<%set set_focus = 'myform.signup_restricted_email'%> <%set book_mark = 'misc_options'%> <%include include_header.html%>
<%include admin_setup_include_menu.html%>
User Signup Options

<%if msg%><%msg%><%else%>These are other options that you can change:<%endif%>

If enabled, users can signup to the system.
signup_enable checked<%endif%>>Yes checked<%endif%>>No
Enter email addresses that users will not be able to use to signup. Enter restricted addresses one per line.
If enabled, users will be sent an e-mail containing a validation code when they sign up.
signup_email_validate checked<%endif%>>Yes checked<%endif%>>No
If enabled, users must be validated by administrator user.
signup_admin_validate checked<%endif%>>Yes checked<%endif%>>No
Enter a regex that will ensure that the usernames new users signup with are compatible with email. Note: If you are unfamiliar with regexes, do not alter this field.
signup_username_regex 50<%else%>30<%endif%> />
Enter limit number of list.
Enter limit number of subscriber per list.
Enter limit number of email in the last 30 days.

<%include include_footer.html%>