<%~if in.mode and in.mode eq sent%><%set sent_mode = 1%><%endif%> <%cat_full_name%>: <%if search%> Search <%endif%>Messages <%include include_common_head.html%> <%~set content_header_title = 'Private Messages'%> <%~if sent_mode and not $search%> <%~GForum::Message::sent_messages%> <%~endif%> <%~set hidden_sort = ''%><%set hidden_page = ''%> <%~if in.sb%><%set hidden_sort .= ";sb=$sb"%><%endif%> <%~if in.so%><%set hidden_sort .= ";so=$so"%><%endif%> <%~if in.sent_sb%><%set hidden_sort .= ";sent_sb=$sent_sb"%><%endif%> <%~if in.sent_so%><%set hidden_sort .= ";sent_so=$sent_so"%><%endif%> <%~if sent_mode%><%set hidden_page .= ";mode=sent"%><%endif%> <%~if in.mh%><%set hidden_page .= ";mh=$mh"%><%endif%> <%~if sent_mode%> <%~set sb = $sent_sb%> <%~set so = $sent_so%> <%~endif%>
<%include include_header.html%>
<%~set content_header_title = "Private Messages"%> <%~init array breadcrumbs%><%init hash breadcrumbs.0%> <%~set breadcrumbs.0.name = $content_header_title%> <%~if sent_mode%> <%~set content_header_title .= ': Sent'%> <%~set breadcrumbs.0.url = GForum::SEO::url(params => "do=message_list")%> <%~init hash breadcrumbs.1%> <%~set breadcrumbs.1.name = 'Private Messages: Sent'%> <%~else%> <%~set content_header_title .= ': Inbox'%> <%~endif%> <%~set url_param_mh = ""%> <%~if in.mh%><%set url_param_mh = ";mh=$mh"%><%endif%> <%~if sent_num_deleted or $num_deleted%><%set success = "Selected messages were deleted"%><%endif%> <%include include_breadcrumb.html%>
<%-- start content--%> <%include include_content_header.html%>

<%if sent_mode%> You have <%sent_num_messages || 0%> sent message<%if sent_num_messages != 1%>s<%endunless%>. <%else%> You have <%num_messages%> message<%if num_messages != 1%>s<%endif%> — <%num_new%> new, <%num_read + $num_replied%> read, <%num_replied%> replied. <%endif%>

<%hidden_form%> <%~if in.mh%> <%~endif%> <%~if sent_mode%> <%~if in.sent_so%> <%~endif%> <%~if in.sent_sb%> <%~endif%> <%~else%> <%~if in.so%> <%~endif%> <%~if in.sb%> <%~endif%> <%~endif%> <%~set url_param_sent_mode = ""%> <%~if sent_mode%><%set url_param_sent_mode = "sent_"%><%endif%>
for <%if search%><%endif%>
<%~unless sent_mode%> <%~if sb eq msg_status and so ieq asc%><%set url_param_so = "desc"%><%else%><%set url_param_so = "asc"%><%endif%> " title="Sort by New/Read/Replied"><%~%> Status <%~if sb eq msg_status%> <%endif~%> <%endunless~%>
<%~if sb eq msg_subject and so ieq asc%><%set url_param_so = "desc"%><%else%><%set url_param_so = "asc"%><%endif%> " title="Sort by Subject"><%~%> Subject <%~if sb eq msg_subject%> <%endif~%>
<%~if sb eq msg_username and so ieq asc%><%set url_param_so = "desc"%><%else%><%set url_param_so = "asc"%><%endif%> " title="Sort by Author"><%~%> <%if sent_mode%>To<%else%>From<%endif%> <%~if sb eq msg_username%> <%endif~%>
<%~if sb eq msg_time and so ieq desc%><%set url_param_so = "asc"%><%else%><%set url_param_so = "desc"%><%endif%> " title="Sort by date sent"><%~%> Sent <%~if sb eq msg_time%> <%endif~%>
<%-- end dhead --%> <%~if sent_mode%> <%include include_message_list_sent.html%> <%~else%> <%include include_message_list.html%> <%~endif%>
<%-- end dtable --%> <%~set pagination_options.params = "do=$this_do$hidden_sort$hidden_page"%> <%if sent_mode%> <%~set pagination_options.page_items = $sent_num_messages%> <%~set pagination_options.param_page = 'sent_page'%> <%else%> <%~set pagination_options.page_items = $num_messages%> <%endif%> <%~if $pagination_options.page_items%>

<%include include_paging.html%>
<%-- end content --%>
<%-- end contentwrapper --%>
<%-- end main --%> <%include include_footer.html%>
<%~include include_global_js.html%>