# This file is auto generated and contains a perl hash of # your template globals for 'twitch' template set. # Generated on: Sat Sep 16 12:38:20 2023 { 'ad_300x250' => '
', 'ad_300x600' => '
', 'ad_728x90' => '
', 'ad_lr_300x250' => '
', 'ad_lr_300x600' => '
', 'ad_lr_728x90' => '
', 'ad_lr_wallpaper' => ' ', 'ad_wallpaper' => ' ', 'advertserve_ajax' => ' ', 'cat_full_name' => 'Slowtwitch Forums', 'comscore' => '', 'current_year' => 'sub { use POSIX qw(strftime); my $now_string = strftime "%Y", localtime; return $now_string; }', 'encoding' => 'sub { my $str = shift || return; require Encode; return Encode::encode("utf-8", $str); }', 'ezoic' => ' ', 'ezoic_desktop_bottom' => '
', 'ezoic_desktop_sidebar' => '
', 'ezoic_mobile_thread' => '
', 'ezoic_mobile_top' => '
', 'google_tag_manager' => ' ', 'new_messages' => 'sub { return $DB->table(\'Message\')->select(\'COUNT(*)\', { to_user_id_fk => $USER->{user_id}, msg_status => 0 })->fetchrow; }', 'quantcast' => '', 'registered_users' => 'sub { $DB->table(\'User\')->count }', 'site_title' => 'Slowtwitch.com', 'smilies' => 'sub { # This is a list of all the smilies that are listed on the message/post compose # page. Note that all these smilies should already be defined as markup tags. my @smilies = qw{:) ;) :( :P cool blush angelic crazy mad shocked laugh :/ :| sly pirate ninja w00t huh whistle}; my @ret; for (@smilies) { next unless $CFG->{markup_tags}->{$_}; my $val = $CFG->{markup_tags}->{$_}->[0]; $val =~ s/<%image_url%>/$CFG->{image_url}/gi; $val =~ s/<%cgi_root_url%>/$CFG->{cgi_root_url}/gi; $val =~ s/<%gforum_cgi%>/$CFG->{gforum_cgi}/gi; my ($src) = $val =~ /\bsrc="([^"]+)"/; my ($alt) = $val =~ /\balt="([^"]+)"/; push @ret, { tag => $_, url => $src, alt => $alt || ""}; } return { smilies_loop => \@ret }; }' }; # vim:syn=perl:ts=4:noet