<%ifnot fd%><%set fd = 1%><%endif%> <%if fd == 4%>
<%loop results%> <%GList::Tools::schedule_info($mli_id)%> <%endloop%>
<%ifnot hits%>ID <%else%> ID <%if sb eq 'mli_id' or $sb eq ''%> <%endif%> <%endif%> <%ifnot hits%>Subject <%else%> Subject <%if sb eq 'mli_subject'%> <%endif%> <%endif%> Recipients Frequency Time Status checked<%endif%>/>
<%GList::HTML::generate_attachments('mli_id')%> <%if attachments%><%else%> <%endif%> <%mli_id%> <%if mli_user_id_fk and mli_user_id_fk ne $usr_username%> <%set user_search = 1%> <%elsif mli_user_id_fk eq $usr_username and mli_user_id_fk-opt eq '<>'%> <%set user_search = 1%> <%endif%> <%mli_subject%> <%if total%><%total%><%endif%> <%if scm_type == 1%>One on <%scm_option%> <%elsif scm_type == 2%>Daily <%elsif scm_type == 3%>Weekly on <%scm_option%> <%elsif scm_type == 4%>Monthly on <%scm_option%><%endif%> <%scm_hour%>:<%if scm_minute < 10%>0<%endif%><%scm_minute%> <%if scm_hour <= 12%>AM<%else%>PM<%endif%> <%if GList::Tools::schedule_status%>Sent<%endif%> checked<%endif%>>
<%if msg%><%msg%><%endif%> <%if hits%> <%if hits > $mh%> <%endif%>
<%include include_toolbar.html%>
<%loop results%> <%endloop%>
<%ifnot hits%>ID <%else%> ID <%if sb eq 'mli_id' or $sb eq ''%> <%endif%> <%endif%> <%ifnot hits%>Subject <%else%> Subject <%if sb eq 'mli_subject'%> <%endif%> <%endif%> Recipients Sent Bounced Opened Clicked checked<%endif%>/>
<%GList::HTML::generate_attachments('mli_id')%> <%if attachments%><%else%> <%endif%> <%mli_id%> <%if mli_user_id_fk and mli_user_id_fk ne $usr_username%> <%set user_search = 1%> <%elsif mli_user_id_fk eq $usr_username and mli_user_id_fk-opt eq '<>'%> <%set user_search = 1%> <%endif%> <%mli_subject%> <%if total%><%total%><%endif%> <%if done%><%done%><%endif%> <%if bounced_emails%><%bounced_emails%><%endif%> <%if mli_num_opened%><%mli_num_opened%><%endif%> <%if mli_num_clicked%><%mli_num_clicked%><%endif%> checked<%endif%>>
<%if msg%><%msg%><%endif%> <%if hits%> <%if hits > $mh%> <%endif%>
<%include include_toolbar.html%>
  <%ifnot users%> <%if fd == 1 and hits_draft%> <%set flag = 1%> <%elsif fd = 2 and hits_sent%> <%set flag = 1%> <%elsif fd = 3%> <%set flag = 1%> <%elsif id%> <%set flag = 1%> <%endif%> <%if flag%> <%if fd == 3%>Restore<%else%>Move<%endif%> to: <%endif%> <%endif%> <%if fd <=1 %> <%endif%> <%if fd == 3%><%endif%>