#!/usr/local/bin/perl # ================================================================== # Gossamer Links - enhanced directory management system # # Website : http://gossamer-threads.com/ # Support : http://gossamer-threads.com/scripts/support/ # CVS Info : 087,071,086,086,085 # Revision : $Id: nph-email.cgi,v 1.46 2005/07/12 00:55:19 brewt Exp $ # # Copyright (c) 2001 Gossamer Threads Inc. All Rights Reserved. # Redistribution in part or in whole strictly prohibited. Please # see LICENSE file for full details. # ================================================================== BEGIN { local $@; eval { require Time::HiRes; import Time::HiRes qw/time/; }; } use strict; use lib '/var/home/slowtwitch/slowtwitch.com/cgi-bin/articles/admin'; use Links qw/$DB $IN $CFG/; use GT::Mail::BulkMail; use vars qw(%info $extra $Is_CGI); $| = 1; local $SIG{__DIE__} = \&Links::fatal; Links::init('/var/home/slowtwitch/slowtwitch.com/cgi-bin/articles/admin'); Links::init_admin(); $Is_CGI = $ENV{REQUEST_METHOD}; main(); sub main { # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Figure out who to send email to. # my $ID = $Is_CGI ? $IN->param('emailsto') : shift(@ARGV); unless ($Is_CGI or $ID) { print "Usage: $0 mailing_id $0 will attempt to send all the e-mails associated with that ID.\n"; exit 1; } unless (defined $ID and length $ID) { die "No Mailing ID passed to nph-email!"; } my $mail = $DB->table('MailingIndex')->select({ Mailing => $ID })->fetchrow_hashref; if (! $mail) { die "Invalid Mailing ID passed to nph-email!"; } my %mail = %$mail; my $presend = sub { Links::user_page ('', \%info, { string => $_[1] }) }; my $sent = 0; $extra = $DB->table('MailingIndex')->select({ Mailing => $ID },['extra'])->fetchrow_array; my $success = sub { print ++$sent % 20 ? ". " : ". $sent sent
\n"; $DB->table('EmailMailings')->update({ 'Sent' => 1 }, { ID => shift }); }; my $faults = 0; my $failure = sub { $faults++; my $mailID = shift; my $sentstr = " . " x $sent; print "\nThere was an error while sending the email to "; print $DB->table('EmailMailings')->select({ ID => $mailID },['Email'])->fetchrow_arrayref()->[0]; $DB->table('EmailMailings')->update({ 'Sent' => 1 }, { ID => $mailID }); print "\n"; print $sentstr; }; # BulkMail won't encode the name or subject for us. However, since we don't # know what character set the input is, this will assume (actually # GT::Mail::Parts::encode_mimewords) that the character set is iso-8859-1. if ($mail{name} !~ /\x20-\x7e/) { require GT::Mail::Parts; $mail{name} = GT::Mail::Parts::encode_mimewords($mail{name}); } if ($mail{subject} !~ /\x20-\x7e/) { require GT::Mail::Parts; $mail{subject} = GT::Mail::Parts::encode_mimewords($mail{subject}); } my $mailer = GT::Mail::BulkMail->new( -show_errors => 1, -from => $mail{mailfrom}, -name => $mail{name}, -subject => $mail{subject}, -message => $mail{message}, -success => $success, -failure => $failure, -text => $mail{messageformat} eq 'text', -html => $mail{messageformat} eq 'html', -sendmail => $CFG->{db_mail_path}, -smtp => $CFG->{db_smtp_server}, ); if (!$extra or $extra ne 'none') { $mailer->subjectpresend($presend); $mailer->messagepresend($presend); } my $get_cols = ['ID','Email']; push @$get_cols, 'LinkID' if $extra and $extra eq 'Links'; my $sth = $DB->table('EmailMailings')->select($get_cols => { Mailing => $ID, Sent => 0 }); my $next = sub { my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array; return unless @row; get_info(@row); return @row; }; my $start = time(); my $started = scalar localtime; print $IN->header(-nph => $CFG->{nph_headers}); if ($Is_CGI) { print < Sending Emails @{[Links::header ('Sending Emails ...', 'Gossamer Links is now going to send the emails in the associated mailing. Please be patient, this can take a while depending on the speed of the mail server and the number of recipients.')]}
Started at $started.

Sending emails ...

    else {
        print <send($next);
    my $finished = time;
    $DB->table('MailingIndex')->update({ done => int($finished) }, { Mailing => $ID });
    print "$sent sent.";# if $sent % 20;
    printf ("\n\nMailing complete (%.2f s)\n\n", $finished - $start);
    print $Is_CGI ? "
\n" : "\n"; print qq{Return to View Mailings } if $Is_CGI; } sub get_info { # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # get_info sets %info with substitution information for a mailing ID. # Substitution information is always set for the 'Users' table, as well as # whatever is set in the table in the mailing index's 'index' field. # Takes two arguments: The mailing ID for the MailingIndex table, and the email # ID of the user in question. The Table must have a Username field. # There is an exception: If the global "$extra" is set to "none", %info will # be emptied. # my $email = $_[1]; my $link_id = $_[2]; if (!defined $email or $extra and $extra eq 'none') { %info = (); return; } if (!$extra or $extra eq 'Users') { if ($DB->table('Users')->count({ Email => $email })) { %info = %{$DB->table('Users')->select({ Email => $email })->fetchrow_hashref}; } else { %info = (); } } else { %info = %{$DB->table('Links', 'Users')->select({ 'Links.ID' => $link_id })->fetchrow_hashref()}; } }