<%include include_header.html%>
<%include lst_include_menu.html%>
Subscribers <%set mn_subscriber = 1%> <%set isub_add = 1%> <%set isub_import = 1%> <%set iremove_sub = 1%> <%include lst_include_icons.html%>

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<%if msg%>


<%if lst_user_id_fk and lst_user_id_fk ne $usr_username%> <%set user_search = 1%> <%elsif lst_user_id_fk eq $usr_username and lst_user_id_fk-opt eq '<>'%> <%set user_search = 1%> <%endif%> <%if hits > $mh and $mh != -1%>
<%include include_toolbar.html%>
<%loop results%> <%endloop%>
<%ifnot hits%>Email <%else%> Email <%ifnot sb%> <%endif%> <%endif%> <%ifnot hits%>Name <%else%> Name <%if sb eq 'sub_name'%> <%endif%> <%endif%> <%ifnot hits%>Company Name <%else%> Company Name <%if sb eq 'sub_company'%> <%endif%> <%endif%> <%ifnot hits%>List <%else%> List <%if sb eq 'sub_list_id_fk'%> <%endif%> <%endif%> <%ifnot hits%>Validated <%else%> Validated <%if sb eq 'sub_validated'%> <%endif%> <%endif%> <%ifnot hits%>Bounced <%else%> Bounced <%if sb eq 'sub_bounced'%> <%endif%> <%endif%>
<%sub_email%> <%if sub_name%><%sub_name%><%else%> <%endif%> <%if sub_company%><%sub_company%><%else%> <%endif%> <%GList::Tools::list_title($sub_list_id_fk)%> <%if sub_validated%>Yes<%else%>No<%endif%> <%if sub_bounced%><%sub_bounced%><%else%>0<%endif%>
<%if hits%> <%if hits > $mh and $mh != -1%> <%endif%>
<%include include_toolbar.html%>
<%endif%> <%hidden_objects%>
<%include include_footer.html%>