# ================================================================== # Gossamer Links - enhanced directory management system # # Website : http://gossamer-threads.com/ # Support : http://gossamer-threads.com/scripts/support/ # CVS Info : 087,071,086,086,085 # Revision : $Id: Payment.pm,v 1.84 2012/02/02 08:51:47 brewt Exp $ # # Copyright (c) 2001 Gossamer Threads Inc. All Rights Reserved. # Redistribution in part or in whole strictly prohibited. Please # see LICENSE file for full details. # ================================================================== # Terminology: # payment_type: signup (0), renewal (1), recurring (2) # payment_term: 1y, 2y, etc # payment_method: PayPal, WorldPay, AuthorizeDotNet, Moneris, etc # payment_method_type: direct or remote package Links::Payment; # Pragmas use strict; use vars qw/@ISA @EXPORT_OK %EXPORT_TAGS %Ptd %Lang_map/; # Internal Modules use Links qw/:objects :payment/; use GT::AutoLoader; use GT::Date qw/timelocal/; use Exporter; use constants PENDING => 0, COMPLETED => 1, DECLINED => 2, ERROR => 3, INITIAL => 0, RENEWAL => 1, RECURRING => 2, LOG_INFO => 0, LOG_ACCEPTED => 1, LOG_DECLINED => 2, LOG_ERROR => 3, LOG_MANUAL => 4; @ISA = qw(Exporter Links); # Inherit from Exporter and Links @EXPORT_OK = qw/PENDING COMPLETED DECLINED ERROR LOG_INFO LOG_ACCEPTED LOG_DECLINED LOG_ERROR LOG_MANUAL/; %EXPORT_TAGS = ( status => [qw/PENDING COMPLETED DECLINED ERROR/], log => [qw/LOG_INFO LOG_ACCEPTED LOG_DECLINED LOG_ERROR LOG_MANUAL/], all => \@EXPORT_OK ); %Ptd = ( d => 1, w => 7, m => 30, y => 365 ); %Lang_map = ( d => 'DATE_UNIT_DAY', w => 'DATE_UNIT_WEEK', m => 'DATE_UNIT_MONTH', y => 'DATE_UNIT_YEAR' ); $COMPILE{method} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub method { # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # my $self = shift; my $term = _check_term(scalar $IN->param('payment_term')); return $self->error($term, 'WARN') unless ref $term; my $methods; if ($term->{recurring}) { $methods = $self->methods(1, 1); } else { $methods = $self->methods(0, 1); } return $self->error($term, 'WARN') unless ref $term; # If we only have one usable payment method, just pass the user onto the # payment form. if (@{$methods->{payment_methods}} == 1) { $IN->param(payment_method => ($methods->{payment_methods}->[0]->{payment_direct} ? "direct_" : "remote_") . $methods->{payment_methods}->[0]->{payment_method}); $IN->param(page => 'payment_form'); return $self->form(); } return { %$methods, payment_name => $term->{name}, payment_description => $CFG->{payment}->{description}, payment_term => $term->{term}, payment_term_num => $term->{term_num}, payment_term_u => $term->{term_unit}, payment_term_unit => $term->{term_unit} && Links::language($Lang_map{$term->{term_unit}} . ($term->{term_num} != 1 ? 'S' : '')), payment_amount => $term->{amount}, payment_type => $term->{recurring} ? 2 : $term->{type} eq 'renewal' ? 1 : 0, }; } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{form} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub form { # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # my $self = shift; my @vars; my $term = _check_term(scalar $IN->param('payment_term')); return $self->error($term, 'WARN') unless ref $term; my $payment_vars = { payment_term => $term->{term}, payment_term_num => $term->{term_num}, payment_term_u => $term->{term_unit}, payment_term_unit => $term->{term_unit} && Links::language($Lang_map{$term->{term_unit}} . ($term->{term_num} != 1 ? 'S' : '')), payment_amount => $term->{amount}, payment_type => $term->{recurring} ? 2 : 1, payment_name => $term->{name}, payment_description => $CFG->{payment}->{description}, }; my $method = _check_method($term->{recurring}, scalar $IN->param('payment_method'), scalar $IN->param('payment_method_type')); return $self->error($method, 'WARN', $payment_vars) unless ref($method); my $method_info = _method($method->{method}, $method->{method_type} eq 'direct'); push @vars, {%$method_info}; if ($method->{method_type} eq 'remote') { my $payment_unique = generate_unique_id(); my $link_id = $IN->param('link_id'); if (!$CFG->{user_required}) { $DB->table('Links')->count({ ID => $link_id }) or return $self->error('PAYMENTERR_INVALIDLINKID', 'WARN'); } elsif (!$DB->table('Links')->count({ ID => $link_id, LinkOwner => $USER->{Username} })) { return $self->error('PAYMENTERR_INVALIDLINKID', 'WARN'); } $DB->table('Payments')->insert({ payments_linkid => $link_id, payments_id => $payment_unique, payments_status => PENDING, payments_method => $method->{method_type} . '_' . $method->{method}, payments_type => $term->{type} eq 'recurring' ? RECURRING : $term->{type} eq 'renewal' ? RENEWAL : INITIAL, payments_amount => $term->{amount}, payments_term => $term->{term}, payments_start => time, payments_last => time, }) or die "Insert failed (No payment was charged): $GT::SQL::error"; push @vars, { unique_id => $payment_unique }; } $payment_vars->{payment_method_type} = $method->{method_type}; push @vars, $payment_vars; my $pkg = $method_info->{payment_package}; require $method_info->{payment_module}; my $meth_info = $pkg->can('payment_info') ? $pkg->payment_info() : {}; push @vars, {%$meth_info}; return { map { %$_ } @vars }; } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{direct} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub direct { # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # my $self = shift; my $term = _check_term(scalar $IN->param('payment_term')); return $self->error($term, 'WARN') unless ref($term); my $method = _check_method($term->{recurring}, scalar $IN->param('payment_method'), scalar $IN->param('payment_method_type')); return $self->error($method, 'WARN') unless ref($method); my $pkg = $CFG->{payment}->{$method->{method_type}}->{methods}->{$method->{method}}->{package}; require $CFG->{payment}->{$method->{method_type}}->{methods}->{$method->{method}}->{module}; my $payment_unique = generate_unique_id(); $IN->param(order_id => $payment_unique); $IN->param(charge_total => $term->{amount}); my $verify = $pkg->verify(); # An array reference return value indicates that the fields in the array # reference had incorrect values. if (ref $verify eq 'ARRAY') { my %errors; for (@{$verify->[0]}, @{$verify->[1]}) { $errors{$_ . "_error"}++; } if (exists $errors{credit_card_expiry_month_error} or exists $errors{credit_card_expiry_year_error}) { $errors{credit_card_expiry_error}++; } return $self->error('PAYMENTERR_DIRECT', 'WARN', \%errors) if keys %errors; } my $pt = $DB->table('Payments'); my $pl = $DB->table('PaymentLogs'); my $link_id = $IN->param('link_id'); if (!$CFG->{user_required}) { $DB->table('Links')->count({ ID => $link_id }) or return $self->error('PAYMENTERR_INVALIDLINKID', 'WARN'); } elsif (!$DB->table('Links')->count({ ID => $link_id, LinkOwner => $USER->{Username} })) { return $self->error('PAYMENTERR_INVALIDLINKID', 'WARN'); } $pt->insert({ payments_linkid => $link_id, payments_id => $payment_unique, payments_status => PENDING, payments_method => $method->{method_type} . '_' . $method->{method}, payments_type => $term->{type} eq 'recurring' ? RECURRING : $term->{type} eq 'renewal' ? RENEWAL : INITIAL, payments_amount => $term->{amount}, payments_term => $term->{term}, payments_start => time, payments_last => time, }) or die "Insert failed (No payment was charged): $GT::SQL::error"; # Actually perform the direct payment: my ($complete, $message, $receipt) = $pkg->complete(); if ($complete == 1) { $pt->update({ payments_status => COMPLETED, payments_last => time }, { payments_id => $payment_unique }); $pl->insert({ paylogs_payments_id => $payment_unique, paylogs_type => LOG_ACCEPTED, paylogs_time => time, paylogs_text => $message . "\n\nReceipt:\n$receipt" }); process_payment($IN->param('link_id'), $term->{term}, 0); } elsif ($complete == 0) { $pt->update({ payments_status => DECLINED, payments_last => time }, { payments_id => $payment_unique }); $pl->insert({ paylogs_payments_id => $payment_unique, paylogs_type => LOG_DECLINED, paylogs_time => time, paylogs_text => $message }); return $self->error('PAYMENTERR_DECLINED', 'WARN', { payment_declined => 1, payment_errmsg => $message }); } else { $pt->update({ payments_status => ERROR, payments_last => time }, { payments_id => $payment_unique }); $pl->insert({ paylogs_payments_id => $payment_unique, paylogs_type => LOG_ERROR, paylogs_time => time, paylogs_text => $message }); return $self->error('PAYMENTERR_DIRECT', 'WARN', { payment_erred => 1, payment_errmsg => $message }); } return {}; } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{confirm} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub confirm { # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # my $self = shift; return {}; } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{_check_term} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub _check_term { # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Checks that a payment term is valid and either returns an error string, or a hash # of information that has been parsed from the input. # my $payment_term = shift; my ($term, $term_num, $term_unit, $rec, $type, $lifetime, $cost); my $cat_id = $IN->param('cat_id'); ($cat_id =~ /^\d+$/) or return 'PAYMENTERR_INVALIDCATID'; my $conf = load_cat_price($cat_id); # load payment terms for this category if ($payment_term) { if ($payment_term =~ m/^(?:(\d+)([dwmy])|(\w+))(?:-(\w+))?$/) { $term_num = $1; $term_unit = $2; $lifetime = $3; $rec = $4; $term = $term_num ? "$term_num$term_unit" : $lifetime; } if ($rec) { $type = 'recurring'; } else { my $link_expiry = $DB->table('Links')->select(ExpiryDate => { ID => scalar $IN->param('link_id') })->fetchrow; if ($link_expiry == UNPAID or $link_expiry == FREE) { $type = 'signup' } else { $type = 'renewal'; } } # Check that the payment term actually exists if ($conf->{payment_mode} and $conf->{term_cnt}) { my $cond; $cond->{cp_cat_id_fk} = $cat_id; $cond->{cp_term} = $term; $rec and $cond->{cp_type} = '2';# 2 = recurring my $db_term = $DB->table('CatPrice')->select($cond)->fetchrow_hashref; $db_term or return 'PAYMENTERR_INVALIDTERM'; $cost = $db_term->{cp_cost}; } else{ unless ((!$rec and exists $CFG->{payment}->{term}->{types}->{signup}->{$term}) or (!$rec and exists $CFG->{payment}->{term}->{types}->{renewal}->{$term}) or ($rec and exists $CFG->{payment}->{term}->{types}->{recurring}->{$term})) { return 'PAYMENTERR_INVALIDTERM'; } $cost = ($type eq 'renewal' and !exists $CFG->{payment}->{term}->{types}->{$type}->{$term}) ? $CFG->{payment}->{term}->{types}->{signup}->{$term} : $CFG->{payment}->{term}->{types}->{$type}->{$term}; } } else { return 'PAYMENTERR_NOLEVEL'; } # Check payment discount and adjust the cost my $discount = check_discount(); $discount and $cost and $cost = $cost * (100 - $discount->{percent}) / 100; $cost = sprintf("%.2f", $cost); return { %$conf, term => $payment_term, term_num => $term_num, term_unit => $term_unit, recurring => $rec, type => $type, lifetime => $lifetime, amount => $cost }; } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{_check_method} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub _check_method { # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Checks that a method is valid and either returns an error string, or a hash # of information that has been parsed from the input. # # The first argument is whether or not the selected payment is a recurring # type or not. The third argument, method_type_in, is optional. If it is not # supplied, then method_in must be in format _. # my ($recurring, $method_in, $method_type_in) = @_; my ($method_type, $method); if ($method_in) { if ($method_type_in) { $method = $method_in; $method_type = $method_type_in; } else { ($method_type, $method) = split(/_/, $method_in, 2); } unless (exists $CFG->{payment}->{$method_type} and exists $CFG->{payment}->{$method_type}->{used}->{$method}) { return 'PAYMENTERR_INVALIDMETHOD'; } if ($recurring and !$CFG->{payment}->{$method_type}->{methods}->{$method}->{recurring}) { return 'PAYMENTERR_INVALIDMETHOD'; } } else { return 'PAYMENTERR_NOMETHOD'; } return { method_type => $method_type, method => $method, }; } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{load_config} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub load_config { # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Loads information from config file, and returns it to a template. # my ($self) = @_; my $conf; my $term = {%{$CFG->{payment}->{term}}}; my $discount = check_discount(); for my $type (keys %{$term->{types}}) { my @terms; for my $item (sort { convert_to_days($a) <=> convert_to_days($b) } keys %{$term->{types}->{$type}}) { my ($num, $unit) = $item =~ m/^(\d+)([dwmy])$/; my $cost = $term->{types}->{$type}->{$item}; $discount and $cost and $cost = $cost*(100-$discount->{percent})/100; push @terms, { term => $item, term_num => $num, term_unit => $unit && Links::language($Lang_map{$unit} . ($num != 1 ? 'S' : '')), cost => sprintf("%.2f", $cost), }; } $conf->{$type} = \@terms; $conf->{"num_$type"} = @terms; } # If no renewal terms are defined, use the signup terms if (not $conf->{renewal} or not $conf->{num_renewal}) { $conf->{renewal} = [@{$conf->{signup}}]; for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$conf->{renewal}}; $i++) { if ($conf->{renewal}->[$i]->{cost} == 0) { splice @{$conf->{renewal}}, $i--, 1; } } $conf->{num_renewal} = @{$conf->{renewal}}; $conf->{renewal_differs} = undef; } else { $conf->{renewal_differs} = 1; } # Load discounts my $discounts = $CFG->{payment}->{discounts}; my @payment_discounts; for my $num (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$discounts) { push @payment_discounts, { num => $num, percent => $discounts->{$num}->{percent}, description => $discounts->{$num}->{description} }; } $conf->{payment_discounts} = \@payment_discounts if @payment_discounts; # Load other info $conf->{payment_enabled} = ( $CFG->{payment}->{enabled} and ( keys %{$CFG->{payment}->{remote}->{used}} or keys %{$CFG->{payment}->{direct}->{used}} ) ); $conf->{payment_config_enabled} = $CFG->{payment}->{enabled}; $conf->{payment_mode} = $CFG->{payment}->{mode}; $conf->{payment_auto_validate} = $CFG->{payment}->{auto_validate}; $conf->{payment_description} = $CFG->{payment}->{description}; $conf->{payment_expiry_notify} = $CFG->{payment}->{expiry_notify}; $conf->{payment_expired_is_free} = $CFG->{payment}->{expired_is_free}; return $conf; } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{save_config} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub save_config { # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # my $save; for (qw/enabled mode auto_validate description expired_is_free/) { if ($CFG->{payment}->{$_} ne (my $v = $IN->param("payment_$_"))) { $CFG->{payment}->{$_} = $v; $save++; } } if ($CFG->{payment}->{expiry_notify} ne (my $v = $IN->param('payment_expiry_notify') || 7)) { $CFG->{payment}->{expiry_notify} = $v; $save++; } # Handle any deletions for ($IN->param('delete_discount')) { if (exists $CFG->{payment}->{discounts}->{$_}) { delete $CFG->{payment}->{discounts}->{$_}; $save++; } } for my $p ($IN->param) { if ($p =~ /^delete_(signup|renewal|recurring)$/) { my $type = $1; for my $item ($IN->param($p)) { if (exists $CFG->{payment}->{term}->{types}->{$type}->{$item}) { delete $CFG->{payment}->{term}->{types}->{$type}->{$item}; $save++; } } } } # Add new term my $new_fee = $IN->param('signup_cost'); my $term_length = $IN->param('term_length'); my $term_unit = $IN->param('term_unit'); my $add_type = $IN->param('add_type') || 'signup'; my $trying = length($new_fee) + length($term_length); my $ok; if (!$trying or ($term_unit eq 'unlimited' and $add_type ne 'recurring') or ( $term_length =~ /^(\d+)$/ and $term_length > 0 and $term_unit =~ /^[dwmy]$/) ) { $ok = 1; } else { return { payment_config_invalid_term => 1 }; } if (!$trying or $new_fee =~ /^(\d+\.\d\d|\.\d\d|\d+)$/ and $new_fee > 0) { $ok = 1; } else { return { payment_config_invalid_fee => 1 }; } if ($trying and $ok) { $CFG->{payment}->{term}->{types}->{$add_type}->{$term_unit eq 'unlimited' ? 'unlimited' : "$term_length$term_unit"} = sprintf "%.2f", $new_fee; $save++; } # Add a new payment discount my $num_links = $IN->param('discount_num_links'); my $description = $IN->param('discount_description'); my $percent = scalar $IN->param('discount_percent') || 0; if ($num_links or $percent) { if (($num_links =~ /^(\d+)$/) and ($num_links > 1) and (($percent =~ /^(\d?\d)$/) and ($percent > 0) and ($percent < 100))) { $CFG->{payment}->{discounts}->{$num_links} = { description => $description, percent => $percent }; $save++; } else { return { payment_config_invalid_discount => 1 }; } } $CFG->save() if $save; return { config_saved_done => 1 }; } END_OF_SUB sub direct_methods_used { return ( $CFG->{payment}->{enabled} and keys %{$CFG->{payment}->{direct}->{used}} ); } $COMPILE{cat_payment_info} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub cat_payment_info { # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Loads payment mode from database for a specific category or from global config. # Used in displaying a category or search_results function # IN : Category ID # OUT: mode => 0|1|2 (Not Accepted|Optional|Required) # or error => Error messages # my $cat_id = shift; my $ret; $ret->{mode} = $CFG->{payment}->{mode}; # Get category info if ($cat_id =~ /^\d+$/) { my $cat = $DB->table('Category')->get($cat_id) or return { error => Links::language('PAYMENTERR_INVALIDCATID') }; $cat->{Payment_Mode} and $ret->{mode} = $cat->{Payment_Mode}; } return $ret; } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{load_cat_price} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub load_cat_price { # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Loads payment terms from database for a particular category and returns it to a template. # my ($cat_id) = @_; my $data; my $out; if (ref $cat_id and @$cat_id == 1) { $cat_id = $cat_id->[0]; } # If more than one category is passed in, then a single category needs to be chosen. elsif (ref $cat_id) { my $category = $DB->table('Category'); # Order the results so we get consistent results $category->select_options('ORDER BY ID'); my $sth = $category->select('ID', 'Payment_Mode', { ID => $cat_id }); my $modes; while (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { push @{$modes->{$row->{Payment_Mode}}}, $row->{ID}; if ($row->{Payment_Mode} == GLOBAL) { push @{$modes->{$CFG->{payment}->{mode}}}, $row->{ID}; } } # Choose the global payment terms over custom one which a global payment term exists if (exists $modes->{REQUIRED . ''}) { if ($CFG->{payment}->{mode} == REQUIRED and exists $modes->{GLOBAL . ''}) { $cat_id = $modes->{GLOBAL . ''}->[0]; } else { $cat_id = $modes->{REQUIRED . ''}->[0]; } } elsif (exists $modes->{OPTIONAL . ''}) { if ($CFG->{payment}->{mode} == OPTIONAL and exists $modes->{GLOBAL . ''}) { $cat_id = $modes->{GLOBAL . ''}->[0]; } else { $cat_id = $modes->{OPTIONAL . ''}->[0]; } } elsif (exists $modes->{NOT_ACCEPTED . ''}) { $cat_id = $modes->{NOT_ACCEPTED . ''}->[0]; } } # Get category info ($cat_id =~ /^\d+$/) or return { payment_invalid_cat_id => 1 }; $out = $DB->table('Category')->select({ ID => $cat_id })->fetchrow_hashref; # Only check for existing category payment terms if the category's Payment_Mode isn't using the global terms if ($out->{Payment_Mode}) { $out->{term_cnt} = $DB->table('CatPrice')->count({ 'cp_cat_id_fk' => $cat_id }); } # Payment_Mode allows the category to override the global setting (0 = use global setting) $out->{payment_mode} = $out->{Payment_Mode} || $CFG->{payment}->{mode}; $out->{payment_description} = $CFG->{payment}->{description}; # If we need to check global config, or if no payments are defined for this category if (!$IN->param('not_global') and (!$out->{Payment_Mode} or !$out->{term_cnt})) { my $conf = load_config(); foreach (keys %$conf) { !exists $out->{$_} and $out->{$_} = $conf->{$_} } } # Otherwise load info from database else { my $db = $DB->table('CatPrice'); my $sth = $db->select({ 'cp_cat_id_fk' => $cat_id }); while (my $term = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) { push @$data => _get_term($term); } for my $type (qw/signup renewal recurring/) { my @terms = grep {$_->{type} eq $type} sort { convert_to_days($a->{term}) <=> convert_to_days($b->{term}) } @$data; $out->{$type} = \@terms if @terms; $out->{"num_$type"} = @terms; } # If no renewal terms are defined, use the signup terms if (not $out->{renewal} or not $out->{num_renewal}) { $out->{renewal} = [@{$out->{signup}}]; for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$out->{renewal}}; $i++) { if ($out->{renewal}->[$i]->{cost} == 0) { splice @{$out->{renewal}}, $i--, 1; } } $out->{num_renewal} = @{$out->{renewal}}; $out->{renewal_differs} = undef; } else { $out->{renewal_differs} = 1; } } # Return some values for using in templates $out->{cat_id} = $cat_id; my $discount = check_discount(); defined $discount->{percent} and $out->{discount_percent} = $discount->{percent}; defined $discount->{description} and $out->{discount_description} = $discount->{description}; return $out; } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{save_cat_price} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub save_cat_price { # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Store payment terms for a particular category into database # my $cgi = $IN->get_hash; my $save; my $dels = $cgi->{delete_term}; ref $dels or $dels = [$dels]; foreach my $id (@$dels) { $DB->table('CatPrice')->delete($id) and $save++; } # Add new term my $new_fee = $IN->param('signup_cost'); my $term_length = $IN->param('term_length'); my $term_unit = $IN->param('term_unit'); my $add_type = $IN->param('add_type') || 'signup'; my $trying = length($new_fee) + length($term_length); my $ok; my $cat_id = $IN->param('ID'); ($cat_id =~ /^\d+$/) or return { payment_invalid_cat_id => 1 }; # Copy global terms if ($IN->param('copy_global')) { my $types = $CFG->{payment}->{term}->{types}; foreach my $type (keys %$types) { my $cp_type = $type eq 'recurring' ? 2 : $type eq 'renewal' ? 1 : 0; foreach my $term (keys %{$types->{$type}}) { my $new_term; $new_term->{cp_term} = $term; $new_term->{cp_cat_id_fk} = $cat_id; $new_term->{cp_type} = $cp_type; $DB->table('CatPrice')->count($new_term) and next ; $new_term->{cp_cost} = sprintf "%.2f", $types->{$type}->{$term}; $DB->table('CatPrice')->add($new_term) or die "$GT::SQL::error"; } } return { config_copied_done => 1}; } if (!$trying or ($term_unit eq 'unlimited' and $add_type ne 'recurring') or ( $term_length =~ /^(\d+)$/ and $term_length > 0 and $term_unit =~ /^[dwmy]$/) ) { $ok = 1; } else { return { payment_config_invalid_term => 1 }; } if (!$trying or $new_fee =~ /^(\d+\.\d\d|\.\d\d|\d+)$/ and $new_fee > 0) { my $term_cnt = $DB->table('CatPrice')->count({ cp_term => $term_unit eq 'unlimited' ? 'unlimited' : "$term_length$term_unit", cp_cat_id_fk => $cat_id, cp_type => $add_type eq 'recurring' ? 2 : $add_type eq 'renewal' ? 1 : 0 }); $term_cnt and return { payment_term_exists => 1 }; $ok = 1; } else { return { payment_config_invalid_fee => 1 }; } if ($trying and $ok) { my $input; $input->{cp_cat_id_fk} = $cat_id; $input->{cp_type} = $add_type eq 'recurring' ? 2 : $add_type eq 'renewal' ? 1 : 0; $input->{cp_term} = $term_unit eq 'unlimited' ? 'unlimited' : "$term_length$term_unit"; $input->{cp_cost} = sprintf "%.2f", $new_fee; my $cp_id = $DB->table('CatPrice')->add($input) or die "$GT::SQL::error"; $save++; } $save and return { config_saved_done => 1}; return; } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{check_expiry_date} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub check_expiry_date { # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Make sure that the ExpiryDate of a link is valid for the category/categories # that the link is in. # # A link ID or a hash of link data (that has the original ExpiryDate) is # required and the array ref of categories the link is in is optional. A new # ExpiryDate is returned if the current one is invalid. # my ($link, $cats) = @_; if ($CFG->{payment}->{enabled}) { $link = ref $link ? $link : $DB->table('Links')->select('ExpiryDate', { ID => $link })->fetchrow; $cats ||= [$IN->param('CatLinks.CategoryID')]; my $modes; my $category = $DB->table('Category'); $category->select_options('GROUP BY Payment_Mode'); my $sth = $category->select('Payment_Mode', { ID => $cats }); while (defined(my $mode = $sth->fetchrow)) { $modes->{$mode == GLOBAL ? $CFG->{payment}->{mode} : $mode}++; } # If any of the categories the link is in requires payment, then payment is required if (exists $modes->{REQUIRED . ''}) { # Every ExpiryDate value is valid except for FREE return UNPAID if $link->{ExpiryDate} == FREE; } # Payments are optional in one or more categories, ExpiryDate can be set to anything elsif (exists $modes->{OPTIONAL . ''}) { return; } # No payments are accepted for any of the categories, the ExpiryDate should be set to FREE elsif (exists $modes->{NOT_ACCEPTED . ''}) { return FREE if $link->{ExpiryDate} != FREE; } } return; } END_OF_SUB sub _get_term { # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Prepare a term (from database) to return to the template # my $term = shift; my $ret; ($ret->{term_num}, $ret->{term_unit}) = $term->{cp_term} =~ m/^(\d+)([dwmy])$/; $ret->{term} = $term->{cp_term}; $ret->{term_unit} = $ret->{term_unit} && Links::language($Lang_map{$ret->{term_unit}} . ($ret->{term_num} != 1 ? 'S' : '')); my $discount = check_discount(); $discount and $term->{cp_cost} and $term->{cp_cost} = $term->{cp_cost}*(100-$discount->{percent})/100; $ret->{cost} = sprintf("%.2f", $term->{cp_cost}); $ret->{type} = $term->{cp_type} eq '2' ? 'recurring' : $term->{cp_type} eq '1' ? 'renewal' : 'signup'; $ret->{cp_id} = $term->{cp_id}; return $ret; } $COMPILE{methods} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub methods { # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Returns template loop variables 'payment_methods'. Loop variables available: # payment_direct: 1 (direct) or 0 (remote) # payment_name: 'Authorize.Net', 'Moneris', 'PayPal', et cetera # payment_module: 'AuthorizeDotNet', 'Moneris', 'PayPal', et cetera # payment_used: 1 (used), 0 (not used) # # You may optionally pass in a true value in order to only return payment # methods capable of handling recurring payments. A second value, if true, # indicates that you want only enabled methods. # my ($self, $want_recurring, $want_used) = @_; my @methods; my ($used_direct, $used_remote) = (0, 0); my ($d, $r) = @{$CFG->{payment}}{'direct', 'remote'}; for my $w ($d, $r) { for (sort keys %{$w->{methods}}) { my $method = _method($_, $w == $d ? 1 : 0); push @methods, $method if (not $want_recurring or $method->{payment_recurring}) # want_recurring -> payment_recurring and (not $want_used or $method->{payment_used}); # want_used -> payment_used } } for (@methods) { $_->{payment_direct} ? $used_direct++ : $used_remote++ if $_->{payment_used} } return { payment_methods => \@methods, direct_methods => scalar keys %{$d->{methods}}, direct_methods_used => $used_direct, direct_methods_unused => keys(%{$d->{methods}}) - $used_direct, remote_methods => scalar keys %{$r->{methods}}, remote_methods_used => $used_remote, remote_methods_unused => keys(%{$r->{methods}}) - $used_remote }; } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{_method} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub _method { # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Takes two arguments - the first is the payment scheme (AuthorizeDotNet, # PayPal, etc.) and the second is a boolean indicating whether you are looking # for a "direct" payment method - true means direct, false means remote. # my ($method_name, $direct) = @_; my $p = $CFG->{payment}->{$direct ? 'direct' : 'remote'}; return unless exists $p->{methods}->{$method_name}; my $method = { payment_types => [@{$p->{methods}->{$method_name}->{types}}], payment_module => $p->{methods}->{$method_name}->{module}, payment_package => $p->{methods}->{$method_name}->{package}, payment_recurring => $p->{methods}->{$method_name}->{recurring} }; if ($direct) { $method->{payment_direct} = 1; $method->{_lang_prefix} = 'DIRECT'; } else { $method->{payment_direct} = 0; $method->{_lang_prefix} = 'REMOTE'; } $method->{payment_method} = $method_name; $method->{payment_name} = Links::language("PAYMENT_$method->{_lang_prefix}_$method_name"); $method->{payment_description} = Links::language("PAYMENT_$method->{_lang_prefix}_${method_name}_description"); for (@{$method->{payment_types}}) { $_ = { code => $_, name => Links::language("PAYMENT_TYPE_$_") }; } if (Links::language("PAYMENT_$method->{_lang_prefix}_${method_name}_notes")) { $method->{payment_notes} = Links::language("PAYMENT_$method->{_lang_prefix}_${method_name}_notes"); } if (Links::language("PAYMENT_URL_$method->{_lang_prefix}_$method_name")) { $method->{payment_url} = Links::language("PAYMENT_URL_$method->{_lang_prefix}_$method_name"); } my $used = exists $CFG->{payment}->{$method->{payment_direct} ? 'direct' : 'remote'}->{used}->{$method_name}; $method->{payment_used} = $used ? 1 : 0; delete $method->{_lang_prefix}; $method; } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{add_method} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub add_method { # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # my $method = $IN->param('method'); my $type = $IN->param('type'); my ($d, $r) = @{$CFG->{payment}}{'direct', 'remote'}; if ($type eq 'direct') { if (not exists $d->{methods}->{$method}) { return { method_invalid => 1 } } } elsif ($type eq 'remote') { if (not exists $r->{methods}->{$method}) { return { method_invalid => 1 } } } else { return { method_invalid => 1 } } my $p = _method($method, $type eq 'direct'); my $modifying = $IN->param('modify'); if (!$p) { return { method_invalid => 1 }; } elsif ($p->{payment_used} and not $modifying) { return { method_used => 1 }; } eval { require $p->{payment_module} }; if ($@) { my $reason = $@; $reason =~ s/\n/
\n/g; return { method_failed => 1, method_failed_reason => \$reason }; } my $pkg = $p->{payment_package}; my $ret = { %$p }; my @required = $pkg->required(); my @optional = $pkg->optional(); my $lang_prefix = 'PAYMENT_' . ($type eq 'direct' ? 'DIRECT_' : 'REMOTE_'); for my $f (\@required, \@optional) { for (my $i = 0; $i < @$f; $i += 2) { my ($field, $spec) = @$f[$i, $i + 1]; my $opt = { %$spec, field => $field, field_title => Links::language("$lang_prefix${method}_$field"), field_description => Links::language("$lang_prefix${method}_${field}_description"), }; if ($modifying and exists $CFG->{payment}->{$type}->{used}->{$method}->{$field}) { $opt->{field_value} = $CFG->{payment}->{$type}->{used}->{$method}->{$field}; } delete $opt->{options}; if (ref $spec->{options} eq 'ARRAY') { for (my $o = 0; $o < @{$spec->{options}}; $o += 2) { push @{$opt->{options}}, { value => $spec->{options}->[$o], string => $spec->{options}->[$o + 1] }; } } push @{$ret->{$f == \@required ? 'required_fields' : 'optional_fields'}}, $opt; } } return $ret; } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{add_method_submit} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub add_method_submit { # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Tasks to perform here: Check that all required fields are set, and make sure # they have valid values. Check that any optional fields set have valid values. # If it all checks out, save it in $CFG->{payment}. # my $type = $IN->param('type'); my $method_name = $IN->param('method'); my $method = _method($method_name, $type eq 'direct'); if (!$method) { return { method_success => undef, method_invalid => 1 }; } elsif ($method->{payment_used} and not $IN->param('modify')) { return { method_success => undef, method_used => 1 }; } eval { require $method->{payment_module} }; if ($@) { my $reason = $@; $reason =~ s/\n/
\n/g; return { method_success => undef, method_failed => 1, method_failed_reason => \$reason }; } my $pkg = $method->{payment_package}; my @required = $pkg->required(); my @optional = $pkg->optional(); my (%settings, %missing, %opt_invalid); for (my $i = 0; $i < @required; $i += 2) { my $val = $IN->param($required[$i]); my $langed = Links::language('PAYMENT_' . ($type eq 'direct' ? 'DIRECT' : 'REMOTE') . "_${method_name}_$required[$i]"); my $info = $required[$i + 1]; if ($info->{type} eq 'SELECT' or $info->{type} eq 'RADIO') { my $good; for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$info->{options}}; $i += 2) { if ($val eq $info->{options}->[$i]) { $good = 1; last; } } if (!$good) { $missing{$required[$i]} = sprintf Links::language('PAYMENT_ADD_NONE') => $langed; } elsif ($val eq 'custom' and $info->{custom}) { my $custom_val = $IN->param("$required[$i]_custom"); if ($info->{valid} and $custom_val !~ /$info->{valid}/) { $missing{$required[$i]} = sprintf Links::language('PAYMENT_ADD_INVALID') => $langed, $custom_val; } elsif ($custom_val !~ /\S/) { $missing{$required[$i]} = sprintf Links::language('PAYMENT_ADD_NONE') => $langed; } $settings{"$required[$i]_custom"} = $custom_val unless $missing{$required[$i]}; } } elsif ($info->{type} eq 'YESNO') { if (defined $val and $val eq '1' || $val eq '0') { $val = $val ? 1 : 0; } else { $missing{$required[$i]} = sprintf Links::language('PAYMENT_ADD_NONE') => $langed; } } else { if ($info->{valid}) { if ($val !~ /$info->{valid}/) { $missing{$required[$i]} = sprintf Links::language('PAYMENT_ADD_INVALID') => $langed, $val; } } elsif ($val !~ /\S/) { $missing{$required[$i]} = sprintf Links::language('PAYMENT_ADD_NONE') => $langed; } } $settings{$required[$i]} = $val unless exists $missing{$required[$i]}; } for (my $i = 0; $i < @optional; $i += 2) { my $val = $IN->param($optional[$i]); defined($val) and $val =~ /\S/ or next; my $langed = Links::language('PAYMENT_' . ($type eq 'direct' ? 'DIRECT' : 'REMOTE') . "_${method_name}_$optional[$i]"); my $info = $optional[$i + 1]; if ($info->{type} eq 'SELECT' or $info->{type} eq 'RADIO') { my $good; for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$info->{options}}; $i += 2) { if ($val eq $info->{options}->[$i]) { $good = 1; last; } } unless ($good) { $opt_invalid{$optional[$i]} = sprintf Links::language('PAYMENT_ADD_OPT_INVALID') => $langed; } } elsif ($info->{type} eq 'YESNO') { $val = $val ? 1 : 0; } else { if ($info->{valid}) { if ($val !~ /$info->{valid}/) { $opt_invalid{$optional[$i]} = sprintf Links::language('PAYMENT_ADD_INVALID') => $langed, $val; } } } $settings{$optional[$i]} = $val unless exists $opt_invalid{$optional[$i]}; } if (keys %opt_invalid or keys %missing) { my $ret = { %{add_method()} }; $ret->{method_success} = undef; $ret->{method_insufficient} = \join '
', values %missing, values %opt_invalid; for (@{$ret->{required_fields}}) { if (exists $missing{$_->{field}}) { $_->{missing} = 1; } $_->{field_value} = $IN->param($_->{field}); } for (@{$ret->{optional_fields}}) { if (exists $opt_invalid{$_->{field}}) { $_->{invalid} = 1; } $_->{field_value} = $IN->param($_->{field}); } return $ret; } $CFG->{payment}->{$type eq 'direct' ? 'direct' : 'remote'}->{used}->{$method_name} = \%settings; $CFG->save(); return { %$method, method_success => 1 }; } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{remove_method} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub remove_method { # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # my $method = $IN->param('method'); my $type = $IN->param('type'); return { method_invalid => 1 } if $type ne 'direct' and $type ne 'remote' or not exists $CFG->{payment}->{$type eq 'direct' ? 'direct' : 'remote'}->{methods}->{$method}; return { method_not_used => 1 } if not exists $CFG->{payment}->{$type eq 'direct' ? 'direct' : 'remote'}->{used}->{$method}; my $p = _method($method, $type eq 'direct'); if (!$p) { return { method_invalid => 1 }; } elsif (not $p->{payment_used}) { return { method_not_used => 1 }; } if ($IN->param('confirm')) { my %ret = (method_removed => 1); delete $CFG->{payment}->{$type}->{used}->{$method}; if ($CFG->{payment}->{enabled} and !keys %{$CFG->{payment}->{remote}->{used}} and !keys %{$CFG->{payment}->{direct}->{used}}) { $ret{no_methods_left}++; } $CFG->save(); return \%ret; } else { return $p; } } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{recurring_enabled} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub recurring_enabled { # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Returns whether or not recurring payments can be accepted. # # There are two requirements: # - Recurring term must be defined for a particular category in Database section # - A payment method supporting recurring payments must be configured. # my $recurring_method; # Look for an enabled method which supports recurring payments for my $which (qw/remote direct/) { for my $meth (keys %{$CFG->{payment}->{$which}->{used}}) { if ($CFG->{payment}->{$which}->{methods}->{$meth}->{recurring}) { $recurring_method = 1; last; } } } my $recurring; if (exists $CFG->{payment}->{term}->{types}->{recurring} and keys %{$CFG->{payment}->{term}->{types}->{recurring}}) { $recurring = 1; } return $recurring && $recurring_method; } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{log_counts} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub log_counts { # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Returns a number of template variables related to the number of entries in # the payment logs. # my $PaymentLog = $DB->table('PaymentLogs'); $PaymentLog->select_options('GROUP BY paylogs_viewed, paylogs_type'); my $sth = $PaymentLog->select('paylogs_viewed', 'paylogs_type', 'COUNT(*)'); my %map = ( # Using ',' instead of '=>' because these are constants, not strings LOG_ACCEPTED, 'num_successful', LOG_DECLINED, 'num_declined', LOG_INFO, 'num_info', LOG_ERROR, 'num_error', LOG_MANUAL, 'num_manual' ); my $ret; while (my ($viewed, $type, $count) = $sth->fetchrow) { next unless exists $map{$type}; $ret->{$viewed ? $map{$type} : "$map{$type}_unviewed"} = $count; } return $ret; } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{view_log} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub view_log { # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # my $log_type = shift; my $tables = $DB->table('PaymentLogs', 'Payments', 'Links'); my ($limit, $offset, $page) = Links::limit_offset(scalar $IN->param('mh'), scalar $IN->param('pg'), 50); my $count = $tables->count({ paylogs_type => $log_type }); $tables->select_options("ORDER BY paylogs_time DESC", "LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset"); my $results = $tables->select(defined $log_type ? ({ paylogs_type => $log_type }) : ())->fetchall_hashref; my @viewing = map $_->{paylogs_id}, @$results; $DB->table('PaymentLogs')->update({ paylogs_viewed => 1 }, { paylogs_id => \@viewing }); return { db_prefix => $DB->prefix, log_type => $log_type, logs => $results, num_logs => $count, page => $page, mh => $limit }; } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{delete_log} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub delete_log { # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # my $id = shift; my %ret; if ($id =~ /\D/) { $ret{error} = Links::language('PAYLOG_INVALID_ID'); } else { my $logs = $DB->table('PaymentLogs'); my $deleted = $logs->delete({ paylogs_id => $id }); if ($deleted > 0) { $ret{message} = Links::language('PAYLOG_DEL_SUCCESS'); } else { $ret{error} = Links::language('PAYLOG_INVALID_ID'); } } return \%ret; } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{view_details} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub view_details { my $payment_id = shift; my $payment = $DB->table('Payments' => 'Links')->select({ payments_id => $payment_id })->fetchrow_hashref; $payment or return; my ($type, $method) = $payment->{payments_method} =~ /^(direct|remote)_(\w+)$/; $payment->{payments_direct} = 1 if $type eq 'direct'; $payment->{payments_remote} = 1 if $type eq 'remote'; $payment->{payments_method} = $method if $method; if (my ($num, $unit) = $payment->{payments_term} =~ /^(\d+)([dwmy])$/) { $payment->{payments_term_num} = $num; $payment->{payments_term_unit} = Links::language($Lang_map{$unit} . ($num == 1 ? '' : 'S')); } unless ($payment->{payments_method} eq 'trial') { $payment->{payments_method} = Links::language(($payment->{payments_direct} ? 'PAYMENT_DIRECT_' : 'PAYMENT_REMOTE_') . $payment->{payments_method}); } my $pl = $DB->table('PaymentLogs'); $pl->select_options('ORDER BY paylogs_time DESC'); my $logs = $pl->select({ paylogs_payments_id => $payment->{payments_id} })->fetchall_hashref; for (@$logs) { $_->{paylogs_text} =~ s/\n/
\n/g; } return { %$payment, logs => $logs, db_prefix => $pl->{connect}->{PREFIX} }; } END_OF_SUB sub process_payment { # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Processes a signup/renewal/recurring payment. Takes the link ID, payment # term (such as "3d", "1m", "6w", "2y"), and optionally an extra # true variable that adds a day to the payment time (to cover delays in the # recurring post). Typically this extra day is for the initial payment in a # series of recurring payments, and is _not_ applied for the remaining # recurring payments. my ($link_id, $term, $extra_day) = @_; my $expiry; if ($term eq 'unlimited') { $expiry = UNLIMITED; } else { my ($signup_num, $signup_unit) = $term =~ /^(\d+)([dwmy])(?:-rec)?$/; $expiry = $DB->table('Links')->select(ExpiryDate => { ID => $link_id })->fetchrow; $extra_day = 0 if $expiry >= time + 24 * 60 * 60; # Don't give an extra day if there is already >1 day of time left my @lt = localtime(($expiry > time and $expiry < UNLIMITED) ? $expiry : time); if ($signup_unit eq 'w') { $lt[3] += $signup_num * 7 } elsif ($signup_unit eq 'm') { $lt[4] += $signup_num } # This can be weird; Jan 31st + 1 month = Mar 3rd, but Feb 1st + 1 month = Mar 1st elsif ($signup_unit eq 'y') { $lt[5] = ($lt[5] + $signup_num <= 137 ? $lt[5] + $signup_num : 137) } # 137 is 2037 - 2038 introduces 32-bit date problems. else { $lt[3] += $signup_num } # Assume days # This must be GT::Date's timelocal() - Time::Local doesn't allow something # like Feb 31th (Jan 31th + 1 month). GT::Date::timelocal() treats it as # Mar. 3rd (or 2nd in a leap year). $expiry = timelocal(@lt); $expiry += 24 * 60 * 60 if $extra_day; } # Get the link and prepare some default values my $link = $DB->table('Links')->get($link_id); $link->{'CatLinks.CategoryID'} = $IN->param('cat_id'); $link->{'CatLinks.CategoryID'} ||= $DB->table('CatLinks')->select(CategoryID => { LinkID => $link_id })->fetchrow; # postback processing $link->{ExpiryDate} = $expiry; $link->{ExpiryNotify} = 0; # Validate the link if payment auto-validation or manually aproved by admin $CFG->{payment}->{auto_validate} and $link->{isValidated} = 'Yes'; my $payment = $DB->table('Payments')->select({ payments_linkid => $link_id, payments_status => COMPLETED })->fetchrow_hashref; $payment->{payments_method} eq 'remote_Manual' and $link->{isValidated} = 'Yes'; # Update the link $DB->table('Links')->modify($link); # Make sure the ExpiryDate isn't overwritten by the one in the Changes table my $changes = $DB->table('Changes'); my $change = $changes->select('ChgRequest', { LinkID => $link_id })->fetchrow; if ($change) { $change = eval $change; if (exists $change->{ExpiryDate}) { $change->{ExpiryDate} = $expiry; require GT::Dumper; $changes->update({ ChgRequest => GT::Dumper->dump({ data => $change, var => '' }) }, { LinkID => $link_id }); } } # Send notification email my ($type, $method) = $payment->{payments_method} =~ /^(direct|remote)_(\w+)$/; $link->{Category} = $DB->table('Category', 'CatLinks')->select('Category.Full_Name' => { 'CatLinks.LinkID' => $link->{ID} })->fetchrow; if ($CFG->{admin_email_add}) { Links::send_email('link_added.eml', $link, { admin_email => 1 }) or die "Unable to send mail: $GT::Mail::error"; } if ($CFG->{email_payment} and $link->{isValidated} eq 'Yes') { Links::send_email('payment_received.eml', $link) or die "Unable to send mail: $GT::Mail::error"; } return $expiry; } sub admin_approve_payment { # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This subroutine is called from the admin payment details page giving you the # ability to manually approve a payment. # my $payment_id = shift; my $pay = $DB->table('Payments'); my $log = $DB->table('PaymentLogs'); my $payment = $pay->select({ payments_id => $payment_id })->fetchrow_hashref; $payment and $payment->{payments_status} != COMPLETED or return; $pay->update( { payments_status => COMPLETED, payments_last => time }, { payments_id => $payment->{payments_id} } ); $log->delete({ paylogs_payments_id => $payment->{payments_id}, paylogs_type => LOG_MANUAL }); $log->insert({ paylogs_payments_id => $payment->{payments_id}, paylogs_type => LOG_ACCEPTED, paylogs_time => time, paylogs_text => Links::language('PAYMENT_MANUAL') || 'Payment manually approved' }); process_payment($payment->{payments_linkid}, $payment->{payments_term}); return { manual_payment_success => 1 }; } $COMPILE{postback} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub postback { # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # shift if UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], __PACKAGE__); my $postback = shift or return; my $type = $postback->{method_type} || 'remote'; my $meth = $postback->{method} or return; return unless exists $CFG->{payment}->{$type}->{used}->{$meth}; my $method = _method($meth, $type eq 'direct') or return; require $method->{payment_module}; my $pkg = $method->{payment_package}; $pkg->postback(); } END_OF_SUB $COMPILE{invalid_postback} = __LINE__ . <<'END_OF_SUB'; sub invalid_postback { # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # shift if UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], __PACKAGE__); my $pay = $DB->table('Payments'); my $log = $DB->table('PaymentLogs'); my $unique = $IN->param('invoice') || $IN->param('cartId') || $IN->param('cart_order_id'); my $payment = $pay->select({ payments_id => $unique })->fetchrow_hashref or return; my $text = "Invalid postback: \n"; $text .= join "\n" => map "$_: ".$IN->get_hash->{$_} => keys %{$IN->get_hash}; $log->insert({ paylogs_payments_id => $payment->{payments_id}, paylogs_type => LOG_INFO, paylogs_time => time, paylogs_text => $text }); } END_OF_SUB sub error { # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Override Links::error(), this hacks around not being able to easily specify # what template to send the user to and to pass template variables to that page. # This was really only designed to be used in the method(), form(), and # direct() subs. # my ($self, $msg, $sev, $vars, @args) = @_; $msg ||= ''; $sev ||= 'FATAL'; if (uc $sev eq 'FATAL') { return $self->SUPER::error($msg, $sev, @args); } my %valid_subs = ( 'method' => 1, 'form' => 1, 'direct' => 1 ); my @ret; push @ret, $vars if $vars; if (my $method = $IN->delete('last_step')) { if (exists $valid_subs{$method}) { push @ret, $self->$method(); } } my $error = $msg; $error = Links::language($msg); if ($error) { $error = sprintf($error, map { ref($_) ? () : defined($_) ? $_ : '' } @args) if @args and index($error, '%') >= 0; push @ret, { error => $error }; } if ($IN->param('last_page')) { $IN->param(page => scalar $IN->param('last_page')); } return { map { %$_ } @ret }; } sub expiry { #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Sending email to links that are about to reach the expiry date. # my $days = shift || 7; return unless $CFG->{payment}->{enabled}; # required modules require GT::Date; require GT::SQL::Condition; my $notify = time + $days * 24 * 60 * 60; my $users_links = $DB->table('Users', 'Links'); my $payments = $DB->table('Payments'); my (%users, %links, %exp_users, %exp_links); my $date_format = $CFG->{date_user_format} || '%dddd% %mmm% %dd% %yyyy%'; # Load links that are about to expire $users_links->select_options('ORDER BY Username'); my $links = $users_links->select( 'Username', 'Email', 'Name', 'ID', 'Title', 'ExpiryDate', GT::SQL::Condition->new( ExpiryDate => '>=' => time, ExpiryDate => '<=' => $notify, ExpiryNotify => '=' => 0 ) ) or die $GT::SQL::error; while (my ($user, $email, $name, $id, $title, $expiry) = $links->fetchrow) { $payments->select_options("ORDER BY payments_last DESC", "LIMIT 1"); my $last_payment_type = $payments->select(payments_type => { payments_linkid => $id, payments_status => COMPLETED })->fetchrow; next if $last_payment_type == RECURRING; $users{$user} ||= [$email, $name]; $links{$user} ||= []; push @{$links{$user}}, { ID => $id, Title => $title, ExpiryDate => GT::Date::date_get($expiry, $date_format), renewal_url => "$CFG->{db_cgi_url}/modify.cgi?do=payment_linked;process_payment=1;modify=1;ID=$id" }; } my $count = 0; if (%links) { $count += expiry_process('notify', \%links, \%users); } # Load links that have already expired $users_links->select_options('ORDER BY Username'); my $exp_links = $users_links->select( 'Username', 'Email', 'Name', 'ID', 'Title', 'ExpiryDate', GT::SQL::Condition->new( ExpiryDate => '<' => time, ExpiryDate => '>' => UNPAID, ExpiryNotify => '<' => 2 ) ) or die $GT::SQL::error; while (my ($user, $email, $name, $id, $title, $expiry) = $exp_links->fetchrow) { $exp_users{$user} ||= [$email, $name]; $exp_links{$user} ||= []; push @{$exp_links{$user}}, { ID => $id, Title => $title, ExpiryDate => GT::Date::date_get($expiry, $date_format), renewal_url=> "$CFG->{db_cgi_url}/modify.cgi?do=payment_linked;process_payment=1;modify=1;ID=$id" }; } if (%exp_links) { $count += expiry_process('expired', \%exp_links, \%exp_users); } print "$count email(s) were sent.\n"; } sub expiry_process { my ($type, $links, $users) = @_; my $db_link = $DB->table('Links'); my $email = ($type eq 'expired') ? 'link_expired.eml' : 'link_expiry_notify.eml'; my $notified = ($type eq 'expired') ? 2 : 1; my $count; foreach my $u (keys %$users) { my $lks = $links->{$u}; next if ($#$lks == -1); my @ids = map $_->{ID}, @{$lks}; if (Links::send_email($email, { Name => $users->{$u}->[1], Email => $users->{$u}->[0], expiry_links => $lks })) { $db_link->update({ ExpiryNotify => $notified }, GT::SQL::Condition->new(ID => 'IN' => \@ids)); $count++; } else { warn "Unable to send mail: $GT::Mail::error"; } } return $count; } sub currency { # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # \sprintf Links::language('PAYMENT_CURRENCY_FORMAT') => @_; } sub next_years { # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Returns the next x years, in template loop variable "next_years". # shift; my $years = shift; $years = 10 if !$years or $years < 1; my $year = (localtime)[5] + 1900; return { next_years => [$year .. $year + $years] }; } sub generate_unique_id { # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # require GT::MD5; my $id; do { $id = substr(GT::MD5::md5_hex(time . $$ . rand(16000)), 0, 16) } while $DB->table('Payments')->count(payments_id => $id) > 0; return $id; } sub convert_to_days { # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Given a payment_term time interval, this returns the equivalent number of days. # my $date = shift; if ($date and $date =~ /^(\d+)([dwmy])$/) { return $1 * $Ptd{$2}; } return 0x7fff_ffff; } sub check_discount { # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This returns the number of discount percent for current user. # return unless $USER; my $id = $IN->param('ID') || $IN->param('link_id'); # Skip discount if renewal payment if ($id and $id =~ /^\d+$/) { my $link = $DB->table('Links')->get($id); return if ($link->{ExpiryDate} > 0 and $link->{ExpiryDate} < UNLIMITED); } my $link_count = $DB->table('Links')->count( GT::SQL::Condition->new( LinkOwner => '=' => $USER->{Username}, ExpiryDate => '>=' => time, ExpiryDate => '<' => FREE ) ); my $discount; foreach my $num (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{$CFG->{payment}->{discounts}}) { ($link_count < $num - 1) and last; $discount = $CFG->{payment}->{discounts}->{$num}; } return $discount; } 1;