<%loop category_loop%>
<%~set splitmod = $row_num % $split%>
<%~if row_num == 1 or splitmod == 1 or split == 1%>
<%--h4>There <%if grand_total != 1%>are<%else%>is<%endif%> <%grand_total%> link<%if grand_total != 1%>s<%endif%> for you to choose from!
<%include include_content_bottom.html%>
- <%endif%>
<%~include subcategory.html%>
<%~if row_num == $category_loop.length or splitmod == 0%>

<%get_links('news','Add_Date DESC, Timestmp','DESC',20)%> <%set i=1%> <%loop news_links_loop%> <%Plugins::SlideShow::generate_paths($ID)%><%rewrite_detail_url%>
<% set tb = thumbnail($loop_value, $Image1_thumbnail_path) %>
<%if tb %>
<%if i = 5%>
<%if Link_Type eq "photo" and showLargePic eq "no" %>
<%endif%><%if Link_Type eq "video" OR hasVideo eq "Yes" %>
<%--a href="<%detailed_url%>" class="headline"><%Title%><%if Link_Type eq "photo" and showLargePic eq "no" %>
<%endif%><%if Link_Type eq "video" %>
<%Description%> <%GT::Date::date_transform($Add_Date,$config.date_user_format, '%m%.%dd%.%yy%')%>

<%--a href="<%detailed_url%>" class="headline"><%Title%><%if Link_Type eq "photo" and showLargePic eq "no" %>

<%Description%> <%GT::Date::date_transform($Add_Date,$config.date_user_format, '%m%.%dd%.%yy%')%>
<%if i = 9%%>

<%get_links('editorial','Add_Date DESC, Timestmp','DESC',16)%> <%set i=1%> <%loop editorial_links_loop%> <%Plugins::SlideShow::generate_paths($ID)%><%rewrite_detail_url%>
<% set tb = thumbnail($loop_value, $Image1_thumbnail_path) %>
<%if tb%>
<%if i = 3%>
<%if Link_Type eq "photo" and showLargePic eq "no" %>
<%endif%><%if Link_Type eq "video" OR hasVideo eq "Yes" %>
<%Description%> <%GT::Date::date_transform($Add_Date,$config.date_user_format, '%m%.%dd%.%yy%')%>

<%Description%> <%GT::Date::date_transform($Add_Date,$config.date_user_format, '%m%.%dd%.%yy%')%>
<%if i = 7%>
<%if i = 11%>
<%set i=i+1%>