{ 'ADD_BADREFER' => 'Sorry, this site does not accept submissions from \'%s\'.', 'ADD_BADSTATUS' => 'Your link could not be added because it is not accessible: %s.', 'ADD_ILLEGALVAL' => '%s cannot contain the value \'%s\'', 'ADD_INVALIDCAT' => 'Unable to find category with ID \'%s\'.', 'ADD_NOCATEGORIES' => 'There are no categories to add a link to.', 'ADD_NOCATEGORY' => 'You did not specify a category for this link.', 'ADD_NOTNULL' => 'Column %s cannot be left blank.', 'ADD_SELCAT' => 'Please first visit the category you wish to add or move your link to, then click on Add/Modify a Link.', 'ADD_UNIQUE' => 'The column \'%s\' must be unique, and already has an entry \'%s\'.', 'BOOKMARK_BAD_FOLDER' => 'Please enter a valid folder name.', 'BOOKMARK_BAD_FOLDER_ID' => 'There is no folder with the id \'%s\'.', 'BOOKMARK_COMMENTS_EDITED' => 'The comment has been updated.', 'BOOKMARK_DISABLED' => 'Bookmarks have been disabled.', 'BOOKMARK_FOLDER_DEFAULT' => 'You can\'t remove a default folder.', 'BOOKMARK_FOLDER_DUPLICATE' => 'A folder with name \'%s\' already exists.', 'BOOKMARK_FOLDER_INVALID' => 'The folder is invalid.', 'BOOKMARK_FOLDER_LIMIT' => 'You have reached your folder limit and cannot create any more.', 'BOOKMARK_FOLDER_MODIFIED' => 'The folder has been updated.', 'BOOKMARK_FOLDER_NOTEMPTY' => 'You cannot delete a folder that is not empty.', 'BOOKMARK_FOLDER_NOTEXISTS' => 'The folder does not exist.', 'BOOKMARK_FOLDER_NOTPUBLIC' => 'The folder you tried to access is not open to the public.', 'BOOKMARK_FOLDER_NO_MOVE' => 'You cannot move links to the folder with id \'%s\'.', 'BOOKMARK_FOLDER_REMOVED' => 'The folder %s has been removed.', 'BOOKMARK_LINK_ADDED' => 'The link has been bookmarked.', 'BOOKMARK_LINK_EXISTS' => 'This link has already been bookmarked in the selected folder.', 'BOOKMARK_LINK_LIMIT' => 'You may not add any more links as you have reached your limit.', 'BOOKMARK_LINK_MOVED' => '%s link(s) have been moved to folder %s.', 'BOOKMARK_LINK_NOTEXISTS' => 'The link with id \'%s\' doesn\'t exist in your bookmarks.', 'BOOKMARK_LINK_REMOVED' => '%s link(s) have been removed from your bookmarks.', 'BOOKMARK_NO_ACTION' => 'No action passed.', 'BOOKMARK_PREFERENCES' => 'The bookmark preferences have been updated.', 'BOOKMARK_PREF_INVALIDPERPAGE' => 'Links per page must be greater than 0.', 'BOOKMARK_PUBLIC_USER' => 'You do not have permission to access %s\'s folders.', 'BOOKMARK_USER_NOTEXISTS' => 'The user %s does not exist.', 'BUILD_DETAILED_ARGS' => 'Invalid argument passed to build_detailed: %s', 'BUILD_DETAILED_DISABLED' => 'Detailed pages are not enabled.', 'BUILD_DETAILED_EXPIRED' => 'The link has not been paid for or has expired.', 'BUILD_DETAILED_INVALIDID' => 'Invalid link id passed to build_detailed: %s', 'BUILD_DETAILED_UNVAL' => 'The link has not yet been validated.', 'DATE_UNIT_DAY' => 'Day', 'DATE_UNIT_DAYS' => 'Days', 'DATE_UNIT_MONTH' => 'Month', 'DATE_UNIT_MONTHS' => 'Months', 'DATE_UNIT_WEEK' => 'Week', 'DATE_UNIT_WEEKS' => 'Weeks', 'DATE_UNIT_YEAR' => 'Year', 'DATE_UNIT_YEARS' => 'Years', 'FILE_TABLE' => 'Table "%s" could not be loaded because "%s".', 'FILE_TABLEFORMAT' => 'Table name for request improperly formed or possibly insecure.', 'FILE_UNKNOWN' => 'Unknown File requested.', 'GENERAL_BANNED' => 'Your host has been banned; please contact the site owner for details.', 'GENERAL_DISABLED' => 'The site is down for maintenance, please try again shortly.', 'GENERAL_ERROR' => 'An error has occurred.', 'JUMP_INVALIDID' => 'Unable to find link with id: \'%s\'.', 'LINKS_ADD' => 'Add a Link', 'LINKS_ADD_SUCCESS' => 'Link Added', 'LINKS_BOOKMARK' => 'Bookmarks', 'LINKS_COOL' => 'Cool', 'LINKS_EMAILPASS' => 'Forgotten Password', 'LINKS_ERROR' => 'Error', 'LINKS_LOGIN' => 'User Login', 'LINKS_MODIFY' => 'Modify a Link', 'LINKS_MODIFY_SUCCESS' => 'Link Modified', 'LINKS_NEW' => 'New', 'LINKS_NEWSLETTER' => 'Newsletter', 'LINKS_PAGE' => 'Page %s', 'LINKS_PAYMENT' => 'Payment', 'LINKS_PAYMENT_SUCCESS' => 'Payment Confirmation', 'LINKS_RATE' => 'Rate a Link', 'LINKS_REVIEW' => 'Reviews', 'LINKS_REVIEW_ADD' => 'Add a Review', 'LINKS_REVIEW_EDIT' => 'Edit Review', 'LINKS_SEARCH' => 'Search', 'LINKS_SEARCH_RESULTS' => 'Search Results', 'LINKS_SIGNUP' => 'User Sign Up', 'LINKS_TOP' => 'Home', 'LINKS_TOPRATED' => 'Top Rated Links', 'LINKS_VALIDATE' => 'Validation', 'MODIFY_BADSTATUS' => 'Your link could not be modified because it is not accessible: %s.', 'MODIFY_BADURL' => 'We were unable to find the URL \'%s\' in the database. Please make sure you typed it in exactly as it appears in the directory.', 'MODIFY_INVALIDLINKID' => 'Invalid link ID.', 'MODIFY_NOCATEGORY' => 'You did not specify a category for this link.', 'MODIFY_NOLINKS' => 'You do not have any links to modify.', 'MODIFY_NOTOWNER' => 'You are not authorized to modify this link.', 'MODIFY_NOURL' => 'You did not specify a link to modify.', 'MODIFY_REJECTSUB' => 'Your change has been rejected.', 'MODIFY_SELCAT' => 'Before you can modify your link, please go to the category your link is in, or the category you want to put it in and click modify.', 'NEWSLETTERERR_ALREADYSUB' => 'You are already subscribed to the Newsletter.', 'NEWSLETTERERR_NOACTION' => 'You did not specify what you want to do with the list.', 'NEWSLETTERERR_NOCATSUB' => 'You didn\'t specify which category to subscribe to.', 'NEWSLETTERERR_NOCATUNSUB' => 'You didn\'t specify which category to unsubscribe from.', 'NEWSLETTERERR_NOTSUB' => 'You aren\'t subscribed to the Newsletter.', 'NEWSLETTER_CATSUB' => 'You have subscribed to the selected categories.', 'NEWSLETTER_CATUNSUB' => 'You have unsubscribed from the selected categories.', 'NEWSLETTER_CATUPDATED' => 'Your subscriptions have been updated.', 'NEWSLETTER_ROOTCAT' => 'Home', 'NEWSLETTER_SUBSCRIBED' => 'You have successfully subscribed to the Newsletter.', 'NEWSLETTER_UNSUBSCRIBED' => 'You have successfully unsubscribed from the Newsletter.', 'PAGE_INVALIDCAT' => 'Category \'%s\' does not exist.', 'PAGE_INVALIDDETAIL' => 'Unable to find detailed page: \'%s\'.', 'PAYLOG_DEL_SUCCESS' => 'Payment log entry deleted.', 'PAYLOG_INVALID_ID' => 'Invalid log ID.', 'PAYMENTERR_DECLINED' => 'Your payment was declined.', 'PAYMENTERR_DIRECT' => 'Your payment could not be processed. Please check the fields below and resubmit your payment.', 'PAYMENTERR_INVALIDCATID' => 'Invalid category ID.', 'PAYMENTERR_INVALIDLEVEL' => 'You have selected an invalid payment level.', 'PAYMENTERR_INVALIDLINKID' => 'Invalid link ID.', 'PAYMENTERR_INVALIDMETHOD' => 'You have selected an invalid payment method.', 'PAYMENTERR_INVALIDTERM' => 'You have selected an invalid payment term.', 'PAYMENTERR_NOLEVEL' => 'You must select a payment level.', 'PAYMENTERR_NOMETHOD' => 'You must select a payment method.', 'PAYMENTERR_NOTACCEPTED' => 'Payments are not accepted for the category the link is in.', 'PAYMENTERR_NOTOWNER' => 'You can only make payments to your own links.', 'PAYMENT_CURRENCY_FORMAT' => '$%s ', 'PAYMENT_DIRECT_AuthorizeDotNet' => 'Authorize.Net', 'PAYMENT_DIRECT_Moneris' => 'Moneris', 'PAYMENT_REMOTE_2CheckOut' => '2CheckOut', 'PAYMENT_REMOTE_APPROVED' => 'Approved remote payment received from %s', 'PAYMENT_REMOTE_CANCELLED' => 'Cancelled payment notification received from %s', 'PAYMENT_REMOTE_INVALIDIP' => 'A payment notification was received from %s with an unauthorized IP address.', 'PAYMENT_REMOTE_INVALIDPW' => 'A payment notification was received from %s with an invalid password.', 'PAYMENT_REMOTE_Manual' => 'Manual', 'PAYMENT_REMOTE_PayPal' => 'PayPal', 'PAYMENT_REMOTE_RECURRING_ACCEPTED' => 'Recurring payment notification received from %s', 'PAYMENT_REMOTE_RECURRING_DECLINED' => 'Declined payment notification received from %s', 'PAYMENT_REMOTE_REFUND' => 'Notification of payment refund received from %s', 'PAYMENT_REMOTE_WorldPay' => 'WorldPay', 'PAYMENT_TYPE_AMEX' => 'American Express', 'PAYMENT_TYPE_DELTA' => 'Delta', 'PAYMENT_TYPE_DINERS' => 'Diners Club', 'PAYMENT_TYPE_DISC' => 'Discover', 'PAYMENT_TYPE_EURO' => 'Eurocard', 'PAYMENT_TYPE_JCB' => 'JCB', 'PAYMENT_TYPE_MANUAL' => 'Manual', 'PAYMENT_TYPE_MC' => 'MasterCard', 'PAYMENT_TYPE_NOVA' => 'Nova', 'PAYMENT_TYPE_PAYPAL' => 'PayPal', 'PAYMENT_TYPE_SOLO' => 'Solo', 'PAYMENT_TYPE_SWITCH' => 'Switch', 'PAYMENT_TYPE_VISA' => 'VISA', 'PAYMENT_TYPE_VISA_DEBIT' => 'VISA Debit', 'RANDOM_NOLINKS' => 'No available links.', 'RATE_INVALIDID' => 'Unable to find link with ID: \'%s\'.', 'RATE_INVALIDRATE' => 'Please enter a number from 1 to 10.', 'RATE_VOTED' => 'You have already voted for this link.', 'REVIEW_ADD_WAIT' => 'You have already submitted a review for this link. Please wait for it to be validated.', 'REVIEW_GUEST_EMAIL_REQUIRED' => 'Please enter your e-mail address to add a review!', 'REVIEW_GUEST_NAME_REQUIRED' => 'Please fill out your name to add a review!', 'REVIEW_INVALIDID' => 'Invalid Link ID : %s.', 'REVIEW_INVALID_ACTION' => 'Invalid action!', 'REVIEW_INVALID_UPDATE' => 'Unable to update review database. User is invalid for this review or the review is not validated.', 'REVIEW_MAX_REVIEWS' => 'You can only add %s review(s) to a link.', 'REVIEW_MODIFY_DENIED' => 'You do not have permission to modify your review.', 'REVIEW_MODIFY_TIMEOUT' => 'The edit time for the review has expired.', 'REVIEW_NORESULTS' => 'No reviews are available.', 'REVIEW_NOT_EXISTS' => 'Review doesn\'t exist!', 'REVIEW_RATING' => 'Please select a rating from 1 to 5 only.', 'REVIEW_VOTED' => 'You have already voted for this review.', 'SEARCH_NOLINKS' => 'No Matching Links.', 'SUBSCRIBE_ALREADYSUB' => 'You are already subscribed to this mailing list.', 'SUBSCRIBE_ERROR' => 'No action and/or e-mail specified.', 'SUBSCRIBE_INVALIDLIST' => 'Unable to find mailing list: \'%s\'.', 'SUBSCRIBE_NOTSUB' => 'You are not subscribed to this mailing list.', 'SUBSCRIBE_SUCCESS' => 'You have successfully subscribed to the mailing list.', 'SUBSCRIBE_UNSUBSUCCESS' => 'You have successfully unsubscribed from the mailing list.', 'USER_AUTHERROR' => 'Authentication error: %s', 'USER_BADLOGIN' => 'Invalid username/password.', 'USER_EMAILTAKEN' => 'The e-mail address you entered is already taken.', 'USER_INVALIDEMAIL' => 'Invalid e-mail address: \'%s\'', 'USER_INVALIDNAME' => 'Invalid name: \'%s\'', 'USER_INVALIDSIGNUP' => 'Please fill out all fields completely.', 'USER_INVALIDUSERNAME' => 'Invalid format for username: %s', 'USER_INVALIDVAL' => 'Invalid validation code.', 'USER_LOGOUT' => 'You have been successfully logged out.', 'USER_NAMETAKEN' => 'The username you requested is already taken.', 'USER_NOEMAIL' => 'No user with that e-mail address.', 'USER_NOTVAL' => 'This account has not yet been validated.', 'USER_PASSSENT' => 'Your password has been successfully e-mailed to you.', 'USER_VALSENT' => 'Your validation code has been sent!' }; # vim:syn=perl:ts=4:noet