#!/usr/bin/perl5 # ================================================================== # Links SQL - enhanced directory management system # # Website : http://gossamer-threads.com/ # Support : http://gossamer-threads.com/scripts/support/ # Revision : $Id: nph-imageresize.cgi,v 1.4 2006/07/31 18:41:26 aki Exp $ # # Copyright (c) 2001 Gossamer Threads Inc. All Rights Reserved. # Redistribution in part or in whole strictly prohibited. Please # see LICENSE file for full details. # ================================================================== use lib '.'; use strict; use vars qw/$USE_HTML/; use Links qw/$IN $DB $CFG/; use Links::Plugins; use Plugins::SlideShow; use GT::TempFile; use GT::SQL::File; $| = 1; Links::init('.'); main(); sub main { # -------------------------------------------------- $USE_HTML = exists $ENV{REQUEST_METHOD} ? 1 : 0; local $SIG{__DIE__} = \&Links::fatal if $USE_HTML; my $links = $DB->table( 'Links' ) or die $GT::SQL::error; # Beautify output... my $lcount = $links->count; if ( $USE_HTML ) { print qq~
'; } else { print "\nUpdating $lcount links\n\n"; } # Get the fields we need to check my $cfg = Links::Plugins->get_plugin_user_cfg( 'SlideShow' ); my ( $max_width, $max_height, $image_cols, $temp_dir ) = map { $cfg->{$_} || undef } qw| max_width max_height image_cols temp_dir |; # Prepare the required resize parameters my %con; foreach my $ind (1..2) { my @constraints; foreach ( @Plugins::SlideShow::image_types ) { my $c = $cfg->{"${_}_constraints_${ind}"} or next; my ( $crop, $mx, $my ) = $c =~ /(crop)?(\d+)\s*[,x]\s*(\d+)/i; push @constraints, [ $_, $crop, $mx, $my]; } $con{$cfg->{"link_type_$ind"}} = \@constraints; } my @image_cols = grep { s,^(\s*),,; s,(\s*)$,,; $_ } split /,/, $image_cols; my $tmp_dir = $CFG->{admin_root_path} . "/tmp"; # Now do it. This is the really slow part. $links->select_options( "order by ID" ); my $ID = $IN->param('ID'); my $cond = GT::SQL::Condition->new(); if ($ID) { $cond->add('ID','=',$ID); } my $link_handle = $links->select([ 'ID', 'Link_Type', @image_cols ], $cond) or die $GT::SQL::error; my $i = 1; while ( my $link = $link_handle->fetchrow_hashref ) { my %new_rec = (); my @ftemp = (); foreach my $c ( @image_cols ) { next unless $link->{$c}; my $source_path = $links->file_info( $c, $link->{ID} ) or do { warn "Could not fetch file for link $link->{ID} '$GT::SQL::error'\n"; next; }; my $i = $c; $i =~ s/Image//ig; my ( $target_image_name ) = $source_path =~ /([\.\w]+)$/; my $link_type = ($link->{Link_Type}) ? $link->{Link_Type} : 'article'; my $constraints = $con{$link_type}; foreach my $r ( @$constraints ) { my $target_fpath = "$tmp_dir/$r->[0]_${i}_$target_image_name"; print $target_fpath . "\n"; next unless -f $source_path; next unless -s $source_path; if ( $r->[1] ) { # if set to crop Plugins::SlideShow::crop_resize_image( $source_path, $target_fpath, $r->[2], # max width $r->[3], # max height $cfg->{image_quality} ); } else { # It's a standard resize Plugins::SlideShow::resize_image( $source_path, $target_fpath, $r->[2], # max width $r->[3], # max height $cfg->{image_quality} ); } if ( $cfg->{watermark_path} and $r->[0] > 100 and $r->[1] > 100 ) { apply_watermark( $target_fpath, $cfg->{watermark_path}, $cfg->{image_quality} ); } push @ftemp, $target_fpath; $new_rec{"${c}_$r->[0]"} = GT::SQL::File->open( $target_fpath ); } } print $link->{ID} . ( keys %new_rec ? "*" : "" ) . " "; $i++ % 10 or print "\n"; next unless keys %new_rec; $new_rec{SlideShowCache} = ''; # flush the cache $links->update( \%new_rec, { ID => $link->{ID} } ) or do { warn "Could not update link $link->{ID} '$GT::SQL::error'\n"; next; }; } # End beautiful output if ($USE_HTML) { print "\nDone!\n\n"; } else { print "\n\nDone!\n" } } 1;