<%~set search_widget = 1%> <%cat_full_name%>: Ban <%include include_common_head.html%>
<%include include_header.html%>
<%~set content_header_title = 'Ban '%> <%~if in.ban_type eq ban_ip%><%set content_header_title .= 'IP Address'%><%else%><%set content_header_title .= 'User'%><%endif%> <%~init array breadcrumbs%><%init hash breadcrumbs.0%><%init hash breadcrumbs.1%> <%~set breadcrumbs.0.name = $forum_name%> <%~set breadcrumbs.0.url = GForum::SEO::url(params => "forum=$forum_id")%> <%~set breadcrumbs.1.name = $content_header_title%> <%include include_breadcrumb.html%>
<%-- start content--%> <%include include_content_header.html%>

You have chosen to ban <%~if ban_type eq ban_ip%> the IP address '<%ban_value%>' <%~else%> the user <%include include_username.html%> <%~endif%> from <%cat_full_name%>: <%forum_name%>.

If desired, you may set a timeout (in days) for the ban, and a short reason for the ban, viewable only by administrators and any other moderators of the forum.

Ban Type
<%if ban_type eq ban_ip%>IP ban<%else%>User ban<%endif%>
<%if ban_type eq ban_ip%>IP Address<%else%>User<%endif%>
<%if ban_type eq ban_ip%><%ban_value%><%else%><%include include_username.html%><%endif%>
Ban Expiry
Ban Reason
<%-- end content --%>
<%include include_footer.html%>
<%~include include_global_js.html%>