# ====================================================================
# Gossamer Threads Module Library - http://gossamer-threads.com/
# GT::FileMan::Commands::Language
# Author: Jason Rhinelander
# CVS Info : 087,068,085,094,083
# $Id: Language.pm,v 1.4 2006/02/11 04:54:51 jagerman Exp $
# Copyright (c) 2006 Gossamer Threads Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# ====================================================================
# Description:
# Language variables for GT::FileMan::Commands
package GT::FileMan::Commands::Language;
use strict;
use Exporter();
use vars qw/@EXPORT @ISA %LANGUAGE/;
@ISA = qw/Exporter/;
my $download_suffix = '%s (%s bytes) - Download';
UPLOAD_MODE => "File %s was successfully uploaded in %s mode.",
MSG_LOG_OFF => "Please enter username and password to login.",
MSG_MULTI_UPLOAD => "%s files have been successfully uploaded.",
MSG_CHMOD_CHANGED => "Permissions on %s file(s) have been updated successfully.",
MSG_SEACH_FOUND => "Your search found %s results.",
MSG_REPLA_FOUND => "Your search and replace updated %s files in %s",
MSG_SEACH_NOTFOUND => "Your search did not produce any results.",
MSG_FILE_EDITING => "Editing $download_suffix",
MSG_FILE_VIEWING => "Viewing $download_suffix",
MSG_FILE_CONTENTS => "Viewing contents of $download_suffix",
MSG_FILE_CREATED => "%s has been created.",
MSG_FILE_EDITED => "Changes to %s have been saved.",
MSG_DIR_CREATED => "%s directory has been created.",
MSG_PREFERENCES => "Your options have been saved.",
MSG_UNCOMPRESS => "%s file has been unarchived.",
MSG_TAR_CANCEL => "Creation of tar file has been cancelled.",
MSG_TAR_CREATED => "Tar file %s has been created.",
MSG_COPIED => " %s selected file/directory(s) have been copied (%s can not be copied).",
MSG_MOVED => " %s selected file/directory(s) have been moved (%s can not be moved).",
MSG_DEL_SUCC => "%s files and %s directories have been removed.",
MSG_DEL_CURR => "You've removed the directory: %s",
MSG_DEL_ALL => "You've removed the directory, and all contents recursively.",
MSG_DEL_SKIP => "You've skipped the directory: %s",
MSG_DEL_CANC => "You've cancelled deleting the directory",
MSG_DEL_ALL_SUCC => "All child dirs and files on the selected directorys has been removed. ",
MSG_CONTINUE => " click here to continue.",
MSG_PWD_CHANGED => "Your password was changed. ",
MSG_DEMO => "Disabled in Demo.",
MSG_USER_ADDED => "%s was added successfully.",
MSG_USER_DELETED => "%s was deleted successfully.",
MSG_USER_RMALL => "Users were deleted sucessfully.",
ERR_DEL => "Can not remove file(s)",
ERR_CHMOD => "Can not change mode ",
ERR_FILE_OPEN => "Can not open file: %s",
ERR_FILE_EMPTY => "File %s is empty.",
ERR_FILE_EXISTS => "File %s exists.",
ERR_FILE_NOT_EXISTS => "File %s does not exist.",
ERR_FILE_PERM => " Sorry, but we don't have write access to the htaccess files: '%s' and '%s'",
ERR_FILE_PEM => "The %s directory is not writeable.",
ERR_NOT_TEXT_FILE => "File %s is not a text file.",
ERR_DIR_NOT_EXISTS => "Directory %s does not exist.",
ERR_DIR_PEM => "The %s is not writeable.",
ERR_DIR_PERM => "Please check permission.",
ERR_NOT_ISFILE => "%s is a directory.",
ERR_TMP_FILE => "Can not open temp file.",
ERR_FREE_SPC => "Upload: Not enough free space to upload that file.",
ERR_RM_FILE => "Unable to remove file: %s. Reason: %s",
ERR_UPLOAD => "Unable to upload file: %s. Reason: %s.",
ERR_FILE_SAVE => "Cannot save file %s. Check permissions.",
ERR_DIR_EXISTS => "Directory %s already exists.",
ERR_NAME => "Illegal Characters in Directory. Please use letters, numbers, - and _ only.",
ERR_FILE_NAME1 => "No double .. allowed in file names.",
ERR_FILE_NAME2 => "No leading . in file names.",
ERR_READ_DIR => "Can not open dir: %s. Reason: %s",
ERR_DIR_DEEP => "Directory level too deep.",
ERR_DISK_SPACE => "Not enough space to save it (free space is %s kb)",
ERR_UNCOMPRESS => "Select files or directories before to uncompress.",
ERR_TAR => "Error: %s.",
ERR_TAR_NOT_EXISTS => "Can not create a tar file: %s",
ERR_TAR_PEM => "Can not create a tar file %s. Check permission.",
ERR_DOWNLOAD => "You selected a directory !",
ERR_LOGIN => "Invalid Username and Password.",
ERR_INVALID => "Input value has invalid characters : %s ",
ERR_NOT_FILE => "The %s is not a file",
ERR_OLD_PASSWORD => "Invalid Old password",
ERR_NEW_PASSWORD => "New password must be more than 3 character",
ERR_OPEN_FILE => "Can not open %s file, reason: %s",
ERR_WRITEABLE => "Can not save %s file, reason: %s",
ERR_NO_AZIP => "Please install the Archive::Zip library which is required.",
ERR_NO_GZIP => "Please install the Compress::Zlib library which is required.",
COBALT_NOREMOTE => "FileMan is not currently running under server authentication!",
ERR_VERSION => "This action does not support for your current version!",
ERR_PRINT => "Please select the files which are required text or image files",
PRINT_NEXT => "Print Next",
COBALT_NOUSER => "Unable to lookup user '%s'",
COBALT_BADUID => "Invalid user '%s' (%s)",
COBALT_CANTSU => "Can't switch to user '%s' (%s,%s). Reason: '%s'",
COBALT_BADDIR => "Invalid home directory '%s'. It does not look like a standard Raq director.",
COBALT_BADGROUP => "This program is restricted to site administrators only. You must be in the site administer group in order to use this.",
FILETYPE_IMAGE => 'Image file',
FILETYPE_TEXT => 'Text file',
FILETYPE_SCRIPT => 'Script file',
FILETYPE_COMPRESSED => 'Compressed file',
FILETYPE_SOUND => 'Audio file',
FILETYPE_BINARY => 'Binary file',
FILETYPE_FOLDER => 'File Folder',
FILETYPE_UNKNOWN => 'Unknown file',
FILETYPE_EXT => '%s file',
FILECOL_DATE => 'Modified',
FILECOL_PERM => 'Permissions',
FILECOL_USER => 'Owner',
FILECOL_TYPE => 'File Type',
DIR_PARENT => 'Parent Directory',
README => 'Readme File',
COMMAND_TIMEOUT => 'Command timed out',
COMMAND_KILLFAIL => 'Unable to kill process (%s): %s',
EXTRACT_FILE_OK => '%s... okay',
EXTRACT_FILE_SKIP => '%s... skipped',