/* star rating code - use lists because its more semantic */ /* No javascript required */ /* all the stars are contained in one matrix to solve rollover problems with delay */ /* the background position is just shifted to reveal the correct image. */ /* the images are 16px by 16px and the background position will be shifted in negative 16px increments */ /* key: B=Blank : O=Orange : G = Green * / /*..... The Matrix ....... */ /* colours ....Background position */ /* B B B B B - (0 0)*/ /* G B B B B - (0 -16px)*/ /* G G B B B - (0 -32px)*/ /* G G G B B - (0 -48px)*/ /* G G G G B - (0 -64px)*/ /* G G G G G - (0 -80px)*/ /* O B B B B - (0 -96px)*/ /* O O B B B - (0 -112px)*/ /* O O O B B - (0 -128px)*/ /* O O O O B - (0 -144px)*/ /* O O O O O - (0 -160px)*/ /* the default rating is placed as a background image in the ul */ /* use the background position according to the table above to display the required images*/ .rating{ width:80px; height:16px; margin:0px 0px 20px 0px; padding:0; list-style:none; float: left; position:relative; background: url(../images/star-matrix.gif) no-repeat 0 0; } ul.rating li { cursor: pointer; /*ie5 mac doesn't like it if the list is floated\*/ float:left; /* end hide*/ text-indent:-999em; } ul.rating li a { position:absolute; left:0; top:0; width:16px; height:16px; text-decoration:none; z-index: 200; } ul.rating li.one a {left:0} ul.rating li.two a {left:16px;} ul.rating li.three a {left:32px;} ul.rating li.four a {left:48px;} ul.rating li.five a {left:64px;} ul.rating li a:hover { z-index:2; width:80px; height:16px; overflow:hidden; left:0; background: url(../images/star-matrix.gif) no-repeat 0 0 } ul.rating li.one a:hover {background-position:0 -96px;} ul.rating li.two a:hover {background-position:0 -112px;} ul.rating li.three a:hover {background-position:0 -128px} ul.rating li.four a:hover {background-position:0 -144px} ul.rating li.five a:hover {background-position:0 -160px} /* this is used to remove the hover affect */ /* use the background position according to the table above to display the required images*/ .rated{ width:80px; height:16px; margin:0px 0px 20px 0px; padding:0; list-style:none; float: left; position:relative; background: url(../images/star-matrix.gif) no-repeat 0 0; } ul.rated li { cursor: pointer; /*ie5 mac doesn't like it if the list is floated\*/ float:left; /* end hide*/ text-indent:-999em; } ul.rated li.one a {left:0} ul.rated li.two a {left:16px;} ul.rated li.three a {left:32px;} ul.rated li.four a {left:48px;} ul.rated li.five a {left:64px;} /* add these classes to the ul to effect the change to the correct number of stars */ .nostar {background-position:0 0} .onestar {background-position:0 -16px} .twostar {background-position:0 -32px} .threestar {background-position:0 -48px} .fourstar {background-position:0 -64px} .fivestar {background-position:0 -80px} /* end rating code */ h3{margin:0 0 2px 0;font-size:110%}