To: <%if Name%>"<%Name%>" <<%Email%>><%else%><%Email%><%endif%> From: <%config.db_admin_email%> Subject: Expiry Notification Hello<%if Name%> <%Name%><%endif%>, The following link<%if expiry_links.length != 1%>s<%endif%> <%if expiry_links.length != 1%>have<%else%>has<%endif%> expired: <%loop expiry_links~%> <%Title%> Expiry Date: <%ExpiryDate%> Renewal Payment: <%renewal_url%> <%endloop%> Please make a payment as soon as possible or contact us for more information. Sincerely, <%site_title%> <%~-- File : link_expired.eml Description : This is the e-mail a user receives when their link has expired. Tags : The Title, ID, and ExpiryDate of the links that have expired are in the loop expired_links. --%>