0){ $total = 0; while($testrow = mysql_fetch_array($test)){ if($testrow[rating] < 6){ $total = $total + $testrow[rating]; } if($testrow[rating] == 6){ $num = $num - 1; } } $avg = $total / $num; }else{ //No ratings $avg = 0; }**/ ?>

Commenter: your comments have been submitted and will be validated within 24 hours.

Editor: your changes have been submitted and will be validated within 24 hours.

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Street Address:
Street Address Two:
Zip/Postal Code:
Fax / Alternate Phone:

We ship mail-order via:
We offer local home/work delivery, transacting via:
You may order in advance, and pick up, transacting via:

Key Tri-Specific Contact(s):
F.I.S.T. Tri Fitter(s):
F.I.S.T. Road Fitter(s):
F.I.S.T. Advanced Fitter(s):
BFACT Score:
BikeFit, BodyGeometry, Retul, Serotta, or Trek Fitter(s):
Default Tri-Fit Methodology: 0) { while ($method_list = mysql_fetch_array($fetch)) { echo ("$method_list[retailer_method_name]"); } } else { echo ("Unanswered"); } ?>
Fit Bikes:
Motion-Capture Systems:

Custom Frames:

Shop Hours:
Barnett-Trained Mechanic(s):
United Bicycle Institute-Trained Mechanic(s):

Shop Info:


"; include ('comments_add.php'); }**/ ?>
Google Map

Map location is based off of a geocode of the addressed entered using Google's Google Maps API. If your address does not geocode properly, you can either update the address (we will attempt to re-geocode after any updates to your entry) or you can use Google's geocoding tool found here: http://gmaps-samples.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/geocoder/singlegeocode.html to obtain a lat/long for your location and enter that. To use the utility, type in an address that is close to your location and then drag-and-drop the marker to obtain the desired lat/long. If you choose to enter a lat/long, you must check the box on the edit page that says, "override geocode with entered lat/long."
"; ?>
0){ $tempresults = mysql_query("SELECT user_username FROM ".$prefix."User WHERE user_id='$value'") or die (mysql_error()); $temprow = mysql_fetch_array($tempresults); if($i > 1){ echo ", "; } // TODO: SLOWTWITCH EDIT //echo "$temprow[user_username]"; // replace the link above with the link below for integration into gforum echo "$temprow[user_username]"; // TODO: SLOWTWITCH EDIT END } $i++; } if(count($tags) <= 1){ echo "No users"; } ?>

Rate This Shop:

Below are the current ratings for this retail shop, based on ".int_to_words($numVoters).""); if($numVoters == 1) { echo(" respondent"); } else { echo(" respondents"); } ?>. To rate this shop yourself, just mouse over each set of "stars" below, and click on the star that corresponds to your view in each category. Your vote in each category is recorded once you click the appropriate star. The composite average rating for the shop is displayed at the top of the page. To view the top-10 retailers, click here.

"; ?>
= 0){ $tempresults = mysql_query("SELECT user_username FROM ".$prefix."User WHERE user_id='$row[user_id_fk]'") or die (mysql_error()); $temprow = mysql_fetch_array($tempresults); if($i >= 1){ echo "
"; } // TODO: SLOWTWITCH EDIT //echo "$temprow[user_username]"; // replace the link above with the link below for integration into gforum echo "$temprow[user_username] at ".date("F j, Y g:i A", $row[edit_timestamp]); // TODO: SLOWTWITCH EDIT END } $i++; } if($numcount <= 0){ echo "No users"; } ?>