{ 'Auth_Facebook' => { 'hooks' => [], 'meta' => { 'author' => 'Virginia Lo', 'description' => '', 'license' => 'Other', 'prog_ver' => '3.2.0', 'url' => 'http://www.gossamer-threads.com', 'version' => '1.0' }, 'user' => [ [ 'fb_postback_url', 'https://www.slowtwitch.com/facebook/', 'Facebook postback url', 'TEXT', [], [], '' ], [ 'fb_fanpageid', '395855247207719', '', 'TEXT', [], [] ], [ 'fb_appid', '535394536545179', '', 'TEXT', [], [] ], [ 'fb_secret_key', '0468d894e46463929bacfb6c484be3ea', '', 'TEXT', [], [] ] ], 'version' => '1.0' }, 'ConvertVideo' => { 'hooks' => [ [ 'validate_link', 'PRE', 'Plugins::ConvertVideo::validate_link_pre', '1' ], [ 'modify_link', 'PRE', 'Plugins::ConvertVideo::modify_link_pre', '1' ], [ 'modify_link', 'POST', 'Plugins::ConvertVideo::modify_link_post', '1' ], [ 'add_link', 'POST', 'Plugins::ConvertVideo::add_link_post', '1' ], [ 'form_link', 'PRE', 'Plugins::ConvertVideo::pre_form_link', '1' ], [ 'form_link', 'POST', 'Plugins::ConvertVideo::post_form_link', '1' ] ], 'meta' => { 'author' => 'Gossamer Threads Inc.', 'description' => 'Convert mpeg video to flash file.', 'license' => 'Other', 'prog_ver' => '3.x', 'url' => 'http://www.gossamer-threads.com', 'version' => '1.1' }, 'user' => [ [ 'video_file_field', 'File_Path', 'Field name of the video file field.', 'TEXT', [], [], '' ], [ 'flash_file_field', 'Flash_Path', 'Field name of the flash file field.', 'TEXT', [], [], '' ], [ 'image_file_field', 'Image_Path', 'Field name of the preview image file field.', 'TEXT', [], [], '' ], [ 'thumbnail_file_field', 'Thumbnail_Path', 'Field name of the thumbnail file field.', 'TEXT', [], [], '' ], [ 'video_url_field', 'URL', 'Field name of the video url field.', 'TEXT', [], [], '' ], [ 'flash_dimension', '630x398', 'The size of the flash movie (e.g. 450x370)', 'TEXT', [], [], '' ], [ 'flash_quality', '1', 'quality scale (1 [best] - 31 [worst])', 'TEXT', [], [], '' ], [ 'thumbnail_size', '108x108', 'The size of the thumbnail.', 'TEXT', [], [], '' ], [ 'watermark_file', '', 'The path to the watermark image.', 'TEXT', [], [], '' ], [ 'video_url', '/videos', 'The url where you store the video files.', 'TEXT', [], [], '' ], [ 'flowplayer_url', '/videos/static', 'The url path where you store the flowplayer swf and javascript files.', 'TEXT', [], [], '' ] ], 'version' => '1.1' }, 'HandlePage' => { 'hooks' => [ [ 'handle_page', 'PRE', 'Plugins::HandlePage::pre_handle_page', '1' ] ], 'meta' => { 'author' => 'Gossamer Threads Inc. (Virginia Lo)', 'description' => '', 'license' => 'Other', 'prog_ver' => '3.3.0', 'url' => 'http://www.gossamer-threads.com', 'version' => '1.0' }, 'version' => '1.0' }, 'MostPopular' => { 'hooks' => [ [ 'jump_link', 'PRE', 'Plugins::MostPopular::jump_link', '1' ] ], 'meta' => { 'author' => 'Virginia Lo', 'description' => '', 'license' => 'Other', 'prog_ver' => '3.2.0', 'url' => 'http://www.gossamer-threads.com', 'version' => '1.0' }, 'user' => [ [ 'last_x_days', '14', 'most popular articles over the course of the last x days. ', 'TEXT', [], [], '' ] ], 'version' => '1.0' }, 'OverrideModDate' => { 'hooks' => [ [ 'handle_modify', 'PRE', 'Plugins::OverrideModDate::pre_handle', '1' ], [ 'user_add_link', 'POST', 'Plugins::OverrideModDate::post_add_link', '1' ], [ 'modify_link', 'POST', 'Plugins::OverrideModDate::post_modify_link', '1' ] ], 'meta' => { 'author' => 'Gossamer Threads Inc.', 'description' => 'Don\'t auto set the Add_Date and Mod_Date if a user wants to modify it. ', 'license' => 'Other', 'prog_ver' => '3.2.0', 'url' => 'http://www.gossamer-threads.com', 'version' => '1.0' }, 'version' => '1.0' }, 'SlideShow' => { 'hooks' => [ [ 'add_link', 'PRE', 'Plugins::SlideShow::add_link', '1' ], [ 'modify_link', 'PRE', 'Plugins::SlideShow::modify_link', '1' ], [ 'user_modify_link', 'PRE', 'Plugins::SlideShow::check_input', '1' ] ], 'menu' => [ [ 'Help', 'admin.cgi?do=help&topic=SlideShow/help.html" target="_blank', '1' ], [ 'Field Management', 'admin.cgi?do=plugin&plugin=SlideShow&func=field_management', '1' ], [ 'Edit', 'admin.cgi?do=page&page=plugin_manager.html&plugin_man_do=edit_installed&plugin_name=SlideShow', '1' ], [ 'Resize', 'nph-imageresize.cgi', '1' ] ], 'meta' => { 'author' => 'Gossamer Threads Inc.', 'description' => 'This uses the SlideShow libraries and packages to allow you to run a photo gallery. This plugin automatically creates thumbnails of uploaded pictures and allows you to view them in a special frame.', 'license' => 'Commercial', 'prog_ver' => '2.1.1', 'url' => 'http://www.gossamer-threads.com/', 'version' => '1.20070309' }, 'user' => [ [ 'max_upload_constraints', '2000x2000', 'Maximum size allowed for the uploaded image.' ], [ 'max_upload_size', '1000000', 'Maximum size in bytes for the uploaded image.' ], [ 'link_type_1', 'article', 'Link type for image width and height constraint.' ], [ 'thumbnail_constraints_1', '100x100', 'Maximum width and height for thumbnail for link_type_1.' ], [ 'medium_constraints_1', '300x300', 'Maximum width and height for medium sized image for link_type_1.' ], [ 'large_constraints_1', 'crop470x260', 'Maximum width and height for large image for link_type_1.' ], [ 'largest_constraints_1', '620x620', 'Maximum width and height for largest image for link_type_1.' ], [ 'link_type_2', 'photo', 'Link type for image width and height constraint.' ], [ 'thumbnail_constraints_2', 'crop107x80', 'Maximum width and height for thumbnail for link_type_2.' ], [ 'medium_constraints_2', 'crop300x166', 'Maximum width and height for medium sized image for link_type_2.' ], [ 'large_constraints_2', 'crop470x260', 'Maximum width and height for large image for link_type_2.' ], [ 'largest_constraints_2', '620x620', 'Maximum width and height for largest image for link_type_2.' ], [ 'image_quality', '100', 'Used for JPGs and other lossy formats. Enter the percentage quality desired.' ], [ 'watermark_path', '', 'Path to the watermark file. Should be a small black and white image.' ], [ 'image_cols', 'Image1,Image2,Image3,Image4,Image5,Image6,Image7,Image8,Image9,Image10,Image11,Image12,Image13,Image14,Image15,Image16,Image17,Image18,Image19,Image20', 'Name of image columns, separate with commas' ], [ 'seq_image_cols', 'Image1_medium,Image2_medium,Image3_medium,Image4_medium,Image5_medium,Image6_medium,Image7_medium,Image8_medium,Image9_medium,Image10_medium,Image11_medium,Image12_medium,Image13_medium,Image14_medium,Image15_medium,Image16_medium,Image17_medium,Image18_medium,Image19_medium,Image20_medium', 'For the next/previous pager on the showpicture.cgi. The list of columns that can be paged through.' ], [ 'temp_dir', '/var/home/slowtwitch/slowtwitch.com/cgi-bin/articles/admin/tmp', 'Temporary directory for image work' ], [ 'image_url_path', '/articles/images', 'URL to the uploaded images. This is the http:// prefixed URL to the directory that will receive all your images.' ] ], 'version' => '1.20100817' }, 'UI' => { 'hooks' => [ [ 'build_category', 'PRE', 'Plugins::UI::build_category', '1' ] ], 'meta' => { 'author' => 'Bao Phan', 'description' => '', 'license' => 'Freeware', 'prog_ver' => '3.3.0', 'url' => '', 'version' => '1.0' }, 'user' => [ [ 'merge_categories', '4', 'Category IDs to apply the merging option' ] ], 'version' => '1.0' }, 'Widgets' => { 'menu' => [ [ 'Widgets', 'admin.cgi?do=plugin&plugin=Widgets&func=widgets', '1' ] ], 'meta' => { 'author' => 'Bao Phan', 'description' => '', 'license' => 'Freeware', 'prog_ver' => '3.3.0', 'url' => 'http://gt.net', 'version' => '1.0' }, 'version' => '1.0' } }; # vim:syn=perl:ts=4:noet