<% set url = $config.db_cgi_url %> <% set show_thumbnail = '' %> <%if Link_Type eq 'photo' and Image1_thumbnail %> <% set show_thumbnail = "$url/jump.cgi?ID=$ID&v=Image1_thumbnail" %> <%elseif Link_Type eq 'video' and Thumbnail_Path %> <% set show_thumbnail = "$url/jump.cgi?ID=$ID&v=Thumbnail_Path" %> <%elseif Link_Type eq 'video' and Thumbnail_URL and Thumbnail_URL ne 'http://' %> <% set show_thumbnail = $Thumbnail_URL %> <%endif%> <%rewrite_detail_url%>
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<%if URL ne 'http://'%>

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<%~if Votes%> <%~set intRating = $Rating i/ 1%> " alt="<%intRating%> out of 10 stars" title="<%intRating%> out of 10 stars" /> (<%Votes%> vote<%if Votes != 1%>s<%endif%>) <%~endif%> <%~if paymentsEnabled and ExpiryDateFormatted and wasPaid%> <%if isNotify or isExpired%><%endif%><%if isExpired%>Expired on:<%else%>Expiry date:<%endif%> <%ExpiryDateFormatted%><%if isNotify or isExpired%><%endif%> <%~endif%>

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