; foreach my $menu (@{$self->{cfg}->{$plugin_name}->{menu}}) { $menu->[2] = exists $enabled_menu{$i++} ? 1 : 0; } } if (ref $self->{cfg}->{$plugin_name}->{user} eq 'ARRAY') { my %opts; foreach my $option ( @{$self->{cfg}->{$plugin_name}->{user} || []} ) { $opts{$option->[0]} = $option; } foreach my $key ($self->{cgi}->param()) { next if ($key !~ /^user-(.+)/); my $real_key = $1; my @values = $self->{cgi}->param($key); # find out if the item is a checkbox, if it is, make sure that it's an arrayref my $val = (uc($opts{$real_key}->[3]) eq 'CHECKBOX') ? [@values] : $values[0]; foreach my $opt (@{$self->{cfg}->{$plugin_name}->{user}}) { if ($opt->[0] eq $real_key) { $opt->[1] = $val; } } } } GT::Plugins->save_cfg($self->{plugin_dir}, $self->{cfg}); $results = "Plugin updated successfully."; $reload = 1; } my $plugin = $self->{cfg}->{$plugin_name}; my $hooks = $self->load_hooks($plugin_name); my $menu = $self->load_menu($plugin_name); my $opts = $self->load_options($plugin_name); return { hooks => $hooks, menu => $menu, options => $opts, %{$plugin->{meta}}, results => $results, reload => $reload }; } sub edit_uninstalled { # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Edit a requested plugin. # my $self = shift; my $plugin_name = $self->{cgi}->param('plugin_name') or return { error => "No plugin name specified!" }; my $tar = $self->_open_tar($plugin_name, 'Uninstalled') or return { error => "Unable to open tar file: $GT::Plugins::error" }; my $base = $self->{base_url}; my ($output, $results, $body, $body_name); my $error = ''; my $delete = $self->{cgi}->param('delete'); if ($delete) { $tar->remove_file($delete); $tar->write ? ($results = "File $delete has been successfully removed!") : ($error = "Unable to delete file: $GT::Tar::error"); } my $add = $self->{cgi}->param('add'); if ($add) { my $body = $self->{cgi}->param('filebody'); $tar->add_data(name => $add, body => $body); $tar->write ? ($results = "File $add successfully added.") : ($error = "Unable to add file: $GT::Tar::error"); } my $edit = $self->{cgi}->param('edit'); if ($edit) { my $file = $tar->get_file($edit); if ($file) { $body = $file->body_as_string; $body = $self->{cgi}->html_escape($body); $body_name = $file->name; } } my $save = $self->{cgi}->param('save'); if ($save) { my $file = $tar->get_file($save); if ($file) { my $body = $self->{cgi}->param('body'); $body =~ s/\r//g; $file->body($body); $tar->write ? ($results = "File $save updated successfully.") : ($error = "Unable to save file: $GT::Tar::error"); } } my $perl = $self->{cgi}->param('perl'); if ($perl) { my $file = $tar->get_file($perl); if ($file) { $results = $self->_syntax_check($file); } } my $files = $tar->files; foreach my $file (@$files) { my $name = $file->name; next if ($name eq 'Wizard.pm'); my $size = length $file->body_as_string; $output .= qq~ $name ($size bytes) Edit | Perl Check ~; $output .= qq~ | Delete ~ if (($name ne 'Install.pm') and ($name ne $plugin_name . '.pm')); $output .= qq~ ~; } my $plugin = $self->_load_plugin_install($tar, $plugin_name) or ($error = "Unable to load install file: $GT::Plugins::error"); $plugin->{meta} ||= {}; $plugin->{meta}->{title} ||= $plugin_name; $plugin->{meta}->{author} ||= 'Unknown'; $plugin->{meta}->{url} ||= ''; $plugin->{meta}->{description} ||= ''; $plugin->{version} ||= 'Unknown'; return { files => $output, %{$plugin->{meta}}, results => $results, body => $body, body_name => $body_name, inst_error => $error }; } sub load_menu { # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Returns the html to enable/disable admin menu options. # my ($self, $plugin) = @_; return unless (ref $self->{cfg}->{$plugin}->{menu} eq 'ARRAY'); my $output = qq~ Menu Options (show/hide) ~; my $i = 0; foreach my $menu_option (@{$self->{cfg}->{$plugin}->{menu}}) { my ($menu, $url, $enabled) = @$menu_option; defined $enabled or ($enabled = 1); $enabled = $enabled ? ' CHECKED' : ''; $output .= qq~ $menu ~; $i++; } return $output; } sub load_hooks { # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Returns the html to enable/disable hooks. # my ($self, $plugin) = @_; return unless (ref $self->{cfg}->{$plugin}->{hooks} eq 'ARRAY'); my $output = qq~ Plugin Hooks (enable/disable) ~; my $i = 0; foreach my $hook (@{$self->{cfg}->{$plugin}->{hooks}}) { my ($hookname, $prepost, $action, $enabled) = @$hook; defined $enabled or ($enabled = 1); $enabled = $enabled ? ' CHECKED' : ''; $output .= qq~ $hookname ($prepost) ~; $i++; } return $output; } sub load_options { # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Returns the html to enable/disable plugin options. # my ($self, $plugin) = @_; return unless (ref $self->{cfg}->{$plugin}->{user} eq 'ARRAY'); my $output = qq~ Plugin Options ~; # This may be changed in the future require GT::SQL::Display::HTML; my $HTML = GT::SQL::Display::HTML->new(); foreach my $option (@{$self->{cfg}->{$plugin}->{user}}) { my ($name, $val, $ins, $type, $names, $values ) = @$option; $type ||= 'text'; $type = lc( $type ); my $options = {}; foreach my $i ( 0 .. $#$names ) { $options->{ $values->[$i] } = $names->[$i]; } no strict 'refs'; my $form_element = $HTML->$type( { name => "user-$name", value => $val, values => $options } ); use strict; if ($ins) { $output .= qq~$ins~; } $output .= qq~ $name $form_element ~; # if ($ins) { # $output .= qq~$ins~; # } # # $output .= qq~ # # $name # # # ~; } return $output; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Removing Files # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # sub delete { # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Remove a plugin completely from the Uninstalled dir. # my $self = shift; my $plugin_name = $self->{cgi}->param('plugin_name') or return { error => "No plugin name specified!" }; my $file = $self->{plugin_dir} . "/Uninstalled/" . $plugin_name . ".tar"; return unlink($file) ? { results => "Plugin successfully removed." } : { error => "Unable to remove plugin: $file. Reason: $!" }; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Downloading Plugins # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # sub download_gossamer { my $self = shift; require GT::WWW; require GT::Date; my $reg_number = $self->{prog_reg}; my $url = "http://www.gossamer-threads.com/perl/updates/plugin.cgi"; my $mh = 10; my $nh = $self->{cgi}->param('nh') || 1; my $beg = $nh == 1 ? 0 : $mh * ($nh - 1); my $www = GT::WWW->new( protocol => 'http', host => 'www.gossamer-threads.com', path => '/perl/updates/plugin.cgi', parameters => [ product => $self->{prog_name}, product_version => $self->{prog_ver}, reg_number => $reg_number, sb => $self->{cgi}->param('sb') || 'plugin_name', so => $self->{cgi}->param('so') || 'asc', $self->{prog_init} ? (init_path => $self->{prog_init}) : (), ] ); my $page = $www->get or return { error => "Unable to contact Gossamer Threads: " . $www->error() . ". Please try again later." }; my @plugins = split /\n/, $page; my $status_line = shift @plugins; my ($status) = $status_line =~ /^# Status: (\w+)$/; if ($status ne 'ok') { if (!$self->{prog_init}) { # Old products - they only expect a single error tag containing the error message return { error => "You are not authorized to connect to the plugin server. Please contact support\@gossamer-threads.com for more information and reference status: '$status'." }; } else { # New programs just get the error_code and format their own message in the template. # Error codes: # admin_path_mismatch_reset - the stored admin path does not match; it can be reset from the license area # admin_path_mismatch - the stored admin path does not match; no resets are available # invalid_product_id - the 'product' provided is unknown by the plugin server return { error_code => $status }; } } my $plugin_cfg = do "$self->{plugin_dir}/plugin.cfg" || {}; my $count = 0; my $hits = $#plugins + 1; my (@output, $speedbar, $html); my $font = 'font face="Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica" size="2"'; my $output = qq~
~; foreach my $p (@plugins) { $count++; next if $nh > 1 and $count < $beg + 1; my %row; ($row{plg_id}, $row{plg_name}, $row{plg_version}, $row{plg_url}, $row{plg_support}, $row{plg_support_url}, $row{plg_language}, $row{plg_updated}, $row{plg_license}, $row{plg_price}, $row{plg_author}, $row{cli_id_fk}, $row{author_name}, $row{plg_description}) = split /\t/, $p; $row{plg_updated} = GT::Date::date_get($row{plg_updated}, "%ddd%, %mmm% %dd% %yyyy% %hh%:%MM%:%ss%") if $row{plg_updated}; my $fetch = "$url/$row{plg_name}.tar?id=$row{plg_id};reg_number=$reg_number"; $row{download_url} = $self->{cgi}->escape($fetch); $row{installed} = $plugin_cfg->{$row{plg_name}} ? $plugin_cfg->{$row{plg_name}}->{version} : ''; push @output, \%row; my $price = $row{plg_license} == 2 ? $row{plg_price} : 'Free'; $output .= qq~ ~; last if @output == $mh; } if ($hits > $mh) { my $pages = int($hits / $mh); $pages++ if $hits % $mh; for my $i (1..$pages) { $self->{cgi}->param('nh', $i); my $url = $self->{cgi}->url; $speedbar .= $i == $nh ? "$i " : "$i "; } } $output = qq~

<$font>There are $hits plugins available for download.

$speedbar $output
<$font>Plugin Name <$font>Latest Version <$font>Action
Author: $row{author_name}
Last Updated: $row{plg_updated}
Price: $price
<$font>$row{plg_version} <$font>Download
$speedbar ~; return { plugins => \@output, num_plugins => $hits, speedbar => $speedbar, base_url => $self->{base_url}, gossamer => $output }; } sub download_file { # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Place the upload file into the Uninstalled directory. # my $self = shift; my $file = $self->{cgi}->param('file'); if (! $file) { return { error => "Please press browse to pick a file before uploading." }; } my ($name) = $file =~ m,([^/\\]+)$,; if ($name !~ /^[\w\-\.]+\.tar$/) { return { error => "Invalid file name: $name. Must be a .tar file, and only be letters and numbers, no spaces." }; } my $full_path = $self->{plugin_dir} . "/Uninstalled/" . $name; open (FILE, "> $full_path") or return { error => "Unable to create file: $full_path ($!)" }; binmode FILE; # Output stream binmode $file; # Input stream my ($read, $buffer); while ($read = read($file, $buffer, 4096)) { print FILE $buffer; } close FILE; return { results => "File was uploaded successfully." }; } sub download_url { # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Fetch a plugin from a URL and save it to the folder. # my $self = shift; my $url = $self->{cgi}->param('url'); $url or return { error => "Please enter a valid url." }; require GT::WWW; my ($protocol) = GT::WWW->parse_url($url); return { error => "Invalid URL specified" } unless $protocol; unless (GT::WWW->protocol_supported($protocol)) { return { error => "Unsupported protocol entered: $protocol" }; } my ($fh, $plugin_file, $full_path, $plugin_error, $status_error, $open_error, $no_filename, $print_error); my $www = GT::WWW->new($url); $www->chunk_size(16 * 1024); # Get 16KB at a time $www->chunk(sub { my $chunk = shift; unless ($fh or defined $plugin_error) { my $response = $www->response; my $status = $response->status; my $header = $response->header; if ($status_error = not $status) { $www->cancel; return; } if ($header->contains('X-Plugins' => 'Error')) { $plugin_error = ''; } else { $plugin_file = {$header->header_words('Content-Disposition')}->{filename}; unless ($plugin_file) { if (!$www->query_string) { my $path = $www->path; ($plugin_file) = $path =~ m{/([^/]+)\.tar$}; $plugin_file .= ".tar" if $plugin_file; } unless ($plugin_file) { $open_error = "No plugin found at url: $url"; $no_filename = 1; $www->cancel; return; } } $fh = \do { local *PLUGIN; *PLUGIN }; $full_path = "$self->{plugin_dir}/Uninstalled/$plugin_file"; unless (open $fh, "> $full_path") { $open_error = "Unable to create file '$full_path': $!"; $www->cancel; return; } binmode $fh; } } if (defined $plugin_error) { $plugin_error .= $$chunk } else { unless (print $fh $$chunk) { $print_error = "Unable to continue writing to file '$full_path': $!. Removing partial file."; $www->cancel; unlink $full_path; } } }); my $response = $www->get or return { error => "Unable to retrieve plugin: " . $www->error }; $status_error and return { error => "Unable to retrieve plugin: Server returned error status: " . (int $response->status) . $response->status }; defined $plugin_error and return { error => $plugin_error }; $open_error and return { error => $open_error }; $print_error and return { error => $print_error }; return { results => "Plugin $plugin_file retrieved successfully." }; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Utilities # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # sub admin_menu { # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Displays the admin menu. # my $self = shift; my $menu = ''; foreach my $plugin (sort keys %{$self->{cfg}}) { next unless ($self->{cfg}->{$plugin}->{menu}); $menu .= qq~  $plugin
~; foreach my $menu_option (@{$self->{cfg}->{$plugin}->{menu}}) { next if (defined $menu_option->[2] and ! $menu_option->[2]); $menu .= qq~  
~; } $menu .= " "; } if ($menu) { $menu = qq~  Installed Plugins $menu ~; } return $menu; } sub installed_plugins { # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Returns a list of installed plugins, not formatted. # my $self = shift; my $plgs = {}; foreach my $plugin (keys %{$self->{cfg}}) { next if (substr($plugin, 0, 1) eq '_'); $plgs->{$plugin} = $self->{cfg}->{$plugin}; } return $plgs; } sub installed_plugins_html { # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Returns a formatted string of installed plugins. # my $self = shift; my $plugins = $self->installed_plugins; my $count = 0; my $font = 'font face="Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica" size="2"'; my $html = qq~
~; # Show installed plugins. my $base = $self->{base_url}; foreach my $name (sort keys %$plugins) { my $plugin = $plugins->{$name}; my $plugin_e= $self->{cgi}->escape($name); my $title = $plugin->{meta}->{title} || $name; my $author = $plugin->{meta}->{author} || 'Unknown Author'; my $url = $plugin->{meta}->{url} || ''; my $version = $plugin->{version} || 'Unknown Version'; $url and ($author = qq~$author~); $html .= qq~ ~; $count++; } $html .= "
<$font>Installed Plugins
<$font>Name <$font>Version <$font>Author <$font>Action
<$font>$title <$font>$version <$font>$author <$font>Edit | Uninstall
"; if (! $count) { $html = "
No plugins have been installed.
"; } return $html; } sub uninstalled_plugins { # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Returns a list of uninstalled plugins, not formatted. # my $self = shift; my $dir = $self->{plugin_dir} . '/Uninstalled'; my %plugins; opendir (DIR, $dir) or return $self->error('CANTOPEN', 'FATAL', $dir, $!); while (defined(my $file = readdir(DIR))) { next unless ($file =~ /^(.+)\.tar$/); my $plugin_name = $1; my $tar = $self->_open_tar($plugin_name, 'Uninstalled'); $tar or $plugins{$plugin_name} = { tar_error => $GT::Plugins::error } and next; my $plugin = $self->_load_plugin_install($tar, $plugin_name); $plugin or $plugins{$plugin_name} = { inst_error => $GT::Plugins::error } and next; $plugins{$plugin_name} = $plugin; } closedir(DIR); return \%plugins; } sub uninstalled_plugins_html { # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Returns a formatted string of uninstalled plugins. # my $self = shift; my $plugins = $self->uninstalled_plugins; my $count = 0; my $font = 'font face="Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica" size="2"'; my $html = qq~
~; my $base = $self->{base_url}; my $func = $self->{func_url} ? $self->{func_url} : "$base&do=plugin"; foreach my $name (sort keys %$plugins) { my $plugin = $plugins->{$name}; my $plugin_e= $self->{cgi}->escape($name); my $title = $plugin->{meta}->{title} || $name; my $author = $plugin->{meta}->{author} || 'Unknown Author'; my $url = $plugin->{meta}->{url} || ''; my $version = $plugin->{version} || 'Unknown Version'; my $tar_err = $plugin->{tar_error} || ''; my $inst_err = $plugin->{inst_error} || ''; my $inst_l = qq~Install |~; my $edit_l = qq~Edit |~; my $error = ''; if ($tar_err) { $error = "
$tar_err"; $inst_l = ''; $edit_l = ''; } if ($inst_err) { $error = "
$inst_err"; $inst_l = ''; } $url and ($author = qq~$author~); $html .= qq~ ~; $count++; } $html .= "
<$font>Uninstalled Plugins
<$font>Name <$font>Version <$font>Author <$font>Action
<$font>$title$error <$font>$version <$font>$author <$font>$inst_l $edit_l Delete | Download
"; if (! $count) { $html = "
No plugins are available to be installed.
"; } return $html; } sub uninstalled_plugin_info { # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Returns a hash of plugin info for an uninstalled plugin. # my ($self, $plugin_name) = @_; my $file = $self->{plugin_dir} . "/Uninstalled/" . $plugin_name . ".tar"; if (! -e $file) { return $self->error('CANTOPEN', 'WARN', $file, $!); } my $tar = GT::Tar->open($file) or return; my $plugin = $self->_load_plugin_install($tar, $plugin_name) or return; return $plugin; } sub installed_plugin_info { # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Return a hash of plugin info for an installed plugin. # my ($self, $plugin_name) = @_; return exists $self->{cfg}->{$plugin_name} ? $self->{cfg}->{$plugin_name} : $self->error('NOPLUGIN', 'WARN', $plugin_name); } sub _open_tar { # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Opens a tar file. # my ($self, $plugin_name, $dir) = @_; my $file = $self->{plugin_dir} . '/' . $dir . '/' . $plugin_name . '.tar'; if (! -e $file) { return $self->error('CANTLOAD', 'WARN', $file, $!); } my $tar = GT::Tar->open( $file ) or return $self->error('CANTLOAD', 'WARN', $file, "Unable to parse tar file: $GT::Tar::error"); return $tar; } sub _load_plugin_install { # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Takes a .tar file, looks for an Install.pm file, evals it, and # returns a hash of meta info. # my ($self, $tar, $plugin_name) = @_; my $install = $tar->get_file('Install.pm') or return $self->error('CANTLOAD', 'WARN', $plugin_name, "No Install.pm file found in tar!"); # Eval the install file. my $file = $install->body_as_string; { local ($@, $SIG{__DIE__}, $^W); eval "$file"; if ($@) { return $self->error('CANTLOAD', 'WARN', $plugin_name, "Install.pm does not compile: $@"); } } # Load the meta info. no strict 'refs'; my $plugin_pkg = $self->{prefix} . $plugin_name; $plugin_pkg = 'Plugins::' . $plugin_pkg unless index($plugin_pkg, 'Plugins::') >= 0; my $version = ${$plugin_pkg . "::VERSION"}; my $meta = defined ${$plugin_pkg . '::META'} ? ${$plugin_pkg . '::META'} : {}; if (! defined $version) { $version = defined $meta->{version} ? $meta->{version} : 'UNKNOWN'; } my $author = defined $meta->{author} ? $meta->{author} : 'Unknown'; my $url = defined $meta->{url} ? $meta->{url} : 'Unknown'; my $desc = defined $meta->{description} ? $meta->{description} : 'None'; return { name => $plugin_name, meta => $meta, author => $author, url => $url, description => $desc, version => $version }; } sub _syntax_check { # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Returns the output of syntax checking the current file. # my $self = shift; my $file = shift; my $results; require GT::TempFile; if ($self->{path_to_perl} and -x $self->{path_to_perl}) { my $tmp_file = new GT::TempFile; open (TMPFILE, "> $$tmp_file") or return "Couldn't open temp file: $$tmp_file ($!)"; print TMPFILE $file->body_as_string; close TMPFILE; my $args = $self->{perl_args} || ''; # We are not really running under mod_perl in the spawned perl check. # DBI will not load if it thinks we are (but aren't). local($ENV{GATEWAY_INTERFACE}, $ENV{MOD_PERL}); my $perl_results = `$self->{path_to_perl} $args $$tmp_file 2>&1`; my $filename = $file->name; $perl_results =~ s/$$tmp_file/$filename/g; $results = "Perl Said:
"; } else { $results = "Unable to execute perl: $self->{path_to_perl}"; } return $results; } 1;