<%~set content_header_title = "Private Messages"%>
<%~init array breadcrumbs%><%init hash breadcrumbs.0%>
<%~set breadcrumbs.0.name = $content_header_title%>
<%~if sent_mode%>
<%~set content_header_title .= ': Sent'%>
<%~set breadcrumbs.0.url = GForum::SEO::url(params => "do=message_list")%>
<%~init hash breadcrumbs.1%>
<%~set breadcrumbs.1.name = 'Private Messages: Sent'%>
<%~set content_header_title .= ': Inbox'%>
<%~set url_param_mh = ""%>
<%~if in.mh%><%set url_param_mh = ";mh=$mh"%><%endif%>
<%~if sent_num_deleted or $num_deleted%><%set success = "Selected messages were deleted"%><%endif%>
<%include include_breadcrumb.html%>
<%-- start content--%>
<%include include_content_header.html%>
<%if sent_mode%>
You have <%sent_num_messages || 0%> sent message<%if sent_num_messages != 1%>s<%endunless%>.
You have <%num_messages%> message<%if num_messages != 1%>s<%endif%> —
<%num_new%> new,
<%num_read + $num_replied%> read,
<%num_replied%> replied.
<%-- end content --%>