include("include_breadcrumb.php"); ?>
include("include_sidebar.php"); ?>
if ( $insert_success == true || $_GET[confirmed] == "yes" ) { ?>
if (!$errmsg) { ?>
//end confirmation form
Thank you
Thank you. Your slowtwitch road show information should be added within 24 hours. You will now be redirected back to the add page.
unset($insert_success); unset($confirm_roadshow); ?> } else if( $confirm_roadshow == true ) { ?>Add a Slowtwitch Road Show Event: Step 2 of 2
} else if( ($confirm_roadshow != true) || ($_POST[add_roadshow] != true) ){ ?>Add a Slowtwitch Road Show Event: Step 1 of 2
if (!$errmsg) { ?>
If you would like to add a slowtwitch road show to our website, simply fill out the form below. Be sure to fill out every field. After filling out each field, click submit. You will then be prompted to confirm your information before the information is sent to us.
} else { ?>echo $errmsg; ?>
} ?> } ?> if( (($_POST[add_roadshow] != true) || ($errmsg) || (($confirm_roadshow != true) && ($_POST[insert_roadshow] != true))) && $_GET[confirmed] != "yes") { ?> } // end insert form // begin confirmation form if($confirm_roadshow == true){ ?>Please confirm your information. If everything is correct, click the submit button. Otherwise, you may click the edit button to change your information before submitting.
echo stripslashes($_POST[name]); ?>
// check the db for similar matches
$name_tag = strtolower(str_replace(" ","", $_POST['name']));
$name_superstart = substr($name_tag, 0, 4);
$name_superend = substr($name_tag, -4, 4);
$name_supermid = substr($name_tag, ((strlen($name_tag))/2 - 2), 4);
//echo $name_supermid;
$match_sql = "SELECT roadshow_id, roadshow_name, roadshow_name_tag, roadshow_city, roadshow_state FROM ".$prefix."Roadshow WHERE roadshow_valid = 1 AND (roadshow_name_tag LIKE '%".$name_superstart."%' OR roadshow_name_tag LIKE '%".$name_superend."%' OR roadshow_name_tag LIKE '%".$name_supermid."%')";
//echo $match_sql;
$match_fetch = mysql_query($match_sql) OR die(mysql_error());
$i = false;
while ($match_row = mysql_fetch_array($match_fetch)) {
similar_text($match_row['roadshow_name'], $_POST['name'], $percent);
if ($percent >= 50) {
if ($i == false) {
echo ("Duplicate Alert:");
if ($i == true) {echo ("
");} echo ("".$match_row['roadshow_name']." (".$match_row['roadshow_city'].", ".$match_row['roadshow_state'].") (Similarity: ".(round($percent, 0))."%)"); $i = true; } } ?>
");} echo ("".$match_row['roadshow_name']." (".$match_row['roadshow_city'].", ".$match_row['roadshow_state'].") (Similarity: ".(round($percent, 0))."%)"); $i = true; } } ?>
echo "$month/$day/$year"; ?>
echo "$hour:$minute"; ?>
Street Address
echo stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($_POST[address])); ?>
Street Address Two
echo stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($_POST[address_two])); ?>
echo stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($_POST[city])); ?>
echo stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($_POST[state])); ?>
Zip/Postal Code
echo stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($_POST[zip])); ?>
if ($geocode_error == false) {
$latlng_string = "".$_POST[lat].", ".$_POST[lng]."";
echo (stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($latlng_string)));
} else {
echo ($geocode_message);
echo stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($_POST[phone])); ?>
Fax/Alternate Phone
echo stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($_POST[fax])); ?>
echo stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($_POST[email])); ?>
Local Assets
Slowtwitch Ambassador(s)
if ($_POST[stambassador] == 0) { echo "None"; } else { echo "Yes, Their Names - "; echo stripslashes($_POST[stambassador_names]); } ?>
Tri Club(s)
if ($_POST[triclub] == 0) { echo "None"; } else { echo "Yes, Their Names - "; echo stripslashes($_POST[triclub_names]); } ?>
if ($_POST[coach] == 0) { echo "None"; } else { echo "Yes, Their Names - "; echo stripslashes($_POST[coach_names]); } ?>
Race Director(s)
if ($_POST[racedirector] == 0) { echo "None"; } else { echo "Yes, Their Names - "; echo stripslashes($_POST[racedirector_names]); } ?>
if ($_POST[brewery] == 0) { echo "None"; } else { echo "Yes, Their Names - "; echo stripslashes($_POST[brewery_names]); } ?>
echo stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($_POST[local])); ?>
$implosion = implode(",", $_POST[fitbike]);
$sql = ("SELECT * FROM ".$prefix.$resource_table."Fitbike WHERE fitbike_id IN ($implosion) ORDER BY fitbike_name ASC");
//echo $sql;
$results = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
$temp_list = "";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {
$temp_list = $temp_list."$row[fitbike_name], ";
$temp_list = rtrim($temp_list, ', ');
if ($temp_list == "") { echo ("none specified."); }
else { echo $temp_list; }
$temp_list = "";
Saddle Quick Change
$implosion = implode(",", $_POST[saddlechange]);
$sql = ("SELECT * FROM ".$prefix.$resource_table."Saddlechange WHERE saddlechange_id IN ($implosion) ORDER BY saddlechange_name ASC");
//echo $sql;
$results = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
$temp_list = "";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {
$temp_list = $temp_list."$row[saddlechange_name], ";
$temp_list = rtrim($temp_list, ', ');
if ($temp_list == "") { echo ("none specified."); }
else { echo $temp_list; }
$temp_list = "";
Motion Capture System(s)
$implosion = implode(",", $_POST[motioncapture]);
$sql = ("SELECT * FROM ".$prefix.$resource_table."Motioncapture WHERE motioncapture_id IN ($implosion) ORDER BY motioncapture_name ASC");
//echo $sql;
$results = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
$temp_list = "";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {
$temp_list = $temp_list."$row[motioncapture_name], ";
$temp_list = rtrim($temp_list, ', ');
if ($temp_list == "") { echo ("none specified."); }
else { echo $temp_list; }
$temp_list = "";
Custom Footbed(s)
$implosion = implode(",", $_POST[footbed]);
$sql = ("SELECT * FROM ".$prefix.$resource_table."Customfootbed WHERE footbed_id IN ($implosion) ORDER BY footbed_name ASC");
//echo $sql;
$results = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
$temp_list = "";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {
$temp_list = $temp_list."$row[footbed_name], ";
$temp_list = rtrim($temp_list, ', ');
if ($temp_list == "") { echo ("none specified."); }
else { echo $temp_list; }
$temp_list = "";
Triathlon Apparel
$implosion = implode(",", $_POST[apparel_tri]);
$sql = ("SELECT * FROM ".$prefix.$resource_table."ApparelTri WHERE apparel_tri_id IN ($implosion) ORDER BY apparel_tri_name ASC");
//echo $sql;
$results = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
$temp_list = "";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {
$temp_list = $temp_list."$row[apparel_tri_name], ";
$temp_list = rtrim($temp_list, ', ');
if ($temp_list == "") { echo ("none specified."); }
else { echo $temp_list; }
$temp_list = "";
$implosion = implode(",", $_POST[bike]);
$sql = ("SELECT * FROM ".$prefix.$resource_table."Bike WHERE bike_id IN ($implosion) ORDER BY bike_name ASC");
//echo $sql;
$results = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
$temp_list = "";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {
$temp_list = $temp_list."$row[bike_name], ";
$temp_list = rtrim($temp_list, ', ');
if ($temp_list == "") { echo ("none specified."); }
else { echo $temp_list; }
$temp_list = "";
Bike Saddles/Footwear/Aerobars/Bike Hydration
$implosion = implode(",", $_POST[bikeaccessory]);
$sql = ("SELECT * FROM ".$prefix.$resource_table."BikeAccessory WHERE bikeaccessory_id IN ($implosion) ORDER BY bikeaccessory_name ASC");
//echo $sql;
$results = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
$temp_list = "";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {
$temp_list = $temp_list."$row[bikeaccessory_name], ";
$temp_list = rtrim($temp_list, ', ');
if ($temp_list == "") { echo ("none specified."); }
else { echo $temp_list; }
$temp_list = "";
Bike Helmets/Eyewear
$implosion = implode(",", $_POST[bikehelmet]);
$sql = ("SELECT * FROM ".$prefix.$resource_table."BikeHelmet WHERE bikehelmet_id IN ($implosion) ORDER BY bikehelmet_name ASC");
//echo $sql;
$results = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
$temp_list = "";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {
$temp_list = $temp_list."$row[bikehelmet_name], ";
$temp_list = rtrim($temp_list, ', ');
if ($temp_list == "") { echo ("none specified."); }
else { echo $temp_list; }
$temp_list = "";
Bike Nutritionals/Lubricants/Botanicals
$implosion = implode(",", $_POST[bikebody]);
$sql = ("SELECT * FROM ".$prefix.$resource_table."BikeBody WHERE bikebody_id IN ($implosion) ORDER BY bikebody_name ASC");
//echo $sql;
$results = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
$temp_list = "";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {
$temp_list = $temp_list."$row[bikebody_name], ";
$temp_list = rtrim($temp_list, ', ');
if ($temp_list == "") { echo ("none specified."); }
else { echo $temp_list; }
$temp_list = "";
Bike Stationary Trainer(s)
$implosion = implode(",", $_POST[biketrainer]);
$sql = ("SELECT * FROM ".$prefix.$resource_table."BikeTrainer WHERE biketrainer_id IN ($implosion) ORDER BY biketrainer_name ASC");
//echo $sql;
$results = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
$temp_list = "";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {
$temp_list = $temp_list."$row[biketrainer_name], ";
$temp_list = rtrim($temp_list, ', ');
if ($temp_list == "") { echo ("none specified."); }
else { echo $temp_list; }
$temp_list = "";
Bike Electronics/Cameras/Metrics
$implosion = implode(",", $_POST[bikeelectronic]);
$sql = ("SELECT * FROM ".$prefix.$resource_table."BikeElectronic WHERE bikeelectronic_id IN ($implosion) ORDER BY bikeelectronic_name ASC");
//echo $sql;
$results = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
$temp_list = "";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {
$temp_list = $temp_list."$row[bikeelectronic_name], ";
$temp_list = rtrim($temp_list, ', ');
if ($temp_list == "") { echo ("none specified."); }
else { echo $temp_list; }
$temp_list = "";
Bike Wheels/Tires
$implosion = implode(",", $_POST[bikewheel]);
$sql = ("SELECT * FROM ".$prefix.$resource_table."BikeWheel WHERE bikewheel_id IN ($implosion) ORDER BY bikewheel_name ASC");
//echo $sql;
$results = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
$temp_list = "";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {
$temp_list = $temp_list."$row[bikewheel_name], ";
$temp_list = rtrim($temp_list, ', ');
if ($temp_list == "") { echo ("none specified."); }
else { echo $temp_list; }
$temp_list = "";
Bike Component(s)
$implosion = implode(",", $_POST[bikecomponent]);
$sql = ("SELECT * FROM ".$prefix.$resource_table."BikeComponent WHERE bikecomponent_id IN ($implosion) ORDER BY bikecomponent_name ASC");
//echo $sql;
$results = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
$temp_list = "";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {
$temp_list = $temp_list."$row[bikecomponent_name], ";
$temp_list = rtrim($temp_list, ', ');
if ($temp_list == "") { echo ("none specified."); }
else { echo $temp_list; }
$temp_list = "";
$implosion = implode(",", $_POST[sock]);
$sql = ("SELECT * FROM ".$prefix.$resource_table."Sock WHERE sock_id IN ($implosion) ORDER BY sock_name ASC");
//echo $sql;
$results = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
$temp_list = "";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {
$temp_list = $temp_list."$row[sock_name], ";
$temp_list = rtrim($temp_list, ', ');
if ($temp_list == "") { echo ("none specified."); }
else { echo $temp_list; }
$temp_list = "";
Running Shoe(s)
$implosion = implode(",", $_POST[shoe]);
$sql = ("SELECT * FROM ".$prefix.$resource_table."Shoe WHERE shoe_id IN ($implosion) ORDER BY shoe_name ASC");
//echo $sql;
$results = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
$temp_list = "";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {
$temp_list = $temp_list."$row[shoe_name], ";
$temp_list = rtrim($temp_list, ', ');
if ($temp_list == "") { echo ("none specified."); }
else { echo $temp_list; }
$temp_list = "";
Running Apparel
$implosion = implode(",", $_POST[apparel_run]);
$sql = ("SELECT * FROM ".$prefix.$resource_table."ApparelRun WHERE apparel_run_id IN ($implosion) ORDER BY apparel_run_name ASC");
//echo $sql;
$results = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
$temp_list = "";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {
$temp_list = $temp_list."$row[apparel_run_name], ";
$temp_list = rtrim($temp_list, ', ');
if ($temp_list == "") { echo ("none specified."); }
else { echo $temp_list; }
$temp_list = "";
Run Hydration
$implosion = implode(",", $_POST[runhydrate]);
$sql = ("SELECT * FROM ".$prefix.$resource_table."RunHydrate WHERE runhydrate_id IN ($implosion) ORDER BY runhydrate_name ASC");
//echo $sql;
$results = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
$temp_list = "";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {
$temp_list = $temp_list."$row[runhydrate_name], ";
$temp_list = rtrim($temp_list, ', ');
if ($temp_list == "") { echo ("none specified."); }
else { echo $temp_list; }
$temp_list = "";
$implosion = implode(",", $_POST[wetsuit]);
$sql = ("SELECT * FROM ".$prefix.$resource_table."Wetsuit WHERE wetsuit_id IN ($implosion) ORDER BY wetsuit_name ASC");
//echo $sql;
$results = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
$temp_list = "";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {
$temp_list = $temp_list."$row[wetsuit_name], ";
$temp_list = rtrim($temp_list, ', ');
if ($temp_list == "") { echo ("none specified."); }
else { echo $temp_list; }
$temp_list = "";
Swim Apparel/Gear
$implosion = implode(",", $_POST[swimgear]);
$sql = ("SELECT * FROM ".$prefix.$resource_table."Swimgear WHERE swimgear_id IN ($implosion) ORDER BY swimgear_name ASC");
//echo $sql;
$results = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
$temp_list = "";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {
$temp_list = $temp_list."$row[swimgear_name], ";
$temp_list = rtrim($temp_list, ', ');
if ($temp_list == "") { echo ("none specified."); }
else { echo $temp_list; }
$temp_list = "";
Bodycare Tools
$implosion = implode(",", $_POST[bodycare]);
$sql = ("SELECT * FROM ".$prefix.$resource_table."Bodycare WHERE bodycare_id IN ($implosion) ORDER BY bodycare_name ASC");
//echo $sql;
$results = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
$temp_list = "";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {
$temp_list = $temp_list."$row[bodycare_name], ";
$temp_list = rtrim($temp_list, ', ');
if ($temp_list == "") { echo ("none specified."); }
else { echo $temp_list; }
$temp_list = "";
Technology, Community & Education
Key Tri-Specific Contact(s)
if ($_POST[trispecific] == 0) { echo "None"; } else { echo "Yes, Their Names - "; echo stripslashes($_POST[trispecific_names]); } ?>
F.I.S.T. Tri Fitters(s)
if ($_POST[fist] == 0) { echo "None"; } else { echo "Yes, Their Names - "; echo stripslashes($_POST[fist_names]); } ?>
Diagnostic Tools
$implosion = implode(",", $_POST[diagnostic]);
$sql = ("SELECT * FROM ".$prefix.$resource_table."Diagnostic WHERE diagnostic_id IN ($implosion) ORDER BY diagnostic_name ASC");
//echo $sql;
$results = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
$temp_list = "";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {
$temp_list = $temp_list."$row[diagnostic_name], ";
$temp_list = rtrim($temp_list, ', ');
if ($temp_list == "") { echo ("none specified."); }
else { echo $temp_list; }
$temp_list = "";
Shop Hours
echo stripslashes(htmlspecialchars($_POST[hours])); ?>
General Info & Notes
echo strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST[activity])); ?>