# ================================================================== # Gossamer Threads Module Library - http://gossamer-threads.com/ # # GT::Session::File # Author : Alex Krohn # CVS Info : 087,071,086,086,085 # $Id: File.pm,v 1.15 2007/11/02 01:32:34 brewt Exp $ # # Copyright (c) 2004 Gossamer Threads Inc. All Rights Reserved. # ================================================================== # # Description: # A module for implementing session management. # # Todo: # - SQL Support. # package GT::Session::File; # =============================================================== # Pragmas use strict; use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION $DEBUG $ATTRIBS $ERRORS $error $DIRECTORY $SESSION); # Internal nodules use GT::Base (); use GT::MD5 qw/md5_hex/; use GT::Dumper; # Global variable init @ISA = qw/GT::Base/; $VERSION = sprintf "%d.%03d", q$Revision: 1.15 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/; $DEBUG = 0; $ATTRIBS = { id => undef, data => undef, directory => undef, save => 0, subdir => 0, _debug => $DEBUG }; $ERRORS = { 'BADDATA' => "Invalid data in session: '%s'. Reason: '%s'", 'NOROOT' => "No root directory was defined!", 'CANTOPEN' => "Can't open file: '%s'. Reason: '%s'", 'CANTDEL' => "Unable to delete file: '%s'. Reason: '%s'", 'CLASSFUNC' => "This is a class function only.", 'INVALIDSESSION' => "Invalid session id: '%s'." }; $DIRECTORY = "./auth"; $SESSION = ''; sub new { # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Initilizes a session. Expects to find a session id to lookup, some # data to save, or nothing. If no session is defined, then one will # be generated. If an invalid session is specified, nothing is returned. # my $this = shift; my $class = ref $this || $this; my $self = bless {}, $class; # Set defaults. foreach (keys %$ATTRIBS) { $self->{$_} = $ATTRIBS->{$_}; } # Don't save by default. $self->{save} = 0; # We got passed in a single session id. if (@_ == 1) { $self->load ($_[0]) or return $self->error ('INVALIDSESSION', 'WARN', $_[0]); return $self; } # We got passed some options, possibly a session id. if (@_ > 1) { my $opts = $self->common_param(@_); foreach (keys %$opts) { exists $self->{$_} and ($self->{$_} = $opts->{$_}); } if ($self->{directory}) { $DIRECTORY = $self->{directory}; } } # If we have an id, load it or return. if ($self->{id}) { $self->load ($self->{id}) or return $self->error ('INVALIDSESSION', 'WARN', $self->{id}); } else { $self->{id} = generate_session_id(); $self->{save} = 1; } return $self; } sub DESTROY { # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Makes sure we save the session. # $_[0]->save() if ($_[0]->{save}); $_[0]->debug ("Object destroyed.") if ($_[0]->{_debug} > 1); } sub data { # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Set/retrieve the data, make sure to set save to 1. # if (@_ > 1) { $_[0]->{data} = $_[1]; $_[0]->{save} = 1; } return $_[0]->{data}; } sub load { # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Loads a session id and data. # my ($self, $sid) = @_; if (($sid =~ /^([\w\d]+)$/) and (length $sid < 40)) { $sid = $1; my $root = $DIRECTORY or return $self->error ('NOROOT', 'FATAL'); my $file = $root; if ($self->{subdir}) { $file .= '/' . substr ($sid, 0, 1); } $file .= '/' . $sid; if (-e $file) { local ($@, $!, $SESSION); $file =~ /(.*)/; $file = $1; do "$file"; ($@ || $!) and return $self->error ('BADDATA', 'FATAL', $file, "$@" || "$!"); $self->{data} = $SESSION; $self->{id} = $sid; $self->debug ("Session '$sid' loaded ok.") if ($self->{_debug}); return 1; } else { $self->debug ("Attempted to load invalid session: '$sid'.") if ($self->{_debug}); } } else { $self->debug ("Attempted to load invalid, or blank session '$sid'.") if ($self->{_debug}); } return; } sub save { # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Save a session id and data. # my $self = shift; my $sid = $self->{id}; if (($sid =~ /^([\w\d]+)$/) and (length $sid < 40)) { $sid = $1; my $root = $DIRECTORY or return $self->error ('NOROOT', 'FATAL'); my $file = $root; if ($self->{subdir}) { $file .= '/' . substr ($sid, 0, 1); -d $file or mkdir ($file, 0755) or return $self->error ('CANTOPEN', 'FATAL', $file, "$!"); } $file .= '/' . $sid; my $fh = \do {local *FH; *FH}; open ($fh, "> $file") or return $self->error ('CANTOPEN', 'FATAL', $file, "$!"); my $dump = GT::Dumper->dump( var => '$SESSION', data => $self->{data} ); print $fh $dump; close $fh; $self->{save} = 0; $self->debug ("Session '$sid' saved.") if ($self->{_debug}); } else { $self->debug ("Attempted to save invalid session '$sid'") if ($self->{_debug}); } } sub delete { # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Delete a session. # my $self = shift; my $sid; if (! ref $self) { $self = bless { _debug => $DEBUG }, $self; $sid = shift; } else { $sid = $self->{id} } if (($sid =~ /^([\w\d]+)$/) and (length $sid < 40)) { $sid = $1; my $root = $DIRECTORY or return $self->error ('NOROOT', 'FATAL'); my $file = $root; if ($self->{subdir}) { $file .= '/' . substr ($sid, 0, 1); } $file .= '/' . $sid; unlink $file or return $self->error ('CANTDEL', 'WARN', $file, "$!"); $self->{id} = undef; $self->{data} = undef; $self->{save} = 0; $self->debug ("Session '$sid' deleted.") if ($self->{_debug}); } } sub cleanup { # --------------------------------------------------------------- # CLASS function to cleanup session directory. # my ($self, $seconds, $directory) = @_; (ref $self) or $self = bless { _debug => $DEBUG }, $self; if ($seconds == 0) { $self->debug ("Cleanup not erasing anything, seconds set to 0.") if ($self->{_debug}); return; } defined $seconds or ($seconds = 3600); defined $directory or ($directory = $DIRECTORY); $directory or return $self->error ('NOROOT', 'FATAL'); my $dir = \do {local *FH; *FH}; opendir ($dir, $directory) or return $self->error ('CANTOPEN', 'FATAL', $directory, "$!"); my @files = grep { $_ and (!/^\.\.?$/) and (/^[\w\d]+$/) and (length ($_) < 40) } readdir ($dir); closedir ($dir); foreach my $file (@files) { my $full_file = "$directory/$file"; my $is_dir = -d $full_file; if ($self->{subdir} and $is_dir) { my $dir = \do {local *FH; *FH}; opendir $dir, $full_file or return $self->error ('CANTOPEN', 'FATAL', $full_file, "$!"); push @files, map { $file . '/' . $_ } grep { (!/^\.\.?$/) and (/^[\w\d]+$/) and (length ($_) < 40) } readdir ($dir); closedir $dir; next; } elsif ($is_dir) { next; } if (((stat($full_file))[9] + $seconds) <= time()) { $self->debug ("Cleanup is removing '$full_file' older then $seconds s. old.") if ($self->{_debug}); $full_file =~ /(.*)/; $full_file = $1; unlink $full_file or return $self->error ('CANTDEL', 'FATAL', $full_file, "$!"); } } } sub generate_session_id { # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Generates a session id. # return md5_hex ( time . $$ . rand (16000) ); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME GT::Session::File - A session management module, with simple data storage/retrieval. =head1 SYNOPSIS Create a session: my $session = new GT::Session::File; my $id = $session->id(); Save data with the session: $session->data ("Save this information!"); Load a session. my $session = new GT::Session::File ( $id ) or die "Can't load session: '$id'." Set session directory. my $session = new GT::Session::File ( directory => '/path/to/sessions', id => $id ); Delete a session $session->delete(); Cleanup old sessions, takes argument of number of seconds old. $session->cleanup ( 5000 ); =head1 TODO * Integrate SQL interface into flatfile interface.