%~set widgets_loop = Plugins::UI::fetch_widgets('subcategory', $ID)%>
<%~set widget_start = 1%>
<%~set widget_end = 3%>
<%~if paging.current_page == 1 or not $paging%>
<%~if $ID == 719 %>The Slowtwitch <%~endif%><%Name%>
<%~if $ID == 719 %>
Guests or not each episode will be wide-ranging conversations while staying true to the ethos of Slowtwitch: fiercely independent and authentic.
Episodes will release weekly on Thursdays and be available on your favorite streaming services.
Find us on:
<%~if $category_loop.length%>
<%~set split = Links::Utils::column_split($category_loop.length, 2)%>