"Alabama", 'AK'=>"Alaska", 'AB'=>'Alberta', 'AZ'=>"Arizona", 'AR'=>"Arkansas", 'BC'=>'British Columbia', 'CB'=>"Caribbean", 'CA'=>"California", 'CM'=>"Central America", 'CO'=>"Colorado", 'CT'=>"Connecticut", 'DE'=>"Delaware", 'DC'=>"District of Columbia", 'FL'=>"Florida", 'GA'=>"Georgia", 'HI'=>"Hawaii", 'ID'=>"Idaho", 'IL'=>"Illinois", 'IN'=>"Indiana", 'IA'=>"Iowa", 'KS'=>"Kansas", 'KY'=>"Kentucky", 'LA'=>"Louisiana", 'ME'=>"Maine", 'MB'=>'Manitoba', 'MD'=>"Maryland", 'MA'=>"Massachusetts", 'MX'=>"Mexico", 'MI'=>"Michigan", 'MN'=>"Minnesota", 'MS'=>"Mississippi", 'MO'=>"Missouri", 'MT'=>"Montana", 'NE'=>"Nebraska", 'NV'=>"Nevada", 'NB'=>'New Brunswick', 'NL'=>'Newfoundland', 'NH'=>"New Hampshire", 'NJ'=>"New Jersey", 'NM'=>"New Mexico", 'NY'=>"New York", 'NC'=>"North Carolina", 'ND'=>"North Dakota", 'NS'=>'Nova Scotia', 'OH'=>"Ohio", 'OK'=>"Oklahoma", 'ON'=>'Ontario', 'OR'=>"Oregon", 'PA'=>"Pennsylvania", 'PE'=>'Prince Edward Island', 'QC'=>'Quebec', 'RI'=>"Rhode Island", 'SK'=>'Saskatchewan', 'SC'=>"South Carolina", 'SD'=>"South Dakota", 'TN'=>"Tennessee", 'TX'=>"Texas", 'UT'=>"Utah", 'VT'=>"Vermont", 'VA'=>"Virginia", 'WA'=>"Washington", 'WV'=>"West Virginia", 'WI'=>"Wisconsin", 'WY'=>"Wyoming"); ?>

Thank you

Thank you. Your race should be added within 24 hours. You will now be redirected back to the add page.

"; echo ""; } else if($confirm == 1){ ?>

Edit a Race: Step 2 of 2

Edit a Race: Step 1 of 2

Thank you

To edit a race, simply change the data you wish. If you make a mistake, just hit the reset button. To save the changes as a NEW race (for instance, if you have multiple races in the same location), hit the "SAVE AS A NEW RACE" button. To save changes to the existing race entry, hit the "SAVE CHANGES TO YOUR RACE" button. You will have a chance to review the data before confirming.

Race Name
Race Date
Start Time
Race Type
Bike Surface
>Road >Offroad >Gravel
Draft Legal (on-road only)
>Yes, draft legal. (Leave un-checked for non-drafting)
Kids' Race
>Yes, this is a kids' race. (Leave un-checked for a "normal" race)
Individual entry fee
Team entry fee
Registration fees disclosed?
>Yes, registration fees are included or disclosed at the beginning of registration. (check this box if your entry fee *includes* any & all registration/convenience fees; or if at a minimum all registration fees are disclosed at the beginning of registration).
IMPORTANT: Fractional lengths must be entered as a decimal number
Examples: 0.25, 1.2, 0.1, 13.2. If your race contains only two legs, simply leave the third leg blank.
1st distance
2nd distance
3rd distance
Phone Contact
E-mail Contact
Course Info
More Info
Registration link