= 40 AND points < 100'; $pointname = 'International'; } elseif ($_GET[points] == 'mid') { $where = 'points >= 100 AND points < 180'; $pointname = 'Mid-Length'; } elseif ($_GET[points] == 'ultra') { $where = 'points >= 180'; $pointname = 'Ultra'; } else { header('Location: https://slowtwitch.com/calendar/'); exit(); } /**Less than 40 points = sprint 40 points to 99 points = international 100 points to 179 points = mid More than 180 points = ultra**/ /*$results = mysql_query("SELECT gtr.regionlong, gt.onetype, gt.twotype, threetype, oneunit, twounit, threeunit, name, nametag, gt.statetag, swim, bike, run, city, state, uid, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) as fooFROM gforum_TriathlonsRegions WHERE gtr.regionid = ".intval(mysql_escape_string($_GET[region]))." LEFT JOIN gforum_TriathlonsStates AS gts ON gts.regionid = gtr.regionid LEFT JOIN gforum_Triathlons AS gt ON gt.statetag = gts.statetag AND valid=1 AND date > '2008-01-01' ORDER BY gt.date ASC");*/ $sql = "SELECT gt.onetype, gt.twotype, gt.threetype, gt.oneunit, gt.twounit, gt.threeunit, gt.name, gt.nametag, gt.statetag, gt.swim, gt.bike, gt.run, gt.city, gt.state, gt.uid, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(gt.date) as foo FROM gforum_Triathlons AS gt WHERE valid = 1 AND date > '".$min_date."' AND ".$where." ORDER BY gt.date ASC"; $results = mysql_query($sql); $none = FALSE; if (mysql_num_rows($results) == 0) { $none = TRUE; } /*$results = mysql_query("SELECT onetype, twotype, threetype, oneunit, twounit, threeunit, name, nametag, statetag, swim, bike, run, city, state, uid, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) as foo FROM gforum_Triathlons RIGHT JOIN WHERE regionid='$_GET[region]' AND valid=1 AND date > '2008-01-01' ORDER BY date ASC");**/ // set the page title $pagetitle = $pointname." Triathlons"; // set meta tags $meta_keywords = $pointname." distance triathlons"; $meta_description = "Trying to find triathlons or duathlons of ".$pointname." distance? Here is a listing of all ".$pointname." triathlons. Users can even rate and comment on races."; ?>



400){ $phrase = " (...)"; }else{ $phrase = ""; } echo substr(stripslashes(stripslashes($row[courseinfo])), 0, 400); echo $phrase; ?>
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