12){ //Shorten it $name_tag = substr($nametag, 0, 12); } $address = trim($_POST[retailer_address]); $address_two = trim($_POST[retailer_address_two]); $city = trim($_POST[retailer_city]); $state = $_POST[retailer_state]; $state_tag = strtolower(str_replace(" ","", $state)); $zip = trim($_POST[retailer_zip]); $phone = trim($_POST[retailer_phone]); $fax = trim($_POST[retailer_fax]); $email = trim($_POST[retailer_email]); $website = trim($_POST[retailer_website]); $cart = trim($_POST[retailer_cart]); $contact = $_POST[retailer_contact]; if ( $contact == 0 ){ $contact_names = NULL; }else{ $contact_names = trim($_POST[retailer_contact_names]); } $fist = $_POST[retailer_fist]; if ( $fist == 0 ){ $fist_names = NULL; }else{ $fist_names = trim($_POST[retailer_fist_names]); } $serotta = $_POST[retailer_serotta]; if ( $serotta == 0 ){ $serotta_names = NULL; }else{ $serotta_names = trim($_POST[retailer_serotta_names]); } /* Need to ltrim and rtrim commas before insertion --> or ltrim/rtrim before implosion*/ $fitbikes = $_POST[retailer_fitbikes]; $motioncapture = $_POST[retailer_motioncapture]; $wetsuits = $_POST[retailer_wetsuits]; $bikes = $_POST[retailer_bikes]; $customs = $_POST[retailer_customs]; $hours = trim($_POST[retailer_hours]); $barnett = $_POST[retailer_barnett]; if ( $barnett == 0 ){ $barnett_names = NULL; }else{ $barnett_names = trim($_POST[retailer_barnett_names]); } $ubi = $_POST[retailer_ubi]; if ( $ubi == 0 ){ $ubi_names = NULL; }else{ $ubi_names = trim($_POST[retailer_ubi_names]); } $info = nl2br(substr(trim($_POST[retailer_info]), 0, 4096)); $directions = nl2br(substr(trim($_POST[retailer_directions]), 0, 4096)); $submitted_by = $_POST[retailer_submitted_by]; $id = $_POST[retailer_id]; // BEGIN CONFIRM ENTRY CHECK if($_POST[confirm_entry] == 1){ if(isset($_POST[new_shop])){ $sql = "INSERT INTO gforum_Retailers (retailer_name, retailer_name_tag, retailer_address, retailer_address_two, retailer_city, retailer_state, retailer_state_tag, retailer_zip, retailer_phone, retailer_fax, retailer_email, retailer_website, retailer_cart, retailer_contact, retailer_contact_names, retailer_fist, retailer_fist_names, retailer_serotta, retailer_serotta_names, retailer_fitbikes, retailer_motioncapture, retailer_wetsuits, retailer_bikes, retailer_customs, retailer_hours, retailer_barnett, retailer_barnett_names, retailer_ubi, retailer_ubi_names, retailer_info, retailer_directions, retailer_submitted_by, retailer_valid) VALUES ('$name', '$name_tag', '$address', '$address_two', '$city', '$state', '$state_tag', '$zip', '$phone', '$fax', '$email', '$website', '$cart', $contact, '$contact_names', $fist, '$fist_names', $serotta, '$serotta_names', ',$fitbikes,', ',$motioncapture,', ',$wetsuits,', ',$bikes,', ',$customs,', '$hours', $barnett, '$barnett_names', $ubi, '$ubi_names', '$info', '$directions', $submitted_by, 0)"; //echo("shop entered!"); //echo($sql); mysql_query($sql) OR die(mysql_error()); header('Location: '.$site_url.'/add.php?confirmed=yes'); } elseif(isset($_POST[save_changes])) { $sql = "UPDATE gforum_Retailers SET retailer_name = '$name', retailer_name_tag = '$name_tag', retailer_address = '$address', retailer_address_two = '$address_two', retailer_city = '$city', retailer_state = '$state', retailer_state_tag = '$state_tag', retailer_zip = '$zip', retailer_phone = '$phone', retailer_fax = '$fax', retailer_email = '$email', retailer_website = '$website', retailer_cart = '$cart', retailer_contact = '$contact', retailer_contact_names = '$contact_names', retailer_fist = '$fist', retailer_fist_names = '$fist_names', retailer_serotta = '$serotta', retailer_serotta_names = '$serotta_names', retailer_fitbikes = ',$fitbikes,', retailer_motioncapture = ',$motioncapture,', retailer_wetsuits = ',$wetsuits,', retailer_bikes = ',$bikes,', retailer_customs = ',$customs,', retailer_hours = '$hours', retailer_barnett = '$barnett', retailer_barnett_names = '$barnett_names', retailer_ubi = '$ubi', retailer_ubi_names = '$ubi_names', retailer_info = '$info', retailer_directions = '$directions' WHERE retailer_id = $id"; mysql_query($sql) OR die(mysql_error()); //echo $sql; header('Location: '.$site_url.'/individual.php?retailer_id='.$id.'&changes=success'); } else { header('Location: '.$site_url.'/individual.php?retailer_id='.$id.'&changes=failure'); } } else { //echo("shop NOT entered."); $confirm = 1; } // END CONFIRM ENTRY CHECK } // END ERROR MESSAGE CHECK ?>