<%include include_common_head.html%> <%include include_accessibility.html%>
<%include include_header.html%> <%include include_contentheader.html%>
<%include include_leftsidebar.html%>
<%include include_contentwrapper_top.html%>
<%include include_content_top.html%>
<%Links::Utils::format_title($main_title_loop, separator => $crumb_separator, no_escape_separator => $no_escape_crumb_separator, include_home => 1, link_type => 2)%>

Link Modified

<%~if payment_term eq free%> Your link has been changed to a free link: <%~else%> We have received your request to modify the link as follows: <%~endif%>

<%escape_html URL%>
<%~if Category_loop.length > 1%>
    <%loop Category_loop%>
  • <%loop_value%>
  • <%endloop%>
<%~else%> <%Category%> <%~endif%>
<%escape_html Description%>
<%escape_html Contact_Name%>
<%escape_html Contact_Email%>
<%if not config.user_direct_mod and payment_term ne free%>

Thank you! We will send you an e-mail once your link has been validated.

<%endif%> <%include include_content_bottom.html%>
<%include include_contentwrapper_bottom.html%>
<%include include_rightsidebar.html%>
<%include include_contentfooter.html%> <%include include_footer.html%>