MySQLMan Help

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You can see the property of a table by following the "properties" link in table list or tool bar. Two tables will be displayed in the the page: property table and key table.

  • Property Table
    The table shows the result of a DESCRIBE table_name query. You can find the following functions available at the end of each field in the property table:

      Change column definition

      Remove the column from the table.
      (action will be confirmed)

      Set the column as the primary key for the table.

      Please note that if you need a primary key consisting of two or more columns, you will need to specify it when creating the table in MySQLMan. If there is a primary key already existed in the table, then you will receive the error message Duplicate key name 'key_name'.

      Also, if you set a column as the primary by clicking "primary", the column will be set to NOT NULL automatically.

      Set the column as a index key for the table.

      Set the column as a unique key for the table.

  • Key Table
    A key table will be shown here as well if there are any keys defined in the table.

      Droppign a key
      A key can be dropped by clicking on "Drop". Please note that you will not be prompted to confirm the action to drop.

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Related topics: Change column definition , Table List