Welcome to Slowtwitch.com's North American Triathlon & Multisport Club Database
echo($num) ?> clubs and counting. This collection of triclubs is the most complete and comprehensive selection of tri-specific clubs in North America.
Browsing the database
You do not need to log in to do this. You'll find a list of clubs in your region by clicking the regional links on the left. Click the (+) sign and the region will expand to expose the individual states. Click on the state to show that list of clubs in it. If you want to see clubs in multiple states, but not those states we've aggregated into the regions you see at left, you may do this via our Advanced Search.
Showing solidarity with your club
When you see your local club listed here, you may click the "I'M A MEMBER" button. Your User Name will be added to the clubs's list of members, just like your User Name appends to those races you choose when you build your Slowtwitch Personal Race Calendar. Likewise, your Forum User Profile will show that this is your club of choice.
How to enter a club
You must be a registered user to add a club to the database. There is
one common type of registration on Slowtwitch, and if you are registered to
post on our Reader Forum you are one of
$num_users = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT user_id FROM ".$prefix."User WHERE 1=1"));
echo number_format($num_users);
who have made a registration,
and this means you're able to add clubs to our database.
If you're not registered, the login prompt is to the left of the page, near
the top. The registration process is straightforward, easy, and free. It
will require you to receive an email and click on a link to complete your
registration. All this should take you only a minute or two. Then...
1. Click the ADD A CLUB button to begin adding to the database.
2. Once you SUBMIT your club, you'll also need to CONFIRM your submission
via a link at the bottom of the page.
3. Once you successfully add your club, it will not immediately be visible
to you. We must validate the addition on our end before anyone can see it.
We do this so that spammers won't use the club registration as a way to spam
our database.
How to edit published information about a triclub
Any registered user may edit information for a listing. We will review the full contents of each update before confirming any changes that are made. A list of all editors who have made changes is visible at the bottom of each listing. If an entry has been updated, but those changes have not yet been confirmed, this is evident via a note on the individual page for that particular entry. This is to prevent conflicting updates from occuring simultaneously. If you wish to update an entry with pending changes, please wait until we have had a chance to review those changes first. Someone may have already changed the information you were going to change yourself.
How to comment on a club
Any registered user may make a comment on a club listing. These comments are subject to validation by an administrator before being published.
Global tri club map
The map below shows the location of all registered Slowtwitch triathlon clubs around the globe. You can drag the map, zoom-in, zoom-out, and use any other of the standard Google Maps features. Anywhere you see a red icon, you can click to see the name of that triathlon club and a street address.