
Your Secure Server Site

This page is located in the  /secure directory of your website. You can access it through normal FTP or the Frontpage "Publish" features, as you would with any other content in your website. To access this page SECURELY, you must reference this page through the Secure Aawsom website. Anything you put in your /secure directory can be seen at:



VirtualX = The Virtual Directory you reside in. This information is included on your signup information sheet.

Username = Your account Username, also included on your signup information sheet.

Filename = The filename of the form you want to process.


A company in Virtual1 with username MyCompany would like to use a form called secureorder.htm. Secureorder.htm is copied into the /secure directory using traditional FTP or Frontpage Publish methods. The link to this page should be:


Please  note that there is an "S" in the URL: https:// and not the standard http://. This is how the webserver distinquishes the difference between a secure encrypted webpage and a standard web page.

NOTE: Some additional configuration is required. Please see the Support section of our website for additional details on processing forms.

If you have any difficulties, please contact us.

Designed by: Aawsom Technologies
Revised: 09/12/98 01:51 PM